The Nelsons

Rob.Melanie.Clark.Kurt Nelson

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bye, Bye Training Wheels!

I happened to find a miniature bike exactly like Clarks big boys bike at the thrift store for $5 this past week. Because it was so small and low to the ground, Clark was fearless on it and gradually taught himself how to ride a bike on Saturday. He had it within minutes and after an hour, we transitioned him onto his big boy bike. He was cruising around with the neighbor kids ALL DAY LONG! Kurt too was in heaven chasing the kids and running after the bikes. His buddies down the street stopped by later that evening with their parents and Clark convinced them that it was easy to ride without training wheels. After a few minutes on the little bike, both boys were riding without training wheels! Needless to say, our street is booming with kids on bikes now and Clark is in absolute heaven! Hopefully are good weather lasts a little longer!

Fishing Trips

Friday, May 4, 2012

Nothing like a Slip N Slide

A Hot Day at the River

A few Saturdays back, Rob had to work,so I thought I would be adventurous and take the boys exploring at the river behind our house. We were a little toasty, but had a good time throwing things in the water and running wild in the glass covered sand :)

Clark turns 5!!

I can't believe our sweet clark is 5! He woke up to a dinosaur on each stair step and a Birthday banner, balloons and streamers. The night before, he said, "mom make sure you put up the birthday banner..and balloons too!" He loves a good party and is very particular about things theses days. FOr instance, he requested a chocolate cake, 3 layers high, mint flavored, with a dinosaur on top. I did the best I could. He opened little presents throughout the day and even got to go pick something out at Target with a gift card from the weeds. When Rob got home, we surprised him with a bike, complete with an Optimus prime helmet. HE LOVED THE BIKE! I was so busy filming him, that I forgot to snap a pic. He lives on that bike. We love our Clark. He is such a sweet boy and is so helpful. He is the best big brother and Kurt just idolizes him. HE loves to play and do crafts with mom:) He really loves football and is hitting the coaches pitches at his t-ball games. I couldn't have asked for a better little boy.

Moms 27th Birthday

It was a fabulous birthday! I woke up to a house filled with balloons, a birthday banner, treats and flowers from my sweet boys. I was in charge of preschool that day, so I just pretended I was attending my very own birthday water party. It was a lot of fun. One year older and wiser too!