This has been such a great month! This is our month FULL of Birthdays! This month Travis finished up his soccer season and he did great! He absolutely LOVES to play and is constantly asking when practice is or when his games is. We've also celebrated Ethan's 2nd birthday and Tyler's 4th birthday! They are the sweetest little boys and are so full of energy and happiness! Scott and I also celebrated our birthdays this month but I didn't get ONE picture of us! My birthday is November 18th and Scott's birthday is November 19th and we usually just have one big party! Also it's a fun time for us to get a babysitter to go out to eat or do something fun together. I love spending time with Scott! We had fun birthdays! We also celebrated Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house. We had so much fun hanging out with everyone for several days! The kids love to pack up their suitcase, sleeping bag and pillow pet and spend the night at Grandma's house with the cousins. It is always so fun! We are so blessed to have such a GREAT family! Here are all of the great things we've done this month:
November 7th--Ethan LOVES the park! He loves to swing and could swing all day. I love this boy!
November 9th--Travis' last soccer game of the season! He LOVES to play and is a good little soccer player. We are so proud of him!
Our sweet little Tyler watching Travis' soccer game!
Mom, Brooke and Ethan having fun at Travis' soccer game!
We love you Travis and are so proud of you! Great soccer season!
Celebrating the end of soccer season with a little McDonalds ice-cream cone!
November 10th--While going through bags of clothes for Brooke, Tyler whipped on this little tutu with tights! It was pretty funny...can't believe it really fit him....well, kind of!
November 11th--HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ethan! You are such a sweet boy! You love to play with your brothers. You love balls, trucks and cars. You love pizza and spaghetti. You love to suck your little fingers and you love your blue blanket! I am so blessed to be your mom! I love you!
Ethan's birthday dinner...Ravioli and salad!Ethan's little birthday party with our family!
He was SO excited to open his presents!
He loves his new sleeping bag and suitcase from Grandma and Grandpa Clark!
So many fun toys!
And his VERY OWN bouncy ball!
Such a happy boy!
Happy 2nd Birthday Ethan!Ethan with Grandma and Grandpa Murdock
Our little family on Ethan's birthday!
November 14th--Travis' first piano recital! He played "My Electric Car" by Jane Bastien. He did such a good job and didn't even seem nervous! I was so proud of him. I am his piano teacher and it has been so fun to teach him. I am so lucky to be his mom and to be able to teach him piano!
November 15th--Having a little lunch with our cousin Carson! These kids LOVE to play together!
November 16th--Our family picture! I love my family and am so grateful for them! Travis is 6, Tyler is almost 4, Ethan is 2 and Brooke is 6 months.One of the only pictures we could get with all 4 kids!
I love these two boys! Travis and Tyler are such cute little buddies!
Travis (6 years)
Tyler (almost 4 years)
Brooke (6 months)
Ethan (2 years)
I love these little kids!
November 18th--I can't believe Brooke is 6 months! She is so much fun! She is such a happy baby. She loves to eat and she is a good sleeper! She loves to watch the boys and wishes she could crawl after them!
November 21st--Visiting the Jubilee of Trees!
Brooke's first picture with Santa. She was absolutely mesmerized by him. It was darling! Wish I could've gotten a picture of all my kids with Santa but the workers at the Jubilee of Trees wouldn't let me! Merry Christmas! Can't wait for the holiday season to begin now!
November 22nd--Just a usual day in our house! Travis watching a cartoon, Tyler wrestling around, Ethan driving a little car and oh! A big pile of laundry!
November 23rd--HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tyler! I can't believe you are 4 years old! You are such a sweet boy. You are so eager to learn and want to try everything just to catch up with Travis! You love to play and watch Jake and the Neverland Pirates. You love to drive cars and you love ALL kinds of treats.
Tyler chose to go to Jumping Jacks for his birthday! They had so much fun!
Mom and Ethan at Jumping Jacks!
Tyler opening presents!
He got The Legend of Chima legos!
He got a new Ninjago sweater, new cars, the Jake tree house, his own lego case and Micro drifter cars!
Travis and Tyler playing with all of their Jake and the Neverland Pirate toys!
Happy Birthday Tyler! You are such a special boy and WE LOVE YOU!
Tyler having a little birthday cake with Carson!Grandpa Clark and Ethan!
Grandma Clark and Brooke!
Travis having a little birthday cake!
Tyler out for his birthday dinner! He picked Red Robin and loved hit!Tyler with his birthday ice-cream sunday at Red Robin!
November 27th--Thanksgiving weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house! The first day we got there, there was snow! The kids were so thrilled! This picture is of Tyler, Ethan and Avery.
Tyler and Travis in the snow....SO FUN!
The boys in the snow...Ethan, Tyler and Travis!
Our pie bake..Grandma Clark, Me, Tyler and Travis!
The cousins all helping in our yearly pie bake!
November 28th--HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (Brooke and Tyler)
So sweet....Brooke's 1st Thanksgiving!
Brooke and Mom on Thanksgiving Day!
Travis, Dad and Brooke....Happy Thanksgiving!
Grandma and Grandpa Clark enjoying Thanksgiving dinner! We are so grateful for them! We love you Grandma and Grandpa Clark!
Mom and Ethan having Thanksgiving dinner!
Our family Thanksgiving dinner! Having soooo much fun!
The cousins having fun together!
November 29th--We all got to open our Christmas presents early from Grandma and Grandpa Clark! James, Carson and Tyler all got Superman costumes! They loved them!!!!