15 December AD 2024,
Gaudete Sunday
Dear Godson,
On Gaudete Sunday, we light the rose candle of rejoicing, and give thanks in the midst of our season of penitential waiting. The coming joy of the birth of Our Lord awaits us.
In lesser matters, we can also take joy, in that the Lord made knowledge of Him open not just to the spirit of faith, but also to the eyes of reason. He could have arranges the world otherwise, but, in His mercy, the Lord saw fit to give mortal man just enough power of reason for philosophy to reach the pearly gate of heaven, but not enough to enter the throneroom. Reason can tell us that the Lord is real, and worthy of glory and worship, but more than that, must be revealed by a grace, or remain hidden.
But to know God exists is no more impossible than to know reality is real. Indeed, from the fact that reality it real, that being has being, is one way to know God exists.
The Church teaches, and reason confirms, that the Supreme Being is and must be the ground of being: and this all men know to be God.
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