Part one of Christmas 2008
The pictures are of course a bit out of order.
We had such a wonderful Christmas! It was so fun for Ryan and I to watch the girls open their presents and be with family the entire day. We have so much to be thankful for. Christmas is such a special time of year.
Christmas at the Martins:
(Liv got a cute new cut from Sammy the day before Christmas eve. Thanks Sammy for fitting us in!)
The girls had fun scooping up ice cream for Aunt Ade. Thanks Rayne!
Dru got an amazing art set. I know she will use this daily.
Liv showing off her new sparkle converse!
The girls loved their princess pillowcases and cards from Aunt Ade.
Dru's red sparkle Converse.
Rylie loved opening her gifts and even her sisters.
Ryan setting up Dru's new PB art easel from Aunt Rayne.
The day would not be complete without a little pouting.
Liv could not believe that Santa get her Pixos. She saw the commercial on TV and put them on her list!
The girls with Ade. They adore her!
Ryan setting out cookies and milk for Santa with the girls.
Opening stockings at home.
The girls favorite family (the bartons) got them the Littlest Pet Shop game. So perfect!
It was a great Christmas morning!
Christmas Eve Pjs from Aunt Rayne.
A Christmas kiss for Grandpa Martin.
Dru playing with their favorite Christmas ornament!
Liv on Christams Eve!