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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

students yg cuti, lekcoro ???

plan asal ingin mengularkan diri!
akan tetapi................
stuck in the office! wif works...tp keje hakiki tak start2 lagi!
should suppose preparing notes, marking papers, figuring out how to use the software...
end up goyang kaki for the 1st day, 2nd day attend meeting (back-to-back meeting mind u!)
3rd day, buat kerja2 sampingan, by half of the day kinda exhausted! (mind is catching up! i really need to take care of myself!)
tomorrow, torn between going for a course or attending a bengkel in which i'm one of the committee member?
alaa malas nk ngadap the ultimate superior in the office! i wish i was not in the committee member..huhuhuhu
esok buat2la sibuk ke mana2...

hmmm then when on earth i'm gonna do my notes? yikessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
back at home, i wont do it anymore....since hubby is here...haish!

okla..nk tidoq dah nih!
till then!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

a boring weekend

most of the time i was in my house...
went out today for lauk-pauk hunting! sejak 2 minggu fridge kosong tanpa sebarang lauk pauk..
now it is bout time to stuff at least some!
plan nk masak sambal sotong...hoping everything is okey! owh nnt nk try buat kari...
tak pernah lulus buat kari sebenarnya!
owh and i teringin nak buat western food! mcm sedap jer kalau bleh buat...kalau bleh grill or bake!
back to the point, i dont have an oven! owh ok i received a microwave oven & grill for the wedding gift..
cuma tak bukak2 lagi..hehehe myb bleh try grill or bake nanti using microwave...
tapi i really love to get a stove with oven yg kena letak api sendiri! hahaha itu lagi klasik kot???

ok sejak kawen nih byk tul angan2..tapi confidence level agak low...
sbb mcm malu nak menjamu kpd en suami..sbb rasa2 my own cooking adalah average...bukan tahap kesedapan yg teramat! huhuhuhu *alasan big time tamau masak2 sebenarnya! :P owh and i dont really know how to cook!

hmmm itu jer la my weekend...next week will be amazing race plak :P

p/s: sedih mode: sbb my favorite lip gloss hilang ke mana ntah! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tak kan jatuh tgh jalan kot??????? :(

Thursday, February 16, 2012


alhamdulillah..the throat that sore recently is slowly recovering...
syukur sbb today woke up i didnt feel any pain when swallowing the saliva..
still kena pantang minum ais...let it few days then baru la nk merasa ais kot..if sakit then will be a big No-No for me :( adoi hilang nikmat minum ais..huhuhu

esok, planning to visit uncle latiff's family...kak dillah dpt baby no-4 and since i'm married tak gi lagi umah dorg..hehehe kebetulan esok ada kenduri akikah so considered as langkah kanan kot?

lately teringin nak pegi window shopping yg teramat!
hari tu masa ke KL, sorg2 shopping kat Jln TAR was great!!!
lagi seronok, bila pegi shopping mall, the husband pun sama2 nak shopping..hehehe lagi sronok!

looking forward nk blk nnt..ingat nak ajak date kt tpt yg best2 sket...asyik pi gerai2 jer :P
till then have a great week!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

3 years.................

today marked the 3rd year i've been living in Terengganu...
(couldn't believe myself either *pat on my back, good job!*)

looking back what i've achieved throughout the years..hmmmm definitely a whole new experience...
:) alhamdulillah it is a good one!

so what next for me?

i'm not sure either..hoping that everything will be fine, insya Allah..
the sad episode in my life is still there...hoping that whatever happen i will be strong enough to face it..now having a husband by my side, it does help a lot! Alhamdulillah...

perasan tak minggu nih berlalu dgn pantas!
sedar2 esok dah khamis! :) can't wait to have my other half back here...
menyakat antara satu sama lain adalah hobby kami.......hehehe :P
till then!

Monday, February 13, 2012

still not feeling well! :(

i'm not sure what is wrong wif yours truly...
my throat hurts badly!
not a normal sore throat...

last nite i took the cough medicine, once i woke up nothing improves..
i ate the difflam..still having the store..
nak telan air liur pun super duper perit!

what should i do?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

home alone

i must say i missed my husband very2 much!
tak der org boleh nk argue, pastu merajuk, pastu mengejek! hish..bored! 
online pun x best gak sbb semua org pakat bz with their own life :P

what did i achieve during the weekend???
  •  kemas living room (done!)
  • kemas bedroom (done!)
  • kemas kitchen - cupboard (done!)
hmm not bad eyyy??? 
bila nk ngadap notes jadi super duper malas! till now i have not open up my lappy! hahaha mcm otak dah jam nk buat notes for the new subject yg i'm the only one who taught in my poli! bleugh!!!! hoping next semester no more new subjects given to me..kasi chance kat org lain plak merasa cari notes! 

owh now we are approaching middle of february! time flies indeed!!!
15th february marks the 3rd year i'm working in Terengganu... so keat huh?? 
it is bout time, i need to go back where my heart belongs ey??? 
i hope that it will be a smooth sailing in order to apply and getting approved for applying the transfer...
bukan apa, with the new boss at the office, anything is possible...
dahla a lady boss! huhu boleh la consider as a nightmare to those working directly to her! 
me, tak terasa sangat tapi bila dgr few incidents, rasa geram pun ada...nak jer suruh pihak kementerian pegi buat satu training for all those pangkat2 yg ada subordinates attend kursus bout managing people or being a team leader etc! 

makin lama bekerja, pelbagai perangai yg jumpa...heeee hopefully i dont need to work directly with the lady boss...sbb i dont think i can keep it cool if always being provoked with remarks that always wanna make u feel low! 

hmm enuff bout work, looking forward for another week as i might be going back home..yeay! 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

adjusting to the new life

it's been awhile...
i've been bit busy (sakit on-off + catching up with loads of work!)

tonite, nak merehatkan diri..weekend nak qada' tido or rehat secukup-cukupnya....
badan dah tak sekuat dulu (blame on the aging process!) each time travelling, mesti kena sakit tekak..huhuhu
diri nih x boleh kekurangan pengambilan air masak + mandi yg lewat (travel seharian, bila malam baru bleh mandi) confirm the next day akan sakit2..huhuhuhu

lately, balik rumah jer teramat penat! even nk buat kerja ofis pun tak terdaya...lagi rela nk surfing online baca gossip jer dr memerahkan otak membuat nota..huhuhu sib baik encik suami is not around! kalau tak mmg buruk perangai isteri dia nih! :P
memasak apa ntah lagi! when the husband is away, the wife will be on leave from cooking! :P
so sangat respect kpd isteri2 yg berkerjaya yg lps balik dr keje terus ngadap dapur utk menyediakan sajian buat suami tercinta...hmm i still need to improve on that! lately asyik ngelat jer memasak..hehehe dgn alasan "tak pandai masak"
baru2 nih balik ke SP, mama nasihatkan Yours Truly to cook for the husband..jgn malas sgt! *mom knows it all la kan??? hish mmg x leh ngelat langsung!* :P

tapi kan skrg both of us berazam nk berdiet kan? tapi kdg2 rasa bersalah kalau tak masak nasi sbb tgh hari dh tak lunch together or even cooked for him! hehehe so bila masanya nak berdiet nih?? beberapa kali dgr his perlian "kesian kasut adidas u tu..menangis dia sbb lama dah tak pakai dia" hish apakah? bukanke lately hujan jer memanjang..baru nk masuk musim kemarau dh nih..so lps nih blehla nak continue the usual routine, brisk walking (err serious kalau jogging mahu patah kakiku ini!)

about adjusting to new life..so far alhamdulillah...
cuma agak 'penat' travel ulang alik KT-SP-PG.
now mmg mengharap cepat2 boleh balik ke PG/KM...so that takla penat sgt nk ulang alik umah parents kami...
praying that this year dah boleh berpindah :)