Thursday, August 10, 2017

Blue & Gold: Birds of midsummer

As July gives way to August, the morning chorus diminishes in the grasslands and woodlands of northeastern Illinois. The prairies take on an increasingly golden hue. This is the prairie pothole at nearby Nelson Lake preserve in Batavia:

Nelson Lake pothole 20170721 Common Yellowthroats are still tending to nests and singing, usually out of sight in the high vegetation:

Common Yellowthroat 06-20170727

Common Yellowthroat 04-20170727

The songs of orioles and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks no longer ring through the treetops. Many bird species are busy with the affairs of raising families. Energy must be conserved and diverted into replacement of feathers during the post-breeding molt.

Indigo Buntings continue to sing from treetop perches:

Indigo Bunting 01-20170711

Indigo Bunting 04-20170629

Indigo Bunting HDR 01-20160512

 Indigo Bunting 01-20170629

 We visited Lippold Park, also in Batavia. This is the small marsh and pond, with the pavilion and fenced treetop walk in the background. (Mary Lou just received a phone call):

Lippold Park pavillion 20170728

The prairie at Lippold is protected and well-managed. It was alive with wildflowers:

Lippold Park prairie sign 20170728

Lippold Park wildflowers 20170728

American Goldfinches are very late breeders and are only beginning to gather flower down for their nests. I waited patiently for one to alight among the flowers, but instead they moved among the low shrubs:

American Goldfinches 01-20170728

American Goldfinch 08-20170728

American Goldfinch 04-20170728

American Goldfinch mirrorless 01-20170715

Two years ago in late August I did catch one singing among the flowers at this same location:

American Goldfinch singing 20150826

The plumage of an adult female American Goldfinch is more subdued:

 American Goldfinch 20140918

Bells and whistles... go together like a goldfinch and thistles. Common as they are on the prairie, I never tire of seeing, hearing and photographing goldfinches around and above me. 

August through September is their peak season, as the thistle begins to go to seed, providing them both food and shelter. Other birds have nearly finished their breeding and are hiding away to molt, but the goldfinches are eating the seeds and gathering the down of the thistles for their nests. 

 At Lippold park on August 25, 2011, a female goldfinch was harvesting down for her nest:

 American Goldfinch with thistle down 2-20110825

This male was collecting thistle down at Nelson Lake back in 2011:

American Goldfinch and thistles 20110707

One of the few bird species to feed their young no insects, they engorge the thistle seeds and nourish their young with a protein-rich "milk" that is secreted from their stomach linings. A fledgling goldfinch appears bigger than its mother as it begs to be fed:

 Baby Goldfinch wants Milk 2-20100815

One of my favorite goldfinch captures is this one, reflected in the creek at Lippold Park:

American Goldfinch HDR 04-20160505

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Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Crops & Clips: Flashback to August, 2014

This was the first year since moving to Florida that we spent the entire month of August without a trip to our second home in NE Illinois. Truth is that we were a bit travel-weary after our Alaska RV trip and had to catch up on necessary appointments. As has been my monthly habit, I perused my photo archives from three years ago to find images which illustrate some of my favorite memes: Birds and other Critters, Fences, Skies, Reflections, Seasons and Wordless scenes which speak for themselves. 

Blown in from Africa, Saharan dust provided unusual pink sunrises...

Harbour Lakes sunrise 20140806

...which reflected on the wings of a Great Egret...

Great Egret on Saharan dust 20140806 well as upon a rare species which visited our back yard lake on August 11 and lingered for over a week:

Great White Heron 1909 PM 20140816

It is a "Great White Heron," actually the white color morph (or subspecies) of the Great Blue Heron:

Great White Heron 1905 PM 20140816

The breeding range of Great White Herons is concentrated far south of our home, in the coastal mangroves of the Florida Keys. They average larger in size than the south Florida population of Great Blue Herons. 

Under a blue sky in late afternoon, the Great White Heron shows its true colors. Note that its legs are light in color, unlike the black legs of a Great Egret:

Great White Heron 1800 PM 20140816

Great White Heron 3-20140818

Although the Great Egret (which averages 39 inches/99 cm tall and weighs 2.2 lb/1 kg) is the largest of our local resident egrets, it is dwarfed by the Great White Heron, which is 54 inches/137 cm tall and can weigh up to 7.3 lbs/ 3.3 kg. 

This was my best attempt to fit both species in a single frame:

 Great White Heron and Great Egret 20140818

These two photos show each of the white herons walking next to a tree which is 140 feet/43 meters across the lake from our yard. First, the Great White Heron...

Great White Heron walking at 140 meters 20140818

...and now the Great Egret:

Great Egret walking at 140 meters 20140818

An extreme contrast in size is shown in this photo of the Great White Heron and a Green Heron only 18 inches/46 cm tall, next to a neighbor's fence:

Great White Heron with Green Heron 20140812

Another unusual event was my discovery, on August 17, of the nest of a Common Ground-Dove, the first ever officially documented in our County. This species actually is a fairly common breeding bird, but its nest is particularly hard to find. 

Indeed, this one was very well hidden but only a few steps away from the gravel road in the local wetlands. The parent gave away its location by suddenly flushing as I passed by:

Common Ground-Dove nest with eggs 20140823

The anxious female parent watched me from a perch nearby:

Common Ground-Dove 2-20140817

Not wishing to disturb the nest or provide a predator with a scent trail to the nest, I photographed it from the path, about 10 feet away. This was the only camera angle which provided a partial view of the nest:

Nest of Common Ground-Dove 20140817

Unfortunately, on August 26, a landscaping crew came through and mowed all the grass along the shoulder of the road and destroyed the nest and its contents:

Common Ground-Dove nest site landscraped 20140927

Not wanting to end on a sad note, here are a few clips of other critters seen during the month, starting with a White Peacock butterfly:

White Peacock 20140811

Halloween Pennant dragonfly rests on a grass stem:

Halloween Pennant 2-20140830

Perky Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher stands still for an instant:

 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 5-20140822

Backyard Anhinga dries its wings on our duck decoy:

Anhinga on decoy 20140821

Golden sunrise on August 31, a fitting finale for an eventful month:

Sunrise 20140831

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

Linking to Misty's  CAMERA CRITTERS,

Linking to Eileen's SATURDAY'S CRITTERS,


Linking to SKYWATCH FRIDAY by Yogi, Sylvia and Sandy


Linking to BirdD'Pot by Anni

Linking to Wild Bird Wednesday by Stewart

Linking to Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) by NC Sue

Linking to ALL SEASONS by Jesh


Please visit the links to all these memes to see some excellent photos on display
