
Christmas 2008

Part one of Christmas 2008
The pictures are of course a bit out of order.

We had such a wonderful Christmas!  It was so fun for Ryan and I to watch the girls open their presents and be with family the entire day.  We have so much to be thankful for.  Christmas is such a special time of year.  

Christmas at the Martins:
(Liv got a cute new cut from Sammy the day before Christmas eve.  Thanks Sammy for fitting us in!)

The girls had fun scooping up ice cream for Aunt Ade.  Thanks Rayne!

Dru got an amazing art set.  I know she will use this daily.

Liv showing off her new sparkle converse!

The girls loved their princess pillowcases and cards from Aunt Ade.

Dru's red sparkle Converse.

Rylie loved opening her gifts and even her sisters.

Ryan setting up Dru's new PB art easel from Aunt Rayne.

The day would not be complete without a little pouting.

Liv could not believe that Santa get her Pixos.  She saw the commercial on TV and put them on her list!

The girls with Ade.  They adore her!

Ryan setting out cookies and milk for Santa with the girls.

Opening stockings at home.

The girls favorite family (the bartons) got them the Littlest Pet Shop game.  So perfect!

It was a great Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve Pjs from Aunt Rayne.

A Christmas kiss for Grandpa Martin.

Dru playing with their favorite Christmas ornament!

Liv on Christams Eve!


Christmas dresses

The girls looked beautiful in their Christmas dresses.  Rylie did too but I could not get a picture of her.  The girls sang 2 songs in sacrament meeting with the Primary.  Yes, Olivia went up without me and did not cry!!!  It was so fun to watch them.  I love working in the Primary so I can see them interact with friends and teachers.


The girls cannot wait for Christmas.  They wake up every morning with a Christmas routine....

When I wake them up they roll over and ask if it is Christmas.  When I say no, they run to rip off a chain from a paper chain made by Dru at school.  They then move the star into the next pocket.(a fabric advent calendar) Then they take turns eating a chocolate out of another advent calendar.  They are so excited and just can't wait.  They have also had fun wearing all their Christmas clothing.  They just look so cute before they go to school...I have to take some pictures.  Liv went to a preschool party today and saw Santa and rode the Polar Express.  Dru sang in a sing-a-long with her whole school.  They have done a lot of fun things this Christmas holiday! 

This is Rylie eating her bowl of Kix for breakfast.  Check out the snow!!!


Favorite part of Christmas...

During FHE tonight we read a story in The Friend about the true meaning of Christmas and giving to others anonymously.  At the end of the darling story I asked Olivia what her favorite part of Christmas was.  She replied, "Santa bringing us presents!"  Hmmmm.  Dru then said Jesus and giving.  I love both answers.  

Dru and Olivia love to dance.  I have a great video of them dancing but can't seem to get it to work.


my little helpers

Olivia loves to help me cook.  The other day we made Mac and Cheese. (a staple at our house)  She loves to stir and pour.  Here is a picture of Olivia mixing it all up.  

*Notice that most of the cheese fell underneath the pan onto the stove.

I dropped a bag of Lucky Charms onto my kitchen floor.  Rylie is helping my by eating them.  
*Notice she is eating ONLY the marshmallows.

Dru was downstairs making a mess in the craft room but by the time I could go down to take a picture, she had already cleaned it up.  (without me asking!) 


The Festival of Trees

Here we are eating our scones at the Festival of Trees.  My mom took us  to see all the beautiful trees and displays.  Some were better than others but it was all for a good cause.  I even got a little choked up explaining to Olivia while some of the trees had a picture next to them.  

Olivia's favorite tree

Dru's favorite tree

This shot is not from F of T but thought it was cute and wanted to post it.


A fun conversation...

Dru, Olivia and I were up in the kitchen setting the table for dinner.  Dru picked up  her writing book and started to make a list of things she loves.  It looked like this..

I {heart} dolls
I {heart} dogs
I {heart} family
I {heart} home  

(hopefully not in that order)

We then started a conversation about love...
Dru started to explain to Olivia that just because you love someone, you don't have to kiss them. Dru said she loves Chris (a boy in her class...he is a cute kid.) but she doesn't kiss him. She turns to me and smiles.  Yikes.  
Then Olivia says, "Yeah, you only kiss when you get married.  You just want to marry dads because dads are fun."  Ha Ha Ha
Olivia LOVES Ryan to pieces. When Olivia grows up, she either wants to be a princess or a dad. Our girls think dads are fun because of Ryan.  He is the BEST husband and father.  I hope Dru, Olivia and Rylie will always think you can't kiss until you are married and they will marry a fun dad like Ryan.



Does anyone know how to change the inside part of my blog to match the outside?  I tried to change the background for the holidays and it only changed the outside.  Help!


We have so much to be thankful for...

Rylie's cute cheeks 
Cousin Cassie and Thanksgiving bingo

Amazing Aunt Adrienne
Fun Olivia
Grandpa Jim (the chef)
Grandma Kathy and her beautiful dinner table
Georgia and Uncle Ryan
Grandpa and Thanksgiving football :)
Aunt Megan and Baby Legs
Gingerbread houses
The girls had a blast making this with Ade and G-ma Martin
Grandma Martin and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
great girl activities
we made fun bags with fabulous fabric from NY
details, details, details
running partners
We ran the Cottonwood Heights 5k.  My knees hurt near the end, but Ade kept me entertained the whole time.  We sprinted for the finish line to beat the man in the blue pants.  Unfortunately, he had the same idea of sprinting to the finish line.  At least we beat the Mayor!