Faith Family Friends

Celebrating the Joy of Living & Home Making ~

Baking, Cooking, Decorating, Tea Time, and taking Inspiration from those I love and the world around me...

A sharing of my heart and my home from a Christian perspective

...with a wee bit of whimsy added.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

I Have Received Two GiveAways

Hello everyone. Well, I'm still 'under the weather,' but I received another Giveaway in the mail today which helped lift my spirits!
A couple of weeks ago, I was excited to announce that I had won some Giveaways! Well, two of the Giveaways have arrived.
The first is two bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce that I won at A Romantic Porch. I am so pleased to discover that this special sauce is made by a Christian company! In fact, they have, "Christ is our CEO," and the sign of the fish, written on the bottle! Too bad the company is in Illinois, because I can't get the sauce here on the Island. Anyway, I'm looking forward to trying it on the barbeque. Thanks again, Rachel!
The second is a book entitled, "A Walk With Christ To the Cross," which I won at Musings of a Minister. I love a good book and I'm so looking forward to reading this one! Thanks again, Clif!
Blogging is so rewarding in so many ways! Hope you're all enjoying your evening.

Monday, 13 April 2009

It's Blue Monday & It's My Son's Birthday!

'Morning everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed their Easter weekend. It's Blue Monday again and it's Easter Monday here in Canada.
Today is also a special day because it is my son Jordan's birthday; and as it is his birthday, I would like to do my post in his honour. I promise, you will see some blue.

My husband and I have been blessed with three of the finest sons any parent could hope for. I love and appreciate each one so very much and each one brings much joy into my life. However, as today is Jordan's birthday, I would like to regale you with pictures and stories of him.

Jordan is my youngest son and he has the bluest eyes you will ever see! The pictures I'm about to share with you, don't do them justice!
I hope you will agree that he is a fitting subject for my Blue Monday!
Jordan was born with a math book in his hand! He is handsome, generous, intelligent, and a very likeable young man of very strong character!
Jordan was a happy child and possessed a very pleasant nature. He never gave his father and me a sleepless night while he was growing up!
He is about seven months old in this picture, all dressed in blue, with his brothers Jeff & Joel.

Jordan at about two and a half years old.

Four years old
When he was very young, we were certain he was destined to become an architect for he was constantly playing with building blocks and numbers. He also possessed a strong musical ability and when he was around nine years of age, he taught himself to play the keyboard.
He was about eleven years old when he took over a paper route for his brother and began to earn his own money.
In both Junior High and High School, he played percussion in the school band. He also played the keyboards in Youth group at church and in our Young Adult group when he was older.
When he graduated from High School, Jordan won the highest honour a student can achieve; the Governor General Medal. The medal was awarded to the student who had the highest average for two years in a row. He won most of the other awards in the Math-Sciences category, but the most impressive award of all, was the one he won for his character; the Tim Mal Memorial Award. This award was given to the student who exemplified a love for learning and a commitment to serving others. The award said a lot about the young man, and his family was and still is, very proud of him!

When he was 18, much to his parents' dismay and pride, Jordan left home to go to university out in Calgary, Alberta which is about two thousand miles away. He studied, and he worked as supervisor at a job to put himself through school. Even though he had won several scholarships, he still needed money to live on. No one could ever accuse Jordan of being lazy!

While he was in Calgary, he got involved in a church in the community and played the keyboards on their worship team.

He graduated from the University of Calgary in 2004 with his Bachelor of Science earning a double major in Math and a minor in Physics.
He also earned his Master degree while attending U of C.

This picture was taken in 2004.

Three years ago, he moved to Toronto, Ontario {a little closer to home} where he now attends the University of Toronto. He has since earned another Master degree in Math and is now working towards his PhD in Math. He plans to be a professor of Math when he is finished.
This summer, he hopes to attend a Math conference being held in Portugal, after which he will return to U of T to continue his research and studies.

Here are the two of us at Christmastime.
My son is passionate about many things; two of which are his family and his math!
He is still unattached, ladies, and Mother prays that a special young lady will come into his life at just the right time.
I love you {I miss you} and I'm so proud of the young man you are! God bless you!

Well, you have to admit, there were some blues in my post today! Thank you everyone for stopping by and thank you for indulging me. Yes, I am a proud Mama!

Thank you Sally for hosting Blue Monday and please click on the link to visit other Blue Monday sites. Have a wonderful day everyone!