
How cool are my sister's-in-law?

Kristen made these AMAZING cookies for Winston's car birthday party!

Brittany makes custom soda bottles for any occasion!

Here is what Owen has been up to.

We take weekly photos for the first year. We have done it for all the girls and put them in a book.  They LOVE to look at them.  
He does not love bath time...
but he loves towel time!
More sleeping

and more sleeping
and more sleeping!
This is a photo I forgot to include in my first post.  This is when the girls saw Owen for the first time!


Owen Isaac Martin

Owen is here and healthy and we could not be happier!  
I have wanted a boy for so long!  I absolutely love and adore my 3 amazing girls and now to add a boy is such a blessing.  I am so grateful! 
I am grateful for Owen's safe arrival.  He is pure joy!  
I am grateful Ryan is my husband and has been my biggest support.  I love him more than ever. I am grateful for Dru, Olivia and Rylie and can't wait to see how they will smother their little brother with love.
I am grateful for family close and far away for their constant love and support! 
I am grateful for a mom and dad who took care of my family during the hospital stay and for days after.  It was not convenient or easy but they still did it with love.  Ryan's parents brought dinner to Ryan in the hospital both nights and have already brought us dinner at home. 
We are SO blessed!

The story of Owen's birth... {the short and sweet version}
We arrived at the hospital at 7:30 a.m.  After 3 pokes to get my iv set up and 2 epidurals (the first did not work) we waited and waited and waited.  It seemed to take an eternity.  I was not dilating quickly.  FINALLY, around 1:00 the nurse turned up my pitocin and at 1:50 I started to feel the baby coming.  My Dr.  came and checked me and said he would be back at 2:00.  He was back at 2 and  3 pushes later, I delivered at 2:10 p.m.    The nurses put him right on my chest and started to clean him off with blankets.  Of course I cried.  He laid on me for about 20 minutes.  I was in heaven.  Having a baby is such a miracle!  

Stats:  January 21, 2010
            5 lbs. 15 oz.
            19 in. long

Ryan and I then started taking pictures....here are a few from the 200 we took.

The nurses cleaning off Owen right after he was born.

About an hour later back in our recovery room.
Ryan is one proud dad!

The girls could not come see us because of the swine flu scare.  I was bummed not get a hospital picture of all of us in my bed!
Owen's first bath in the hospital.  (those are NOT Ryan's hands!)
Look at that hair.  He has had the most of all of our kids.
This is my view of Owen in his hospital bed while I was in mine.
Our hospital visitors:

Grandma Martin
3 generations of Martin boys.
Grandpa Steve
Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Steve 
Uncle Alex
Aunt Elisabeth
Back at home:

Owen in his car seat.  
When Ryan and I came home we were surprised with a beautiful sign made by Dru, Liv and Rylie.  We still have it up!
My parent's brought the girls over for a quick visit before going to the Children's Museum.  They could not stop giggling.  
Dru was a little mother and held him like a champ.
Liv was patient and quiet and all smiles.
Rylie wanted to hold him, feed him and put on his hat.

This is my favorite picture.  Look how cute Liv's face is.  
This boy is going to be so spoiled with 3 big sisters!


We went to Sweet Tomatoes tonight for our last meal out as a family of girls!
We ate, got a little silly and ate some more.

Olivia and Rylie doing "cheers" with their ice cream cones.

Rylie could not be more excited with the free balloon.
  We remodeled our front bathroom and have wanted to post the pictures for a while.  Our friend Cory did 90% of the job and we completed the finishing touches.  We are pleased with the way it turned out and are so glad it is done.  It took about the 3 weeks.  The same 3 weeks I was potty training Rylie.  Bad timing!


We are ready!

The girls are now all in the same room!  It is a tight squeeze, but we are making it work.  They LOVE the bunk beds.  Olivia even said, "I have wanted a bunk bed all my life."

The nursery is finally finished!
Here is a (really small) sneak peak: 
My mom made this adorable blanket!  I LOVE IT!  Thanks mom for trying something new on this one and for getting it done before the baby comes with your crazy schedule!! 
The rest of the room would reveal his name and I want it to be a surprise.
So... more to come later.
Only 2 more days!  We can't wait!!!


Something finally happened that was blog worthy.  

Liv cut her hair and Dru lost 2 teeth!

Cute Rachel spent hours on all the Martin girls last week.  We all got a trim and Liv a darling 
a line cut.  She absolutely loves it and so do I.  
Dru lost tooth #1 all by herself.  She gave it a tug and out it came.  Tooth #2 came out while we were eating a bagel with Grandma Kathy.  She almost swallowed it.  


Puzzle mania

Olivia's new obsession is puzzles.  She is up for any sort of puzzle at anytime.  She received a Tinker Bell puzzle for Christmas and had it done in no time.