Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ultrasound pics

One of his arms.
Do you see a nose or lips?

One of his legs

His Spine

The umbilical cord
Thats my baby. =)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's gonna be a little boy!

My baby is going to be a little boy! Scott was so excited. He would have been happy with a girl, but when we saw it was a he, Scott just smiled from ear to ear. This was actually awhile ago and most people already know.

I am going to try to put some pictures of the Ultrasound up as well as pictures of my husband and dog, Phantom. Phantom has been a source controversy, being as I never grew up with animals and Scott's mom happens to be a animal lover ( take strays in off the streets ) I had no idea what I was getting into, otherwise I would have said no! But I thought it only fair to give it a try and I did and now we call Phantom Scott's dog and Scott takes care of him. I rarely have any interaction with Phantom. Except maybe to yell at him to shut-up or get the blazzes out of my room. Okay, i'm not that heartless, he is the sweetest dog and really very cute. It's just that I want Phantom to be human and that's not gonna happen for me, so whatever, phantom makes Scott happy. =)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First time

Holla, family and friends.
I did it! I started a blog. Is that what you call it? I have no clue. But anyway, just expect updates on how the baby is doing and most importantly how I'm doing during the pregnancy! haha.
Today was an okay day. I had a bout of, um, well, diarrhea. Not very fun. And not very fun to describe, much less read about so I'll just leave it at that.
I voted today, so excited. I know I am going to get a lot of flack for telling this, but today was the very first time I have ever voted. No, I'm not telling you my age if you can't remember. Anyway, it was exhilarating! Even though the entire country already knew Utah was McCain's and if I didn't vote, Utah still would have gone to McCain, but I needed to know I had voted.

Pregnancy stuff:
Right now I am 16 weeks along. If any Brown family is wondering whether I'm going to find out the sex, you betcha I am. And I'll find out right before our little family reunion for Thanksgiving. I'm actually showing now. I think I'm huge. I'm only 4 months and already showing. I know everyone is different, but if you know my mom's history, you understand why I'm freaking out a little. =) No 12 lb babies for me, thank you. At the same time, if you've met my husband, you could also reason out why I'm so big right now. =)

Scott stuff:
Scott is doing good. He is on his way to getting his pilots license and almost half way through with school! He hates studying but is good and does it anyway. His sister Sarah is getting married November 20Th.

Well guys, thanks for reading! Love y'all!