
It is 11:30 p.m.
Where are Dru, Olivia and Rylie?

Empty bed #1

Empty bed #2
(Rylie is still is having potty trouble and I am sick of washing sheets.)

Empty bed #3

Oh, here they are.


Owen is 5 weeks old.

Megan took the girls for a little tea party yesterday. 
This girl is as good as they come.
We love you Megan!


Happy Birthday!
Yesterday was Ryan's birthday.
We celebrated.
(dinner WITHOUT kids)
It was almost magical to be able to talk to each other without interruption.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Martin

 Ryan is the most AMAZING husband and father!
He is ridiculously handsome and unbelievably kind.

Love ya Ry!


Owen vs. Barbie

Owen wins! (but not by much)
He is still teeny tiny to me.
I am enjoying it because I know it won't last long.

The next few shots are backwards. (darn)

Owen is now ready for the day.
Rylie loves to comb his hair.
Rylie holds his hand while I get him dressed.  
He hates this part.
Owen drying off right after is bath.


Rylie is in love with her vacuum.
His name is Dusty.
She carries him around, talks to him and tries to feed him.
I came into the kitchen and found Dusty in the swing. 
She even mentions him in her prayers.
Hmmmmm, is that normal?


I just received a very fun package of incredible cookies (they actually taste as good as they look) and other sweet gifts from my oh-so talented sis-in-law Kristen.  She lives in San Antonio (much too far away) and has been baking up a storm.  She has always made awesome goodies (she is known for her sugar cookies) and has finally taken her abilities to a new level.  She has an etsy shop and a blog that displays just some of her amazing talent. Seriously, check her stuff out.  You will be AMAZED!  These sweet treats would make an unforgettable gift or the perfect touch at a shower, birthday party and any fun event.  
*she ships fast & the cookies come in cute packaging*
Thank you Kristen for the thoughtful package!


Ryan is out of town on a golf trip with his buddies and we are all missing him.  

I am missing him the most.
I miss that kiss goodbye in the morning.  
I miss that phone call during the day just to see how I am doing.
I miss eating together as a family and Ryan playing with girls while I clean up.
I miss our late night chat about our days.  I usually just ramble and Ryan listens.  Most nights we end up laughing so hard, Dru comes into our room and tells us to be more quiet.
I miss not being able to hit him in the night when I hear a strange noise.  
I miss seeing his cute face.
I REALLY miss Ryan.


Valentine's Day is one of our favorite holidays!
We started out with blueberry pancakes for breakfast made by Ryan.  
They are my favorite and his specialty.

He also makes blueberry syrup that is to die for!

Peanut (Ryan's grandpa) came to visit and see little Owen for the first time on Saturday.

 Big Peanut holding a little peanut.
Peanut and Shirley.


10 things I have learned in 3 short weeks.
{in no particular order}

1. 3 girls under the age of 6 in one room is hard to pull off. 
{Rylie is the rascal} 
2. Baby #4 is not as difficult as I thought it would be. 
{I think Owen is just an exceptionally good baby}
3. I have the most AMAZING husband in the world.
 {This guy cooks, cleans and stays up with me until the wee hours of the morning, ETC.}
4.  I have some pretty amazing friends as well. 
{dinners and play dates}
5. I will FOREVER be in debt to my parents.
 {Multiple dinners and taking the girls OFTEN}
6. Their is something SO special about having a newborn in your home.
 {Especially when the house is dark and quiet and I am rocking Owen just because I want to} 
7. I love my 4th child as much as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 
{I am blessed}
8. A baby can go through 130+ diapers in 21 days.
 {Thank goodness for coupons}
9. Boys are fun to dress. 
{blue is the new pink}
10. I am in LOVE with Owen. 
{Head over heals!}


It is official.  My girls have memorized every word of the Tinker Bell movie.  Our friends gave it to them for Christmas and they watch a bit EVERY day on our portable DVD.   

Here is Liv holding Owen and still managing to get in some Tinker Bell time.


Being an older sister can be very tiring!


Owen playing Legos with Liv.   -well, sort of.


Valentine Party

Grandma Kathy invited all the moms and grandchildren to a Valentine Party.  We made homemade Valentines.  My girls could have done this ALL day.  We then ate a yummy lunch which was VERY fancy.  Then we decorated heart shaped sugar cookies.  {Rylie enjoyed the frosting.}  Finally, we ended with a dance contest with cool prizes.  We all had a blast and are already looking forward to next year.  Thanks mom!


Yes, it is true.  Owen is already 2 weeks old.  
This kid gets a lot of attention and love ALL day long!
He is still sleeping like a champ.
We are still receiving dinners from dear friends and family.
Check out this feast from Sue.  She went above and beyond like she always does.
This is Owen watching a Jazz game.  He seems a bit bored.  A really good Jazz game can't even keep this little guy up.
I went downstairs to find Rylie and found her in the baby swing rubbing her blanket under her nose.  Her blanket is her comfort and she tickles her nose with the frayed edges.  If anyone in our family is feeling sad, Rylie will get her blanket and try and tickle their nose to make them feel better.
Owen is 2 weeks old!
Owen with his cute cousin Henry.  Megan and I hope they will be good friends one day.
Little Owen.


This is a rare picture of Owen awake.  ...enjoy
Rylie loves her little brother Owen.  She wants to hold and kiss him all day long.
Sometimes I let her.
This is Owen's room.  Simple and all boy.


We had family pictures on Saturday at 9:30A.M.  With 3 girl's hair plus my own and a newborn, I needed help!  I asked Rachel to come and be our private stylist.  She did an awesome job.  What a great friend.  Thank you Rachel!  I could not have done it without you!

Just giving Liv's hair a little body.

Yes, baby Owen is still sleeping his life away.  
Check out the cute minki blanket he is sleeping on.  My friend Annalisa made it for me along with 2 darling burb cloths.  Thank you!  Thank you!  We LOVE them!  I have the BEST friends!
Dru cuddling with Owen after church.