The Nelsons

Rob.Melanie.Clark.Kurt Nelson

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2 Weeks Old

Baby Chloe Kathleen 3/29/13

Miss Chloe was born on Good Friday at 9:57 pm weighing in at 7.15 just like her brothers. Friday we were determined to have this sweet baby, so we spent some time at the park Grandma and the boys and walked around the river walk. I started to have contractions, but they were still a good 7-10 min apart and not super regular. I knew I was dilated to a 4 from my apt on Monday, so I had hopes that maybe if I went into the hospital things would progress enough for them to admit me. We headed home, ate lunch, grabbed our bags and headed to the mall near the hospital to do a few more laps for good measure :) Around 1pm we headed in and I may have exaggerated the contractions and time in between each one in order for them to put me in triage. While in triage, I did a few squats and jumping jacks in the restroom while changing into my hospital gown. Rob and I were having a grand ol time, when a poor woman came in moaning out of pain and agony. We looked at each other and thought, "there is no way we are going to get away with this!" We tried to keep our laughs and giggles at bay because we felt so bad for the lady next to us who was clearly in labor as I sat there with minimal contractions and no pain whatsoever. The Dr. on call came in and checked me and I was almost a 6 so they admitted me!! We were so excited! Our hospital room was huge and the nurses were really great. I wasn't progressing with contractions, so they hooked me up to pitocin and I got my epideral. I've said it once and Ill say it again, the IV in the hand in 10x worse than the epideral! In fact, the epideral doesn't even hurt, but feels more tingly than anything. I was finally ready to push around 9. I was really nervous because I was feeling a lot of pressure and discomfort on my left side. I was so worried the epideral wasn't working. Luckily the pain didn't get worse and after pushing for 10-15 minutes our sweet baby Chloe was born with a full head of dark hair. She is absolutely beautiful and we love her so much. Clark is absolutely in love with her and loves holding her. Kurt is still undecided and indifferent. She has been such a good little baby with occasional bouts of fussiness here and there. She nurses like a champ and does so well at night. She is changing everyday and we are trying to soak her in every day. Can't believe we are a family of 5!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Washington DC

Halloween 2012

First day of Kindergarten round 3! (Clarks Summit, Pa)

Clark thinks it's pretty cool that his school is named "Clarks Summit Elementary." I was nervous sending him to his 3 kindergarten class, in the 3 rd state we'd lived in, in the past 3 months, but he did GREAT! 3 schools, in 3 months, in 3 different states...amazing! I was so relieved when I met his teacher, Ms. Heller, and saw that there were only 11 kids in his class total, with two of them being twin brothers from his primary class:) Perfect situation and he is loving school!

We made it to PA

Our month In AZ

Highlights in AZ : playing with cousins, cabin, having slumber parties, swim parties, pony rides, soccer games, and most importantly finding out we are having a baby GIRL!

First day of Kindergarten round 2 at Hermosa Vista (mesa, Az)

Clark LOVED going to school with aunt Chloe, even if it was for only the month of September. His teacher was Ms. Fever and he didn't skip a beat :)