After high school I moved to Chicago to be a nanny and, though I lived with the family I nannied for, I was in a separate "wing" of the house. I lived with a missionary companion every day in Michigan (sometimes 2-3 comps at a time.) When I moved home I lived in a home with 3 of my siblings until they moved out one by one because they got married. Then my folks were moving home from Seattle and moved into the house with the one remaining un-married brother and I. We have lived this way for a while now. So I have been in a home with people my whole life. Next week I start moving out into my own brand-spanking old house. Alone. I was getting ready for work this morning and had many many different thoughts running through my head.
"Seriously, you are 35 and still live with your folks?"
"Get off my back, I they moved in with me."
"Stop fighting, random head voices!!"
"I do not have anything of my own any more to care for a house!!"
"I need new ... EVERYTHING!"
"Crate & Barrel needs to open stat!"
"I am going to miss so many things that go along with living with my Mom ... like shopping in her food storage."
"I need a vacuum."
"I do not have a microwave oven."
"I'll need to buy q-tips."
"You are single, what the crap are you going to do with 5 bedrooms?!"
"The wallpaper needs to go stat!!"
"Can I live with the ceiling for a while?
"Of course you can, you need a new microwave!"
"You need to find a roommate for the basement."
"Where would you find a roommate that you know you could stand to live with? You have issues, sis!!"
"How odd do you think you are going to look mowing your lawn riding the mower wearing a surgical mask because you are allergic to grass?"
"Cable or satellite?"
"That house is going to be seriously empty ... you have no furniture."
"Why are you suddenly talking to yourself in the second person?"
"At least it is not third person, she says."
Mostly I will miss the comforts of a well established home. A stock pile of toothpaste and soap, a vacuum and broom, dish towels, food, a home cooked meal when I get home from work, a microwave oven and q-tips. I have to go shopping. I hate shopping! That sounded negative. You know the cure for this? Ikea.