This is mostly for Tami. She doesn't have facebook, where I do most of my online socializing, but she follows my blog.....which I haven't touched in a very long time. So Tami, know that I might not write you back when you email me, but I do blog for you. =)
I am pregnant with my 2nd child who is a girl! One of both, I don't think I can ask for better. She will be named Sophia Marnae Mathewson. She'll have my middle name. I got it from my grandparents on my mom's side. Grandpa's name: Marvin Grandma's name: Naedine. You take the first three letters in both of their names and you get Marnae. I think it's cool because a part of me gets to be apart of both my grandparents. And now Sophia too!
I currently and officially am 36 1/2 weeks. For the past 2 months or so I've been measuring big. My OB opted to do a ultrasound today and it showed the following: She is measuring about 38 weeks, which would put the so called due date : 7/2/11, but they wont change it ( Due date is: 7/14/11). They saw that her diaphram is contracting which is good because it shows she is getting ready to breath. I'm dilated to almost a 2 and at 60%. I started having contractions on Saturday night, they were about 5 mins apart for about 3 hrs but never went anywhere. I took a walk which didn't make them go away so I decided to just jump in a bath and see what would happen. They calmed down I'm sad to say. But I am very hopeful that she is going to come early. I just need to wait for my mom to get back from trek. She'll be back on Wednesday night. Prayers are much appreciated but please, pray for her to come after Wednesday. =)