The following comes from the CNA:
On March 21, four days after the feast day of Ireland's patron Saint Patrick, the Catholic Church honors Saint Enda of Aran, a warrior-turned-monk considered to be one of the founders of Irish monasticism.
Born during the fifth century, Enda inherited control of a large territory in present-day Northern Ireland from his father Conall. His sister Fanchea, however, had already embraced consecrated religious life with a community in Meath, and looked unfavorably on the battles and conquests of her brother.
Enda is said to have made a deal with his sister, promising to change his ways if he could marry one of the young women of her convent. But this was a ruse on Fanchea's part, as the promised girl soon died. Fanchea forced him to view the girl's corpse, to teach him that he, too, would face death and judgment.
In this way, Fanchea – whom the Church also remembers as a saint – succeeded in turning her brother not only from violence, but even from marriage. He left Ireland for several years, during which time he became a monk and was ordained as a priest.
Upon his return to Ireland, he petitioned his King Aengus of Munster – who was married to another of Enda's sisters – to grant him land for a monastic settlement on the Aran Islands, a beautiful but austere location near Galway Bay off Ireland's west coast.
During its early years, Enda's island mission had around 150 monks. As the community grew, he divided up the territory between his disciples, who founded their own monasteries to accommodate the large number of vocations.
Enda did not found a religious order in the modern sense, but he did hold a position of authority and leadership over the monastic settlements of Aran – which became known as “Aran of the Saints,” renowned for the monks' strict rule of life and passionate love for God.
While living on an Irish island, Enda's monks imitated the asceticism and simplicity of the earliest Egytian desert hermits.
The monks of Aran lived alone in their stone cells, slept on the ground, ate together in silence, and survived by farming and fishing. St. Enda's monastic rule, like those of St. Basil in the Greek East and St. Benedict in the Latin West, set aside many hours for prayer and the study of scripture.
During his own lifetime, Enda's monastic settlement on the Aran islands became an important pilgrimage destination, as well as a center for the evangelizations of surrounding areas. At least two dozen canonized individuals had some association with “Aran of the Saints.”
St. Enda himself died in old age around the year 530. An early chronicler of his life declared that it would “never be known until the day of judgment, the number of saints whose bodies lie in the soil of Aran,” on account of the onetime-warrior's response to God's surprising call.
Friday, March 21, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Something you don't see everyday! Sr. Cristina Scuccia on The Voice (Italy)
The following comes from the NCR:
Sister Cristina Scuccia is a 25-year-old member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family who has appeared on The Voice of Italy, a reality show akin to American Idol or Britain’s Got Talent.
Sister Cristina surprised the four judges on The Voice of Italy March 19 with both her talent and her habit.
The judges on the show begin with their backs turned to the performer, and turn around only if they like what they hear.
As the judges turned to face Sister Cristina, their astonishment was visible at seeing a young nun singing Alicia Keys’ “No One.”
A native of Sicily, Sister Cristina arrived at the show accompanied by four sisters from her community, as well as her parents.
The four judges of the popular TV program are the Italian singers Raffaella Carra, J-Ax, Noemi, and Piero Pelu.
After her performance, Carra asked Sister Cristina if she is really a nun, and why she chose to compete on the show.
“Yes, I am truly, truly a sister,” she replied.
“I came here because I have a gift and I want to share that gift. I am here to evangelize.” According to the show’s format, when a participant receives the approval of the judges, they then choose which judge’s team to join. Sister Cristina chose J-Ax “because I told myself that if they turned around, I would choose the first one.”
J-Ax, who was visibly moved when he saw Sister Cristina, said he was thrilled to have been chosen by the most popular participant on the show.
Sister Cristina is trending on Twitter with “#suorcristina.”
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, used the hashtag in a tweet Thursday, commending her for sharing her talent with the Italian people: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others (1 Peter 4:10)”.
A Prayer for Priests
Lord Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
and living perpetually among us through Your Priests,
grant that the words of Your Priests may be only Your words,
that their gestures be only Your gestures,
and that their lives be a true reflection of Your life.
Grant that they may be men who speak to God on behalf of His people,
and speak to His people of God.
Grant that they be courageous in service,
serving the Church as she asks to be served.
Grant that they may be men who witness to eternity in our time,
traveling on the paths of history in Your steps,
and doing good for all.
Grant that they may be faithful to their commitments,
zealous in their vocation and mission,
clear mirrors of their own identity,
and living the joy of the gift they have received.
We pray that Your Holy Mother, Mary,
present throughout Your life,
may be ever present in the life of Your Priests. Amen
and living perpetually among us through Your Priests,
grant that the words of Your Priests may be only Your words,
that their gestures be only Your gestures,
and that their lives be a true reflection of Your life.
Grant that they may be men who speak to God on behalf of His people,
and speak to His people of God.
Grant that they be courageous in service,
serving the Church as she asks to be served.
Grant that they may be men who witness to eternity in our time,
traveling on the paths of history in Your steps,
and doing good for all.
Grant that they may be faithful to their commitments,
zealous in their vocation and mission,
clear mirrors of their own identity,
and living the joy of the gift they have received.
We pray that Your Holy Mother, Mary,
present throughout Your life,
may be ever present in the life of Your Priests. Amen
New Evangelization Presentation by Fr. Robert Barron
The following comes from Aggie Catholics:
1 – Lead With the Beautiful.
Less threatening. We are a beautiful religion. Truth/Goodness make people defensive. You can come to learn to love from beauty. To the goodness of the faith, then to the truth. Look at what Pope Francis is doing by leading with the beauty of a holy life, then lead them to the good and the truth.
2 – Don’t Dumb Down the Message!
Doesn’t help when we keep the faith the one thing that is dumbed down in our society. Evangelize by being clear, articulate, and smart – with the full arsenal of our tradition. A dumbed-down Catholicism will not serve.
3 – We Have to Preach With Ardor!
We need some fire! People only listen to a really excited speaker. Muster up some excitement for the Gospel! “I don’t think the purpose of Vatican II was to modernize the Church. The purpose of Vatican II was to Christify the world. Was to send us out as light-bearers to the end of the world.” The risen Jesus is the Good News! People don’t die for myths, legends, and literary devices – they do it for a resurrected Jesus! We need to be clear about that.
4 – To Be a Good Evangelist – You Have To Tell The Great Story!
There is a temptation to present a “pure Christianity” without the Old Testament story. This means the story is an abstract version, who is more of a “Gnostic guru”. There is something haywire in presenting Jesus without the Old Testament. He is an Israel. If we forget Israel, we forget who we are. The fulfillment of the story of salvation needs to have the story told from the beginning. Jesus can’t be understood without placing him within the history of Israel and the Messiah that all of Israel has always waited for. He is the new Adam, Moses, Abraham, David, etc. The New Eden is now established in the person of Jesus. If you de-Judaize Jesus, He becomes just another spiritual teacher. Evangelization is a subversive message there is a new King in town!
5 – God does not need us – and He loves us anyway.
Irenaeus understanding of God is perfect - What a great story! "There is no greater humanism possible than orthodox Christianity." His love is perfectly selfless. He is not a rival to us or wanting to get something out of us. He wants us to be “fully alive”. The bush that is on fire, but not consumed, is an image of God coming into man. He never destroys us when He comes into us. He enhances us. Jesus is the burning bush.
6 – We are Made For God.
We are wired to want a relationship with God. Everybody has a hungry heart (to quote Bruce Springsteen). We are all looking for God. We don’t just want truths or goods – we want truth and goodness itself. To evangelize is to tap into that desire. We all sometimes run after false gods, but The Church needs to be the new Elijah who publically and vigorously challenges the priests of the false gods (wealth, pleasure, honor, power). Only in giving yourself away in love is meaning found. The Church is meant to be a light to the world, so we can’t keep it to ourselves.
7 – Use the New Media
Become very adept at old media of books first. Immerse ourselves and others in the tradition of the Church. But, yes, yes, yes to the new media. We would be horribly derelict if we don’t use the tools we have before us. We can’t allow others to control the world of new media. The majority of those that become atheists are doing so through new media, stats show.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Pope Francis: St. Joseph, model for those who have educational roles in Church and in society
Vatican City ( AsiaNews) St. Joseph, whose "feast" we celebrate today, is the "model" for all those who have an educational role in society and in the Church. Pope Francis dedicated his catechesis during the general audience today to the figure of the patron of the universal Church, one year to the day after the mass with which he began his pontificate. And as he said on that occasion, he reiterated today, that "Joseph greatest characteristic was his being a guardian, his great mission is to be a guardian". "Saint Joseph - he added greeting the faithful in Arabic - is the model of every educator and every believer, because he was able to cross the darkness of doubt, the experience of exile and of having to flee from his home, without ever losing his trust in God and in His love. Learn from him that only faith in God can turn doubt into certainty, evil into good, the total darkness of the night into a radiant dawn".
The Pope spoke of St. Joseph to 80 thousand people present in St Peter's Square, whose "great mission" is "to be the guardian". He Pope this was the mission of all fathers, to whom he addressed his best wishes on Father's Day, inviting us to pray "for those fathers who are alive and those who are dead, for our dads".
"We look at Joseph - had said in catechesis - as the model of the educator, who safeguards and accompanies Jesus in his journey of growth "in wisdom, years and grace", as the Gospel of Luke tells us. "He was not the father of Jesus, the Father was God, but he was a father to help him grow in years, wisdom and grace".
"Let's start with his age, which is the most natural dimension, physical and psychological growth. Joseph, together with Mary, took care of Jesus, first of all from this point of view, he 'raised him' , worrying that he had all he needed for a healthy development . Let us not forget that the faithful care of the life of the Child also led to the flight into Egypt, the harsh experience of living as refugees to escape the threat of Herod. Then, once they returned home and settled in Nazareth, there is the long period of the hidden life of Jesus within the Holy Family. During those years, Joseph also taught Jesus his work, Jesus learned to be a carpenter".
"Let's move on to the second dimension of Christ's education, that of "wisdom". Scripture says that the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. Joseph was an example and teacher of this wisdom for Jesus, which he nourished by the Word of God. We can imagine how Joseph taught the child Jesus to listen to the Holy Scriptures, especially accompanying him on the Sabbath to the synagogue in Nazareth. Joseph accompanied Jesus so he would listen to the word of God in the synagogue".
"And finally, the dimension of "grace". Again St. Luke tells us referring to Jesus: "The grace of God was upon him". Here certainly the part reserved to St Joseph is more limited than in the areas of age and wisdom. But it would be a grave mistake to think that a father and a mother do nothing to educate their children to grow in the grace of God".
"The mission of St. Joseph is certainly unique and unrepeatable, because Jesus is unique. However, in his guarding Jesus, educating him to grow in years, wisdom and grace, he is a model for all educators, especially for parents. St. Joseph is the model educator and father, the model for dads. Therefore I entrust all parents, priests - who are fathers - and those who have an educational role in the Church and in society to his protection".
"In a special way, I wish to greet all parents, all dads today on Father's Day, I greet you from my heart! Let's see: are there any dads here in the square? Raise your hand, dads! Look, how many dads! Greetings, greetings on your feast Day! I ask for you the grace to always be very close to your children, letting them grow, but close. Close to them, eh? They need you, your presence, your closeness, your love. Be like St. Joseph for them, guardians of their growth in age, wisdom and grace. Guardians of their journey. Educators! And walk with them. And in your closeness, be true educators . Thank you for all that you do for your children: Thank you. A you best wishes and happy Father's Day to all the fathers who are here, to all the fathers. May St. Joseph bless you and be with you. And also, some of us have lost our father, he may have passed away, the Lord has called him: many in the square no longer have their father. We pray for all fathers of the world, for living fathers and even for those who are dead, and we can do this together, each recalling his or her father, alive or dead. And pray to the great Father of us all, the Father, Our Father, for our dads".
The Pope spoke of St. Joseph to 80 thousand people present in St Peter's Square, whose "great mission" is "to be the guardian". He Pope this was the mission of all fathers, to whom he addressed his best wishes on Father's Day, inviting us to pray "for those fathers who are alive and those who are dead, for our dads".
"We look at Joseph - had said in catechesis - as the model of the educator, who safeguards and accompanies Jesus in his journey of growth "in wisdom, years and grace", as the Gospel of Luke tells us. "He was not the father of Jesus, the Father was God, but he was a father to help him grow in years, wisdom and grace".
"Let's start with his age, which is the most natural dimension, physical and psychological growth. Joseph, together with Mary, took care of Jesus, first of all from this point of view, he 'raised him' , worrying that he had all he needed for a healthy development . Let us not forget that the faithful care of the life of the Child also led to the flight into Egypt, the harsh experience of living as refugees to escape the threat of Herod. Then, once they returned home and settled in Nazareth, there is the long period of the hidden life of Jesus within the Holy Family. During those years, Joseph also taught Jesus his work, Jesus learned to be a carpenter".
"Let's move on to the second dimension of Christ's education, that of "wisdom". Scripture says that the beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. Joseph was an example and teacher of this wisdom for Jesus, which he nourished by the Word of God. We can imagine how Joseph taught the child Jesus to listen to the Holy Scriptures, especially accompanying him on the Sabbath to the synagogue in Nazareth. Joseph accompanied Jesus so he would listen to the word of God in the synagogue".
"And finally, the dimension of "grace". Again St. Luke tells us referring to Jesus: "The grace of God was upon him". Here certainly the part reserved to St Joseph is more limited than in the areas of age and wisdom. But it would be a grave mistake to think that a father and a mother do nothing to educate their children to grow in the grace of God".
"The mission of St. Joseph is certainly unique and unrepeatable, because Jesus is unique. However, in his guarding Jesus, educating him to grow in years, wisdom and grace, he is a model for all educators, especially for parents. St. Joseph is the model educator and father, the model for dads. Therefore I entrust all parents, priests - who are fathers - and those who have an educational role in the Church and in society to his protection".
"In a special way, I wish to greet all parents, all dads today on Father's Day, I greet you from my heart! Let's see: are there any dads here in the square? Raise your hand, dads! Look, how many dads! Greetings, greetings on your feast Day! I ask for you the grace to always be very close to your children, letting them grow, but close. Close to them, eh? They need you, your presence, your closeness, your love. Be like St. Joseph for them, guardians of their growth in age, wisdom and grace. Guardians of their journey. Educators! And walk with them. And in your closeness, be true educators . Thank you for all that you do for your children: Thank you. A you best wishes and happy Father's Day to all the fathers who are here, to all the fathers. May St. Joseph bless you and be with you. And also, some of us have lost our father, he may have passed away, the Lord has called him: many in the square no longer have their father. We pray for all fathers of the world, for living fathers and even for those who are dead, and we can do this together, each recalling his or her father, alive or dead. And pray to the great Father of us all, the Father, Our Father, for our dads".
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