Oh, how I LOVE vacations! There is nothing like that sweet escape from work, chores, bills and the chaos of everyday life. We were off from July 1st -12th and it was awesome!
First, we spent some time at the cabin in Bear Lake with the Loomis clan. It was cooler than it usually is this time of year, but we enjoyed a hike to Bloomington Lake (where Carson was able to fish a little), some pool time (where Robbie and David did tricks and got sufficiently pruney) and digging in the sand (where the kids came home wet, tired and enjoyed some castle smashing). Of course there were fun games, golf and a lots of food too! The Loomis Cup involved a crazy game of Frisbee Golf. I'm sure there is not a Loomis that could disagree with me when I say I am, hands down, the worst frisbee thrower on the planet. Here are a few pics from the trip:
This is some ice cream we got on the way out of town...this was the SMALL cone, I don't even want to know how big the regular one is!
One last shot of McKinley chillin' on one of the tractors at the cabin:
The Loomis reunion was a lot of fun, the only things missing were Mike, Monica and Rennick, we sure hope you guys can come next time!
After Bear Lake, we went home for a day, un-pakced, washed, re-packed and headed up to McCall, Idaho to camp with my dad's side of the family for a few days. Can I just say that McCall is beatiful! McKinley loved her new sleeping bag and the air mattress and thoroughly enjoyed the tent. It was a lot of fun to visit with cousins, play at the lake and just hang out. It's been years since I've been to McCall and it was every bit as wonderful as I remember.
Matt and Leslie took Robbie, McKinley and I on a hike. My dad says calling it a hike is debatable because it was so short, but I say a kid in a hiking backpack makes it undeniably a hike! Plus, it had some amazing views!
McKinley got dirty and crazy and loved all of the squirels and chipmunks, not to mention hanging out with her uncles Jon and Ty.
I wish every day could be a vacation!