Scan Journal is a peer-reviewed quarterly. Submissions on a specific theme will be invited for each issue. Submitted articles will be blind-reviewed, with the exception of Information pieces, which will be assessed by the editors but not refereed.
Guidelines for Contributors
1. In general, follow these procedures:
1.1 Word length
Articles should be up to 6,000 words in length. If in doubt, consult the editors.
1.2 Submission Procedures
Send as email attachment as a word document.
Images should be sent as separate files as either GIF or JPG. Do not embed
images into word documents.
Send word document to issue editor as designated in the Call for Papers, or
Postal Address:
Dr John Potts
Media Department
Macquarie University
NSW 2109
1.3 All submissions should be accompanied by the following information
· Name(s), Institutional affiliation(s), email(s) and surface mail addresses and fax no.(s) of the person(s) submitting;
· Title of the text and the section for which it is submitted.
All original submissions (of articles and reviews) should be accompanied by a short paragraph (40-60 words) about the contributor(s), giving the kind of information that readers may wish to know, such as name, institutional affiliation, leadership roles, recent publications, research interests.
2 Style guidelines:
· General rule - keep it simple, avoid formatting . This means: Use single spacing between lines, justify on left only.
· Do not use tabs at any time. Mark paragraph breaks with one extra "hard return".
· Do not use bold or underlining at any time: for emphasis or titles, use italics
· Avoid the use of footnotes or endnotes. Cited works are referenced in the text, eg. (Chambers 1994: 27). Include in the main text any material you may otherwise have footnoted.
· Spelling - retain 's' (and not 'z')
· Inverted commas - " (not ')
· Extended quotations - indent in plain text (not italics)
3. Reference Style Guide
Aarseth, E. (1997) Cybertext. Perspectives on Ergodic Literature, Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press
Chambers, I. (1994) Migrancy, Culture, Identity, London/New York: Routledge
Journal Articles
Galison, P. (1994) "The Ontology of the Enemy: Norbert Wiener and the Cybernetic Vision" in Critical Inquiry 21: Autumn pp. 228-266
Juul, J. "Game's telling Stories - A Brief Note On Games and Narratives", Games Studies - The International Journal of Computer Game Research, vol. 1 no. 1 (July 2001), accessed September 4, 2002
Scan Magazine publishes informal (non-refereed) articles on
the media arts.
The Magazine is updated on a monthly basis.
Contributions should be sent as an email attachment as RTF or doc
file to
Dr John Potts
Macquarie University
Maximum word length is 3,000 words. Include a brief summary of
the piece and
a brief (two sentences) biographical description of the author.
Images or video used within the text should be attached as jpeg or mov format. Please contact the editors if you wish to use another format.
Scan Gallery hosts multimedia artworks on an ongoing basis. Suggestions for contributions should be sent in email to:
Dr John Potts
Macquarie University
Submissions will be assessed by the Scan Editorial Committee. Media art works in all forms - including still and moving image, audio, interactive formats - are suitable for submission to the Gallery.
Submissions to the News and Events section of Scan can
be made by e-mailing details to
the subject line of your e-mail.
Submissions will be assessed by the Scan Editorial Committee before publication.