Friday 11 January 2013

21 Secrets are out of the bag

21 Secrets is now on sale for $59

This is an on-line self guided, art journaling workshop where you will learn from 21 amazing teachers. Each workshop will include at least one video, a pdf file, downloadable, and a discussion section.

It runs from April 1, 2013 through to January 1, 2014
All classes are available any time of day, any day of the week, between the dates above.  

Here are the fabulous teachers

For more details click HERE

I would love to see you there. 

Saturday 5 January 2013

Heatwave = sun = sun printing

We've been having heatwave conditions across the southern states of Australia. Yesterday was 41deg c here. Lots of sun means sun printing takes place, although the high temperatures usually mean strong northerly winds, which aren't always helpful when trying to anchor stencils onto fabric. Hot winds also mean bush fires, the dreaded part of summer. I hope all of our friends in Tassie are staying safe.

I use my own hand cut stencils and masks as well as commercial stencils.
These fabrics will be used in my journals. I cut them up and free motion stitch around the shapes, then add them to fabric pages or covers.

Thanks again to everyone who takes the time to visit and comment and also for the great response I've had to my Facebook page and to all of the likes. I truly appreciate each and everyone of you.

I'll also be teaching an on-line glass with the fabulous 21 Secrets group in April.
Click HERE for details

Thursday 3 January 2013

Happy New Year

I can't believe how quickly Christmas came and went.
It's January already. I'd like to wish everyone a 


We spent a few days over the new year with friends in Daylesford, a lovely little arty town in central Victoria. The weather was glorious. We visited a beautiful lavender farm 'Lavendula' in Hepburn. I've been there many times and back in the days when I painted, mainly in pastels, Lavendula was one of my favourite subjects. It's a little like being in France or Italy.

This is the original stone house on the property

another building converted into a cafe-restaurant

this old stone building houses the shop and museum, when you enter, the heady fragrance of lavender delights the senses.

the veggie garden had a magnificent display of artichokes

the colour was so intense, I took this photo in the shade to try and show their true blue/purple

there are rows and rows of many types of lavenders, all alive with busy bees.
the property is on quite a few acres and is a great attraction for overseas visitors.

this is the completed journal that was going into my Etsy shop, it didn't quite make it, it's now on it's way to WA, thank you Kerry.

I have more of my work on my Facebook page HERE

Tuesday 18 December 2012

New Journal

I sold my last journal on Etsy and have been busy putting another one together. 
How my Journals evolve
It almost becomes an obsession, snipping fabric patches, matching colours, hand stitching and then finding papers with colours to compliment the fabrics. I usually spend a day just decorating the papers, this usually gives me enough pages for around four journals. I also make other pages from recycled books, hand made papers, cartridge or water colour papers that I've decorated, anything that might add interest. The journals seem to take on a mind of their own as I sew scraps shaped into trees or flowers. Old envelopes become backgrounds for my hand drawn graphics. Paint swatch names match colours and themes. Buttons adorn the pages, old dyed doilies become pages in their own right. Prints of my art are often stitched to fabric, broken jewellery may also find a place on a page, the layers just keep building up until they finally scream STOP .
The whole thing is then bound into a cover which I've also created from fabric or my hand made felt, they are then ready to go out into the world and take on someone else's creative process. 

Gosh I've rabbited on a bit.

this page is all hand stitched

hand dyed fabric, lace and doily.

decorated papers, hand drawn graphics on recycled envelopes

the cover in progress, the poppy seed head is sun printed and hand and machine stitched

the pages ready to be sewn into the cover when it's finished.
this journal will be a smaller one with a single signature

Again thanks for visiting and for your lovely comments. 
I now have a special Facebook page that shows my work HERE. I would really appreciate it
if you might check it out and tick 'like', it helps promote my work.
A big THANK YOU in anticipation. 

Wishing you all a
Wonderful Festive Season
and please take care.

Monday 10 December 2012

New journal on Etsy

I've finally completed another journal which is now in my Etsy shop. This is slightly smaller dimension wise than my usual journals, hence the slightly cheaper price. It still has 120 pages in fabric and papers.
Following are just some of the pages.

the cover and spine

overall view

Thanks for visiting and for your encouragement re my up coming on-line workshop HERE

I hope all of your Christmas and Holiday plans are running smoothly. Back soon.

Friday 7 December 2012

On-Line class 21 SECRETS 2013

I'm really happy to announce that I'll be teaching an on-line class in 2013 in Connie's fabulous 21 SECRETS art journaling workshop. It's a great honour to join such a wonderful group of other teachers on this amazing journey.

Registration opens soon but if you click HERE you'll be able to find out who the teachers are. The class details will be coming soon.

I'd love you to join me and the others on this wonderful venture.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Jewellery and journals

I've been busy adding some more things to my Etsy shop. Necklaces, felt brooches and another stamp. I'm also working on some smaller journals to add, hopefully by the weekend.

Our weather has been crazy of late, it reached 40deg C last Thursday, it's been 15deg C in the hills today with snow in the mountains, then it's going to be 37deg C on Saturday and 20deg C on Sunday, variety's certainly the spice of life, you have to be tough to live in Melbourne.

This necklace made from vintage fabric is in my Etsy now, it's so light to wear being fabric.

This one is in there too, it features hand drilled and eyeleted beach glass, it's very feminine.

Hand felted Lollipop tree brooch No. 1

Hand felted Lollipop tree brooch No 2

Hand felted Lollipop tree brooch No 3

These are all in my shop now.

I've also added another hand carved stamp

Above and below, fabric and paper pages waiting to be turned into smaller journals.

Thanks again for all of your lovely comments and for visiting my blog.
Happy creating.