Well the drama continues for Our Oregon Crusaders they have now blown a total of 5 !! tires. All on different vehicles caravaning to their next destination Chippewa Falls WI. They have a important performance tonight GO OC!! From there they travel to McKenzie TN. for another performance on August 1. Then to Henderson Tn. Aug.2 . August 3 Dayton Ohio performance August 5 Michigan In. Then the biggies the National competitions Bloomfield IN on the 6 8th and 9th.
I'm sure the rough beginning to their trip has tired everyone out but the kids have been working up to this moment for 7 months, they are ready, they are fighters, and most of all they are talented YOUNG musicians! Thank GOD there have been no accidents, and the OC adults have planned for every possible event.
I on the other hand have spent the last 2 days cleaning my studio, when it was originally set up I thought I knew how I wanted it but for several months now I have been feeling frustrated, the room wasn't working for me and didn't make sense. I am a p-i-g- when I work so if things don't have a permanent place I have a tendency to pile things up. I finally gave everything a place, I expect to make amazing things now that I can find my things. lol the true test tomorrow morning.
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3 years ago