
May 5, 2022, If this document should survive, a novelette.

December 2, 2020, Refugees from America, a memoir.

November 20, 2020, City, Winter, a novella.

June 10, 2020, Death Songs, poetry.

April 23, 2020, Some Dredged Deep, poetry.

November 22, 2019, Sitting on the floor, a novella.

March 20, 2019, Black Heart Uprising, poems. Limited edition, 25 signed & numbered copies.

February 1, 2019, The Black King of Kalfour, a novella.

August 1, 2018, This isn't one of the stories I remember, a novel.

February 26, 2018, Dark is a color of the day, short stories.

January 15, 2018, Debudaderrah, sf poetry.

November 28, 2017, Wine Country, poetry.

October 1, 2017, What black delirious daylight sets you forward in the boat. Poetry.

August 19, 2017, Now the last light, a novella.

July 28, 2017, Remarriages, poetry.

July 27, 2017, Sunsborne, narrative poetry.

June 14, 2017, 2DEE, a novel.

February 17, 2017, Science Fiction: a poem.

November 4, 2016, City, Psychonaut.

October 17, 2016 Black Dove, a novel.

September 10, 2016, Colonel Stierlitz, a novella.

August 25, 2016, White Man Book.

December 30, 2015, Conquistador of the Night Lands.

December 7, 2015, Poems from the War, narrative poetry.

October 1, 2015, Julia, Skydaughter, a novella.

June 5, 2015, Last Freedom, a collection of short plays.

December 30, 2014, A Map of Kex's Face.

June 5, 2014,  Fighting Down into the Kingdom of Dreams.

March 7, 2014, Line to Night Island, a novella.

August 28, 2013, My Name is Dee.

December 29, 2011, Los Angeles, or American Pharaohs.


September 23, 2020, Kanata Means Village. Gypsy Daughter.

March 21, 2018, I'm Leaving America. Analog Submission Press.

January 12, 2018, Deliver us into the Dark. Writing Knights Press.

May 19, 2017, Manzanita Lemonade. Gypsy Daughter.

January 9, 2017, Burning Los Angeles. Fowlpox Press.

April 24, 2016, Koreatown. Gypsy Daughter.

April 22, 2016, Mary. Rinky Dink Press.

December 30, 2015, Hanblečeya. White Knuckle Press.

January 20, 2015, Be Closer for my Burn. Crisis Chronicles Press.

October 21, 2014, Telegrams from X County. White Knuckle Press.

August 31, 2014, A Picnic in England. Gypsy Daughter.

November 13, 2013, Drive Thru Poems. White Knuckle Press.

2025 Credits

February 9, 2025, poem, "Netzarim" at Dissident Voice.

January 19, 2025, poem, "Descend with Me Grandfather" at Dissident Voice.

2024 Credits

December 18, 2024, Short story, "The world comes to an end the same way a woman puts on a dress" at Stickman Review.

November 29, 2024, poem, "Afterwards We Can Say the Names" at Dissident Voice.

November 1, 2024, poem, "we the dead rise again" at Mobius: the Journal of Social Change

October 13, 2024, poem, "Though I the dead should fall" at Dissident Voice.

September 1, 2024, poem, "You would spell out an evil magic" at Dissident Voice.

July 28, 2024, poem, "Though I should trade the sky and sleep" at Dissident Voice.

June 23, 2024, poem "Shadow Mountain Speaks Over the Horizon" at Dissident Voice.

June 16, 2024, poem,"In the Call Center" at Dissident Voice.

May 19, 2024, poem,"I want to live someplace else" at Dissident Voice.

April 21, 2024, poem,"The rain soaked highway flashes slow" at Dissident Voice.

March 17, 2024, poem, "Where the car alarm fades into drums" at Dissident Voice.

February 25, 2024, poem, "Golems of the Kali Yuga" at Dissident Voice.

February 12, 2024, flash short, "skate country" at The Meta Worker.

2023 Credits

December 24, 2023, poem, "ashes cover my face" at Dissident Voice.

December 6, 2023, poem, "The Unprintable Word Beckons Me to Take a Seat", at Cacti Fur.

November 19, 2023, poem, "I am written" at Dissident Voice.

October 22, 2023, poem, "I no longer dare to see who I've become" at Dissident Voice.

September 24, poem, "Lampkeeper, Texland" at Dissident Voice.

September 3, 2023, poem, "The neck's white heat" at Dissident Voice.

July 23, 2023, poem, "If you should come closer in" at Dissident Voice.

June 25, 2023, poem, "They've been jamming your heart" at Dissident Voice.

June 11, 2023, poem, "Gold Star Family" at Dissident Voice.

May 28, 2023, poem, "Make my hand yours" at Dissident Voice.

May 14, 2023, poem, "What was it you wanted me to say?" at Dissident Voice.

May 8, 2023, flash short, "Andropov's Dance" at The Meta Worker.

May 7, 2023, poem, "give the pipe to martin" at Dissident Voice.

April 16, 2023, poem, "don't say what it is" at Dissident Voice.

March 19, 2023, poem, "the voice from under the grate" at Dissident Voice.

March 7, 2023, 3 poems at Setu Mag, Western Voices Edition

February 22, 2023, 4 poems at Otoliths.

February 5, 2023, poem, "Waystations of Cathay" at Dissident Voice.

January 15, 2023, poem, "dear shaman" at Dissident Voice.

January 11, 2023, poem, "Now you may have heard you're already dead" at Cacti Fur.

January 1, 2023, "we're ground beneath the wheel" at Star*Line 46.1

2022 Credits

December 12, 2022, flash fiction, "Older Brother" at The Metaworker

November 13, 2022, poem, "Do not love in word only" at Dissident Voice.

October 23, 2022, "Tucson Beacon" at Dissident Voice.

October 4, 2022, poem, "across the translux I am sunning time" at Star*Line 45.4.

September 25, 2022, poem, "Cathay Comes Quiet Flooding His Arms Wider" at Dissident Voice.

September 21, 2022, poem,"this is a scientific lecture" at Cacti Fur.

September 16, 2022, flash fiction, "Blueblack pier" at The Metaworker.

August 28, 2022, poem, "Narcolept America Remembers it is Cathay" at Dissident Voice.

August 1, 2022, poems, "The Great Wall of New Mexico" and "Eat your own bread in quietness" at Otoliths.

August 1, 2022, poem, "And now that it has reached arbitration" in Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.

July 31, 2022, poem, "The Three Gates of the Arch, as Riding the Shoulders of a Giant" in Dissident Voice.

July 4, 2022, poem, "the wake dims back against the bay" in Star*Line 45.3.

June 5, 2022, poem, "give holy things" at Dissident Voice.

May 23, 2022, flash fiction, "The burial begins slow" at The Metaworker.

May 8, 2022, poems, "sheep" and "The Suzerain Shines at the Canal" at Setu Mag.

May 8, 2022, poem, "Saira Means Princess" at Dissident Voice

April 29, 2022, flash, "slow train in winter" at Litro Magazine.

April 17, poem, "The Suzerain Shines at the Canal" at Dissident Voice.

April 1, 2022, short story, "The sky was the color of wax" in Harbinger Asylum, Winter 2021, final issue.

March 21, 2022, poem, "the grace of the fall" at Piker Press.

March 20, 2022, poem, "Nightmare country" at Dissident Voice.

February 27, 2022, poem, "the wine of sleep" at Dissident Voice.

February 14, 2022, poem, "though I am a shadow" at Piker Press.

February 6, 2022, poem, "a man is a piece of the mountain" at Dissident Voice.

January 10, 2022, poem, "we're standing" at Piker Press.

2021 Credits

December 31, 2021, flash, "The prison is like a Victorian asylum" in The Metaworker.

December 19, 2021, poem, "the empires of old" at Dissident Voice.

December 13, 2021, poem, "the deep sound of the earth" at Piker Press.

November 22, 2021, poem, "no and if I should die" at Piker Press.

November 21, 2021, poem, "like watching your own death", Dissident Voice

November 20, 2021, poems, "already dead and ruined," "when in" and "Cathay is a Cathode anchored in the heart" at Medusa's Kitchen.

November 16, 2021, flash fiction, "Lips pressed against Canada" at Scarlet Leaf.

October 24, 2021, "Cathay is a Cathode anchored in the heart" at Dissident Voice.

October 14, 2021, "you have five seconds to terminate this tape" at Star*Line 44.4.

July 30, 2021, poem, "sky shocked night" at The Metaworker.

May 31, 2021, poem, "some kind of murder" at Piker Press.

May 6, 2021, poem, "Really it is my own stupidity" for International Dylan Thomas Day.

May 3, 2021, poem, "there are too many decisions" at Piker Press.

April 5, 2021, poem, "name the race" at Piker Press.

April 2, 2021, poem, "If my mind become a fortress" at Star*Line 44.2.

March 8, 2021, poems, "the earth remembers me in my sleep," "These trees hover as icons," and "the nasty eyes of the office woman" in Setu Mag.

March 1, 2021, poem, "sound of the scraping sky" at Piker Press.

February 1, 2021, "dog smells a fight within" at Piker Press

January 27, 2021, "hell has all the amenities" at Cacti Fur.

January 8, 2021, "now in the park july no--" at The Metaworker.

January 4, 2021, short story, "Nazca" at Exterminating Angel Press: the magazine.

January 1, 2021, Poem, "the nearest station" in Star*Line 44.1.

2020 Credits

December 13, 2020, poem, "what is the word?" at Dissident Voice.

December 8, 2020, flash, "The River Cam" at Former People.

November 29, 2020, reprint, short story "Vicar" at Litro Magazine.

November 12, 2020, poem, "no brutal dynasty" at The Borderless Journal.

October 15, 2020, poems, "not any fire I know," "no many not any," "what can we number?"(1+2), "I don't know," "the ratio cut over the field," in La nécessaire déconstruction de l'éphémère #6.

July 21, 2020, a eulogy for Rudy Torres.

July 20, 2020, poem, "the drink should when it" at Scarlet Leaf Review.

July 19, 2020, poem, "the bitter fluid of the drunk" at Dissident Voice.

July 6, 2020, short story, "Armadillo" at The Brasilia Review.

June 29, 2020, poem, "Nine leagues west of the sun" at Piker Press.

June 20, 2020, poem, "For Gal Budgen," in Waymark Magazine #1.

June 7, 2020, poem "Digging" in Polu Texni.

May 25, 2020, poem, "the way the silence covers the light" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

May 18, 2020, 4 poems, "If we consider the Canadians", "not the piece where you were right", "Take my hand over the leavings", and "take the tired off of the barge" at Duane's Poetree.

May 4, 2020, poems, "the name of the dark is mine," "The work is a memory of death," and "The name of the world" in the 2020 Western Voices edition of Setu Mag.

April 7, 2020, short story, "Vicar" at Ygdrasil 28.4, #324.

April 6, 2020, poem, "They tried to take the mystery away" at The Piker Press.

April 1, 2020, poem, reprint, "Disassembly at Auction" in The 2020 Rhysling Anthology: The Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Poetry of 2019.

March 9, 2020, poem, "Religion is a tale of the imagination" at The Piker Press.

March 1, 2020, poem, "now the sun rises into the corn" at Halfway down the stairs.

February 25, 2020, poem, "the ash from the roof" in Star*Line 43.1.

February 29, 2020, poems, "Poetry is a form of worship" and "level the city" in Concrete Mist Press anthology, edited by Heath Brougher.

February 24, 2020, flash short, "Barrow" at the Meta Worker.

February 13, 2020, assorted poems, Scarlet Leaf Review.

February 10, 2020, poem, "whatsoever may do, betrayer" at The Piker Press.

January 22, 2020, poem, "the charter" at cacti fur.

January 13, 2020, poem, "dumb luck and pain" at The Piker Press.

2019 Credits

December 16, 2019, "what kind of reckoning is it" at The Piker Press.

December 1, 2019, poem, "Disassembly at auction" at Mobius: the Journal of Social Change.

November 25, 2019, "Have an old house over your head" at The Piker Press.

October 25, 2019, poem, reprint, "I like my neighborhood" in anthology A Decade of Sundays, edited by Alex M. Frankel.

October 22, 2019, 'Daredevil my god' in Star*Line 42.4.

October 21, 2019, "what ghost cuts me" at The Piker Press.

September 15, 2019, poem, "now I have been made" in Picaroon Poetry #18.

August 19, 2019, "sweeter than the end of the week" at The Piker Press.

July 22, 2019, poem, "the beatings are a drum" at The Piker Press.

July 14, 2019, Harbinger Asylum Summer 2019, poem, "poets and pickle-eaters."

July 2019, reprint, "Refugees from America" in Stickman Review.

July 3, 2019, Riverbabble #35, Bloomsday 2019, prose poem, "We shouldn’t care."

June 30 2019, poems, "now and when," "nations" and "name takers and oarsmen" in A New Ulster #81.

June 24, 2019, poem, "On This Wake" at The Piker Press.

June 17, 2019, flash short, "I guess I never told you about Texas" at The Meta worker.

May 31, 2019, prose poetry, "He’s cutting the stems off the garlic" in Doorknobs & Bodypaint #94.

May 20, 2019, poem, "Row the mint" at Piker Press.

May 7, 2019, flash, "Children of Los Angeles" at Former People.

May 6, 2019, flash, "The cops have Julia" at The Meta worker.

May 3, 2019, poem, "galaga galaxios" in Star*Line 42.2.

April 2019, "Refugees from America" at Ygdrasil 27.4, #312.

April 20, 2019, poem, "so often we depend on what we can't see" at Duane's Poe Tree.

April 15, 2019, poem, "Now," at Piker Press.

March 25, 2019, poem, "Backtrack" at Piker Press.

March 19, 2019, poem, "break and hold away" at Duane's PoeTree.

March 3, 2019, assorted poems, Scarlet Leaf.

March 1, 2019, poem, "tell me the reason for the theft" in Silver Blade #41.

February 28, 2019, poems, "what no battle ready," "gut the harp and string" and "down light" in A New Ulster #77.

February 25, 2019, pome, "each sip" at Piker Press.

February 22, 2019, poem, "die, and be better" at Duane's PoeTree.

February 20, 2019, poem, "Now all that we have seen can wait" in Cacti Fur.

February 3, 2019, poem, "far above my head is a red door" in riverbabble #34, Winter Solstice Issue 2019.

January 28, 2019, poem, "there is no insurance for crossroads" at Piker Press.

January 19, 2019, assorted poems, Scarlet Leaf Review.

2018 Credits

December 25, 2018, poem, "no rest nor word" at Duane's Poe Tree.

December 17, 2018, poem, "gear me to weep" in Harbinger Asylum.

December 1, 2018, poems, Scarlet Leaf Review.

November 26, 2018, flash short, "45th Parallel" in The Metaworker.

November 26, 2018, poem, "the art and the man" in The Piker Press.

November 25, 2018, poem, "Canadian Whiskey Tastes Like Rain" at The Rye Whiskey Review.

November 15, 2018, poem, "it's not enough" at Duane's PoeTree.

November 2018, poems, Misfit Magazine, Issue No. 25, Fall 2018.

October 29, 2018, flash short, "Ash Lee" at The Meta worker.

October 22, 2018, poem, "It won't be enough" at Piker Press.

October 21, 2018, poem, "Cut me and bleed" at Dissident Voice.

October 18, 2018, reading, featured at Duane's Poe Tree.

October 8, 2018, poem, "Your Family Axe" at Dissident Voice.

October 2, 2018, poems, at Scarlet Leaf Review.

October 1, 2018, reprint, "Birds" at Birds Piled Loosely.

Fall 2018, poetry, excerpts from 'Among the Loyalists' in Fowl Feathered Review #30.

September 30, 2018, poem, "What Owl Blocks Your Rage" at Dissident Voice.

September 24, 2018, "Night Owl" in Adelaide Literary Magazine.

September 4, 2018, review, "Duane Vorhees, Love's Autobiography: the Ends of Love."

August 16, 2018, poem, "give me the weight for the river" in Atunis Poetry.

August 13, 2018, short story, reprint, "Birds" in Bombus Press Issue 6: Noodle Soup.

July 19, 2018, poems, in Scarlet Leaf Review.

July 14, 2018, flash short, "Through the tunnel" in Mad Swirl.
       audio of me reading this one

July 13, 2018, short story, "Your boss eats children at night" at Red Fez.

July 10, 2018, flash short, "Night Owl" in Grand Showcase 2018 Lit Mag, from Writing Knights Press.

June 23, 2018, poem, 'some swan' in Puddles of Sky Press' illiterature #8.

June 18, 2018, short story, "Birds" in Ygdrasil.

May 30, 2018, poem, "New men" at Cacti Fur.

May 27, 2018, essay, "Wood Boy, Dog Fish"

May 13, 2018, poem, "go and bake" at Vatsala Radhakeesoon's blog, for International Dylan Thomas Day.

May 12, 2018, poem, "what garden" at Mush/ Mum mag #5.

May 8, 2018, poems, "look to the king within," "I'm going to cut you open," and "set into sleeves" at Dodging the Rain.

May 1, 2018, "don't fuck with me over the ruth" in Peeking Cat Poetry Journal #37.

April 18, 2018, poem, "what ruined surface of your moon" in antinarrative journal.

April 11, 2018, poem, "we're leaving" in Star*Line 41.2.

April 1, 2018, poem, "noooyyyyyaaaooooooo" at 1947 Journal.

March 29, 2018, poem, "I want to go back" at Duane's PoeTree.

March 26, 2018, poem, "The nation is dead" at In Between Hangovers.

March 21, 2018, essay, "Moving to Canada" at steemit.

March 19, 2018, poem, "no gravesend mine" at 1947 Journal.

March 18, 2018, poem, "sit down and shut up" at Steemit.

March 10, 2018, poem, "who heard the board" at 1947 Journal.

March 2, 2018, poem, "I’ve been counting" in 1947 Journal.

February 23, 2018, poem, "we're dying and I begin" at in Between Hangovers.

February 18, 2018, poem, "who heard me" at 1947 Journal.

February 14, 2018, poem "the black bread of life is silent and watchful" at Duane's Poetree.

February 10, 2018, poem, "Facebook prison" at 1947 Journal.

Spring 2017, poem "A certain bow of the head" in Interdisciplinary Humanities 'Humanities and Religion' issue.

January 28, 2018, short story, "How I Fell in Love with my Wife All Over Again (After the Alien Invasion)" in anthology Tales From The Alien Buddha (Volume 1).

January 26, 2018, excerpt from "Narcowriter" at Scarlet Leaf.

January 26, 2018, poem, "take heed and hell over the lake".

January 20, 2018, poem, "Attach the electricity" at In Between Hangovers.

January 6, 2018, poem, "400 Manhattan Place" at 1947 Journal.

January 6, 2018, poem, "the light defends the right" at 1947 Journal.

January 3, 2018, poem, "what black deep you made" in Fowl Feathered Review #25.

2017 Credits

December 27, 2017, audio book of 'Black Dove'

December 21, 2017, poem, "we're flooding the street" at Steemit.

December 16, 2017, poems, Scarlet Leaf Review, December issue.

December 15, 2017, poem, "We'll wait for the drop" at In Between Hangovers.

December 14, 2017, poem, "who makes the sun" in 1947 Journal.

December 5, 2017, poem 'the barycenter brit' in A New Ulster #62.

December 4, 2017, poem, "bake me dead" in 1947 Journal.

December 2, 2017, poem, "the electric runs down my back" at Steemit.

December 2, 2017, poem, "don't tell me" at Steemit.

December 2, 2017, poem, "no one can remember" at Steemit.

December 2, 2017, poem, "What ruined surface of your moon" at Steemit.

December 1, 2017, poem, "we're measuring the flow of blood" in Mobius: the Journal of Social Change.

November 21, 2017, reprint, short story, "Black moons" in Litro.

November 16, 2017, essay, "Cry Wolfe," a tribute to Gene Wolfe, at New Pop Lit.

November 16, 2017, poem, "we're carrying rivers" at 1947 Journal.

November 15, 2017, poems, at Scarlet Leaf Review.

November 14, 2017, poem, "Slip Me Down, Under The Skin; Hold Me Back; Tempt Me Out Of Our Auburn" at In Between Hangovers.

November 6, 2017, poem, "who are we to dwell" in 1947 Journal.

November 1, 2017, flash short "Somnambulist" in Le Scat Noir #229, "Lost and Found" issue.

October 30, 2017, poem, "Birdie" in 1947 Journal.

October 24, 2017, audiobook of Remarriages.

October 20, 2017, poem, "now I don't remember what happened" at Duane's Poetree blog.

October 20, 2017, poem, "Who stalls the light" at In Between Hangovers.

October 18, 2017, poem, "something of a stupendous energy" in 1947 Journal.

October 10, 2017, poem, "who frames the right" in 1947 Journal.

October 4, 2017, poem, "burn" in 1947 Journal.

September 30, 2017, poem, "now die the truth" at In Between Hangovers.

September 29, 2017, poem, "it's divine" at Poems and Poetry Blog.

September 28, 2017, poem, "we're going" in 1947 Journal.

September 22, 2017, poem, "We won't know the reason" in Visual Verse, Vol. 4, Ch. 11, pg 57.

September 21, 2017, poem, "death hurts the soul" in Literary Heist.

September 16, 2017, poem, "under the laptop's artifical buzz" in 1947 Journal.

September 9, 2017, poem, "who bailed my honey out" at In Between Hangovers.

September 6, reprint, "from the Porch of Madonna della Salute" in Summer 2017 concis anthology.

September 4, 2017, poem, "we're come" in 1947 Journal.

August 30, 2017, poem, "who is given the coin of this world" in 1947 Journal.

August 20, 2017, poem, "Hum Ram Chunk And Divide The Wealth Over Your Shoulder" at In Between Hangovers.

August 19, 2017, poem, "Los Angeles is revelation" at 1947 Journal.

August 17, 2017, poem "the unknowable majesty of it all" at Duane's PoeTree Blog.

August 14, 2017, poem, "Death to Elizabeth II" on Steemit.

August 11, 2017, essay, "Literature is the atomic bomb" at Roxana Nastase's blog.

August 11, 2017 "for what rage is able to repent" at 1947 Journal.

August 11, 2017, poem, "you can go fuck yourself today" on Steemit.

August 2, 2017, poem, "what terrible barge is the deep" at 1947 Journal.

July 30, 2017, poem, "for Caitlin Johnstone"

July 28, 2017, poem, "who made the earth" in 1947 Journal.

July 26, 2017, poem, "not enough" in Cacti Fur.

July 25, 2017, three poems in Full of Crow, Summer 2017 issue.

July 24, 2017, flash fiction, "from the Porch of Madonna della Salute" at Concis.

July 17, 2017, poem, "dare me to do the youth" in 1947 Journal.

July 15, short story, "Red Night in Damascus" at Scarlet Leaf Review.

July 14, poem, reprint, "Longtemps, Doucement" in East Coast Ink 'Restraint' issue, #013.

July 11, 2017, poems "longtemps" and "let's move to the moon" in Star*Line 40.3.

July 10, 2017, essay, "Art and Crime: John Podesta, his Headless Statue, and Some Possible Interpretations."

July 8, 2017, poem, "winter warms the arms" at In Between hangovers.

June 28, 2017, poem, "send me the knife" in 1947 Journal.

June 23, 2017, short story "Travelogue: Being the account of one gentleman’s adventures in the Big Sleep" at New Pop Lit.

June 17, 2017, poem, "one two one two" at 1947 Journal.

June 16, 2017, short story "The secret to smoking" in riverbabble #31.

June 12, 2017, poem, "I can see it coming" at In Between Hangovers.

June 1, 2017, essay, "The Mastery of Fire and the Psychic Scars of The Somme: Why people are scared of postmodernism."

June 1, poem, "Those things which burn" in LAROLA #12.

Spring 2017, poem, "Sometimes" in ELM.

May 28, 2017, poem, "The long sneer" in 1947 Journal.

May 18, 2017, poem, "Build now" at In Between Hangovers.

May 16, 2017, poem, "send word over the dark" in Fowl Feathered Review #22.

May 9, 2017, poem, "what will it mean" in Harbinger Asylum, Spring 2017 edition.

May 6, 2017, poem, "no war means truer than the heart" in 1947 Journal.

April 26, 2017, poem, "hedonize the heron" in 1947 Journal.

April 24, 2017, short story, reprint, "Listening at the Edges" in Body Magazine.

April 23, 2017, poem, "Break up and build the wall" at In Between Hangovers.

April 18, 2017, poem, "now hear my hymn" in 1947 Journal.

April 17, 2017, short story "No black life shall demean me" in Your One Phone Call.

April 9, 2017, short story "Eraser" in Opossum.

April 6, 2017, poem, "I've got something to say but it's too big" in Susan / the Journal.

April 3, 2017, poems "she sends word over the mountains" , "caesura" and "who can I call?" in Star*line 40.2.

April 3, 2017, poem "Now black like the rain" in 1947 Journal.

April 2, 2017, poem, "Afterglow" at In Between Hangovers.

April 1, 2017, poem, "here now" in Duane's Poetree blog.

Spring 2017, short story "Here now, and the forest" in Bombus Press #2, the "noise" issue.

March 26, 2017, poem, "I found you in America" at Cacti Fur.

March 22, 2017, poem, "breakage inside" in 1947 Journal.

March 22, 2017, poem, "who names the night under my sleeve" in 1947 Journal.

March 19, 2017, five poems in Scarlet Leaf Review.

March 13, poem, "Run shrieking through the frozen forest" in 1947 Journal.

March 10, 2017, poem, "Who Will Not Fire" at In Between Hangovers.

March 4, 2017, short story, "Black Moons" in Section 8 Magazine.

March 3, 2017, poem, "now bear witness" in 1947 Journal.

February 24, 2017, prose poetry, "This is not my Los Angeles" in Litro Magazine.

February 24, 2017, poem, "where is the lonely without words" in 1947 Journal.

February 23, 2017, poem, "the man is a word" in Full of Crow.

February 16, 2017, poems, "Bear the lee" at In Between Hangovers.

February 15, 2017, short story, "The Liberation" in Scarlet Leaf.

February 15, 2017, assorted poems, Scarlet Leaf Review.

February 14, essay, "Prognostico-R-Us" in Perihelion.

February 14, 2017, poem, "each majesty of light" in 1947 Journal.

February 13, 2017, poem "if you wait for it it goes" in Sick Lit Magazine.

February 12, 2017, essay, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion: a Humanist Document?"

February 9, 2017, poem, "fuck off, and get a job" in SUSAN the Journal.

February 8, 2017, poem, "Have you seen the country" in 1947 Journal.

February 1, 2017, poem, "It was you" in Dodging the Rain's 'On Love' anthology.

February 1, 2017, poem, "Running" in The Bitchin Kitsch.

January 30, 2017, poem, "No one will hurt me" in 1947 Journal.

January 26, 2017, poem, "Stream With Blood" at In Between Hangovers.

January 25, 2017, poem, "Each light makes a spark" at Duane's PoeTree blog.

January 20, 2017, poem, "There is no end to it " in 1947 Journal.

January 15, 2017, assorted poems, in Scarlet Leaf Review anniversary issue.

January 2017, poems, "Burn me" and "Tear my hair" in Viral Cat Issue XVI.

January 2017, short story, reprint, "Listening at the edges" in Cheat River Review.

January 8, 2017, poem, "Grief Run" in Cacti Fur.

January 6, 2017, poem, "No Death Comes Sweeter for Me Than in Los Angeles"

January 5, 2017, poem "Jakarta Kid" in 1947 Journal.

January 4, 2017, poems, "Each ship burns," "Cryogenic sleep" and "now I'm going down" in Star*Line 40.1.

2016 Credits

December 31, 2016, poem, "bend in and blow" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

December 26, poem, "no long year shall outlive me" at Duane's PoeTree.

December 21, 2016, "The End of Occidentalism" in Reckoning.

December 17, 2016, poem, "no human voice" in 1947 Journal.

December 17, 2016, assorted poems, in Spectrum #8.

December 17, 2016, poem, "Burn my house" at In Between Hangovers.

December 15, 2016, assorted poems, "wait when" et al., in Scarlet Leaf Review.

December 15, 2016, essay, "PizzaGate and the State of American Democracy" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

December 10, 2016, poem, "It's rivers" in 1947 Journal.

December 4, 2016, short story, "Listening at the edges" in Stickman Review.

December 3, 2016, poem, "load the weapon and fire" in 1947 Journal.

November 30, poem, "Before we're done" in Cacti Fur.

November 29, 2016, flash short, "I am never alone when I am with you" in Doorknobs & Bodypaint, Issue #84, All Saints.

November 27, 2016, poem, "Lëmshi përkujdesjes" (Tender tangle) in Albanian newspaper, Nacional.

November 26, 2016, reprint, poem "Office Party" in the 2017 Literary Review Date Book, from Scars Publications.

November 23, 2016, poem, "I am a wizard" at In Between Hangovers.

November 23, poems, translated into Albanian by Irsa Ruçi, "Unë nuk kam marrë"(I ain't got) and "Lëmshi përkujdesjes" (Tender tangle).

November 21, poem, "Death, my old friend" in 1947 Journal.

November 19, 2016, poem, "Break me" in Your One Phone Call.

November 12, 2016, poem, "now and I’ll find the sound" in 1947 Journal.

November 2, 2016, poem, "I am Here Dreaming," at In Between Hangovers.

October 27, 2016, poem, "time to lease the moon" in 1947 Journal.

October 22, 2016, poem, "and though it were burnt slow" in 1947 Journal.

October 17, 2016, short story, "Green Night" in East Coast Ink issue #12, 'AFRAID.'

October 16, 2016, poem, "grin me night" at 1947 Journal.

October 15, 2016, poems, "I Ain't," "Tender Tangle," and "I'm Running" in Red Rock Review.

October 15, 2016, poems, "bane rike and roll," "the monarchy reruns the night," "it's grand," "a fuse is blown inside your eyes," "the weight of the dark," and "Nearly died once" at Scarlet Leaf Review.

October 13, 2016, short story, "The Halfway House" in Red Fez, part 2 of 2.

October 12, 2016, poem, "Batter the fall" at In Between Hangovers.

October 3, 2016, poems "Centaur" and "4.367 light years" in Star*Line 39.4.

September 30, 2016, poem "Office party" in Children, Churches and Daddies #265.

September 28, 2016, short story, "Sors immanis" in The Bitchin Kitsch.

September 27, 2016, poem, "Running" at In Between Hangovers.

September 21, 2016, poem, "guz me" in 1947 Journal.

September 15, 2016, poem, "Ode to Los Angeles" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

September 15, 2016, poem, "tender tangle" at In Between Hangovers.

September 14, 2016, poem, "lead me to pray" in 1947 Journal.

September 13, 2016, short story, "The Halfway House" in Red Fez, part 1 of 2.

September 6, 2016, poem, "murder fine the real" in 1947 Journal.

August 30, 2016, poem, "Children of the Moors" in Liquid Imagination Online #30.

August 29, 2016, poem, "I Ain't Got it" at In Between Hangovers.

August 27, 2016, poem, "Let me go" in Poetry Life & Times.

August 21, 2016, poem, "Inquire amongst the dogs" in 1947 Journal.

August 15, 2016, "Blue poems" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

August 14, 2016, poem "bear me" at In Between Hangovers.

August 13, 2016, poem, "Southern California" in 1947 Journal.

August 12, 2016, short story, "Robot story" at Perihelion SF.

August 7, 2016, poem, "sent far" in 1947 Journal.

August 5, poem, "Legions" at In Between Hangovers.

July 20, 2016, short story, "Vengeance in Men" at Ares Magazine.

July 17, 2016, poem "Hollywood men" in Cacti Fur.

July 15, nonfiction, "Anne Sippi" in CutBank Literary Journal.

July 15, 2016, poems, "this great confusion," "I am mighty in the evening," "she isn't here," "willful midnight and rain," "I won't go" and "she's dancing near a fire" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

July 11, 2016, poem, "whet ruin" in 1947 Journal.

July 10, 2016, poem, "Moonscape," with drawings.

July 1, 2016, poem, "send for my mother" in 1947 Journal.

July 1, 2016, play excerpt, "The Martian Invasions" in East Coast Ink #11.

June 23, 2016, "angle of incidence" in 1947 Journal.

June 16, 2016, poetry excerpt, "crash out with me" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

May 28, poem, "rend and center" in 1947 Journal.

May 15, 2016, poems, "For David Rocklin" and "love poem" in "Scarlet Leaf Review".

May 15, 2016, poem, "send in and still the troops" in 1947 Journal.

May 12, 2016, short story, "Terminate and Stay Resident" in Perihelion.

May 11, 2016, poem, "some old things" in 1947 Journal.

May 10, 2016, "Last Night with the Clintons: a tragedy." A short play.

Spring 2016, short story, "Yukon Ho" in Crossborder, from Leapfrog Press.

May 7, 2016, poem, "hearing won't take me" in 1947 Journal.

May 3, 2016, poem, "Romans" in 1947 Journal.

April 25, 2016, poem, "bury me" in 1947 Journal.

April 25, 2016, poem, "Summer" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

April 15, 2016, excerpts from "Black Dove" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

April 15, 2016, poem, "fever my broad bones" in 1947 Journal.

April 8, 2016, poem, "dream my river" in 1947 Journal.

April 1, 2016, poem, "brittle blast" in 1947 Journal.

March 22, 2016, short story, "Under the Green Country" in East Coast Ink #10.

March 21, 2016, poem, "a casual interest" in Peeking Cat Poetry #11.

March 17, 2016, poem, "break forward" in 1947 Journal.

March 15, 2016, poems "pend right rain my bough," "now shout," "the bed the bone the birth," "what have you now," "regret nothing" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

March 8, 2016, poem, "my own" in 1947 Journal.

March 3, 2016, poem, 'don't five and dime me' in The Machinery.

March 1, 2016, humor, "Writers" in Punchnels.

February 27, poems, "now" and "and then death" in Thistle Magazine.

February 27, poems, "6 billion writers," "bend low," "burn me," "fish again," "dream readily and in the face of silent dins the earth," and "Enliven me" in The Thumb Print Mag.

February 25, 2016, poem, "the loving love" in 1947 Journal.

February 24, 2016, poem, "Urgent" in 1947 Journal.

February 16, 2016, poem, "yes, now" in 1947 Journal.

February 13, 2016, poem, "My embrace" in 1947 Journal.

February 8, 2016, novella, "Colonel Stierlitz" published serially in the Lost Coast Review. Part two published Feb 22.

February 6, 2016, poem, "brake bellow and roll" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

February 5, 2016, poem, "now win me" in 1947 Journal.

January 29, 2016, short story, "Los Angeles After the Queen" in New Pop Lit #1.

January 28, 2016, flash, "No" in Apocrypha and Abstractions.

January 19, 2016, poem, "stars" in 1947 Journal.

January 17, 2016, poem, "Listening to the night engines" in Peeking Cat Poetry #10.

January 17, 2016, short story, reprint, "Saint Francis" in Dead Guns Magazine #1.

January 16, 2016, poems, "Cowards, like you", "fall now", and "prize" in Epigraph Magazine, Issue #11.

January 15, 2016, poems, "burnt out over the edge," "the little man pursues his dream behind his screen of death" and "and with a woman he stems out to find" in Scarlet Leaf Review.

January 13, 2016 poem, "For James Agee" in East Coast Ink Magazine #9.

January 12, 2016, short story, "Narrative of a Slave" in Perihelion.

January 3, 2016, poem, "now death" in 1947 Journal.

2015 Credits

December 31, 2015, short story, "Now Strange Adventure" in Exterminating Angel Press: the magazine.

December 2015, short story, "Burnt Orange" in The Massachusetts Review, Winter 2015 issue.

December 10, 2015, poem, "Our sun is the shelter" in 1947 Journal.

December 5, 2015, flash, "The Venus of Merchants" in concis magazine.

December 3, 2015, poem, "One When" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

December 1, 2015, poem, "So" in Halfway Down the Stairs.

December 1, 2015, short story, "Whitedog" in Scrutiny Journal.

November 30, 2015, poem, "bearing in" in Poetic Diversity.

November 30, 2015, flash, "Leaving the Globe" in Doorknobs & Bodypaint #80.

November 29, 2015, poem, "no pedant no more" in 1947 Journal.

November 28, poems, "Now burning" & "fair" in SGVPQ # 68.

November 18, 2015, poem, "Cowards" in 1947 Journal.

November 17, 2015, short story, "I am winter" Fall 2015, Lackington's Magazine, Issue 8 "Dreamings."

November 16, 2015, poem, "And Then (#2)" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

November 12, 2015, Poem, "Leave me and forget" in 1947 Journal.

November 9, 2015, "Mail poems" in Winged Snail Mail Issue #3 from Sarah Hoffman.

November 8, 2015, poem, "Calcium" in 521 Magazine.

November 7, 2015, poem, "Like a theater made of cars" in 1947 Journal.

November 1, 2015, "Owning my own hat" in Arlington Literary Journal #82 from Gival Press.

November 1, 2015, poem, "now and then" in Right Hand Pointing.

Fall 2015, short story, "Killing rich people for fun and profit" in Cardinal Sins Magazine.

October 30, 2015, flash, "Lunch Hour" in Apocrypha & Abstractions.

October 30, 2015, flash, "Time to Leave Los Angeles" in Jellyfish Review.

October 28, 2015, poem, "Burn me down" in 1947 journal.

October 23, 2015, poem, "Bend In" in 1947 Journal.

October 19, 2015, poem, "take it" in 1947 Journal.

October 16, 2015, short story, "Visitors" in Ibexian #6.

October 15, 2015, flash short, "Desert story" in Polychrome Ink, Volume 2.

October 13, 2015, poem, "Winter Los Angeles" in 1947 Journal.

October 12, 2015, short story, "Nakamura-san" in Perihelion.

October 6, 2015, short story, "Yukon Ho" in East Coast Ink's Memory issue.

October 5, 2015, poem, "now wait" in poems and poetry blog.

October 5, 2015, essay, "Open Letter to Gene Wolfe" in Black Heart Magazine.

September 27, 2015, "Before the storm" in The Whiteside Review.

September 19, 2015, poem, "Run" at Biit Space.

September 17, 2015, poem, "Hollywood" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

September 15, 2015, poem, "there is no note now" in 1947 Journal.

September 6, 2015, flash, "Within" in 101 Fiction.

September 3, 2015, short story, "Wash Away on Fiant Lux" in anthology "Second Contacts" from Bundoran Press.

Sep. 1, 2015, poem, "Heath" in Right Hand Pointing #90.

August 31, 2015, flash short, "Mary taste so dirty" in Apocrypha and Abstractions.

August 29, 2015, poem, "Approach" in SGVPQ 67.

August 28, 2015, poem, "And Then Again" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

August 26, 2015, flash, "The Cult Hunter of Echo Park" in Doorknobs & BodyPaint #79.

August 19, 2015, short story, "Found Under the Stairwell (Just Stare at the Right Angle, Child)," in 'Game Fiction' anthology from The Gold Shader Press.

August 15, 2015, poem, reprint, "send in" in 1947 Journal.

August 14, 2015, poem, "Send in" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

August 9, 2015, poem, "Buffalo know me" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

August 6, 2015, poem, "now run with me" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

August 1, 2015, prose poem, "Down the hill to the water" in The Bitchin' Kitsch.

July 31, 2015, short story "The Coens" in anthology 'Broken Worlds' from A Murder of Storytellers.

July 31, 2015, flash, "Every corpse I ever loved I found in Bethlehem" in Breadcrumbs.

July 30, 2015, poem, "Black hearts" in Your One Phone Call.

July 30, poem, "And the Will" in Poems and Poetry Blog. (Reposted 10-30-2020)

July 28, 2015, short story, "Dark Island" in Hello Horror.

July 24, poem, "Friday morning," reprint, in Cacti Fur.

July 24, poem, "And now--" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

July 15, 2015, poem, "reassemble you" in Poems and Poetry Blog.

July 12, 2015, short story, "Dreamboat" in Perihelion SF.

July 9 2015, poem, "cello music" in Poems & Poetry Blog.

July 9, 2015, short story, "Cthulu in Autumn" in Alban Lake anthology "The Idolaters of Cthulhu."

July 9 2015, essay, "The People I Hate" at Punchnels.

July 6, flash, "Death" in Apocrypha & Abstractions.

July 4, poem, "stars under your porch" in 1947 Journal.

July 3, poem, "I hoe the blame in a row" in 1947 Journal.

July 2, 2015, poem, "I wish for you a flood" in East Coast Ink's 'Touch' issue, #7.

July 2, 2015, flash, "Ringing in revenges" in Zombie Fiction.

June 29, 2015, poems, "live today and gone tomorrow when the season ends" and "Wandering" in RHP #88.

June 28, 2015, flash, "Prisoner" in The Were-Traveler #17.

June 23, 2015, short story "A Shadow of a Princess' Dream" in Bizarro Pulp Anthology, Surreal Worlds.

June 22, 2015, poem, "woman again" in 1947 Journal.

June 19, 2015, poems, "Strange Horizons", "The Glowing Adventure", and "Live at Five" in The Writing Disorder.

June 12, 2015, poem, "and then, bending" in 1947 Journal.

June 12, 2015, poem, "And In" in 1947 Journal.

June 11, 2015, short story, "The Sun King" in Ygdrasil, A Journal of the Poetic Arts. June 2015, Vol. 23, Issue 6, No. 266. Archived by Canada! & reprinted in Red Fez.

June 11, 2015, poem, "Friday morning" in Cacti Fur.

June 6, 2015, flash, "The Venusian Artist Residency" in The Radvocate, issue #13.

June 6, 2015, poem, "and then" in SGVPQ #66.

June 4, 2015, short story "The Burning in the Urn" in Tigershark #7.

June 1, 2015, short story, "Burnt Offerings to Disaster" in Morpheus Tales #26.

June 1, 2015, poem, reprint, "Liberation" at Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.

May 28, 2015, flash, "HR" in doorknobs and bodypaint.

May 28, 2015, poem, "In" at Poems and Poetry Blog.

May 28, 2015, poem, "One more day" in Statement Magazine.

May 24, 2015, poem, "Wretched" in Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine #6.

May 16, 2015, poem, "revolution" in 1947 journal.

May 15, 2015, flash short, "Apuleius" in Mad Swirl.

May 13, 2015, "Waiting" in the 2015 Hessler Street Fair Poetry Anthology.

May 10, 2015, poem, "When You Feel like the Center of the World" in UFO Gigolo.

May 6, 2015, essay, "I miss you; you maim me" in Punchnels.

May 1, 2015, Flash short, "Dancer" in Right Hand Pointing #86.

May 1, 2015, poem, "Breakfast" in Cacti Fur.

May 2015, poem, "Verdun 3D" in The Offbeat, Vol. 15.

Spring 2015, poem, "American body" in Eureka Literary Magazine.

April 23, 2015, poems "Traveling poet" and "On the Bus" in The Mayo Review #50.

April 20, 2015, flash short, reprint, "Cheese in Space" in Defenestration.

April 20, 2015, reprint, "Every Traveler Who Returns is Lost" in Polychrome Ink, Vol 1.

April 20, 2015, poem, "The Blue Hat" in 'Telephone' from The Satellite Collective.

April 17, 2015, poem, "Test of our fathers" in 1947 Journal.

April 15, 2015, flash, "Death too will die" in Literary Orphans Journal.

April 10, 2015, short story, "Need" in Lost Coast Review, Spring '15 issue.

April 3, 2015, short story, "Leviathan Hunter" in Devilfish Review.

April 1, 2015, poems, "Fifth-Dimensional Orbit," "Sin" and "No, again" in Right Hand Pointing #85.

March 30, 2015, video speech on democracy.

March 28, poem, "Loop Town" in 1947 Journal.

March 28, 2015, flash fiction, "Writer" in Ibexian Magazine.

March 20, 2015, short story, "Foster City, America" in Liminoid Magazine.

March 20, 2015, short story, "The Second and a Halfth Beat" in Upender.

March 19, 2015, flash short, "Sharp" at Apocrypha and Abstractions.

March 17, 2015, Poem, "Peace is Not the Absent of Conflict" in Degenerates: Voices for Peace! 2015 Edition.

March 17, 2015, poem, "the plain of stars" at Walking is Still Honest.

March 16, 2015, flash short, "Inside my heart the river is nightmarish warm" in Flapperhouse, Spring 2015.

March 13, 2015, poem, "Norman Mailer Rides My Cock" in Cryo Poetry.

March 12, 2015, short fiction, "Whiteout" in Perihelion SF.

March 6, 2015, poem, "don't say it again" in Snapping Twig.

March 5, 2015, flash short, "The Android's Love" at doorknobs and bodypaint.

March 2, 2015, flash short, "Winnebago Wendigo Wins the Winnipeg Wicked" in Sensors C. Diff #1.

March 1, 2015, poems "Following the mapmaker" , "Looking again" & "Love" in Snow Monkey.

March 1, 2015, short story, "Saint Francis" in The Fable Online.

March 2015, prose poetry, "Girl, Woman" in Aphelion.

February 28, 2015, poem, "Girl" in SGVPQ #65.

February 27, 2015, poem, "Me and Jim" in The Commonline Journal.

February 24, 2015, poem, "being at call and even at the sanded station overlooking the infinite" at Snapping Twig.

February 22, 2015, poem, "Yes" in 1947 journal.

February 1, 2015, poem, "To my son" in CC&D magazine #253.

February 1, 2015, flash short, "Dog Boy Remembers" in 99 Pine Street.

Winter 2015, flash short, reprint, "Every Traveler Who Returns is Lost" in Imitation and Illusion.

January 2015, short story, reprint, "Mantra for a Loser" in Gravel Magazine.

January 2015, novel excerpt, "Soad's Story: A Journey into the Sky" in Exterminating Angel Press: the magazine.

January 2015, short story, "Colonel Stierlitz" in The Brasilia Review.

January 2015, flash short, reprint, "The Venusian Artist Residency" in AntipodeanSF.

January 31, 2015, short story, "The Gnole" in A Murder of Storytellers' anthology Faed.

January 27, 2015, short story, "On the Offense" in Queen Mob's Teahouse.

January 18, 2015, reprint, flash, "The Caterpillars" in Best of Black Heart (2014), ten year anniversary anthology.

January 16, 2015, prose poem, "The Trust of Civilized Men" in Vine Leaves Literary Journal.

January 13, 2015, poem, "What lies inside the drum" in 1947 Journal.

January 10, 2015, reprint, "The Principal's Office" in The Stickman Review.

January 5, 2015, flash short, "Pictures" in Unbound Octavo, part of Nonbinary Review.

January 1, 2015, poem, "The student" in Birds Piled Loosely.

January 1, 2015, flash fiction, "Under Four Suns" in Beyond the Imagination magazine.

January 1, 2015, poem, "The Dedication of the Monument" in Right Hand Pointing #82.

January 1, 2015, reprint, "FINAL MONOLOGUE" in anthology "2113: An Oral History of the Last God" from Subtopian Press.

2014 Credits

December 2014, reprint, poem, "Von Neumann Drone" in 2014 Arsenic Lobster anthology.

December 26, 2014, flash short, "Outlaw" in Thick Jam.

December 25, 2014, poem, "Strange Horizons" in 1947 Journal.

December 20, 2014, flash short, "Every Traveler Who Returns is Lost" in Flashes in the Dark.

December 18, 2014, essay "Books and Hierarchical Mammals" reprinted as "Your Words Matter" at Luna Luna.

December 7, 2014, poem, "Telephone wires" at Snapping Twig.

December 6, 2014, reading, flash short, "A Walk Down Orange County" at STORIES book store in Echo Park. Published in FLASH No. 1, by Repel Industries.

December 5, 2014, short fiction, "Under the Shadow of Oz" in NonBinary Review Issue #3.

December 4, 2014, poem, "When and no" at Snapping Twig.

December 1, 2014, poems, "What Do You Got" and "Some storm is coming" in After the Pause #1.

November 2014, Flash short, "No despair is equal to the color white" in A New Ulster #26.

November 29, 2014, poem, "Gay and Straight and Made to Wait", in San Gabriel Valley Poetry Quarterly #64.

November 29, 2014, short story, "Micky and Micky" in The Fifth Di...

November 23, 2014, Flash short, "Mantra for a Loser" in Crab Fat Literary Magazine.

November 20, 2014, Flash short, "Accelerated Office" at MadHat Lit.

November 20, 2014, essay, "Starbucks is the New McDonald's" in Dirty Chai, Issue Four: Love Child.

November 16, 2014, podcast, "On a Train with a Coyote Ghost."

November 13, 2014, short theater piece, "FINAL MONOLOGUE" in POPLORISH, Fall 2014 issue.

November 4, 2014, flash short, "Stone Woman" in Apex Magazine #66.

November 1, 2014, short story, "On a Train with a Coyote Ghost" in Third Flatiron anthology "Abbreviated Epics."

November 1, 2014, poem, "Coming to you" in Right Hand Pointing, #80.

October 2014, "Tin Foil", reprint, in The New Accelerator #1.

October 2014, poem, "Breaking Chimes Made of Plastic Enunciate This Terror, Beauty" in Harbinger Asylum.

October 29, 2014, flash short, "The Voice in the Cave" at Apocrypha & Abstractions.

October 27, 2014, poem, "Salesman" in 1947 Journal.

October 21, 2014, essay, "Books and Hierarchical Mammals" in Quail Bell.

October 21, 2014, Poetry Chapbook, "Telegrams from X County" From White Knuckle Press.

October 15, 2014, poem, "In Love Again" in The Bicycle Review #30.

October 9, 2014, short story, "The Principal's Office" in Scrutiny Journal.

October 1, 2014, flash short, "First Date" in The Bitchin' Kitsch.

September 26, 2014, short story, "Castle North" in anthology "Whispers from the Past" from North 2 South Press.

September 12, 2014, short story, "Full Fathom Five on Chemical Freedom" in Perihelion SF.

September 9, 2014, short story, "Halloween in East Hampton" in LA HWA Anthology edited by Kate Jonez.

September 2, 2014, poem, "Into the Lake, the Sky (and my Eyes)" in 1947 journal.

September 1, 2014, poem, "When I Come Back from the Future" in Right Hand Pointing #78.

September 2014, poems, "I Conceal What I Reveal" and "Your Sins Regarding Beefcake" in Festival Writer.

August 2014, short story, "Airship" in Meat for Tea: The Valley Review, Vol. 8, Issue 2, "Rose Hip."

August 31, 2014, poetry chapbook, "A Picnic in England" from Gypsy Daughter.

August 18, 2014, flash fiction, "A Ship in Darkness" at Muzzleland Press.

August 5, 2014, poem, "Sell Me a Democracy" performed at Chapman University.

August 3, 2014, flash fiction, "Working" in Two Words For.

July 2014, poem, "I believe in your anus" in Proliferate #5.

July 29, 2014, short story, "Broadcast" in Psychopomp, Volume 7. From Artifice Comics.

July 26, 2014, Short story, "Random House" in Schlock Magazine.

July 25, 2014, "Thunder Bay," flash short, reprint, in Blood Red Shadows anthology "Night to Dawn #26."

July 9, 2014, poem, "Idem et Idem" in the HWA Poetry Showcase.

July 4, 2014, short story, "The Three Child Law" at Domain SF.

Summer 2014, Flash short, "Sally Isham's Dreams" from Transition Magazine.

Summer 2014, poems, "My scanner is good" and "My scanner is more than good" in Star*Line magazine #37.3.

June 27, 2014, short story, "Aunt Margarete" in Dead But Dreaming magazine, issue #2.

June 20, 2014, short story, "San Vicente" in Flapperhouse #2.

June 18, 2014, flash short, "Confessions in Echo Park" in riverbabble #25.

June 7, 2014, short story, "Watching the Skies" from Third Flatiron.

June 6, 2014, flash short, "Death, and other Revelations" in the Whitefish Review #15.

June 4, 2014, poem, "Spring Coming" in Potluck Magazine.

June 1, 2014, short story, "The City of the Wren" in Wicked Words Quarterly. & reprinted in anthology 'The Asylum Within' from Miskatonic Press, Summer 2014.

May 31, poem, "The Burden is the Sky But the Animal is Free" in Right Hand Pointing.

May 21, 2014, short story "Open Your Eye," in anthology 'Darkness Internal' from Voluted Tales.

May 2014, flash short, "Spiced Coffee" in Punchnel's.

May 2014, short erotica, "She lives next to the Baldwins" at IN MY BED Magazine's 'Sex toys' issue.

May 7, 2014, poem, "Echo Park" in Calliope Art & Literary Magazine.

Spring 2014, "Love at California in Me, or Me at California in Love," poems, in Stone Path Review.

Spring 2014, Poem, "I'm gonna take you on the night away" in Poetry Quarterly.

April 21, 2014, Flash short, "Victoriana" in Apocrypha & Abstractions.

April 13, 2014, Flash short, "Under a veridian sky" in Phantasmacore.

April 8, 2014, Flash, "The Cowboy and the Witch" in Quail Bell Magazine.

March 28, 2014, poem, "Writer Science" in East Coast Literary Review.

March 28, 2014, Flash short, "The Mexican," in Punchnels.

March 18, 2014, Short story, "Long Take" in Cactus Heart.

March 10, 2014, flash short, "The Caterpillars" in Black Heart Magazine.

February 25, 2014, poem, "Orange County" in Egg Poetry.

February 23, 2014, Short story, "The Emilies" in Tincture Journal, Issue Five.

February 1, 2014, poem, "Learning Darkness" at Kalkion.

February 2014, review of Howie Good's micro-chapbook, "Obscure Signs of Progress" in LAROLA #6.

Jan 30. 2014, Poems, "Matter and Sky" "Electric " 'On the Day When the President Declared You A Person of Interest" "Dancing" "jesus v superman," at, Issue 45.

January 27, 2014, Flash short, "Anarcho-Syndacalist" in Apocrypha & Abstractions.

January 25, 2014, Short story "Fire Dancer" in anthology 'Shadows of a Fading World' from Long Count Press.

January 23, 2014, Poem, "ARCHIVE ONE" in MacroMicroCosm Art & Literary Journal.

January 22, 2014, poem, "Santa" in anthology 'Conversations with a Christmas Bulb' from Kind of a Hurricane Press.

January 17, 2014, Flash shorts "Knockers" and "The Plastic Woman" in The Mad Hatters' Review.

January 4, 2014, Poem, "Night School" in Cahoodaloodling.

January 2014, Poem, "Some Texas Winter" from Right Hand Pointing #71.

January 2014, Flash short, "Fey," in Infernal Ink Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 1.

January 2014, Short story, "The Judges of Nassau, California" in Rhubarb Magazine, #34.

January 2014, short story, "Under the Color of Mars" at Perihelion SF.

2013 Credits

December 26, 2013, Short story, "The Liberation," in Exterminating Angel Press: the magazine.

December 13, 2013, Flash short, "Google Translate in a New Century" in Colours Journal.

December 8, 2013, Flash short, "Love and Transformation" at

December 2, 2013, Flash short "Brothers" in the Journal of Experimental Fiction #50, edited by Eckhard Gerdes.

December 2, 2013, Prose Poem, "Fuck Whitey House" in Punchnel's.

November 28, 2013, Prose Poem, reprint, "To Iowa" in collection "Bare Minimum" from cc&d magazine.

November 27, 2013, Short story, "Our Lady of Pain" in anthology "Ruined Cities" from Deepwood Publishing.

November 19, 2013, Prose poem, "Falstaff in Indiana" in Indiana Horror Review Anthology from James Ward Kirk Publishing.

November 13, 2013, Poetry Chapbook, "Drive Thru Poems." From White Knuckle Press.

November 10, 2013, Flash short, "Survivor," in anthology "Dark Side of the Moon: Song Stories, Vol. 2", edited by Wakefield Mahon.

November 4, 2013, Flash short, "Man in Green" in the Curbside Splendor monthly e-zine.

November 1, 2013, poem, "Independence" in Skive magazine.

Fall 2013, Poem, "The Galactic Trader" in The Subterranean Quarterly.

October 27, 2013, Poem, "Man and Woman" in Garbanzo Literary Journal #3. Book trailer for the issue here.

October 21, 2013, Flash short, "Pontchardon" in Wolf Willow Journal from Fish Creek Press.

October 13, 2013, Short Story, "Catches Burning" in The WiFiles.

October 2013: Short Story, "Ice" in Postscripts to Darkness #4.
Nominated for a 2014 Pushcart Prize.

October 2013, 3rd Quarter Honorable Mention, Writers of the Future Contest, short story "Vengeance in Men."

October 2013, poem, "Arrival in the city" in Streetcake Magazine.

October 2013, Epigraph Magazine, Issue 4, Poem, "Tzche"

August 1, 2013, Poem, "Love Poem," in Kenning Journal, Issue 3.

July 26, 2013, Short Story, "Neil Clarke," in Gothic City Press anthology Clerics, Charlatans, and Cultists.

Summer 2013, Short story, "Theater Academy," in Glint Literary Journal.

Summer 2013, Essay, "Disability Leadership" in Breath & Shadow.

August 2013, Flash fiction, "Boy on My Shoulders," Reprint, in Ascent Aspirations, Volume 17, Number 8.

August 2013, Essay, "Identity Politics 101" in LAROLA, Issue 4.

July 2013, Short Story, "Fair" in anthology "Noir Carnival" from Fox Spirit Books.

July 2013, Poem, "A Month in the Black Temple" in Full of Crow.

Summer 2013, Poems, "Von Neumann Drone" and "Defender" in Arsenic Lobster.

Summer 2013, Short Story, "Travelers in the Levant," in Perihelion.

Summer 2013, Short story, "Ekstasisî in Exaggerated Press anthology "Wordland 3: What they saw in the sky."

Summer 2013, Poem, "Outside Amarillo" in Texas Poetry Calendar 2014, from Dos Gatos Press.

Summer 2013, Poem, "Helmet" at Poet's Haven.

June 27, 2013, Flash fiction, "LA SNL" in Apocrypha & Abstractions.

June 10, 2013, poem, "Newcomers" in The Blue Hour Magazine.

June 2013, Poem "After Calculus," in Imaginaire Magazine, #3.

June 2013, Prose poem, "Address to the Science Fiction Convention" in Scareship.

June 2013, Novella, "Hands and Grater" in steampunk compilation Once Upon a Clockwork Tale from Echelon Press.

May 2013, Flash short "Love Unto the Dog Star," in The Story Shack.

May 2013, Short Story, "Integration," reprint. In Beorh Quarterly.

May 24, 2013, Short story, "L.A. Actors" in The Tomorrow Project / Arc.

May 2013, Short story, "The Dream of a Rat" in Yellow Medicine Review, Spring 2013.

May 2013, Short Story, "Inside the Crown," in The Night Land.

May 2013, short story, "Love by the Wall" in Litro Magazine.

April 2013, Short Story, "The Wizard" in Phantasmacore.

April 2013, Short story, "Last Friday" in The Zodiac Review.

April 19, 2013, Poem, "Straight Shot West" in Vine Leaves Literary Journal, Issue #6.

April 18, 2013, Flash short, "Fire Me Down, Father" in Miscellanea: the Transdimensional Library.

April 11, 2013, Poem, "To Emily, #2" in Words & Images, 2013 Issue.

April 8, 2013, Flash fiction, "Gate Painter" in Fuck Fiction.

April 2013, Poem, "Vegas Hovers like a Wet Dream," in Bohemia Magazine.

April 2013, Prose, "Southland" in Yorick Magazine.

April 2013, Essay, "The Cruelty of Michael Cisco" in The Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles, Issue 3.

April 2013, Poem, "March" in Right Hand Pointing.

Spring 2013, Short Story, "Tin Foil," in Solarcide.

Spring 2013, Flash short, "Thunder Bay" in Morpheus Tales Apocalypse Special Issue.

March 16, 2013: Poem "Persian Blood" in anthology Suffer Eternal
from Horrified Press.

March 15, 2013, Short Story, "Winter Month" in The Summerset Review.

March 15, 2013, Flash short, "Adjunct" in Ibexian Magazine.

March 2013, Short Story, "Son and Woman." Smashwords.

March 2013, Poems, "To Iowa, #2" and "3 a.m. wisdom," in
Viral Cat.

March 2013: Short story "Master Donne" in compilation Universe Horribilis from Third Flatiron.

March 2013, 2 flash shorts, "Apocrypha", and "Clean Up" in
Apocrypha and Abstractions.

March 2013, Poems "Television Sky, America, 2012" and "The Tree in My Head" in The Rampallian, Volume 1, Winter 2013.

February 28, 2013, Flash short, "Last Night in L.A." in Farther Stars Than These.

February 23, 2013, Poem, "Stele," in Epigraph Magazine, Issue 2.

February 20, 2013, Poems, "Visitor," "Transmitter" and "Love at Albemuth" in UFO Gigolo.

February 2013, Short Story, "The Isis" in Outside In Magazine.

February 2013, Short Story, "The Garbage Collector's Tale" in Fried Ficton.

February 2013, Flash Short "Pioneer," in Bewildering Stories, Issue 513.

February 2013, Flash short, "Will," in Yellow Mama.

January 2013: Poem, "Butterfly" in Right Hand Pointing, Issue 59.

January 2013, Flash Short "Boy on My Shoulders," in Punchnel's.

January 2013, Poem, "Translate," in Short, Fast and Deadly,
Nov/Dec 2012 issue, page 38.

January 2013: Poem, "To Iowa" in Children, Churches and Daddies.

January 2013, Flash short, "Integration," in Thick Jam.

2012 Credits

December 2012: Flash Short, "Joy" in 101 Fiction.

December 2012, Poem, "The Aesthetic Response" in The Barefoot Review, Winter 2012 issue.

December 2012: Short Story, "Master's Degree" in See Spot Run.

December 2012: Short Story, "Neolithic Woman" in Unlikely Stories.

December 2012: Short Story, "The Great American Novel, Chapter One" in Gone Lawn, Issue 9.

November 2012: Short story "Biometrics" in Linguistic Erosion.

November 2012: Short story "It's Not Over Yet" in collection Erz‰hlungen from Danse Macabre.

November 2012: Short Story, "A Thousand Soccer Moms Orbit Your Earth," in Anastomoo.

November 2012: Short story "The City Underneath" in collection For When The Veil Drops from West Pigeon Press.

November 2012: Short story, "Panhandling" in Atticus Review.

November 2012: Short Story, "Approaching," in Drunk Monkeys.

April 2012: Short story "I am a Whale" in compilation Tall Tales with Short Cocks from Bizarro Press.

February 2012 : short story "The Transcriptionist" in the journal Scissors and Spackle.

Earlier Credits

2006: short story "Some November" in Foliate Oak Vol. 5 Issue 1.

July 2005: short story "Edge" pgs 34-36, in The Writers Post Journal.

2003: article "The Generative Edge." Foundation 87 (2003): 73-93.

May 2002: poem "Rudderless Wingman on the Cycorps Arcology" in collected volume In Our Own Words: A Generation Defining Itself (Volume 4). Marlow Peerse Weaver, editor.


      Healdsburg, CA. Chalk Hill Artist Residency.
January 18, 2016.