
37 Weeks 2 Days

It's almost the end! I saw Dr. Adam last Thursday and I'm starting to spill protein and swell a little. But my BP is good! So we'll see what happens when I see her this Thursday. We may have to deliver early! I have mixed feelings about that because I really wanted to make it to 39 weeks, and my parents can't come until the 14th. But Sam is worried about my kidneys. So we'll see. Baby girl was 6.5 lbs last week. Even if she comes this week, she'll probably be about 7 lbs! Me on the other hand... I've gained 40 lbs! I have 5 lbs to go to be where I was with my other deliveries. Let's see if I get there! :)

Happy birthday to Max!

Max is 6! We celebrated (both Sam & Max) last night at Grandpa & Grandma's house with the cousins. Max got some fun stuff! A new backpack, a remote control tank with army men, a lacrosse stick, a remote control helicopter, and other fun toys! We celebrated Sam turning 38 and Max turning 6 with an ice cream cake and donut pyramid! Earlier yesterday, Sam fulfilled Max's birthday wish I checked him out of school to go to Katy Mills Mall and play at the arcade. Max was one happy guy to have one-on-one time with daddy! Here's the birthday boy on his way to school. I can't believe he's 6! Stats from his Well-Check Height: 49" (96th%)  Weight: 48 lbs (66th%) Sam checked the kids out of school at 10am and took them camping for the night! They went to Garner State Park, which is more than 4 hours away. But they had a blast!

Lincoln's first dentist visit

Lincoln had his first dentist visit today. He doesn't look too happy about it in the pictures, but he really did great! His teeth are spread apart, so much that I thought he was missing a lateral tooth, but the dentist says they're all there and looking good! We have about a year to get rid of the Binky... not looking forward to that!

35 Weeks

I was 35 weeks on Sunday! It's definitely nearing the end. I'm getting huge and tired! I've also had a lot of back issues that is making it really difficult to get things done.  I had a doctor appointment today and she's 5 lbs 13 oz! Right about 50th%. I can't wait until she's here!

Beautiful day!

No school today and the weather was lovely. We went to Lupe Tortilla for lunch and after Lincoln's nap, we played at the park! It was fun having Elsa with us. What a great day!

Mr. Supervisor

Here's Mr. Lincoln in his happy place. He's not only watching the garbage truck drive down the street, but he's doing it with Grandpa John! Mondays are the best when I have a doctor's appointment. Linc gets to see the recycling and garbage trucks pick up early at our house, then he can see at least one of them at Grandma & Grandpa's! Little boy heaven! I also just love his new thing - putting his hands on his hips. He is 22 months old today and could not be any more fun than he is!