June 29, 2008

Our Little "Dragon"

Robbie is a really good sport at night. When McKinley wakes up he heads straight for her room to feed her, change a diaper and put her back to bed. The nice thing is she goes to bed at 10:30 and usually doesn't get up until 3 or 4 and then either 6 or 8. When she wakes up the first time I can hear him on the monitor and he's really great with her. Well, the second time is a little different. He's still very good to her, but he's pretty tired so sometimes he'll bring her in to me and I'll feed her and change the diaper. By the time I'm done he usually back to sleep and I don't have the heart to wake him up for her to go back in her room, so I let her stay in with us for the hour before we all get up to head out for the day. Well, lately when she wakes up in the morning Robbie will turn to me and say "the dragon has awoken". Here is a picture of our little dragon with her dad. I'm thinking he doesn't really believe she's a dragon, I mean who would cuddle a dragon?

June 15, 2008

A New Toy

So, Robbie was at work the other day and found this cool, squishy super hero (he brought home 2). It seemed kid friendly and baby proof to play with, so he gave one to McKinley and one to my brother Mike. McKinley took to it right away and followed it with her eyes. Mike loved his equally as well.

Introducing...."Eniman".... McKinley's first super hero!

June 14, 2008

Our Anniversary

Wow, it's been 5 years already! How crazy, I just can't believe how fast all the time has gone by. Friday was our anniversary and my mom was nice enough to watch McKinley so we could go out. Robbie took me out to a movie and dinner, it was great. Robbie is so thoughtful he even got me some flowers, here they are:

I had to post these pictures...

McKinley had her first photo shoot at Kiddie Candids. She so funny, because she's always serious, the girl never smiles when she's awake. I still love the pictures though.

Here are a few more pictures I just couldn't help myself from posting!

(she really poses like this when she sleeps!)

Wedding Bells

This is a little late for a post, but my sister Leslie was married on June 6. What a crazy day. It was so fun and all of my cousins and aunts and uncles came in town. We had a great day and McKinley got to meet most of her Marler and Thomas cousins....sorry if she forgets your name, it was a lot of people! Anyway, here are a couple of pics of the family at the temple, McKinley isn't in them, because it was a little cold, so we had her bundled up tight in her stroller and car seat which are intense enough to practically act like a tent for her!

This one has everyone in it, it was nice to have the whole family there. This picture is a little deceiving though, I still can't walk or use my legs, Robbie just got me up for the picture and held me real tight for the picture so I wouldn't fall.

Here are just the siblings. My brother Mike had the "hold Lindsay so she doesn't fall" duties for this picture.
I have to say the reception was a lot of fun. And the bride looked beautiful, here is a picture of her in her dress. My mom made the dress, she's such a great seamstress.

For McKinley's first wedding I think she did a great job. She got passed around to a million people and didn't even fuss at all. I can't find one now, but when I find a picture of her in her cute little wedding dress I will post it!

May 28, 2008

I've been a little vague...

Ok, so some of you know the specifics, but most of you do not, so here's the short version of what's going on with me. Basically at some point during labor there was some trauma to the nerves that control my quadriceps and they are currently not working.
The first question people usually have is did my epidural cause it. After working with a couple of anesthesiologists and a neurologist and having an MRI the answer is no, it's wasn't the epidural. The doctors' (anesthesiologists, OBGYNs and neurologist combined) best guess is just that it happened from all of the pressure in the pelvic area during labor. It's apparently a very rare thing, but does happen to people.
Since the nerves to my legs are "impaired" my quadriceps don't work, so I can't walk and it also causes my legs to feel numb all around my knees and from ankle to thigh up the insides of both legs.
It's been three weeks (can you believe it? I can't...time flies!) and I have seen a little improvement in my left leg which is really nice, but it looks like it's going to be a slow process. The walking is supposed to come back soon; but soon seems to mean something different to me than the doctors...so I'm just patiently waiting for soon to come. : ) The numbness is a little more weird, I've been told that can last months.
Basically they can't tell me exactly how it happened or when I might see more improvement, so it's a waiting game. I was a scared at first and still have my moments, but I really feel like I'm going to be fine and it's just a matter of time before things get back to normal. I have learned one thing from this experience....my next house and every house after that will have a master bedroom on the main floor! Anyway, I'm doing really great and trust me, I'm still laughing a lot and enjoying myself with my beautiful little girl and Robbie.

May 21, 2008

Two Weeks Already!?

Wow, two weeks have come and gone so quickly....that's right....McKinley is already two weeks old. I can't believe it! We are having a lot of fun with her. She really pulls the craziest faces, I laugh so hard all day long. She seems to be staying awake a little more during the day, which I enjoy. She and I sing a lot of songs and play together until I totally tire her out and she falls asleep. And the only time she fusses is if she's hungry or has a dirty diaper and who can blame her, I wouldn't be that happy if that was happening to me either! Here is one of her funny faces:

Robbie has already taught her several very cool rap songs and everytime he gets to dress her he always puts her in one of three onsies; one that says "Daddy's Little Princess" one that says "Daddy's Girl" or one that says "Favorite Things" and lists "Daddy" as the first thing! Seriously she already has him wrapped around her little finger and he loves it! He really is a great dad!

As for me, I spend my time trying to take care of McKinley as best I can while still trying to figure out this leg thing! I think we're doing pretty good. We're still staying with my Mom, but Robbie packs a diaper bag for me each morning with all of the things I need for McKinley before he leaves for work so I have everything I need in one place and my Mom helps me with anything I can't find. Kelly, a good friend of mine, let me borrow a wheel chair and it has made life so much better! Robbie and I can go out shopping and stuff now; it's really made things great. I love it, it's so nice to have such good friends that will help me out. I'm a lucky girl....a great husband, baby, family and friends; I couldn't as for anything more!