The Nelsons

Rob.Melanie.Clark.Kurt Nelson

Monday, June 21, 2010


Lately I have been overwhelmed with gratitude for my family. Not only am I so grateful for Rob's family and my family, but for our little family. It's amazing how adding Kurt to the crew has made me really think of the 4 of us as a "family." Life is busy these days...which is funny because most days I don't leave the house. The hours fly by as I go from feeding Kurt to fixing food for Clark, back to putting Kurt down for a nap to coloring with Clark, cleaning, putting away laundry, etc. There really isn't any job out there that is more fulfilling than the one of being a mother. I love my boys so much and am so grateful for a wonderful husband that works so hard in order for me to be a stay at home mom. Rob is the absolute best husband and father!!! I couldn't have picked a better person to marry! No the pictures were not staged. Every Saturday and Sunday morning, Clark rushes into our room, first thing, and jumps on the bed to get Rob up to play. They make HUGE messes with every blanket and pillow in the house, but I guess I can handle the mess for the sake of their enjoyment. Rob is the biggest kid and loves to play. Clarks amazing imagination is a result of the make believe play Rob comes up with. Anytime we are at a family gathering with Rob's fam or mine, I am usually left to visit with the adults while Rob runs around playing with the kids outside. Yes even in 100+ weather, Rob will jump in a jump house outside with the kids. I have already accepted the fact that I am going to be the less fun parent, but how could anyone compete with Rob...seriously!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Day Out With Thomas in Heber City, UT

Yes it was a dream come true for Clark to get to take a ride on Thomas! We just so happened to be in Utah the same week "Day out with Thomas" was visiting the Heber City Train station. Clark could hardly contain his excitement as he walked through the gates where the event was taking place. He got to meet sir Topham Hat, get Train tattoos, listen to a Thomas the train story, play with Train stamps, meet conductors, look at trains, and of course ride on the train. On the train ride, they were playing different songs from the Thomas movies/tv shows and too are surprise Clark sang along to almost every one. We died when we realized he was singing all of the right words as he bounced along in his seat. Kurt, as usual, was just happy to be along for the ride. He is such a sweet, mellow baby and we just love him. It will be interesting to see if Kurt is drawn to the trains like his big bro. when he gets to be a little older. We all had a really good time and of course Clark loved every second of the morning!