My thoughts.....
DISCLAIMER......So no one gets offended, first off, These are MY THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS!!! I am not writing this to make anyone feel bad or to offend anyone. I have just been thinking about this for a bit and now I am going to blog about it. Ok, there is my for warning.
About a month ago, I read a blog about a book, that I have been told that I need to read. I don't have a lot of desire to read this certain book, but was interested in reading the blog to see someones thoughts about it.
They said how this book made them feel like something just was not right. In the end, this person decided to not finish it, as she finally decided the contented was something that she did not want to put/ store in her mind.
This has made me do a lot of thinking. What are things in my life that I am putting into my body, either by watching, reading, eating, that is harming me or my spirit.
Some of you know, I love Greys Anatomy. My brother lived with us, just after Miss P was born, and he introduced me to the show, which has caused a love addicted to the show. Of course, I had to pass this addiction onto others.
I have been a faithful watcher. If I missed the show for some reason, I could be found watching it on the laptop, as soon as they posted it on the internet. I just had to see who was with who, who was fighting with who, and when they actually did surgeries, what twists they had.
At the end of last season, I was probably just like all the other fans, dying to find out what happened, to all the characters, especially since it had been a short season due to the writers strike.
The season started again, of course I have been watching, waiting to see what happens with Derrick and Meredith, are they actually going to make it this time? Is George going to get to take the test and is he going to pass? What twists are they going to throw at us this year? You get the point.
I am a total fan and loving my addiction until Thursday. This seriously opened my eyes, and reminded me back to the book thing, and what are we putting in our minds.
For those who don't watch, this is what is disturbing me. There are two female actresses on the show, who the writers have decided to have them try a lesbian relationship. At first you think it is not going to go anywhere, based on what the one is saying. In the end of the episode, they make it very clear, that this relationship is not over where it got to the point of almost showing two girls having sex. Hello, this is not some cheap adult movie. It was for me very disturbing and very disappointing, that this is what the show is coming to.
Now, I know this is a common thing in the world today. No I do not agree with it, and strongly believe that relationships are to be between a man and a women, not a man and man or women and women. LINK
Do I hate or shun people that are in these kinds of relationships, No. I do not agree with the choice though.
Ok, back to Greys. I am so disappointed in the show. Come on, there are some things that just do not need to be shown or implied.
It was very interesting to see the next day, how many other people shared the same feelings as I did, regarding this episode. We are all very disappointed with the show and the writers. I am to the point, that my next letter is going to be to the network and show. If we want to see a change, we must stand up for what we believe in.
I have been trying hard to improve my life, make it better, live the kind of life that I am trying to teach my daughter to live and also the kids in my sunday school class. I am really trying to declutter my life and mind of things that don't live up to these standards. Am I perfect no, not close, but I am trying to be better.
As I am trying to make a better me, to have the spirit with me more and in my home, I am sad to say, this love addiction with Greys must come to an end. This episode, has crossed my line with content which I do not wish to put into my mind. I am sure it will be hard, as I am sure it is with all addictions,( maybe one day i will be rid of my sugar addiction) but in the end I know it will be worth it. On the brighter side, I will get to bed earlier on Thursdays.