Sunday, December 20, 2009

New Family Pics!

We went out today and took some family pics with Riley's brother Mike, his wife McKell and their cute lil Phoenix. They turned out pretty darn cute!!

Such a handsome boy!

What a cool dude... just chillin

Cute Cousins

Monday, November 23, 2009


We went up to Brianhead last weekend and it was Madden's first time in the snow.
He grabbed a hand full and started pouting cause his hand instantly was freezing. So he wasn't a huge fan of snow! But he did take some cute pictures! (he is smiling so big you can see his two little teeth.)

Somebody was really excited to get packed up to go!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Our handsome lil DEVIL!

Happy Halloween! Madden was our little devil for his first Halloween! He looked so freakin cute, he just loved his costume and he was a good boy and left his hood up so everyone could see his horns :) We didn't go trick or year. We did go to a Halloween party though, it was a fun night!

Love the cape & tail!

Uncle Mike put his hat & wig on Madden, it was too funny!

If Madd was a girl....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Madd's 6 month's pics

Love the cheeks!

After having a baby I feel like I have totally lost track of all time, cause time is sure flying!! Where did the last 6 months go?! Madden is growing up so fast! He is crawling around, pulls himself up on anything he can get his hands on & he is cutting his first two teeth! He is such a busy body, he is constantly moving. Which is great for him but it really keeps us on our toes watching out for him, especially now that he pulls up cause that means he falls down a lot, we have already had a few times where his head has smacked the floor :( He is the happiest little boy, he is always smiling and laughing! He brings such joy and happiness into our lives, we are so lucky to have him. We just love our little man!

Up to NO good!

This kid is a little monkey! I was in his closet getting him some clothes and I turn around and Madden isn't on the floor anymore. Where is he? He climbed up on to the bottom shelf of his changing table! He was so cute up there, like he knew he did something that maybe he shouldn't have! He is so adventurous, he is definitely keeping me BUSY!
I love this one! Such a HAM!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Questionable toys??

Ok, so I wanted to comment on a few "toys" that I let Madden play with that are obviously questionable toys for an infant, but I think it's funny that at first I tried to be so careful and protective about my baby but now if it makes him happy and keeps him quiet for a little awhile I'm all about letting him play with it........with some supervision of course!

-Plastic water bottles-this is his favorite toy! he will play with a bottle for hours and now that he can crawl around, when it rolls on the tile he just chases it around the house.

-Plastic bags-Madden puts everything in his mouth and one day I was unloading groceries he found a bag and of course started sucking on it, I was a little paranoid at first, but he was quite enjoying it so I just let him have at it.

-Remote controls- Never once in my life have I ever thought of wiping off my remotes, but once Madden discovered remote controls I decided I better disinfect them, which they haven't been cleaned in like 5 years. Madden will eye ball a remote from across the room and make his way over to it and shove it in his mouth, he has turned off the tv a few times for us while he was enjoying those delicious remotes.

-Plastic six pack holders- I know birds and dolphins should stay away from these.... but babies I'm not sure?? He sucked on this for like an hour and was so content.

-A empty bag of Skittles- I was eating Skittles and while I would squeeze some out of the bag, it made a noise and he perked up and was so interested in this little red bag. So once I was done I was like he can't swallow this whole bag, it should be okay to play with. When he was done with this bag after 20 minutes it was so sticky! I didn't realize that the glue that held the bag together was not immune to baby slobber.... probably not a good idea.

-A empty box of Sudafed- I was sick for a few days and was taking some sudafed and he was mesmerized by the box that I was opening, so I let him play with it.  About 5 minutes later the box was pretty much destroyed, it really baffles me how fast a baby's drool can disintegrate stuff.

-My cell phone- Well my cell only works on speakerphone now after the first time I let him play with it, so mommy's phone is no longer a toy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Army Crawl!

Ok, so here we go....Madden has figured out how to army crawl! For about two weeks now he has been maneuvering his way around our family room and sometimes ventures out into the kitchen. I don't know why but he always make a bee line over to daddy's XBOX, which is great with all the wires, we totally have to start baby proofing now, and keeping my floors clean, I am so not excited. He is still too small to me to start moving around on his own :( He is growing up way to fast!! I'm sure here soon he will be full on crawling!
Just getting a quick workout in

Such a cutie!

Look at those big blue eyes! Did I mention what a cute kid he is!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random 4 month-ish pics

4 months!! Where has the time gone?? Madden is such a chunk, he weighed 16.5 lbs at his appt. He has got cheeks and rolls for days.....I love it! He is now a master at rolling over, he can almost sit up by himself. He started eating cereal a couple weeks ago. He loves the sound of his voice, he's always laughing, squealing, and cooing, it's so funny! He reaches for everything and has a serious kung fu grip! And everything goes into his mouth, I swear he thinks he is a vampire! He sucks on my fingers, my arms, my neck, my face, my knees, anything he can get his hands on and pulls it towards his mouth then goes to town! And now he is starting to figure out how to scoot around, I swear he is so strong for his age, I bet in a few weeks he will figure out the whole crawling thing, then we will really be in trouble! He is such a busy body, he doesn;t know how to sit still. He seriously is growing up so FAST! I know that is such a new mommy thing to say, but it is so true!

Swimming at grandpa's house

What do you know he found something to suck on!

Why is it so fun to put daddy's hats on?
He's not too happy about it

Such a happy boy!

Again, he's such a cutie!