Sunday, September 23, 2012

Romney Ruins October Surprise

Or whenever else the globe-kickers thought they would run this false flag:

"Romney also highlighted the need to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, but he did it in a different way from what he does on the campaign trail. “If I were Iran — a crazed fanatic — I’d say let’s get a little fissile material to Hezbollah, have them carry it to Chicago or some other place.”

And Obama isn't even paying attention:

"In recent days, critics have assailed Obama for not paying enough attention to intelligence briefings. Obama receives the presidential daily briefing in writing every day but does not always sit down with intelligence briefers for an oral presentation as President George W. Bush did. Critics like former vice president Dick Cheney said it indicated an inattention to a dangerous world."   

And just how was your attention span over the years, Dick?

Well, so much for something like this to be blamed on them. 

Yeah, turns out Muslims didn't do 9/11; Israel and her helpers in various western governments and intelligence agencies did.  

"These are the people who stood in the hills above Gaza, with their cocktails and binoculars and cheered Operation Cast Lead. These are the people who supported that genocide by a 94% majority. These are the people who slander others with the claims of behavior that they practice. These are the false fag aficionados, who engineered the 9/11 attacks. This site is down again but it will be back. It will keep coming back. I will keep coming back. Others will keep coming back, cue Chumbawamba."

That's straight from the mountaintop.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Am I Too Angry?

After six years here having seen what I've seen? No.

Another American's journey:

"....  a key energy source powering my writing:  Anger.   
I'll admit that I can be an angry person.  Maybe it goes back to my childhood - maybe I'm over-sensitive - maybe it's my fault.  I don't care.  I don't want it to go away - in fact - as I look around at my fellow "citizens'" reactions to the abuses of power by their out-of-control government I progress from angry to furious - very fast.   
I am aware that anger is viewed as a character flaw - a state of mind demonstrative of a person not in control of their emotions.  An angry person, according to many experts, can easily be portrayed as "crazy" - "out of control" or "unpredictable."  Angry guys like me are tagged by the propagandists as "dangerous" and "threatening" or in extreme examples "terrorists."  
You, my cherished reader, may not be a naturally angry person as am I.  I admire that - a little - but with each passing day I become more and more concerned that maybe something isn't wrong with me - but maybe something is wrong with you.  Where is your anger?  
Have you heard the term "Anger Management?  I'll take a crack at the meaning of this buzz-phrase:  Anger management is the self-imposed ability to ignore murder, tyranny, government lies, war for profit, pollution or dulling of children's minds, out-of-control corporate propaganda machines, traitorous politicians, predatory corporations, crooked bankers, Israeli-firsters posing as American political leaders, gun-grabbers, TSA gropers, thug police - the list goes on and on and on.  I'm sure you can add many to the list.
Do you practice anger management with each passing day as the criminals burrowed into our government release the next BOHICA moment?  Do you feel that boiling face-reddening pressure build as you prepare to eat the next sh#t sandwich from the government leeches that you must pay more taxes for the privilege to arm more military and police officials so they can turn their guns on you.  Do you pride yourself in your ability to stand still without flinching as the next knife-in-the-back stab from our "representatives" plunges in the form of another war we don't need, staged terror attack we must surrender our rights for - manufactured crisis we must sacrifice for - idiotic law we must obey - abuse we must endure -    
I have to ask - why aren't more of you angry?  And if you are angry - why aren't more of you using that anger as a hint from nature - a clue - a motivator - to speak up, stand up - whatever?
Apologies are in order for those reading this already involved in our new enlightenment - but what about the rest?  Who am I talking about?


Oh, I like his style.

Israel Didn't Win One Medal at Olympics

Not even a bronze.  So much for Jewish supremacism.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Israel to Nuke Olympics' Closing Ceremonies

Imminent terror attack on London? 

Would the 2012 London Olympic Games experience another 9/11?*

the Westfield company has a considerable talent for attracting terrorist attacks.... 

Update: London brings down the curtain

Mission accomplished, false flag terror averted. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bloody Murder Being Prepared For British Olympics

I heard there were gaps in security. I heard Syria was going to arm Al-CIA-Duh with some sarin gas for the London tube. Or maybe it will be some biological agent. Or maybe it will be Iran giving CIA-Duh operatives from Pakistan a nuclear bomb.  Whatever it is going to be the MOUTHPIECE MEDIA is already laying the groundwork for their next STAGED and SCRIPTED production!  

Update: Israel blames Iran for Bulgarian bus blast that killed 3

Oh, ANOTHER FALSE FLAG ATTACK with the finger instantly pointed at Iran! Rivero is right: these guys are desperate beyond belief to ignite a third world war. The knew paradigm is radical Islamic extremism = western intelligence operation, and the world won't be fooled again.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm Baaaaaaa.....

Not really, not yet, but I will be. I better have a hell of an explanation, right?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Work is Done

Especially when I can't edit. Six fucking years was long enough. Oh, I got my cursor back! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Blog is Broken

 Update (10:30) back to the same old shit. Can't space, can't edit, can't do anything.

See what I mean? Spacing is all f**8ed up. I guess you guys got what you wanted. Truth is, after six long fucking years of futility I was tired of doing this. Everything I set out to prevent has or is coming to pass, so fuck you American people.  I was going to write a post saying I failed you, but the truth is you have failed me.  Your apathetic and willful ignorance has allowed it all, and you are going to be getting what you deserve. You have no idea the pin that awaits you. a (I tried to enter that a between the p and the i and you see where it landed)

Been going on for a week now. Might be able to get an article or two copied into a draft, but an't edit it after saving and closing. can't ev

Update (6:19): Now they work.

Update (6:49): works here, not at my other blog, otherwise thought of as the Obama years.  Go f***ing figure.

Update (9:36): still works here, not at other site.

Update (10:51): now the cursor works. Whatever.

11:00 check.  I'm done. Fuck this.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Philly Fireworks on the Fourth of July



Symbology is very important.

Philadelphia was the American nation’s first capital and still possesses bragging rights as the ‘Birthplace of Independence’.

Additionally, the city hosted both the First & Second Constitutional Congresses, and later the Constitutional Convention that followed the Revolutionary War. The Declaration of Independence was signed here for pete’s sake. The first presidential mansion (George Washington’s) of course was here as well. Everywhere one looks there are constant reminders and references to Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, William Penn, Betsy Ross, etc., etc.

What target to better stir up and conflagrate the emotions of horror, despondency, disgust, pride & vengeance than the city of Brotherly Love under attack?

However, Philadelphia is also a city that has been beset with MAJOR ‘Urban Decay’ problems in recent years, even more so if one includes the Greater Philadelphia metro area, and in particular the semi-ghost towns of Camden and Chester just next-door, two of the most violent places in all of North America.

In terms of financial and cultural liabilities (as viewed through the eyes & minds of the wealthy elite), only Detroit, Baltimore and possibly St. Louis rank anywhere near Greater Philadelphia, as comparable urban wastelands of similar size.

Like the other cities just mentioned, Philadelphia has seen a steady population decrease over the last half-century, as well. This scarred old metropolis in fact has lost roughly a quarter of its population during that period.

Well, actually, it’s mostly just the White folks who’ve left en masse. Percentage wise, the Black and Hispanic populations have increased significantly over the same period. Even the Asian presence in the city has risen from virtually zero in 1970 to the now statistically relevant figure of 6.5%. The great White exodus though, has impressively matched the overall drop step by step, Whites accounting for 65% of the population in 1970 but just barely 40% in 2010.

It should also be worth mentioning that in recent years, and perhaps partially due to the demographics cited above, Philadelphia has become one of the ‘bluest’ cities in America. Indeed it is today veritably a ‘liberal’ bastion, somewhat analagous to an East Coast version of San Francisco. Barely 12% of the registered voting public now are still affiliated with the Republic Party.

Geography is important as well here, and access to the city (for a team of ne’er-do-wells) would be child’s play. Not only is Philadelphia situated amidst a veritable phalanx of freeways smack in the middle of the ‘Eastern Seaboard’ (only about 100 miles separates it from the large cities of New York & Baltimore, and only a little more to Washington DC), but the Delaware River leads directly from the Atlantic Ocean (similarly about 100 miles to the southeast) right up tothe city’s doorstep. While not big enough to accomodate giant ocean freighters or larger warships, the Delaware is still navigable for medium and smaller ships, and at least as importantly, would provide a rather effortless causeway for SUBMARINES (particularly suited for a hasty, yet stealthy, getaway). 


Well, part of the answer to this should be obvious to everyone. The fourth of July IS American Independence Day.

The City of Independence + the Day of Independence = Patriotic Jackpot.

But why THIS July 4th?

Well among other reasons*, the Occupy (Wall Street) Movement decided, way back last October, that it would hold a National General Assembly in Philadelphia on July 4, 2012. Yes, this is a rather transparent, though serious effort to correlate the gathering with the Constitutional Congresses and Conventions of two centuries ago. ‘Fiendishly’, the OWS group is going to ‘outrageously’ call for the reversal of the Citizens United ruling; revamped tax codes; single-payer Medicare for everyone (instead of the mandated insurance program known as Obamacare); and preventing both elected and appointed officials from ever working for the corporations they’re supposed to regulate, etc. etc. You know, ‘radical stuff’.

In a best-case scenario for them however (and worst case for the moneyed interests), this could ultimately serve as the LEGAL impetus and justification needed to push the movement towards a significantly more equitable and just society.

But again, simply the enduring presence of this potentially very significant Threat to the Pirate Capitalist Feudalism that is in power is merely one of several reasons that make the timing (and place) so important.*

Irregardless, 8 1/2 months will have been more than enough time for the ZIO-CON Black Ops Teams to have things ready and all put into place. 


What, are you kidding?

In one fell swoop, perhaps with a strategically placed mini-nuclear device near Independence Hall itself, Patriotic Fervor would be unleashed on an almost unbelievable scale.

As the initial fallout of the ‘attack’, you will see a nearly instantaneous wholescale invasion of Iran.
Even Russia and China, who both count Iran as a strategic trading partner, if not an actual ally, would dare not raise even a murmur after such a brutal ‘assault’ was neatly found to implicate the ‘land of the Ayatollahs’ (and Aryans too, but that’s another story).

Secondly, the Occupy movement will play the role of the ideal patsy facilitators: ‘Why, it was their flagrant anti-patriotism and callous attacks upon America’s cherished institutions (the banks?) that served as the conduit for this action!’

The two will be equated again and again by the evening puppetry spectacle that passes as televised news, until they are inseparable in peoples minds. ‘Opposition I-S Terrorism’, in ANY FORM. Get it?

Needless to say,  shortly thereafter you will then see the wiping out of dissent all across the land, and very likely not only in this country. The closest allies, Canada, England, Australia, etc., should soon follow suit.

Gone will be the ‘free’ internet as you’ve come to know it. Ditto the taken-for-granted ability to assemble and congregate. Say sayonara to speech and press as well, of course. Freedom of movement will not be overlooked either. You WANT to go to Dallas? You will be required to purchase, and then have approved, a special travel permit (just as certain big-rig drivers are obliged to do even today).

Don’t like the NDAA laws that Obama just signed, but secretly hope they’ll only be used for renegade ‘bad Americans’ in places like Yemen? Just wait until it is instituted VERY thoroughly in even the smallest communities in the country. Ever belong to the Green Party or attend an Ecumenical Council on Human Rights seminar? You will be on a ‘rancheria’ in Nevada or Montana in no time.

CHANGE WILL certainly be upon us.... 


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Where Are We, America?

You can be forgiven for wondering where I've been. 

Given the election results in Wisconsin, Greece, and other places I would say reaching for number 5 (frown).

"The Five Boxes of Liberty
  1. The Moving Box—right of association, in particular territorially via migration
  2. The Soap Box—right of free speech
  3. The Ballot Box—right to a voice in your government
  4. The Jury Box—right to a trial by jury of your peers
  5. The Ammunition Box—right to threaten or use appropriate violence in self-defense

And as we all know "those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

It's what I've spent six years here trying to prevent.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Broken Records

I could listen to them over and over again:

"Our intelligence agencies are mafias.  They publicly push for torture and murder of human beings without trial.  Our corporate-owned media acts as their loudspeaker.  Our judges, lawyers, and police masquerade as servants paid with our tax money to serve and protect - as they do nothing to stop the looting of the public, the obscenely slanted "justice" system, the police brutality and in many cases murder of innocents.  Our military are simply Pavlovian-controlled dogs - obeying commands without the slightest nod toward their humanity - their oath to uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic - without regards for the lives they've taken and ruined forever - under orders given by psychopathic traitors.


"If we are ever going to seriously address the problems confronting not only the Palestinians, but all of humanity, we are going to have to openly and honestly discuss Jewish power, Jewish supremacism, and Jewish identity.


"Some things you can infer with no great degree of difficulty. We also know that many members of Congress are either blackmailed or financially leveraged by the global control, Tribe machine. We know they killed Kennedy for going after the Federal Reserve. We know they were the primary and enduring cause of the Bolshevik Revolution and the perpetrators of the murderous policies that came out of it. This last we can prove. The rest we can infer from 'the duck equation'. There are other, 'monstrous lies', which we can also prove to be lies. We can prove them as comprehensively and easily as the Bolshevik Revolution; just as easily as we can prove who was behind the Afghanistan, Iraqi and Libyan wars and who is pushing to destroy Syria and Iran. We can prove them just as easily as we can prove who did 9/11 and we can infer about 7/7 and The Madrid Train Station bombings, with all sorts of direct and corollary evidence.


"Think about it, these psychopaths murder hundreds of thousands, millions... and they don't bat an eye. In most cases they do it simply to advance business interests. These lives are nothing more than numbers on documents. Far more people have been killed by the sweep of a fountain pen than by any other instrument on Earth. Reasonable men and women in suits, have lunch and talk about world hunger, while discussing how best to apply it. They have lunch and discuss the destruction of countries and their inhabitants, because these countries possess resources that they want. They do this, without a flicker of concern, for the outcome of their efforts in making these things happen. They move right on to the next thing. They blind people in Bhopal. They poison the residents of The Gulf of Mexico. They spread depleted uranium, like hellish fertilizer, across vast landscapes and then wait for the fruits of their industry to sprout in terrible and lasting ways. They do these things.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Concert Over?

The writer captures the way I have felt for a while after five long years of blogging:

"A Citizen wonders

I wonder about a lot of things -maybe too many.  One of the things I wonder about is war.

Those involved in the run-up to war with Iran are people I will not suffer.

We've all heard reports from un- named sources regarding the recent panic for war with Iran - I've not bought the bullshit - I hope you have not.

It's all fake my friends.

Fake from the start.  Fake based on previous trumped-up allegations that lead the US into the last two wastes of time, human lives and ....this is the important part to you immoral pukes - money.

America is wasting away - and the wars based on lies are one of the mainstreet avenues the country is taking on the way to hell paved with phony "good intentions."

We are sitting ducks - victims of a corrupt bought-and-paid-for lying GEetc... corporate media - just sitting here awaiting the next bombs to drop - and turn innocent men, women, and children into hamburger.  I hope you - reader - are comfortable with this.  I'm not.

There is not much to say, or write, these days, since it is common knowledge that the US FEderal government is corrupt, the elections are stolen, and the will of We The People goes ignored.

We all know that there is no hope for a legal solution to the mess we are in.  By "legal" I mean "consistient with the US Constitution."  The executive, judicial, and the bought-off houses are all lining their pockets with the loot - oblivious to the wasteland they leave behind  - for the rest of us to sort out, wallow in, and try to fix.

Our republic is under attack - from within - that means  - by elected and unelected "officials" at the highest levels - with the ability to influence the "rule of law" - to form the law - into any shape that suits their nefarious needs.

Population control.  Geoengineering.  911 Truth swept under the rug.  GM food funnelled down the throats of an already obese/dying electorate/population swilling this garbage unbenknowst to them - thanks to a  malfunctioned paid-for-by-the-same-crooks-selling-snake-oil media.

The project to meld America, Canada and Mexico - continues - unabated.

The project to inject you and yours with "vaccines" to "save" you continue - while the same filthy lying corpora-govt lets veterans starve in the streets - pretending to "care."  Why believe these monsters?

The wars for "democracy" overseas continue - selling the blood and bodies of your loved ones for no really good reason that can survive 5 minutes of intellectual interrogation.

No - we are supposed to continue this charade so the powers that be can continue thier agenda - free from questioning - free from the ballot box - free from protesters - yes - the perfect slave-state.

I wonder folks - when you will wake up.  I wonder when YOU will say ENOUGH!  I'm just not seeing it.

Recently, as a philosopher, I've been wondering if you all deserve slavery - since you are all willing to take it.  Slavery as a comfortable curled-up position as if it will last.  Slavery over Liberty - the stretched-out "fuck you!" attitude I've been accustomed to my entire life as an American.

There is no more sense in writing - I understand that - only in action.  I support all guerilla activities to make sure that stolen elections are outed.  I support all whistleblowers that can no longer watch the news tell thepublic the opposite of what is REALLY  going on.

I support anyone that supports the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence of the United States - and I support anyone opposing those in opposition to the above.

There is no good reason to murder an American citizen without due process - and many good reason NOT TO MURDER an American citizen WITH due process.


Where are the professors in this country - especially the JEWISH PROFESSORS - given the history of scapegoats in NAZI Germany?  Where the hell are you people?

In the meantime - maybe I should feather my nest, sandbag the house, stock ammo, buy non-perishable food and watch the tyrannical scum-fest about to befall the US - compliments of the sick and twisted Sheriffs, Police, and their "big-brother" fed "leaders" as they all must be followers - unable to understand that the ONLY purpose any of the serve is to protect the Constitutional rights of those living within their jurisdictions.

Yes - maybe it is time to knock off the writing - and just wait.  


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

They Lied!



Related: Iran, perceiving threat from West, willing to attack on U.S. soil, U.S. intelligence report finds

I happened to catch the first 5 minutes of the NBC Nightly News and this was the second story after the tonight's Florida primary.  


"Translation: "We're gonna blow up something fairly useless but of huge symbolic value, like the Super Bowl, the Golden Gate Bridge, or that badly cracked Washington Monument, and blame Iran for it to get this war rolling! " -- Official White Horse Souse" -- Wake the Flock Up

Where did they get this stuff? 

"Folks, please wake up and smell the humus: the US and English-speaking people of the world are getting "groomed" for a false flag attack against some US assets somewhere (possibly the Persian Gulf) to be blamed on Iran as the justification for a military attack against it.  It is painfully obvious that Haaretz' editorial staff believes that Americans are dumb enough to really believe that Iran would do such a thing.  Please remember: Iran hasn't started a war in over 200 years, and definitely since it became an Islamic Republic in 1979.  Also, Iran's leadership may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them. They full well know the kind of retaliation such an attack would bring from the US government.  So, thank you, Haaretz: thinking Americans aren't buying this one at all!!" -- Wake the Flock Up


Also see: What War with Iran Might Look Like

I'd say it should be avoided at all costs don't you, American?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Israeli Assassinations and American Presidents

"Israeli Assassinations and American Presidents

by , January 25, 2012

On Jan. 13 the Atlanta Jewish Times featured a column by its owner-publisher suggesting that Israel might someday need to “order a hit” on the president of the United States.

In the column, publisher Andrew Adler describes a scenario in which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu would need to “give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel.”

The purpose? So that the vice president could then take office and dictate U.S. policies that would help the Jewish state “obliterate its enemies.”

Adler wrote that it is highly likely that the idea “has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles.”

Numerous Jewish leaders quickly condemned Adler, who has now apologized for the column, resigned, and put the newspaper up for sale. An Israeli columnist noted that the hatred being stirred up against Obama is similar to conditions in Israel that led to the murder of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Jewish extremist.

Many of those criticizing Adler claim that he defamed Israel by suggesting that it would ever do such a thing. Abe Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), proclaimed: “There is absolutely no excuse, no justification, no rationalization for this kind of rhetoric. It doesn’t even belong in fiction.”

In reality, however, Adler’s expectation that Israel’s inner circles have explored such a course of action, and would be willing to undertake it, may be entirely accurate. The fact is that Israel has killed and plotted to assassinate people throughout the world; a number have been Americans. One alleged plot was chillingly similar to Adler’s suggestion.

There is evidence that in 1991 an Israeli undercover team planned to assassinate a U.S. president. The intended victim was George Herbert Walker Bush.

The first person to write of the plot was a former 11-term Republican congressman from Illinois, Paul Findley. In a 1992 article in the Washington Report for Middle East Affairs, Findley described the alleged scheme and how it was revealed.

Findley wrote that the U.S. Secret Service had received a warning that elements of Israel’s spy agency might target Bush when he went to Madrid for the opening day of the peace conference to be held that year.

According to Findley, a former Mossad agent named Victor Ostrovsky, who had written a book exposing Israel’s spy agency, told a group of Canadian parliamentarians that he had received secret intelligence suggesting that the “the Mossad’s hatred of Bush — and support for Vice President Dan Quayle — might lead to an attempt on the president’s life.”

Israel considered Quayle much closer to Israel than Bush. Bush had particularly angered Israel by attempting to pressure Israel into ending its illegal settlement expansion on confiscated Palestinian land by withholding loan guarantees until Israel ended this practice.

Findley wrote that Ostrovsky’s statements were relayed to Findley’s friend and former colleague Paul “Pete” McCloskey, a prominent former Republican congressman from California who had recently been named by Bush to the National and Community Service Commission.

McCloskey, a decorated Marine veteran and graduate of Stanford Law School who had at one time been considered a presidential contender, flew to Ottawa to debrief Ostrovsky in person and evaluate his information.

Findley reported that Ostrovsky told McCloskey that the Mossad wanted “to do everything possible to preserve a state of war between Israel and its neighbors, assassinating President Bush, if necessary.” Ostrovsky said that a PR campaign was already underway in both Israel and the United States to “prepare public acceptance of Dan Quayle as president.”

Convinced that Ostrovsky was legitimate and his information significant, McCloskey jumped on the next flight to Washington, where he reported Ostrovsky’s intelligence to the Secret Service and State Department.

The apparent plot never went forward, perhaps because Ostrovsky and McCloskey had given it away.

Ostrovsky gave more details about the plot two years later in his 1994 book, The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad’s Secret Agenda, published by HarperCollins.

In the book, Ostrovsky wrote that an extremist group within Mossad was responsible for the plan. He said they kept the plan secret from then–Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, though they believed that Shamir would have ordered such a hit himself if he hadn’t been constrained by politics. In the lead-up to Israel’s 1948 founding war, Shamir had headed up a terrorist group known for its assassinations.

In his review of Ostrovsky’s book, Ambassador Andrew Killgore, a retired career foreign service officer and publisher of the Washington Report, called the book an “insider’s probing exposé of some Middle East realities that have been hidden too long from all but Israeli eyes.”

Ostrovsky wrote that the Israelis planned a “false flag” operation, in which they would pin the assassination on Palestinians. They kidnapped three Palestinian militants from Beirut who were to be the scapegoats, took them to Israel’s Negev desert, and held them incommunicado.

“Meanwhile,” Killgore writes, “Mossad-generated threats on the president’s life, seemingly from Palestinians, were leaked. These were designed to throw suspicion on the organization of rogue Palestinian terrorist Abu Nidal. Names and descriptions of the three terrorists were leaked to Spanish police so that, if the plot was successful, blame would automatically fall on them.”

Ostrovsky reports that after the assassination plot was eventually canceled, the three Palestinian prisoners were “terminated.”

Targeting Americans

If the plot had gone forward, this would not have been the first time that Israel targeted Americans for death. Nor would it be the first false-flag operation.

• In 1954 the Mossad planned to firebomb American installations, libraries, and other gathering places in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood was to be blamed for the attacks, thus causing American animosity toward Egypt. An accidental early detonation of one of the devices caused the plot, known as the Lavon Affair, to unravel before it could kill or mutilate the intended Americans.

• In 1967 Israeli air and sea forces perpetrated an almost two-hour assault in which they tried to sink a U.S. Navy ship with a crew of 300. While the attack failed to sink the ship, it succeeded in killing 34 Americans and injuring 174. Some analysts have conjectured that this was also a false-flag operation; it is highly likely that Egypt would have been blamed for the attack if the ship had gone down.

• In 1973 Israeli fighter pilots were ordered to shoot down an unarmed U.S. reconnaissance plane (at the time the U.S. was delivering massive weaponry to Israel to prevent it from losing the “Yom Kippur War” with Egypt and Syria). While the Israelis were unable to reach the altitude of the U.S. plane, they did manage that same year to shoot down a civilian Libyan airliner that had strayed over Israeli territory, killing 104 men, women, and children. One was an American.

• In 1990 a Canadian-American scientist and father of seven, Gerald Bull, was assassinated in Belgium. All indications are that it was an Israeli Mossad hit team that drilled five bullets into the back of his head and neck. (Israel has assassinated a number of scientists of various nationalities. The most recent is a 32-year-old father of a young son from Iran.)

• In 2003 it came out that Israeli leaders had officially decided to undertake assassination operations on U.S. soil. An FBI spokesman, queried about the Israeli plans, said only: “This is a policy matter. We only enforce federal laws.”

• In recent years a growing number of American peace activists have been intentionally killed, maimed, and injured by Israeli forces, including 23-year-old Rachel Corrie, 21-year-old Brian Avery, 37-year-old Tristan Anderson, 21-year-old Emily Henochowicz, and 21-year-old Furkan Dogan.

All of this has been minimally reported in the U.S. press. While major news organizations from England to Israel to Australia covered the Jewish Times’ apparent endorsement of a possible Israeli assassination of a U.S. president, the scandal has been largely missing from U.S. media. Even Atlanta’s AP bureau inexplicably initially decided not to write a report on it, only finally sending out a story many days later.

Such news omissions concerning Israeli partisans are not rare. In 2004 a fanatic Israel loyalist wrote a letter saying that he was going to burn down Presbyterian churches while worshippers were inside (he was furious at the Presbyterian Church’s decision to divest from companies profiting from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestinian land). This grisly threat also received minimal media play.

Despite Israeli violence against Americans (even while American taxpayers have given far more of our tax money to Israel than to any other nation) American presidential candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul, continue to vie over who is most devoted to Israel.

It is ironic that Adler considers Obama so bad for Israel, given that Israeli analysts have rated him second only to Mitt Romney in his fidelity to Israel. And Obama has now released a seven-minute video that may catapult our first African-American president into first place in pandering to an apartheid nation.

Perhaps he’ll be safe from assassins.


Related: Jewish Times Newspaper Publisher Resigns After Writing Israel Should Consider Assassinating Obama 

Why hasn't he been arrested? If you or I made that comment we would be in a jail cell.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The War for Controlled Perception

"Managed Perception and the Nature of Central Banks

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Wars and rumors of wars are in the process, with Pakistan and Iran, as the linchpins to global upheaval and mass disorder. We are on the brink, with the central bankers and their minions, in various fields of play, set to give new meaning to the terms, mass murder, genocide and eugenics. They fouled up the works of global economy and now they want to eliminate the victims and witnesses, before the world en masse can rise up against them. This is a war against humanity, being waged by the few, from Tel Aviv, Washington D.C., London and Corfu, by way of Switzerland, Belgium and other loading zones, where the big trucks and lorries that carry the funds, are bound for the nations who need the money to engage in mutually assured destruction.

We hear a lot about overwhelming debt. We hear a lot about crushing economic conditions around the globe. What we never hear is who this debt is owed to, until we see massive bailouts being engineered by political tools and then we see that the money goes to banks; banks that are owned by hideous conglomerates like Goldman Sachs, Rothschild and the like. These people print money out of thin air and then loan it out. None of this is real. It's just managed perception. The world is in 'imagined' and manipulated crisis. All the industries that pump out all of the things that people buy are still there, or- in the case of America- can be there again. All of the buildings are still standing, except for the World Trade center buildings that were brought down by the same bankers, indirectly, through their operatives in Israel and the United States. All of the people are around, except for the ones murdered by the state. All of the transportation vehicles are still in operation. All of the utilities are still working. The entertainment (if you can call it that) industries are still going on about their business. Everything is as everything is, except for perception.

Non existent money is owed to the people who printed it. The value of the money is in danger because of wild-assed speculation through derivatives, hedge fund operations and people betting for and against anything and everything and also doing their best, through their agents, to make what they are betting for and against happen. The money is in trouble because of unbridled greed. The balance that keeps things in order has gone missing, as the consequence of all the money jumping into the overloaded pockets of bankers and those who work for them.

The solution is simple. Every country should tell the bankers to take a hike and crash and burn and new currencies should immediately be proffered, based on whatever it is people want to collectively consider valuable. The hoarded excesses of the manipulative and psychopathic overlords, should be wiped out in the interest of returning balance. Iceland should be the guidon and standard behind which all following nations should march. If you don't do it you are basically saying, “Go ahead and destroy me, I deserve it.”

Ruining the central banks doesn't have to amount to much except for the loss of their right to print counterfeit money and charge you interest on it, while in the process of enslaving you. Every country can nationalize their banks and kick the ancient and enduring ursurists out of the industry. Om Tat Sat-isfying. All this derivative nonsense is just fantasy paper. Wipe it out. Set it on fire. Turn it to ash. We're talking about a momentary hiccup in the stream of things. Where's Iceland at now? Why can't we all be Iceland? Just do it, as the commercial says and... isn't this what Occupy Wall Street is supposed to be all about?

War? Everyone who is sane should just walk away from their posts in all the aggressor nations. You're only working for the banks. You're not working for your country and look how your country treats you when you're done. Everyone working for a mendacious corporation, who still has any contact with their soul should either just walk away or gum up the works; silent revolutionaries on the march, everywhere around the world.

I do not believe that it has to go where it looks like it wants to go because 'it' doesn't want to. 'They' want it. The world does not operate or continue unless the people operate and continue. You're not getting any support from your leaders. They are all getting paid by the bank to oppress and rob you. It's a simple affair. All the complicated explanations are coming from the people who are employed by the banks. They work for your worst enemy, besides your own mind. The police and law enforcement are their private domestic army. Who is screeching for greater oppression? Who is screeching for war with Muslim nations? The simple and irrefutable answer is the Zionist mare's nest and their mouthpieces. Who owns 96% percent of the media, that is the information arm of world disinformation and perception control? The truth is anti-Semitic and those employing this heavy club of slander are not even Semitic, which is the whole point behind historical revisionism in the first place. Who is beating the war drums? That is irrefutably the Zionists and those employed by them. Who runs Homeland Security? That would be Joe Lieberman. Butch Napolitano and John Pistole work for him. Who owns the central banks? That would be the Zionists. This is why they set up the anti-Semitic knee jerk, reactive machine ahead of time to fend off critical reaction to what they are up to. It's very simple. It is not complicated.

Who is the main enemy of the people? The central banks are. All of the other fiends and foes are employed by them or take their marching orders from them. Who owns the manifest system? The Zionist banks. They hold the paper on everything and they pay the people who make the laws that protect them and allow them to flourish. The main engine of control is the control of perception, which is why they own the media, the art world, the entertainment industry and the main publishing houses.


It's not complicated people. It's simple. It might be dangerous to say it and it might be a bad career move; given who controls the career potential, at all affected industries but it's the truth. The truth is unwelcome. The truth is not an honored guest. The truth gets hammered, although the truth is invulnerable in essence. The only place it gets hammered is in people's minds because of the war for controlled perception....


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Can You Hear Me Running?

It's amazing how a song over 25 years old can be so prophetic.


Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you
Believe in me, I'm with the high command

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

There's a gun and ammunition
Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to God
The Father and the Spirit
Will guide you and protect from up here

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still

Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?

Can you hear me running (can you hear me calling you?)
(Can you hear me) hear me calling you?
(Can you hear me running) hear me running babe?
(Can you hear me running) hear me running?
Calling you,calling you


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Last Legitimate President

Was killed on this day 48 years ago.  

"A man who was arguably the last legitimate President of the United States....   


"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet... we all breathe the same air... we all cherish our children's futures... and we are all mortal." -- JFK, at American University, 1963

"Commencement Address at American University in Washington, June 10, 1963

.... I have, therefore, chosen this time and this place to discuss a topic on which ignorance too often abounds and the truth is too rarely perceived -- yet it is the most important topic on earth: world peace.

What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children -- not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women -- not merely peace in our time but peace for all time. I speak of peace because of the new face of war. Total war makes no sense in an age when great powers can maintain large and relatively invulnerable nuclear forces and refuse to surrender without resort to those forces. It makes no sense in an age when a single nuclear weapon contains almost ten times the explosive force delivered by 11 of the Allied air forces in the Second World War. It makes no sense in an age when the deadly poisons produced by a nuclear exchange would be carried by wind and water and soil and seed to the far corners of the globe and to generations yet unborn.

Today the expenditure of billions of dollars every year on weapons acquired for the purpose of making sure we never need to use the is essential to keeping the peace. But surely the acquisition of such idle stockpiles -- which can only destroy and never create -- is not the only, much less the most efficient, means of assuring peace.

I speak of peace, therefore, as the necessary rational end of rational men. I realize that the pursuit of peace is not as dramatic as the pursuit of war -- and frequently the words of the pursuer fall on deaf ears. But we have no more urgent task....

Let us reexamine our attitude toward the Soviet Union.... No government or social system is so evil that its people must be considered as lacking in virtue.... For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.


The wish to end the Cold War is one of the things that got him killed, folks, along with the intention to withdraw from Vietnam, shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces, end the Fed, and preventing Israel from developing a nuclear bomb.

 “War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.”--John F. Kennedy


"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." 

A president and a prophet. 

Related: JFK on Secret Societies

RFK: 'What we need in the United States' 

Aaaaah, What If?....

Thursday, November 10, 2011

All in Vain

".... Every dead soldier died in vain. Coming home in a box or bag was in vain. Every wounded soldier, physically and psychologically,  that did return home alive was damaged in vain. Every returning soldier that committed suicide or took the lives of others due to the war demons they brought home with them were lives lost in vain. Wasted lives and all for the few whose only desires are for money and power and blood lust. It's the American way....  

Read the rest of this thoughtful and poignant post HERE

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Can Anyone Doubt?

"The Funhouse Wonderland and Wasteland of our Lives

Dog Poet Transmitting……..  


Oakland is humming and buzzing and doing things in that Oakland style that goes back to it always being the poor sister of San Francisco and the home of The Black Panthers. The crass media is downplaying the numbers as usual, while doing what the crass media does by putting out articles where the name of the author is never mentioned anymore and that’s been going on for awhile. I’m assuming this is because naming the writers tracks the info right back to Israel who is behind so many of the world wide lies and offenses of recent times. 

Consonant with Israel’s all lies all the time comes the aggressive saber rattling and the dark side plotting and threats that keep amplifying Israel’s madness concerning an attack on Iran and the same unnamed writers are talking about how Israel would prefer that America do her dirty work again, like they always do and the also captive and totally owned British military is ramping up in their whore suits, to jump in as Israel’s killer bitch machine to help destroy the non usurious Islamic banking system because both America and all of the rest of the Crown Colony hookers are owned economically by the ongoing system of bandit usury, based and operated from Israel Central, founded by The Rothschild banking house, which founded Israel for that purpose. That’s how it was, is and they intend it to continue to be....  

Winter is coming; a cold and mysterious winter with concerns of warmth and sustenance. Will we be warm and fed or will we be hungry and cold or worse? Will Israel plunge the whole world into chaos or will Israel be confronted and judged for her crimes against existence and those of us present here in these days? It’s a difficult call. All the signs indicate that her moment of cosmic resolution is at hand. It is a consummation devoutly to be wished as Shakespeare put it.

The horror of what ZATO has been occupied with over recent times is terrible and contemptible. What they have done in Libya is truly psychopathic and vicious beyond description. Who are these people? Who are these craven inhuman creatures who have done so much harm in so many places over these recent years? Can anyone doubt that they are the private mercenary army of Israel? Can anyone doubt that they have become this army due to economic control of the west by the ancient enemy of humanity? Can anyone doubt that everything that has been done has profited Israel more than any other single entity? Consonant with this we have the irrefutable proof of Israel’s culpability in 9/11 and so many other similar outrages like 7/7 and the Madrid Train station bombings and their security company was the single security force in charge of every one of these locations. How clueless, fearful and resistant do we have to be not to see this?

Read the rest HERE

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Map That Explains Everything

Israel's occupied slave-states, and those nations which remain free

Click on map for larger view


Thursday, September 15, 2011

An Agent of Truth

Can't you see it? 

"Degrees of Darkness in the Absence of Light

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

I have been putting myself through hoops since last evening when I read this, wondering what I should say and if I should say anything. I was especially astonished by the admonitions given to the Germans about being responsible for the Palestinian troubles, however convoluted the argument. If anyone should take responsibility for The Palestinian Genocide it is Israel and this should be proclaimed by those Israelis who present themselves as friends of The Palestinians. Those who call themselves Israelis have no right to be in Palestine in the first place and they are only there through devious maneuverings and pornographic revisionism.

I’m not here to debate the extent and reality of their marketplace holocaust and I’ve no inclination to deny or question the details. What I do know is that when you make it against the law to question something then there’s something wrong with the facts because the only reason for worldwide suppression of inquiry would be that the facts wouldn’t hold water against it. To question the affair is the real province of those who present themselves as agents of truth, in seeming opposition to their countrymen. No one can be an agent of truth who does not only admit but also proclaim that Israel was behind 9/11. No one can be an agent of truth who parrots official lines and never brings certain untenable absurdities to light. Of course, this requires the courage of being capable of it.

The reason I don’t flat out deny that certain things took place is because that isn’t the important point. The important point is that the ancestors of those responsible for the far larger and greater lasting holocaust in Soviet Russia, are those presently living in Israel. Given that, and accepting six million dead, one can only say that what followed was righteous karma and they are still millions of bodies short on the debt. That is the cardinal issue. Another point is that the majority of Young Turks in the Armenian holocaust were Jews. Another point is the owners of the slave ships that trafficked in human flesh, much as their present day descendents still do. Another point is that there are so many points to point out, concerning these perpetual victims that a picture begins to emerge and which is verified in their having been the only group of people on Earth to be tossed out of most of the countries in the world and sometimes more than once. An agent of truth would know these things because an agent of truth seeks the truth and should know why as well.

It is an interesting irony that there are so remarkably few Jewish voices that go directly to the heart of the matter, or who state what is evident based on the chain of evidence. It is an interesting irony that one is accused of anti-Semitism, when one states that Zionist interests own and control 96% of the mass media, the entertainment industry and so many things when they themselves brag about it. Any fool knows that ownership of the media places the drums of war into the hands of those who possess it.

I sincerely do not like to point certain things out. There’s no positive social or economic future for me in these pursuits....

Also see: I Did Not Want to Be Here


I can write all around things if I want to and I can simply avoid certain subject matter, including the contents of this posting but....

In the early 1930’s, American Jews declared war on Germany because Germany was taking back the assets they and their international fellows had stolen in the period between the two wars, which they were major financiers of. The Red Cross was permitted to visit the concentration camps in Germany, even though The Zionists wanted no aid to reach those incarcerated. In Soviet Russia, under the control of The Cheka, The Red Cross was not allowed into the camps. The Red Cross and other agencies all agree that something like 110-120,000 prisoners were liberated from the camps. Presently, Israel claims over a million horrorcoast survivors exist, though the number is sometimes even higher, depending on who is doing the lying.

We now know that the majority of so called anti-Semitic acts are carried out by Zionist agencies. We know it’s a club of intimidation, to be used against anyone who gets in the way of their psychopathic machine and its red-eyed international harvesting, combine with the blood stained teeth, also known as The Central Banks....


Obviously, the bully of the Middle East intends to do something awful soon. They don’t want the rightful inhabitants of the land they stole it from, declaring their right to be recognized. They don’t want the possibilities that will emerge from this to be made possible. They certainly don’t want to grant them the original borders which are themselves just another example of earlier theft. They don’t want to share their Wal-Mart Jerusalem either. The truth is they want to destroy them and drive the rest into exile, until not a single Palestinian remains. They want to destroy Lebanon, as they’ve shown in the past and Syria, Libya, Egypt and Iraq and Afghanistan, which they already have ZATO employed at in wars they manufactured after THEY DID 9/11. Whatever you hear them accusing others of is what they are engaged in.

The anniversary of Sabra and Shatila is here. This is when hundreds of men, women and children of Palestinian extraction were murdered by proxy, in Lebanon, under the orders of The Sleeping Sharon and his vampire overlords, who institute these horrors on every possible day, as they have since they first got into the business. This next ten days should prove interesting....  


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Honored to be an "anti-Semite"

"Anti-Defamation League: Speaking the truth about 9/11 is anti-Semitic

Being labeled an "anti-Semite" is an honor these days.  All it means is someone who is against the Jewish criminal gang that dominates the global power structure.  In our Orwellian world, "anti-Semite" and "American patriot" are actually synonymous.  Simply accurately describing the most influential faction of the crime gang that sits atop the global power structure, which controls the United States government, media, and banking system, is anti-Semitic according to a lot of people, and that's fine with me.  We need to continue to point out that these are the same people who did 9/11, and if that's anti-Semitic, so be it.

Stating these obvious facts is not the most politically correct thing to do, but it needs to be said if we are ever going to regain control of our country and our future.  I get e-mail updates from the Anti-Defamation League, and in the latest e-mail I came across this article entitled, "Decade of Deceit: Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories 10 Years Later."

Being the raging anti-Semite that I am, I was really interested in this article.  In the introduction, the ADL laments the fact that people actually know who pulled off the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB on 9/11:
In the ten years since the September 11 terrorist attacks on America, conspiracy theories surrounding the attacks have become an entrenched propaganda industry. These assaults on memory and history attempt to place blame for the attacks on sources other than Al Qaeda, such as the U.S. government. Prominent among such 9/11 conspiracy theories are those that make the anti-Semitic claim that Jews—whether Israeli, American, or both-- were involved in planning and executing the attacks. This anti-Semitic faction is only a part of the so-called "9/11 truth movement," yet it is vocal and pervasive, particularly on the Internet.
That's right, it's anti-Semitic to state the fact that the only people actually arrest on 9/11 were Jewish spies and military operatives directly from Israel.  It's now common knowledge that federal agencies of the United States government actually uncovered an elaborate, sophisticated, and state sponsored espionage operation involving Israeli intelligence and military operatives posing as art students as a cover for engaging in espionage at numerous federal facilities, buildings, and military bases.

I'd like to present the Detailed Summary (beginning on page 49) of the Gerald Shea Memo, which was prepared for the National Commission On Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (9/11 Commission), the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and the House Permanent Committee on Intelligence in September of 2004 shortly after the 9/11 Commission released it's report coverup:
Set forth below is a detailed summary of the tentative conclusions reached in this memorandum, which amply illustrate the urgent need for a public inquiry into the activities of the Israeli DEA Groups and the Israeli New Jersey Group. The inquiry must include, without limitation, the examination of members of the Israel Groups and related persons; officials of the Israeli government and certain of its agencies, including Mossad; FBI suspects, agents of the DEA, the INS and the FBI; certain local law enforcement officials; agents of the CIA (in camera to the extent required); other intelligence sources cited by the public press to the extent possible; the boxes of documents and computer hard drives (referred on page 29) seized by the FBI from the Israeli New Jersey Group; and of all other relevant documents, reports, communiqués and information.--

1. The Israeli DEA Groups were spying on the Drug Enforcement Agency and thus upon the United States. The DEA itself has concluded that they were probably engaged in organized intelligence gathering on our soil.

2. A highly regarded American journal knowledgeable about Israeli affairs, has concluded (a) based on its own sources, that the Israeli DEA Groups were spying on radical Islamic networks suspected of links to Middle East terrorism, and (b) based on the representations of a former American intelligence official regularly briefed on these matters by law enforcement officials, that (i) at least two members of the Israeli New Jersey Group were Mossad operatives, (ii) Urban Moving, the company used by the Israeli New Jersey Group, was a front for Mossad and its operatives, and (iii) the Israeli New Jersey Group was spying on local Arabs.

3. The intelligence sources of a substantial American television network report that the Israeli DEA Groups may have gathered information about the September 11 attacks in advance, and not shared it with the United States. One investigator said that evidence linking the Israeli DEA Groups to such intelligence gathering was classified and could not be disclosed.

4. The Israeli DEA Groups were comprised of 125 or more Israelis operating on our soil. Their leaders and apparent associates included military commanders and experts with military backgrounds in intelligence, electronic intercepts and telecommunications.

5. The wiretapping and intelligence expertise of members of both Israeli Groups, and the use of vans in local neighborhoods where the future hijackers were planning the attacks, and the extensive use by the hijackers of cell phones and land lines, made the Israeli Groups ideally suited to gather information regarding the hijackers’ plans.

6. The principal operation of the Israeli DEA Groups was located in and around Hollywood, Florida, the central training and staging ground for the hijacking of North and South Tower Planes and the Pennsylvania Plane. The addresses and places of residence of the members of the Israeli DEA Groups in Hollywood itself were within hundreds of yards those of the future hijackers.

7. The operations of both the Israeli New Jersey Group and the hijackers of the Pentagon Plane were centered in Hudson and Bergen Counties in New Jersey, within a common radius of about six miles.

8. All five celebrating members of the Israeli New Jersey Group arrested on September 11 were aware, when the North Tower Plane struck the World Trade Center, based on their immediate reaction to the attack and the information said to be contained in their van, that the attack had been planned and carried out by Arab terrorists.

9. After being questioned by the FBI on September 11, the leader of the Israeli New Jersey Group immediately fled the United States to Israel. His name and aliases appear, along with those of the hijackers and other FBI suspects, on the May 2002 FBI Suspect list.

10. Israeli intelligence officials have reported that two senior officials of Mossad warned the United States in August 2001 that as many as 200 terrorists on American soil were planning an imminent large-scale attack on high visibility targets on the American mainland. One press report states that in August Mossad provided the CIA with the names of future hijackers Khaled al Mihdhar and Nawaf al Hazmi.

11. The CIA’s explanation of how Mihdhar’s and Hazmi’s names were placed on the Watchlist through the spontaneous efforts of CIA and FBI agents is not only difficult to follow but, as the sole reason for the Watchlisting, hardly credible.

12. Mossad’s own information appears to have come from its sources inside the United States. All of the facts and circumstances set forth in this memorandum appear to show that Mossad’s two likely sources of information were: (a) the Israeli DEA Groups, comparable in number to that of the Arab suspects and who appear to have tracked the future hijackers in their central places of operation and in other states, and (b) the Israeli New Jersey Group, operating through their Mossad front in another principal locus of operations of the future hijackers, two of whom were Mossad agents, and five of whom appeared immediately aware of the origin of the attacks on September 11.
13. While little direct evidence supports the contention that the CIA was aware of or condoned the Israeli Groups’ tracking of Arab terrorist groups in the United States prior to September 11, the CIA’s pressing for the expulsion of members of the Israeli DEA Groups when they were detained before September 11, their failure to cooperate with the FBI, their circuitous explanation of how the above two hijackers were placed on the Watchlist, and other relevant considerations require that the issue be taken up as a part of the public inquiry into these painful events.
Pointing out these inconvenient facts is clearly anti-Semitic.  The article goes on to describe the evolving nature of anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists:
The most prominent promoters of these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories today tend less often to be white supremacists and right-wing anti-Semites. Rather they are more commonly members of a group of anti-Israel conspiracists who see the 9/11 attacks as one of a series of "false flag" operations that Israel has carried out to manufacture a war against its Muslim enemies (the term "false flag" operations refers to acts of sabotage or terror conducted by one perpetrator but designed to appear as if conducted by another, with the goal of setting the victim at odds with the false perpetrator).
How irrational that these anti-Semites "see the 9/11 attacks as one of a series of "false flag" operations that Israel" has carried out to frame the Muslim world!  Why would anyone think that?

Well, the Israelis have a long history of engaging in these sort of false flag attacks.  From The Outrage: The Bombing of the King David Hotel:
On the morning of the 22nd of July 1946 a party of between 15 and 20 Jews, dressed as an Arabs entered the King David Hotel. The hotel housed the Secretariat of the Government of Palestine and Headquarters of the British Forces in Palestine and Transjordan. The terrorists were able to enter the building without arousing too much attention because part of the building was still being used as a hotel and other people frequented it. The Jews pretended to be an Arab working party. Having unloading from their lorry several milk churns filled with 225 kilogram's of explosive, they placed them in the basement of the wing of the hotel occupied by the Secretariat.

A British officer standing nearby, one Major Mackintosh, became suspicious of this group of Arabs and began to ask questions, but was suddenly gunned down by a member of the Jewish gang and subsequently died. [...]

There was no time to evacuate the building and the charge exploded with devastating effect. Many were killed instantly as the whole wing of the building collapsed about them, others were trapped and many more injured.
Remember the Lavon Affair in 1954?
The Lavon affair ("Esek Habish" - the shameful affair) was one of the most bizarre chapters in Israeli history. In 1954, the Israeli secret service set up a spy ring in Egypt, with the purpose of blowing up US and British targets. The operation was code-named "Susanah." The terrorist hits were to be blamed on the regime of Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser, with the purpose of alienating the US and Britain from Egypt and Nasser and somehow preventing Egyptian nationalization of the Suez canal. The ring was discovered. Strict censorship ensured that that the Israeli public officially knew little or nothing of the affair for many years.
Or the Israeli false flag attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, 34 killing American sailors?
When U.S.Navy sailor Phil Tourney saw Israeli planes circling the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, he and his crewmates thought nothing of it. The Israelis waved at the crew and the Liberty crew, waved back. The USS Liberty was a unique vessel, unlike any other in the world, with a large tower and radio dishes used for eavesdropping, so the chance it could be mistaken for an “enemy” vessel were zero. The oversize U.S. flag and the large ID numbers painted on the ship also made identification of the ship possible from miles away.

Imagine the shock and horror when the Israelis attacked the lightly armed intelligence gathering vessel in broad daylight. A torpedo was fired and struck the Liberty dead on. Israeli aircraft strafed the men aboard and dropped napalm on the decks. Torpedo boats machine-gunned the crew as they tried to rescue wounded U.S. servicemen. The Israelis even shot up life rafts to prevent any escape.
The article goes on to describe the evolution of these anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theorists, and their main talking points:
The most popular conspiratorial allegations include the following:

The Mossad was behind the attacks. Variations of this theory assert that the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was behind the 9/11 attacks; the "proof" is the "five dancing Israelis" arrested on 9/11 who were allegedly celebrating as the Twin Towers burned. Although this theory has circulated since 2001, the initial scenario painted the five Israelis as "spies" who knew that the attacks were going to happen and chose not to inform the U.S government. Over time, the theory evolved and today proponents claim that the five Israelis were actually directing the attacks and began dancing when they realized that their mission of creating a false flag operation had been accomplished.

Jewish neo-conservatives were behind the attacks. Proponents of this theory claim that neo-conservative American officials of Jewish faith within the Bush administration, particularly Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith, methodically worked out a plan, with the assistance of the Mossad, to carry out the attacks in order to benefit Israel. This theory alleges that these officials orchestrated a plan well before 9/11, with the goal of invading Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries to allow the U.S. and Israel to seize control of resources and power in that area.

The Jewish controlled media and government work to prevent the truth from emerging. The "truth" about Israeli and Jewish involvement in the 9/11 attacks will not be allowed to emerge, claim conspiracy theorists, because Jews were in charge of the 9/11 Commission report and actually control the media and government.

In addition to these key themes, a multitude of lesser conspiracy theories also continue to circulate. These range from an alleged Israeli art student spy ring keeping track of the hijackers before the attacks, to Israeli companies controlling U.S telecommunications, to Jewish owners wanting to gain financially from the destruction of the World Trade Center complex.
Well, we do know that some of the Israeli spies arrested on 9/11 were Mossad operatives (and all of them appear to be former military specialists), including three of the 5 "dancing Israelis" discovered filming the attacks on 9/11.

We also know that many of the neoconservatives in the Bush administration, including Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dov Zakheim, Michael Chertoff, and others, were American Jews with direct ties to Israel, and many of them even had dual citizenship with Israel.  Many of these individuals have been alleged to have engaged in espionage for the state of Israel in the past, and were involved in publishing various policy papers advocating and preparing for a scenario that just happened to come about on 9/11.

We also know that the Jewish controlled media and U.S. government work very hard to keep the truth about 9/11 from reaching the American public.  But their propaganda efforts are extremely poor, and their effect is wearing off on the American people as more and more of us are waking up each day to these facts.

We also know that there was indeed an Israeli art student espionage and drug smuggling ring operating in the United States prior to 9/11, and that these Israeli military/intelligence operatives were actually surveilling the alleged Arab terrorists blamed for 9/11 in addition to spying on federal agencies of the U.S. government around the country.  Further, credible sources have alleged that the Mossad was actually running the Arab hijacker patsy cell that was later blamed for the 9/11 attacks:
British intelligence reported in February 2002 that the Israeli Mossad ran the Arab hijacker cells that were later blamed by the U.S. government's 9/11 Commission for carrying out the aerial attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. WMR has received details of the British intelligence report which was suppressed by the government of then-Prime Minister Tony Blair.

A Mossad unit consisting of six Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jews infiltrated "Al Qaeda" cells in Hamburg (the Atta-Mamoun Darkanzali cell), south Florida, and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the months before 9/11. The Mossad not only infiltrated cells but began to run them and give them specific orders that would eventually culminate in their being on board four regularly-scheduled flights originating in Boston, Washington Dulles, and Newark, New Jersey on 9/11.
Finally, we do in fact know that Israeli telecommunications companies control U.S. telecommunications and that the Jewish owners of the World Trade Center complex profited tremendously from the destruction of the towers on 9/11.

It's telling that the ADL article never actually disputes any of this, just labels it anti-Semitic.  How typical.  Hey Abe, your tired canards don't work anymore.
