Wednesday, October 22, 2014

6 months in one post

Guess what?!? We moved to Ohio! If you know me in the real word, then this isn't new information. We moved here last July to be closer to my family. Sean and I both got jobs in the Licking Heights School District. Here are some pictures from our summer in Ohio! 

4th of July parade with Kristin and Caven.


Max's water birthday party

Columbus Clippers game with the family. Todd and Cherish entertained McKay! 

Max's first game! 

Ocean Isle Beach, NC with the whole family

Spent a morning at the aquarium. McKay loved it!!

Sooo glad to be with cousins! 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Good Buddies

When I had Max I  knew that he would be mine and Sean's baby (obviously), but what I didn't expect is that he would also be McKay's baby. I had hoped that they would adore each other and love to play together, but they have a really special bond that has really surprised me. 

When I was still pregnant, Max would kick the hardest whenever McKay would talk. Max's first smile and giggles were also directed to McKay. McKay has a way of calming Max's cries by singing the ABCs and he loves to take care of Max, just like Sean and I do - to the point where I'm telling him ten times a day to get out of the baby's face.

They love to snuggle with each other first thing in the morning and their bath time laughter is one of my favorite things to hear. 

I know this perfect friendship probably won't last much longer (especially since Max is crawling and wants whatever McKay is playing with!), but I hope their special bond will continue forever.

Monday, February 24, 2014


Life in our house is busy, as always.
Here's a couple pics of things we love to do!

Max sat like this and laughed for ten minutes straight. Daddies come up with the silliest games! 

You know your mom is awesome if she sends you a new shirt for Valentine's Day. LOVE it!!! 

They love to snuggle in the morning. 

Tay Tay Ho Ho loving on Max

Sometimes McKay likes to make treasure maps out of fruit snacks. I love his imagination! 

Super into Legos these days. Sean is so good to build these things and then watch as McKay takes them apart to build his own creations.

Can I just cuddle them all day? 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Christmas & Disneyland

This Christmas was Sean and my 10 year anniversary, so we decided to celebrate as a family by going to Disneyland. I was a little nervous as to how the boys would do, but it really went well. We even went on one of the busiest days (the day after Christmas), and we still had a great time. Here's some pictures from our California Christmas! 

Neither Max or McKay seemed too impressed by this Santa...

The kids decorated Christmas trees, instead of gingerbread houses. They really loved it! 

The cousins on Sean's side (and we were even missing two!).

Sean took McKay and Milla on the Teacups

Meeting Mickey was a highlight! 

Soooo tired after our day at Disney. Doesn't he just look so cuddly?!?

Spending the afternoon with Loretta's kids Sakai and Sea on Balboa Island. 

The long drive home

Little Max's first day in his helmet! 

We take our fort building very seriously in this house.

Friday, November 8, 2013

4 Months Later...

Wow! Has it really been that long since I last updated this blog?! Holy Cow (or as McKay says it, Horsey Cow)! I don't have the time or energy to do a recap of four months. Let's just say it's been a busy, fun, crazy, four months.