I just want to write about Madden because he is growing up so fast and I really don't want to forget how cute of a little boy he is. He is a little over 2 & 1/2 years old now, and he is starting to really pick up on this talking business. Most words are still one syllable but he's starting to throw in a few two syllable words. His favorite things to say right now are:
"oh really"
"not too bad" (when you ask him how something taste)
"wake up" (loves to yell that at daddy)
"pee pees" (aka pretty please, I can't resist him anything when he says that)
"otay" (ok)
"trex, long neck, tip top (triceratop)" (he's really into to dinosaurs right now!)
"long necks eat trees" (his favorite dino fact)
"aww cute" (he copies me, lol)
"set, GO" (then he takes off running)
"cheese, click" (when he is pretending to take pictures)
"boutique" (thanks to cartoons, he calls one of his toys that is a store a boutique, it's the funniest thing to hear him say!)
"rock n roll!" (then he preceeds to bob his head to the music!)
In the last few month's he has really developed an imagination. For awhile there was a Trex hiding over by our kitchen table, and we would have to tip toe over then run away scared when it spotted us. He pretends to talk to different family members on the phone, it's so cute. It's so nice that he will now sit and play with his cars and other toys and entertain himself.
A couple of weeks I got around to potty training him. He picked it up so fast!! I can't even express how freaking proud I am of him! It's been a few weeks now and have only had a couple of accidents and they were during the night. It's pretty exciting stuff!!! Plus, I love having easy access to those cute little cheeks! :) Now the next project in the next week or so is to get him out of his crib and sleeping on a big boy bed.
Madden is starting to grasp the idea of having a little brother on the way (I'm due Feb. 21st). He includes "baby brother" into some of his questions & comments, it's pretty cute! But I still think his little mind will be blown once there is actually a little baby brother right in front of him. I'm both excited for that moment and a lil nervous!
Here's a good idea of what Madden is into or not into...
getting his finger nails and toe nails cut!
when daddy leaves to go to work...big tantrums!getting his diaper changed, glad that's over!
being told "No" or "stop"
HATES going to the doctors office!
not too fond of getting his teeth brushed
chocolate milk
dinos, dragons, cars, trucks, robots
to laugh at his own toots
Ranch, dips everything in it
playing games on his little cell phone
wearing hats, and putting his hood up on his jackets
rolling around in the blankets on our bed
"hot drink", aka hot chocolate
pickles, cucumbers, carrots, avacados
bananas, strawberries, apples, pears
to wrestle and rough house w/ mom & dad
going for drives in our big truck
he likes to recite the beat to Ozzy's "Crazy Train" by going....bum, bum.. bum, bum.. bum, bum...I, I, I. It's the funniest thing!
This kid is such a charactor and too smart for his own good. I love him SO MUCH! I am so proud of all of his accomplishments so far, he is just growing up so fast. I'm excited to see what this year will bring for him and how he will respond to being a BIG brother! I just love my lil Bubba :)