True stories of a small flock of remarkable individuals -- and other critters.

Showing posts with label evil chicken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evil chicken. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Solution to Every Problem

Lately I've noticed Lucy's neck looking a little scraggly.  
But I chalked it up to old age...
I mean, my neck certainly doesn’t look like a spring chicken’s either. That's why I always pose with one of my hens.

See how young I look?
For a five-year-old hen, Lucy has been looking pretty healthy.
But here's what I mean about her neck:   

Then a couple weeks ago I witnessed this:
and I realized the problem wasn't old age -- the problem was Lil'White.

Lil'White goes after Daisy all the time, 
but Daisy has enough spunk to stay a few steps ahead of her.

Lucy, however, couldn't outrun a snail.

I only saw Lil'White pecking at Lucy once, and never again....but Lucy's feathers have been looking worse and worse.  

The night Lucy chose to roost outdoors at bedtime

I realized that Lil'White must have been nibbling at Lucy all night long on the roost inside.

Lil’White and Lucy always sleep side by side on the roost.

I couldn’t change their roosting situation - each gal chooses her place, and the bedtime routine is pretty much set in stone.

So I considered other possibilities:

These "pinless peepers" helped my friend Jennifer's gal, Lily,to change her peckish ways....

I had one other idea that seemed easier.  I took two pieces of wood, a couple of nails and a big ol’ C-clamp, and built a wall.

So now Evil Lil'White has a bedroom of her own. 

I'm not sure how Lil'White feels about this setup,
But I think Lucy and Daisy are thrilled.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

BULLYING -or- The Evil Orpington

Orpingtons are reputed to be one of the most docile and friendly breeds of chicken. 
So why is Lil'White such a sociopath?

She started out as sweet as could be.  
Was an inner fury brewing in that fluffy little soul?

You can't blame it on the mother (me).   My girls enjoy spacious accommodations--- more good food than they ever can cram into those little crops of theirs--- safe and spacious roosting areas ---- plenty of entertainment and activity.
There's no logical explanation for her brutal behavior.  

Not only does she viciously defend her #2 position in the pecking order, incessantly and unprovoked, 
but she brutally attacks ME every chance she gets---  

---appearing innocent and curious all the while.   
My legs receive most of her abuse, but whenever I squat down to chat with the ladies, she quietly slips around back and pecks mercilessly -- maniacally --

at my butt. 
I feel that if she had the appropriate weapon, she'd kill me--drag me to the woods and  bury me in a shallow grave behind the compost pile.   But all she's got is a little beak and a twisted little mind.  She doesn't scare me one bit. 

She sure put the fear of chickens into Grandma, though.

Fern and Daisy take most of her abuse,
but they're young and quick  so blood loss is rare.

Now I'm wondering if young impressionable Fern has picked up some nasty behavior from Lil'White.
Recently, suddenly, Fern decided that she will be above Daisy in the pecking order.  It was kind of sad to watch because Daisy and Fern had been little allies from the start.

Two tykes, 


When Fern started attacking her, Daisy clearly had better things to do than to bicker about her social rank.  She just got out of the way.
Now Daisy's kind of on her own.

She keeps to the perimeter.

But, because she's an awesome gal, she makes the most of it.
There's more adventure to be had when you're on your own...
like suddenly discovering
The Car.

Bedtime is a stressful time for Daisy.  I used to rescue Fern from up in the dark rafters every night, but now I leave her up there alone, rather than let her torment Daisy on the roost.
So Daisy has had only one beak to dodge in the evenings -- Lil'White's.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  

Last night, however, when I went out to lock up the coop, I came upon a pretty little sight.  
All five sitting quietly on the summer roost.

I hope it's a foreshadow of harmony to come.