Ally took a few pictures on my phone, this one of Eva turned out pretty cute.
Eva asked if she could take clothes outside, I said no. She went back to report to Ally. I see her coming back inside, she tells me "just don't ask me what I'm doing"
A selfie, this girl is obsessed with trying to crack the code to my phone. She has way too much fun when she finds it unlocked.
A belated birthday present from Aunt Judy! The kids all love it!
This morning while helping Colton say the prayer I said "Bless Daddy at work" and he said "Daddy Fire Truck"
Colton was trying to reach the spray bottle on the counter. When he couldn't reach it he brought out the little stool from the bathroom. He stood on the stool and he was able to reach the spray bottle. This boy is too smart.
Ally dressed up as a cowboy, I love seeing the outfits she puts together. She wore this all day!
Colton said "Apple!". I tried to hand him apple slices and he got mad. I finally figured out he wanted a banana
For the last 10 mintues Colton keeps saying "ooo wind, out lights" from the poem
5 Little Pumpkins
Eva wanted to know why her apple sauce pouch had wood in it. I was very confused until I realized it was cinnamon apple sauce. The front has a picture of an apple and a cinnamon stick.
Another amazing sunset. Eva noticed it first, she asked if something was on fire out side. Luckily it was just this gorgeous sunset. It was fun to watch with the kids, Eva was so proud of noticing it first.
During some silly face making time we realized that Colton has a really long tongue. We tried to get him to touch his tongue to his nose but he didn't quite understand. I think his tongue is long enough though!
I told Colton to go get his boots. He came back without boots, shook his head and said "look everywhere" with a sad face. I just want to know how you can look "everywhere" in less than 30 seconds.
My Eva girl can really test my patience. This particular day was full of struggles for the both of us. I decided I was not going to argue over her interesting outfit choice (even if we were going out in public).
These two are so silly in the mornings. After we get back from dropping Maggie and Ally off at school they don't want to get out of the car. I think Eva needs a little more instruction on proper seat belt wearing before she graduates from her car seat! And yes, they do the school drop off in their pajamas 99% of the time.
On the way home from Grandma's house after dropping the girls off I hear Colton say "I'm back here mom!". He was all the way in the back all by himself.
My handsome little cowboy!
Colton was playing with a toy turtle. He said "a turtle mom!, she's so cute".
Colton is always so excited to see Olive when we are at Uncle Brian's house. It cracks me up how will get right up next to the window to watch her, but once you open the sliding glass door he isn't so sure about being that close.
While driving past some cows Colton said "Baby Cows! Awwwwe, so cute"
While moving the car seats around I discovered this little bit of graffiti in front of Ally's seat. As mad as I am about her writing (with red ink!) on the seat I can't get past the irony of her writing CTR.
A full rainbow out at McKinley Drive
Colton was saying the prayer for lunch and noticed Eva was snacking instead of being reverent. He said "Prayer, prayer Eba!"
A little yogurt treat from The Big Chill
When Colton woke up this morning the first thing I heard over the monitor was "momma, I play animals!"