The Comeback Bat
Note, over on the right, the Dean "Comeback Bat."
Yes, the Dean campaign has "the Bat" up again. This time it's the Comeback Bat.
Even if you can only give $5, click the Bat and donate something!
Yes, the Dean campaign has "the Bat" up again. This time it's the Comeback Bat.
Even if you can only give $5, click the Bat and donate something!
Brandnaming the Heathers
Howard Dean has had pretty good success making a joke of the groupthink media response to his "scream" in Iowa. This got me to thinking about how to make the media an issue in the upcoming election.
We need to turn the tables by brand-naming the various media stupidities and using a rogues' gallery or Hall of Shame to turn the big offenders into objects of nationwide ridicule.
We have to publicize this and make it funny. Political wonks already understand what's going on, but we need to get the word out to everyone. Many Americans -- and not just the wingnuts -- still believe that the media are liberal. Most people don't even know who Bob Somerby and WMO are.
Some brandnames (subject to revision):
1. Heathers: This covers most of the rest, and perhaps it's the only brand name we need. The media's shallow pack mentality is one of the main causes of the whole problem.
2. Shoes and sweaters: Paul Krugman has already written about this, and here's a great example from Slate found by Bob Somerby. Some coverage is really too shallow to be tolerated in a functioning democracy.
3. Wellstoning: Sometimes so many people pick up a cheap theme that you know it's a coordinated effort. The Wellstone Memorial was the perfect example: Noonan, Novak, and the talk-show hosts got their smear out there within 24 hours, just barely in time for the election and too soon for there to be a response.
4. Inventing the Internet (or Goring): media people are still repeating a story about Gore which has been refuted in detail many times. This smear was stupid when people thought it was true, but it's unforgivable now that we know it's not.
5. Burying the Story: This isn't too zippy, but putting fluff stories on Page One and meaty stories on Page Three (or Section B, Page Seventeen) is one of the main ways newspapers mislead the average voter.
6. Slanted Playing Field: This is a hard one to make stick, but sometimes it's just plain obvious that the two sides are playing by two different sets of rules. (Between being dull, sort of wonkish, and hard to prove, this item and the one before should be used sparingly.)
The media really are the enemy. We should avoid broad-brush attacks on everyone out there, but we should embarass the worst of them badly enough for it to be a lesson to the others.
We have to make it funny, and we have to get the word out. I hope someone sharper than I am picks up this ball and runs with it. (Other ideas are solicited.) We need to produce a tight funny little package which makes its point in an instant.
P.S. Not everyone knows that Bob Somerby's Daily Howler has a search function. Punch in "Novak Gore", for example, and you'll get 38 Novak stories (or TV appearances) involving Gore. ("Ceci Gore" for Ceci Connoly gets 138). Somerby isn't just a great media critic -- he's given us a five-year archive to work with.
We need to turn the tables by brand-naming the various media stupidities and using a rogues' gallery or Hall of Shame to turn the big offenders into objects of nationwide ridicule.
We have to publicize this and make it funny. Political wonks already understand what's going on, but we need to get the word out to everyone. Many Americans -- and not just the wingnuts -- still believe that the media are liberal. Most people don't even know who Bob Somerby and WMO are.
Some brandnames (subject to revision):
1. Heathers: This covers most of the rest, and perhaps it's the only brand name we need. The media's shallow pack mentality is one of the main causes of the whole problem.
2. Shoes and sweaters: Paul Krugman has already written about this, and here's a great example from Slate found by Bob Somerby. Some coverage is really too shallow to be tolerated in a functioning democracy.
3. Wellstoning: Sometimes so many people pick up a cheap theme that you know it's a coordinated effort. The Wellstone Memorial was the perfect example: Noonan, Novak, and the talk-show hosts got their smear out there within 24 hours, just barely in time for the election and too soon for there to be a response.
4. Inventing the Internet (or Goring): media people are still repeating a story about Gore which has been refuted in detail many times. This smear was stupid when people thought it was true, but it's unforgivable now that we know it's not.
5. Burying the Story: This isn't too zippy, but putting fluff stories on Page One and meaty stories on Page Three (or Section B, Page Seventeen) is one of the main ways newspapers mislead the average voter.
6. Slanted Playing Field: This is a hard one to make stick, but sometimes it's just plain obvious that the two sides are playing by two different sets of rules. (Between being dull, sort of wonkish, and hard to prove, this item and the one before should be used sparingly.)
The media really are the enemy. We should avoid broad-brush attacks on everyone out there, but we should embarass the worst of them badly enough for it to be a lesson to the others.
We have to make it funny, and we have to get the word out. I hope someone sharper than I am picks up this ball and runs with it. (Other ideas are solicited.) We need to produce a tight funny little package which makes its point in an instant.
P.S. Not everyone knows that Bob Somerby's Daily Howler has a search function. Punch in "Novak Gore", for example, and you'll get 38 Novak stories (or TV appearances) involving Gore. ("Ceci Gore" for Ceci Connoly gets 138). Somerby isn't just a great media critic -- he's given us a five-year archive to work with.
War in Syria?
Probably the election distraction event will be an attack on Syria. (Unless the piece of information I'm linking to is a feint, and the election distraction war will really be somewhere else.) Over at Matt Yglesias the nice moderates there, some of whom who call themselves liberals, are being open-minded about this.
Janes is a mainstream source specializing in military and strategic questions.
Janes homepage (subscription).
Janes is a mainstream source specializing in military and strategic questions.
Janes homepage (subscription).
Randi Rhodes says whenever you get in an argument with a Republican, just stop talking and do the Dean Scream.
Al-Qaida Endorsing Bush
Al-Qaida will do Whatever it Takes to Assure Bush is Re-elected:
"Yet the Islamist radicals have always been completely open about their goals. They want to take power in the Muslim countries (phase one of the project), and then unite the entire Muslim world in a final struggle to overthrow the power of the West (phase two). They are still stuck in phase one, with little to show for it despite 30 years of trying, so in the early 1990s Osama bin Laden and his colleagues switched from head-on assaults on the regimes in Muslim countries to direct attacks on Western targets. Yet their first-phase goal remains seizing power in the Muslim world, not some fantasy about "bringing the West to its knees."Bush and Al-Qaida's interests coincide. An attack before the election.
Terrorists generally rant about their goals but stay silent about their strategies, so now we have to do a little work for ourselves. If the real goal is still revolutions that bring Islamist radicals to power, then how does attacking the West help? Well, the U.S. in particular may be goaded into retaliating by bombing or even invading various Muslim countries -- and in doing so, may drive enough aggrieved Muslims into the arms of the Islamist radicals that their long-stalled revolutions against local regimes finally get off the ground.
Most analysts outside the United States long ago concluded that that was the principal motive for the 9-11 attack. They would add that by giving the Bush administration a reason to attack Afghanistan, and at least a flimsy pretext for invading Iraq, al-Qaida's attacks have paid off handsomely. U.S. troops are now the unwelcome military rulers of more than 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, and people there and elsewhere are turning to the Islamist radicals as the only force in the Muslim world that is willing and able to defy American power.
It is astonishing how little this is understood in the United States. I know of no American analyst who has even made the obvious point that al-Qaida wants Bush to win next November's presidential election and continue his interventionist policies in the Middle East for another four years, and will act to save Bush from defeat if necessary.
It probably would not do so unless Bush's number were slipping badly, for any terrorist attack on U.S. soil carries the risk of stimulating resentment against the current administration for failing to prevent it.
Certainly another attack on the scale of 9-11 would risk producing that result, even if al-Qaida had the resources for it. But a simple truck bomb in some U.S. city center a few months before the election, killing just a couple of dozen Americans, could drive voters back into Bush's arms and turn a tight election around. Al-Qaida is clever enough for that."
Dirty tricks in Majority Leader Frist's office
If nothing comes of this story, I think that we might as well give up.
"From the spring of 2002 until at least April 2003, members of the GOP committee staff exploited a computer glitch that allowed them to access restricted Democratic communications without a password....With the help of forensic computer experts from General Dynamics and the US Secret Service, [the Senate Sergeant-of-Arms'] office has interviewed about 120 people to date and seized more than half a dozen computers -- including four Judiciary servers, one server from the office of Senate majority leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, and several desktop hard drives."
Nothing came of Enron. Nothing came of the Plame case. Nothing came of the Republican Party Communist spy Katrina Leung's case. (But at least the Democratic candidates footwear and sweaters have been thoroughly covered).
The Democrats are jellified and the press, the Republicans, most of the media, and much of the electorate are too cynical and corrupt to care. Both Josh Michah Marshall and Calpundit seem to think that something will come of this one.
I doubt it, but I'd be willing to pay good money to be proven wrong. Right now I'm waiting for a parade of the usual suspects to explain that this is no big deal and that it's really Clinton's fault -- or maybe the story will just die quietly. The next month should be enough to tell.
If the story dies, it will prove that the Republicans are able to get away with anything. And between now and November, presumably they will.
"From the spring of 2002 until at least April 2003, members of the GOP committee staff exploited a computer glitch that allowed them to access restricted Democratic communications without a password....With the help of forensic computer experts from General Dynamics and the US Secret Service, [the Senate Sergeant-of-Arms'] office has interviewed about 120 people to date and seized more than half a dozen computers -- including four Judiciary servers, one server from the office of Senate majority leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, and several desktop hard drives."
Nothing came of Enron. Nothing came of the Plame case. Nothing came of the Republican Party Communist spy Katrina Leung's case. (But at least the Democratic candidates footwear and sweaters have been thoroughly covered).
The Democrats are jellified and the press, the Republicans, most of the media, and much of the electorate are too cynical and corrupt to care. Both Josh Michah Marshall and Calpundit seem to think that something will come of this one.
I doubt it, but I'd be willing to pay good money to be proven wrong. Right now I'm waiting for a parade of the usual suspects to explain that this is no big deal and that it's really Clinton's fault -- or maybe the story will just die quietly. The next month should be enough to tell.
If the story dies, it will prove that the Republicans are able to get away with anything. And between now and November, presumably they will.
I'm trying to sign up for Budget Rental Car's "Fast Break" program. In the enrollment process, they say to "Review the Budget Fastbreak Global Master Rental Agreement Terms & Conditions. Right. Just go there and hold down your "Page Down" button a while. Don't even try to read.
I have a fast computer, with fast screen drawing. When the Page Down button held down, and the legal document whizzing by at full speed page by page, it took almost 25 SECONDS to reach the end.
Right. Read it. Sure. Guess I'll try Avis.
I have a fast computer, with fast screen drawing. When the Page Down button held down, and the legal document whizzing by at full speed page by page, it took almost 25 SECONDS to reach the end.
Right. Read it. Sure. Guess I'll try Avis.
We Are the Majority
Every single person, please go read this entire piece. Please We Are the Majority:
"Sometimes progressives say, well, you know, we're right, but we're really kind of fringe. Our views are not reflective of a vast majority of the people. After all, Bush, well, was almost elected, and there is rightwing control of the House of Representatives, led by a gentleman named Tom DeLay. There is rightwing control of the United States Senate. Very few people in the media reflect our point of view. So they must be representing the majority of the people, and we're just a smart minority of the people.Oh you gotta just go read the whole thing. It starts better, it gets better.
I want you to disabuse yourselves of that notion. You represent mainstream America. We are the majority.
Go out on Main Street, stand at the corner, and ask people a simple question. Tell them you're doing an informal poll, and ask them if they want 40 percent of the tax breaks, hundreds of billions of dollars, to go to the top 1 percent, or whether those breaks should be spread around more fairly and be used for education or lowering the deficit. Then tell me who is "fringe." Ask them if we should maintain our disintegrating health care nonsystem or establish a universal health care system that guarantees health care for all. Then tell me who is "fringe." Ask them if we should continue to let polluters destroy our environment, or move to safe, sustainable energy. Then tell me who is "fringe."
So how do the rightwingers get elected if they have nothing to say about the most important issues facing the American people? That is the central question of modern American politics. And the answer is that they work day and night to divide the American people against each other so that they end up voting against their own best interests. That is what the Republican Party is all about.
They tell white workers their jobs are being lost not because corporate America is downsizing and moving to China, but because black workers are taking their jobs--because of affirmative action. White against black.
If you turn on talk radio, what you will hear, in an almost compulsive way, is a hatred of women. And they're telling working class guys, you used to have some power. You used to be the breadwinner. But now there are women running companies, women in politics, women making more money than you. Men against women.
And they're turning straight people against gay people. The homosexuals are taking over the schools! Gay marriage is destroying the country! Straights against gays.
And if you're not for a war in Iraq waged on the dubious and illegal doctrine of "preemptive war," you're somehow unpatriotic. And those of us who were born in America are supposed to hate immigrants. And those of us who practice religion in one way, or believe in the separation of church and state, are supposed to be anti-religious, and trying to destroy Christianity in America--and we get divided up on that. And on and on it goes.
The Republican leadership does all of this in an incredibly cynical, poll-driven way, because they know when you lay out their program about the most important economic issues facing America, it ends up that they are representing the interests of 2 percent of the population. You can't win an election with the support of 2 percent. So they divide us, and the result is that tens of millions of working people vote against their own interests. "
Not Just Dean
In This Is How They Campaign For Office I wrote:
"This is not just an accidental, glib, throw-away wingnut hit piece. This is part of a coordinated, researched, tested, professional character assassination campaign that will phase in and ramp up between now and the election. This is the modern Republican Party. This is Norquist's Wednesday Meeting, and Karl Rove and the Wurlitzer, and cigarette company marketing people, and former CIA destabilization specialists all working together to do their job ON YOU! This is George Bush 'staying above the fray' while his subordinates engage in the nastiest kind of character assassination and voter manipulation -- spreading lying, humiliating, ridiculing smear after lying, humiliating, ridiculing smear until even YOU hate Dean!"It seems that we're nearly there already. People are disappointed in Dean. OK, and I'll get into that later. But think about this -- if the nominee is Kerry, or Clark, or Edwards, it's going to be the same story. They are going to find the weakness, and pound on it, and repeat their smears over and over, and, as I wrote previously, "engage in the nastiest kind of character assassination and voter manipulation -- spreading lying, humiliating, ridiculing smear after lying, humiliating, ridiculing smear" until even YOU hate your nominee. BE READY FOR IT.
Rush Who?
I was driving, listening to Limbaugh, who was saying stuff about Clark, and replaying the doctored tapes again and again... and I stopped at a liquor store to buy a couple of retirement tickets. In the store the radio was playing The Creator Has A Master Plan, by Pharoah Sanders. (and here.) One of the most perfect pieces of music ever recorded. (Another is Space is the Place by Sun Ra.) So when I got in the car I found it on the radio, and when I got home I tuned it in, and now I'm on a MUCH higher spiritual plane and probably will be for the rest of the day.
Rush Who?
Ipdate - How could I leave out My Favorite Things by Coltrane!? How could I? (And a beautiful website, as well!)
Rush Who?
Ipdate - How could I leave out My Favorite Things by Coltrane!? How could I? (And a beautiful website, as well!)
I know who I'd like to send to Mars...
From bold idea to dud in less than a week:
Enjoy it.
The man who told Congress a year ago he was headed to war arrived this year with a proposal for halfway houses for released inmates, and an appeal to athletes to stop popping steroids. The big plan floated a week ago -- to settle the moon and strike out for Mars -- never came up, having bombed in the polls and on both sides of the congressional aisle.They're floundering folks.
Enjoy it.
Use Of Language
On privatizing Social Security, Bush said, "We must make Social Security financially stable and allow personal retirement accounts for younger workers who choose them."
ALLOW personal retirement accounts? We're not ALLOWED to set up personal retirement accounts NOW? Is my IRA ILLEGAL? Am I going to JAIL because I have a 401K?
This use of language is similar to the school privatization language. They say we need "school choice" because public schools are a "monopoly."
I'm not ALLOWED to send my kids to a private school NOW?
And they say that because some local schools aren't good enough, the government should give kids vouchers to go to expensive private schools. Well, I don't think MY LOCAL BUS SYSTEM is good enough, so I'd like a voucher for a new LEXUS, please!
ALLOW personal retirement accounts? We're not ALLOWED to set up personal retirement accounts NOW? Is my IRA ILLEGAL? Am I going to JAIL because I have a 401K?
This use of language is similar to the school privatization language. They say we need "school choice" because public schools are a "monopoly."
I'm not ALLOWED to send my kids to a private school NOW?
And they say that because some local schools aren't good enough, the government should give kids vouchers to go to expensive private schools. Well, I don't think MY LOCAL BUS SYSTEM is good enough, so I'd like a voucher for a new LEXUS, please!
Lyons: "For once, press acts just as it should"
As most of you who read my (now on hiatus) blog know, I like Gene Lyons.
So here's Gene's column for the week:
So here's Gene's column for the week:
For once, press acts just as it should
Gene Lyons
Posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
To me, the single most significant event of the 2004 election campaign
hasn’t been the Iowa caucuses or President Bush’s State of the Union
address. Rather, it was the quick debunking of an attempted smear of
retired Gen. Wesley Clark by a half-dozen or so news organizations
functioning exactly as a free press should. Basically, the Republican
National Committee got caught doctoring Clark’s words in a vain attempt
to manufacture a "flip-flop" on the Iraq war. Given the dreadful
standard set during the 2000 campaign, when the Washington insiders who
set the tone of political coverage at the nation’s major newspapers,
magazines and TV networks conducted themselves like a high school clique
trying to fix a prom queen election, the Clark incident came as a
welcome surprise. Has war sobered them, or has American journalism begun
to recover from Ted Baxter Syndrome?
Ted Baxter, for the uninitiated, was the comically pompous anchorman on
"The Mary Tyler Moore Show." Like many celebrity pundits of the cable TV
era, he thought the news was about him.
But hold the sociology. First, a quick outline of the ill-fated effort
to portray Clark as a two-faced opportunist. Whether or not the incident
shows GOP fear of facing the former four-star general in the November
election, as Clark insisted, it definitely indicates that turning the
Democratic nominee into a caricature won’t be as easy as lampooning Al
Gore with phony stories like "inventing the Internet," " earth-tone
clothing, "etc.
What happened was that on the same day RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie had a
speech scheduled in Little Rock, Clark’s hometown, the infamous" Drudge
Report" just happened to produce one of its "worldwide exclusives"
claiming to show that, contrary to his campaign rhetoric in New
Hampshire, Clark supported Bush’s rush to war with Iraq during
congressional testimony in 2002.
In his speech, Gillespie portrayed Clark as a hypocrite and turncoat.
"There was no stronger case made than that expert testimony, the
testimony of Gen. Wesley Clark," Gillespie claimed.
Drudge "reported" a passage from Clark’s testimony that was suspiciously
like to that in an RNC fax. "There’s no question that Saddam Hussein is
a threat," Clark supposedly said. "... Yes, he has chemical and
biological weapons. He’s had those for a long time. But the United
States right now is on a very much different defensive posture than we
were before September 11 th of 2001.... He is, as far as we know,
actively pursuing nuclear capabilities, though he doesn’t have nuclear
warheads yet. If he were to acquire nuclear weapons, I think our friends
in the region would face greatly increased risks as would we."
But the quote turned out to be problematic, as Knight-Ridder reporters
Dana Hull and Drew Brown determined in an article headlined: "GOP chair
claims Clark supported war; transcripts show otherwise."
Clark’s words had been taken completely out of context. In fact, he had
pointedly argued that Iraq was a manageable problem and no imminent
threat existed. He’d urged that Bush form "the broadest possible
coalition including our NATO allies.... [Force] should be used as the
last resort after all diplomatic means have been exhausted."
The reporters also noticed that the Drudge/RNC quote "further distorted
Clark’s testimony" by adding sentences they were unable to find in the
transcript. Dogged research by the estimable Josh Marshall on his
Talking Points Memo Web site subsequently determined that the first and
last sentences appeared on Page 6, the bit about post-9/11 defensive
posture on Pages 25-26. Indeed, Clark argued that the U.S. was actually
in a better strategic position vs. Iraq, leaving ample time for
In short, Clark’s words had been yanked out context and their order
jumbled to alter their meaning. The ellipses concealed gaps of 11,500
words, roughly a dozen times the length of this column. I’d argue they
were essentially manufactured quotes, a firing offense at any
self-respecting journalistic organization—not a phrase which describes
"The Drudge Report."
The heartening part was that it wasn’t only Knight-Ridder and Josh
Marshall and liberal watchdog sites like mediawhoresonline. com that
blew the whistle. While some of the usual suspects such as The
Washington Times and The Wall Street Journal Editorial page got taken
(or pretended to get taken) for a ride, many others did not.
According to the Columbia Journalism Review’s brand-new Web site, The
Campaign Desk, "most of the major newspapers including the Washington
Post, the New York Times and the Boston Globe ran pieces reflecting the
whole story." (The Democrat-Gazette also got it right.)
The brainchild of the renowned journalism school’s new dean, Nicholas
Lemman, CJR’s new enterprise means to provide "real-time" media
criticism putting the Paula Zahns of the world on notice. (On her CNN
broadcast, Zahn treated the Drudge quotes as factual.) Next time,
sweetheart, do your homework and get the facts. Your professional
reputation may once again depend upon it.
Free-lance columnist Gene Lyons is a Little Rock author and recipient of
the National Magazine Award.
Message and Branding and Dean
In marketing message is everything. If you want a message to sink in it can't be complicated. Short and simple, repeat it over and over again. The basics. Think about the most successful brand marketing and you'll realize that it is about a very short message that you hear over and over, and pretty soon that message is what the product/company/candidate/whatever IS. You "brand" a product with an emotional image that you want the customer to feel whenever your product is thought of. That message becomes identified with the product. Lexus = luxury. WalMart = cheap. Jetta = youth. Scope = get kissed. Campbell's Soup = mmm good. Marlboro = manly. Virginia Slims = feminine. Chevy = Apple Pie/America. Sony = quality. Hot Sauce=Tobasco. (For some reason I'm having trouble thinking of these tonite...)
Often the branding is the ONLY difference, yet it causes customers to make a clear distinction or to pay a premium. For an example look at the ingredients in the cold remedies or pain relievers at the drug store. You take a product, maybe soap flakes, put it into two different boxes, repeat over and over again a different message about each of the boxes, and that is what the product IS -- regardless of what it really is. One of the boxes contains "BOB'S JEAN WASH" a basic soap for washing blue jeans, and costs $4.99. The other is "LEXO SHORT PREMIUM" a high-end soap, used only for expensive cotton shirts, and a box costs $7.99. If this message is repeated often enough I bet you that every house in America will have one box of each, and the BOB'S is only used to wash blue jeans, and the LEXO is only used to wash expensive cotton shirts, and the customer won't have it any other way! Marketing WORKS!
It works with candidates, as well. Republicans know how to do this. You decide the message of the candidate, and repeat it over and over, and IT DOES NOT MATTER if it is a truth, or consistent, it becomes what the person IS. Bush said, over and over, that he was going to bring "honor and integrity back to the White House" and said it again, and then again, and pretty soon he was the guy who was going to bring honor and integrity back to the White House. It DID NOT MATTER that Bush had no honor or integrity, because he had a clear message and repeated over and over that he had honor and integrity SO THAT BECAME WHAT HE WAS. And he was able to repeat over and over that Gore was a liar. This is how marketing and repetition works.
If this sounds simplistic, in marketing and mass communication you CAN'T oversimplify. The shorter the message the more effective it is. It is a basic rule of hi-tech marketing that you have to have what is known as your "Elevator speech." This is the description of your entire product strategy/company/whatever, that you can say in the amount of time it takes to ride a couple of floors in an elevator. Because for an interested person that is all the time you get to convey everything to either win the person over or lose the person forever.
I think the Iowa caucuses were all about beating Bush. The only question was, "How is he going to beat Bush?" I think a candidate's positions on jobs, national security, and other issues were relevant only so far as Iowans imagined most American voters responding to the positions, not their OWN response. (And probably mostly in terms of imagining those other voters seeing Bush as = security after 9/11.)
Here are the simple messages, or "brands," that I think people went to the caucuses with:
Kerry = War hero
Edwards = From the South/Nice
Dean = Money & supporters/Fighter
Gephardt = Unions
But Dean allowed himself to be defined/branded by others as "angry," and that, of course, scared Iowa voters. (Previously they tried defining him as "extremist/McGovern," but that didn't stick, so along came "angry.")
Sun Tzu's Art of War says to beat a powerful enemy you must "find the weakness in his strength." If Dean's strength is being a fighter who is ready to get in Bush's face, then "angry" is the weakness in that strength. So Dean got branded as the "angry" candidate and this is Dean's fault. The reason it is Dean's fault is that if Dean is going to go up against Bush, and is ready to fight back, that means that he shouldn't be so easily defined by opponents -- because that is what Republicans DO. He should already have a team in place ready to counter that basic tactic -- defining your opponent!
To me, this is about getting some things done, not about marrying a candidate. It isn't about "loyalty" whatever Joe Lieberman says. Yes, it's about changing the Democratic Party, but mostly it is about going into a fight to save the country, maybe the world, and finding the best candidate to do that. That is why I turned away from Kerry and supported Dean.
Dean has a few days to turn this around. And it is up to HIM to do this. He can blame the press or "negative campaigning" but that's the playing field he is on. If he can turn it around, then maybe he does deserve to be the nominee. If he can't, than maybe we would do better sending someone else up against Bush -- IF we can find someone who is better. I think he's a smart guy, and I expect he will do a good job of this.
Now it is time for Dean to show us he can win.
Often the branding is the ONLY difference, yet it causes customers to make a clear distinction or to pay a premium. For an example look at the ingredients in the cold remedies or pain relievers at the drug store. You take a product, maybe soap flakes, put it into two different boxes, repeat over and over again a different message about each of the boxes, and that is what the product IS -- regardless of what it really is. One of the boxes contains "BOB'S JEAN WASH" a basic soap for washing blue jeans, and costs $4.99. The other is "LEXO SHORT PREMIUM" a high-end soap, used only for expensive cotton shirts, and a box costs $7.99. If this message is repeated often enough I bet you that every house in America will have one box of each, and the BOB'S is only used to wash blue jeans, and the LEXO is only used to wash expensive cotton shirts, and the customer won't have it any other way! Marketing WORKS!
It works with candidates, as well. Republicans know how to do this. You decide the message of the candidate, and repeat it over and over, and IT DOES NOT MATTER if it is a truth, or consistent, it becomes what the person IS. Bush said, over and over, that he was going to bring "honor and integrity back to the White House" and said it again, and then again, and pretty soon he was the guy who was going to bring honor and integrity back to the White House. It DID NOT MATTER that Bush had no honor or integrity, because he had a clear message and repeated over and over that he had honor and integrity SO THAT BECAME WHAT HE WAS. And he was able to repeat over and over that Gore was a liar. This is how marketing and repetition works.
If this sounds simplistic, in marketing and mass communication you CAN'T oversimplify. The shorter the message the more effective it is. It is a basic rule of hi-tech marketing that you have to have what is known as your "Elevator speech." This is the description of your entire product strategy/company/whatever, that you can say in the amount of time it takes to ride a couple of floors in an elevator. Because for an interested person that is all the time you get to convey everything to either win the person over or lose the person forever.
I think the Iowa caucuses were all about beating Bush. The only question was, "How is he going to beat Bush?" I think a candidate's positions on jobs, national security, and other issues were relevant only so far as Iowans imagined most American voters responding to the positions, not their OWN response. (And probably mostly in terms of imagining those other voters seeing Bush as = security after 9/11.)
Here are the simple messages, or "brands," that I think people went to the caucuses with:
Kerry = War hero
Edwards = From the South/Nice
Dean = Money & supporters/Fighter
Gephardt = Unions
But Dean allowed himself to be defined/branded by others as "angry," and that, of course, scared Iowa voters. (Previously they tried defining him as "extremist/McGovern," but that didn't stick, so along came "angry.")
Sun Tzu's Art of War says to beat a powerful enemy you must "find the weakness in his strength." If Dean's strength is being a fighter who is ready to get in Bush's face, then "angry" is the weakness in that strength. So Dean got branded as the "angry" candidate and this is Dean's fault. The reason it is Dean's fault is that if Dean is going to go up against Bush, and is ready to fight back, that means that he shouldn't be so easily defined by opponents -- because that is what Republicans DO. He should already have a team in place ready to counter that basic tactic -- defining your opponent!
To me, this is about getting some things done, not about marrying a candidate. It isn't about "loyalty" whatever Joe Lieberman says. Yes, it's about changing the Democratic Party, but mostly it is about going into a fight to save the country, maybe the world, and finding the best candidate to do that. That is why I turned away from Kerry and supported Dean.
Dean has a few days to turn this around. And it is up to HIM to do this. He can blame the press or "negative campaigning" but that's the playing field he is on. If he can turn it around, then maybe he does deserve to be the nominee. If he can't, than maybe we would do better sending someone else up against Bush -- IF we can find someone who is better. I think he's a smart guy, and I expect he will do a good job of this.
Now it is time for Dean to show us he can win.
So today I'm rethinking everything I thought I knew... wondering about the viability of Dean's door-to-door, new-voter strategy -- having enough people go door-to-door, the old fashioned way. If this isn't going to work, it means that the strategy of America Coming Together is also questionable. They are planning a "massive voter contact campaign" and are well-funded. So does this mean that all those funding eggs are in one broken basket?
Also, if voters in Iowa felt that Kerry's military record and Edwards' southern accent are the best ways to go up against Bush -- if that is what the results mean -- then I suspect this will lead to Clark as the nominee.
And then there's "the sound." I was listening to right-wing talk radio earlier, and it is almost the ONLY thing on.
Anyway, it's early, it's going to take some time for this to settle in. More later.
Update - I just wrote to someone, "Dean is WAY ahead in NH. And well-organized. AND if Dean is smart, he'll make adjustments to his ads and to his message now. AND if he is not smart he shouldn't be our nominee against Bush. This is too important."
Also, if voters in Iowa felt that Kerry's military record and Edwards' southern accent are the best ways to go up against Bush -- if that is what the results mean -- then I suspect this will lead to Clark as the nominee.
And then there's "the sound." I was listening to right-wing talk radio earlier, and it is almost the ONLY thing on.
Anyway, it's early, it's going to take some time for this to settle in. More later.
Update - I just wrote to someone, "Dean is WAY ahead in NH. And well-organized. AND if Dean is smart, he'll make adjustments to his ads and to his message now. AND if he is not smart he shouldn't be our nominee against Bush. This is too important."
New Voters and the Democrats' Passivity
(This would be New Voters vs. Swing Voters V.)
In my previous post, "New Voters vs. Swing Voters IV", I commented on the passivity and defeatism of the Democrats regarding proposals to recruit among the non-voting 50% of the voting age population. What are the reasons for this passivity?
One reason is probably the left/right question which has been in the background of this discussion all along. I suspect that moderate and conservative Democrats also believe, as I do, that the working poor in fact are a big chunk of the non-voters, and that the issues most likely to rouse their interest are the old-fashioned lunch-bucket issues such as an increased minimum wage, decreases in payroll rather than in income taxes, and government provision of medical insurance.
Democrats, including New Democrats, have never openly renounced those goals, but in emphasis these issues have tended to take a back seat to middle-class issues, free trade, and social liberalism. This slant is usually justified on pragmatic grounds based on what the voters think. In reality, though, I think that it's not the voters but the donors who are calling the shots. With exceptions, Hollyood liberals and other liberals with money are militant about free speech, choice, diversity, and the environment, but notably silent about the lunchbucket issues. (And the same is true of the media we've been afflicted with).
A second reason for the Democrats' lack of interest in the non-voters is that the working poor are often sort of tacky. The populism of millionaire Republicans is an enormous fraud, but there is a germ of truth in the idea that Democrats tend to be collegiate -- perhaps professionals, perhaps government workers, maybe a little artsy, and so on. A white guy working for $8.00 / hr. in an assembly plant in Kentucky is very likely uneducated, unstylish, religious, and not too pretty to look at. For whatever reason, Democratic outreach to a guy like that is almost certain to be much weaker than Democratic outreach to a black or Hispanic worker who is similiar to him in every way except race.
Here's a first suggestion on what to do. The Democratic Party's move from reliance on volunteers, neighborhood groups, etc., to the use of paid staff was probably inevitable. In my experience, however, low-level paid staff seem overwhelmingly to be college students and recent college graduates who have nothing better to do at the moment. For recruiting the working poor, however, it would make infinitely more sense to recruit staff from among the working poor themselves. (Not to be cynical, but one advantage of this is that, by definition, the working poor are willing to work very cheaply.) So what you'd want to do would be to find a sharp individual who's trapped in a crappy job, convince him that the Democrats can help him and his friends, and then give him a job spreading the word.
A final reason for Democratic passivity in this respect is slavery to social science. I've been told many times that "the trend toward declining participation has continued for for many years and is a fact of life we have to live with". But everybody admits that Democrats benefit from high participation and suffer when participation is low, so that statement might just as well be translated "the trend toward Republican victory has continued for for many years and is a fact of life we have to deal with". Should we just lie down and die?
Social science facts are not like science facts. Water is always going to be water, and gravity is always going to be gravity, but "trends" can be changed. A trend is not something to live with, but something to deal with -- in this case, something to fight against. Republicans who come from an entrepreneurial, gambler background are much better equipped than sociology students to find the weak spots in the opponent's armor and the turning-points of political history. Polls are fine, but in the last analysis the best way to see if an approach will work is to try it, rather than run a poll.
The Republicans do their polling, but they win mostly bacause they've tried all kinds of approaches and some of them worked. Over a lot of trials, the guy who says "Let's give this a shot" will whip the guy who always says "How can we be sure this will work?"
In my previous post, "New Voters vs. Swing Voters IV", I commented on the passivity and defeatism of the Democrats regarding proposals to recruit among the non-voting 50% of the voting age population. What are the reasons for this passivity?
One reason is probably the left/right question which has been in the background of this discussion all along. I suspect that moderate and conservative Democrats also believe, as I do, that the working poor in fact are a big chunk of the non-voters, and that the issues most likely to rouse their interest are the old-fashioned lunch-bucket issues such as an increased minimum wage, decreases in payroll rather than in income taxes, and government provision of medical insurance.
Democrats, including New Democrats, have never openly renounced those goals, but in emphasis these issues have tended to take a back seat to middle-class issues, free trade, and social liberalism. This slant is usually justified on pragmatic grounds based on what the voters think. In reality, though, I think that it's not the voters but the donors who are calling the shots. With exceptions, Hollyood liberals and other liberals with money are militant about free speech, choice, diversity, and the environment, but notably silent about the lunchbucket issues. (And the same is true of the media we've been afflicted with).
A second reason for the Democrats' lack of interest in the non-voters is that the working poor are often sort of tacky. The populism of millionaire Republicans is an enormous fraud, but there is a germ of truth in the idea that Democrats tend to be collegiate -- perhaps professionals, perhaps government workers, maybe a little artsy, and so on. A white guy working for $8.00 / hr. in an assembly plant in Kentucky is very likely uneducated, unstylish, religious, and not too pretty to look at. For whatever reason, Democratic outreach to a guy like that is almost certain to be much weaker than Democratic outreach to a black or Hispanic worker who is similiar to him in every way except race.
Here's a first suggestion on what to do. The Democratic Party's move from reliance on volunteers, neighborhood groups, etc., to the use of paid staff was probably inevitable. In my experience, however, low-level paid staff seem overwhelmingly to be college students and recent college graduates who have nothing better to do at the moment. For recruiting the working poor, however, it would make infinitely more sense to recruit staff from among the working poor themselves. (Not to be cynical, but one advantage of this is that, by definition, the working poor are willing to work very cheaply.) So what you'd want to do would be to find a sharp individual who's trapped in a crappy job, convince him that the Democrats can help him and his friends, and then give him a job spreading the word.
A final reason for Democratic passivity in this respect is slavery to social science. I've been told many times that "the trend toward declining participation has continued for for many years and is a fact of life we have to live with". But everybody admits that Democrats benefit from high participation and suffer when participation is low, so that statement might just as well be translated "the trend toward Republican victory has continued for for many years and is a fact of life we have to deal with". Should we just lie down and die?
Social science facts are not like science facts. Water is always going to be water, and gravity is always going to be gravity, but "trends" can be changed. A trend is not something to live with, but something to deal with -- in this case, something to fight against. Republicans who come from an entrepreneurial, gambler background are much better equipped than sociology students to find the weak spots in the opponent's armor and the turning-points of political history. Polls are fine, but in the last analysis the best way to see if an approach will work is to try it, rather than run a poll.
The Republicans do their polling, but they win mostly bacause they've tried all kinds of approaches and some of them worked. Over a lot of trials, the guy who says "Let's give this a shot" will whip the guy who always says "How can we be sure this will work?"
Over At the american street
Over at the american street I have posted two pieces: Win With the Base or the Mythical Middle? and Growing the Base.
4ew Voters vs. Swing Voters IV
Below Dave has collected the links so far which discuss this issue.
I have some new ideas to add, but right now I'd just like to summarize what I think now. First, long-term strategy is the real question, here, not the 2004 election. Not much energy has been put into strategy since the New Dems took over in 1984. The New Dem strategy has been OK but not great, and in any case it's twenty years old.
Partly because the party is usually financially strapped, the long-term party-building efforts have tended to be cannibalized in favor of each year's election. (That's what the "soft money" controversy was all about way back then). We shouldn't let this continue to happen.
The question of whether to put effort into "growing the base" is independent of the left vs. right / new voter vs. swing voter controversies. Active efforts to get moderate independents to identify as Democrats count as "growing the base" too.
The Democrats have been too passive, lazy, and defeatist about recruiting new voters and non-voters. My hypothesis is that a lot of non-voters are working poor and that they are natural Democrats if the Democrats can convince them that they can deliver medical care, an increase in the minimum wage, lower payroll deductions for social security, etc.
I have never heard anything whatsoever from Democratic wonks and pros about the 50% of Americans who don't vote except "No one really knows why non-voters don't vote; they have all kind of different reasons for not voting and don't form a coherent group of any kind; they're impossible to organize and probably aren't Democrats either; and besides, non-voters don't vote so they're not going to help us at all".
Those things may all have some truth in them, but they're all reasons for quitting. Much as I hate Robertson, Norquist, and Rove, I'll give them 100 points for enterprise. And I'll give their nameless Democratic counterparts zero. The bad guys have tried dozens of things, some of which worked. They didn't just take polls and then say "That's not going to work" and sit down and chill. (Right now they're going after the Dem base: at the moment, Jewish voters.)
(Edited: changed 2000 to 2004)
I have some new ideas to add, but right now I'd just like to summarize what I think now. First, long-term strategy is the real question, here, not the 2004 election. Not much energy has been put into strategy since the New Dems took over in 1984. The New Dem strategy has been OK but not great, and in any case it's twenty years old.
Partly because the party is usually financially strapped, the long-term party-building efforts have tended to be cannibalized in favor of each year's election. (That's what the "soft money" controversy was all about way back then). We shouldn't let this continue to happen.
The question of whether to put effort into "growing the base" is independent of the left vs. right / new voter vs. swing voter controversies. Active efforts to get moderate independents to identify as Democrats count as "growing the base" too.
The Democrats have been too passive, lazy, and defeatist about recruiting new voters and non-voters. My hypothesis is that a lot of non-voters are working poor and that they are natural Democrats if the Democrats can convince them that they can deliver medical care, an increase in the minimum wage, lower payroll deductions for social security, etc.
I have never heard anything whatsoever from Democratic wonks and pros about the 50% of Americans who don't vote except "No one really knows why non-voters don't vote; they have all kind of different reasons for not voting and don't form a coherent group of any kind; they're impossible to organize and probably aren't Democrats either; and besides, non-voters don't vote so they're not going to help us at all".
Those things may all have some truth in them, but they're all reasons for quitting. Much as I hate Robertson, Norquist, and Rove, I'll give them 100 points for enterprise. And I'll give their nameless Democratic counterparts zero. The bad guys have tried dozens of things, some of which worked. They didn't just take polls and then say "That's not going to work" and sit down and chill. (Right now they're going after the Dem base: at the moment, Jewish voters.)
(Edited: changed 2000 to 2004)
Hooray for Digby!:
"We simply cannot compromise on policy anymore. No more 'pilot programs' on privatization, no quarter on 'faith based' initiatives, no bipartisan cover on anything. It only hurts us. Any experimental ideas can be tested in the states. As a national party, and particularly as congressional delegation, we have moved as far to the right as we can go and it is time to hold the line.
Just as important, we must counter their obfuscatory rhetoric and never, ever adopt it as our own. Any Democrat who uses terms such as 'tax relief,' 'tort reform' or 'partial birth' abortion should be fined 1000 dollars per instance."
The Base Or New Voters Discussion
This is part of a something I posted over at the american street.
In the last few days several weblogs have written about, and many, many readers have left comments about whether it is better for the Democrats to “move left” and appeal to “the base,” to “move right” and appeal to the “middle,” or to try to get “new voters.”
Here are some of the weblog posts, hopefully in this order (if I have missed any weblogs writing about this issue, please point to them in the comments here AND at the american street!):
John Emerson at Zizka: Why do we Lose? Five Ways the New Dems Hurt the Democrats
Nick Confessore at TAPPED: WHAT NEW VOTERS?
Kevin Drum at Calpundit: New Voters
John Emerson at Seeing the Forest: New Voters and Swing Voters
Kevin Drum at Calpundit: THE BASE vs. THE MIDDLE....
Mathew Yglasias: SWING, SWING
John Emerson at Seeing the Forest: New Voters vs. Swing voters II
South Know Bubba: Swing voters
The Mysterious Atrios: Swing Voters and Nonvoters
The ever-amazing Digby, with The Base, The Base Part II and Swingers
John Emerson again at Seeing the Forest: New Voters vs. Swing Voters III
And a while back, Simon Rosenberg at the New Democrat Network Blog: WE CAN DO BETTER II - THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES
In the last few days several weblogs have written about, and many, many readers have left comments about whether it is better for the Democrats to “move left” and appeal to “the base,” to “move right” and appeal to the “middle,” or to try to get “new voters.”
Here are some of the weblog posts, hopefully in this order (if I have missed any weblogs writing about this issue, please point to them in the comments here AND at the american street!):
John Emerson at Zizka: Why do we Lose? Five Ways the New Dems Hurt the Democrats
Nick Confessore at TAPPED: WHAT NEW VOTERS?
Kevin Drum at Calpundit: New Voters
John Emerson at Seeing the Forest: New Voters and Swing Voters
Kevin Drum at Calpundit: THE BASE vs. THE MIDDLE....
Mathew Yglasias: SWING, SWING
John Emerson at Seeing the Forest: New Voters vs. Swing voters II
South Know Bubba: Swing voters
The Mysterious Atrios: Swing Voters and Nonvoters
The ever-amazing Digby, with The Base, The Base Part II and Swingers
John Emerson again at Seeing the Forest: New Voters vs. Swing Voters III
And a while back, Simon Rosenberg at the New Democrat Network Blog: WE CAN DO BETTER II - THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES
Suppose our government learned that North Korea was planning an invasion of South Korea. Suppose our government learned that the Serbians were planning to invade Albaina, possibly triggering a wider conflict. Suppose they learned that Venezuela was planning an action against its neighbor, triggering a conflict that threatened to destabilize Mexico, maybe bring enemies of the U.S. to power, and in any event sending millions of refugees rushing north to our borders.
What actions would be available to them? Could they go to the UN to make a case? Could they go to the country to ask for support for military action to protect our interests?
After Iraq, the government could not realistically go to the UN to ask for action. They have no credibility -- they have been caught lying. They could not go to the country to make a case for military action because they have been caught lying AND because have intentionally divided the country, using "wedge issues" and using national security for political purposes.
And, with our military completely tied down in Iraq, they couldn't even take action on their own.
Look at the mess we are in should a REAL national security threat emerge. THIS is a practical example of why what Bush has done is so bad. He has left us vulnerable. He has destroyed our credibility with the world. He has destroyed the credibility of our government with US. By using terror alerts politically, we can't even trust if Bush comes to us to say there is a new threat. What is he going to say, "This time I mean it, this time it's for real"?
What actions would be available to them? Could they go to the UN to make a case? Could they go to the country to ask for support for military action to protect our interests?
After Iraq, the government could not realistically go to the UN to ask for action. They have no credibility -- they have been caught lying. They could not go to the country to make a case for military action because they have been caught lying AND because have intentionally divided the country, using "wedge issues" and using national security for political purposes.
And, with our military completely tied down in Iraq, they couldn't even take action on their own.
Look at the mess we are in should a REAL national security threat emerge. THIS is a practical example of why what Bush has done is so bad. He has left us vulnerable. He has destroyed our credibility with the world. He has destroyed the credibility of our government with US. By using terror alerts politically, we can't even trust if Bush comes to us to say there is a new threat. What is he going to say, "This time I mean it, this time it's for real"?
New Voters vs. Swing Voters III
Adapted from a Calpundit comment thread:
What I especially argued for in my piece (here below) was a long-term strategy of party-building. The registration shift toward the Republicans Godless speaks of didn't just happen. It was the result of about four decades of effort and investment. It's my understanding that the Democrats have not made that effort, and that their only long-term strategy is continued courtship of the swing voters. Since the Republicans are building their base and we aren't, the rightward shift really is inevitable.
To me the Dem strategy is comparable to a weak basketball team playing a slowdown game and hoping for the last shot. A strong party could certainly play more aggressively.
For the last couple of years, anyway, I have not asked the Democrats so much to move to the left on the issues, as to play a tougher, more aggressive game. It's hard to win when you've forbidden yourself to take the game to the enemy. And this plays to the main weak spot in the Dem's image -- the wimp factor. A party that campaigns wimpy will be perceived as wimpy on everything. As the infamous (though moderate on most issues) Bartcop asks, how can the Dems fight for the American people when they can't even fight for themselves? (This is why the Lieberman candidacy is such a joke. Conservative Southern Dem policy wonks like him on the issues, but to the average Southern voter he projects about as much macho as my mother would, and for the Dems losing the wimp image is probably at least as important as the issues.)
So, as I keep saying, I'm Clark/Dean neutral, and I don't especially propose a leftward shift right at the moment. I just think that, win or lose, after the election the Democrats should rethink their long-term strategy. (If we win, it will only be the Presidency. Congress will still be solidly theirs).
Here's something I wrote in the past on how DLC caution has materially hurt the Democrats (i.e., has been a loser strategy):
How the New Democrats have Hurt the Party
What I especially argued for in my piece (here below) was a long-term strategy of party-building. The registration shift toward the Republicans Godless speaks of didn't just happen. It was the result of about four decades of effort and investment. It's my understanding that the Democrats have not made that effort, and that their only long-term strategy is continued courtship of the swing voters. Since the Republicans are building their base and we aren't, the rightward shift really is inevitable.
To me the Dem strategy is comparable to a weak basketball team playing a slowdown game and hoping for the last shot. A strong party could certainly play more aggressively.
For the last couple of years, anyway, I have not asked the Democrats so much to move to the left on the issues, as to play a tougher, more aggressive game. It's hard to win when you've forbidden yourself to take the game to the enemy. And this plays to the main weak spot in the Dem's image -- the wimp factor. A party that campaigns wimpy will be perceived as wimpy on everything. As the infamous (though moderate on most issues) Bartcop asks, how can the Dems fight for the American people when they can't even fight for themselves? (This is why the Lieberman candidacy is such a joke. Conservative Southern Dem policy wonks like him on the issues, but to the average Southern voter he projects about as much macho as my mother would, and for the Dems losing the wimp image is probably at least as important as the issues.)
So, as I keep saying, I'm Clark/Dean neutral, and I don't especially propose a leftward shift right at the moment. I just think that, win or lose, after the election the Democrats should rethink their long-term strategy. (If we win, it will only be the Presidency. Congress will still be solidly theirs).
Here's something I wrote in the past on how DLC caution has materially hurt the Democrats (i.e., has been a loser strategy):
How the New Democrats have Hurt the Party
New Voters vs. Swing voters II
Confessore's Tapped article (which I discuss below) is now the subject of a thread on Calpundit.
This has unfortunately become a left-right Dean-Clark debate. One point I was trying to make, though, in addition to advocating the "increase the base" strategy, was that the Democratic party should be taking some initiatives and setting some long-term goals, rather than merely starting to talk about strategies right before each election.
And one of my premises, denied by some, is that we haven't been doing too well recently. I'm thinking mostly of the loss of Congress here, but partly also of some of the things Clinton and Gore had to do in order to get elected. (And in that sense this is indeed a left-right disagreement).
And so my conclusion is that the swing-voter strategy, which has been dominant for almost two decades, isn't enough. I'm not saying we should forget the swing voters.
So it seems to me that the Democrats should be looking here, there, and everywhere for the votes we need. The Republican core is pretty solid, so we have a choice between looking for votes among the 20% of the voting-age population who are swing voters, and among the 50% of the voting-age population who are non-voters. Shouldn't we be looking in both places? Should the rejection of the very idea of trying to find new voters be as unanimous as it is? Isn't that lazy, fatalistic, and defeatist?
Confessore mentions a number of unsuccessful Democratic attempts to find new voters, but they were all flash-in-the-pan one-time efforts organized by one man's campaign. He does not mention all the work that the Republicans have been doing since 1964 or so to develop new constituencies.
This has unfortunately become a left-right Dean-Clark debate. One point I was trying to make, though, in addition to advocating the "increase the base" strategy, was that the Democratic party should be taking some initiatives and setting some long-term goals, rather than merely starting to talk about strategies right before each election.
And one of my premises, denied by some, is that we haven't been doing too well recently. I'm thinking mostly of the loss of Congress here, but partly also of some of the things Clinton and Gore had to do in order to get elected. (And in that sense this is indeed a left-right disagreement).
And so my conclusion is that the swing-voter strategy, which has been dominant for almost two decades, isn't enough. I'm not saying we should forget the swing voters.
So it seems to me that the Democrats should be looking here, there, and everywhere for the votes we need. The Republican core is pretty solid, so we have a choice between looking for votes among the 20% of the voting-age population who are swing voters, and among the 50% of the voting-age population who are non-voters. Shouldn't we be looking in both places? Should the rejection of the very idea of trying to find new voters be as unanimous as it is? Isn't that lazy, fatalistic, and defeatist?
Confessore mentions a number of unsuccessful Democratic attempts to find new voters, but they were all flash-in-the-pan one-time efforts organized by one man's campaign. He does not mention all the work that the Republicans have been doing since 1964 or so to develop new constituencies.
ReBuilding Iraq 2
Naomi Klein in the Guardian describes December's crony imperialism trade show.
The reconstruction of Iraq has emerged as a vast protectionist racket, a neo-con New Deal that transfers limitless public funds - in contracts, loans and insurance - to private firms, and even gets rid of the foreign competition to boot, under the guise of "national security". Ironically, these firms are being handed this corporate welfare so they can take full advantage of CPA-imposed laws that systematically strip Iraqi industry of all its protections, from import tariffs to limits on foreign ownership. Michael Fleisher, head of private-sector development for the CPA, recently explained to a group of Iraqi businesspeople why these protections had to be removed. "Protected businesses never, never become competitive," he said. Quick, somebody tell Opic and US deputy secretary of defence Paul Wolfowitz.
The issue of US double standards comes up again at the conference when a CPA representative takes the podium. A legal adviser to Bremer, Carole Basri has a simple message: reconstruction is being sabotaged by Iraqi corruption. "My fear is that corruption will be the downfall," she says ominously, blaming the problem on "a 35-year gap in knowledge" in Iraq that has made Iraqis "not aware of current accounting standards and ideas on anti-corruption". Foreign investors, she adds, must engage in "education, bring people up to world-class standards". It's hard to imagine what world-class standards she's referring to, or who, exactly, will be doing this educating. Halliburton, with its accounting scandals back home and its outrageous overbilling for gasoline in Iraq? The CPA, with its two officers under investigation for bribe-taking and nonexistent fiscal oversight?
New Voters and Swing Voters: Letter to Nick Confessore (TAPPED)
I sent the letter below to Nick Confessore of Tapped in response to this piece.
One thing I neglected to say in the letter is that the "new-voter"/"swing-voter" strategies are not mutually exclusive. It should be possible to do some of both, and what we're really talking about here is the mix. The reason that Dean's "new-voter" strategy seems extreme is that during the period during which we've lost control of Congress. the Democratic emphasis has been almost entirely on swing voters.
One reason talking about getting new voters has never brought forth any results is that since 1984 or so (DLC takeover) this strategy has not actually been tried. "Party-building" soft money was deliberately diverted into big media buys with only immediate effects and no long-term gain, and the swing-voter strategy has been the only one in effect.
Per voter won, the swing-voter strategy is more effective, but there are more non-voters (~50%) than swing voters (<20%) to work on. Furthermore, by now swing voters have to be either pretty conservative, or dumb as stumps. There's scarcely an issue on which the Bush-DeLay adfministration has not taken a strongly conservative initiative.
From my point of view but not yours, the rightward pull of this strategy is bad. However, if it is true (as I suspect) that the lame Dem pros and the right-wing New Republic types (Sullivan and Krauthammer still work there, right?) would actually prefer to lose with a right-center swing-voter strategy than to win with a left-center new-voter strategy, then I think that even the mad-dog-moderate Matt Yglesias might come around to my point of view.
Some of the bad advice Gore got in 2000, in my paranoid opinion, came from people who would rather lose than win the wrong way. I think that Gore might agree with me by now.
The working poor are one group which tends not to vote, and they're a natural Dem constituency. Yeah, they're hard to organize, but they said that about labor in the old days too (ethnically fragmented, semiliterate, poor, embattled, unstable, etc.) Young, poor, alternative-culture cynics are another such difficult group, and in fact the groups tend to merge in later years (e.g. restaurant workers). I don't think that failure can be declared before the strategy is tried. It would indeed be a big job, but we've been losing with the other strategy. I doubt that it's ever possible to tell in advance whether something genuinely new will work; my guess is that poll-driven caution will normally tie you to an unventuresome policy leading to continuous gradual decline.
jje/ ex-zizka
One thing I neglected to say in the letter is that the "new-voter"/"swing-voter" strategies are not mutually exclusive. It should be possible to do some of both, and what we're really talking about here is the mix. The reason that Dean's "new-voter" strategy seems extreme is that during the period during which we've lost control of Congress. the Democratic emphasis has been almost entirely on swing voters.
One reason talking about getting new voters has never brought forth any results is that since 1984 or so (DLC takeover) this strategy has not actually been tried. "Party-building" soft money was deliberately diverted into big media buys with only immediate effects and no long-term gain, and the swing-voter strategy has been the only one in effect.
Per voter won, the swing-voter strategy is more effective, but there are more non-voters (~50%) than swing voters (<20%) to work on. Furthermore, by now swing voters have to be either pretty conservative, or dumb as stumps. There's scarcely an issue on which the Bush-DeLay adfministration has not taken a strongly conservative initiative.
From my point of view but not yours, the rightward pull of this strategy is bad. However, if it is true (as I suspect) that the lame Dem pros and the right-wing New Republic types (Sullivan and Krauthammer still work there, right?) would actually prefer to lose with a right-center swing-voter strategy than to win with a left-center new-voter strategy, then I think that even the mad-dog-moderate Matt Yglesias might come around to my point of view.
Some of the bad advice Gore got in 2000, in my paranoid opinion, came from people who would rather lose than win the wrong way. I think that Gore might agree with me by now.
The working poor are one group which tends not to vote, and they're a natural Dem constituency. Yeah, they're hard to organize, but they said that about labor in the old days too (ethnically fragmented, semiliterate, poor, embattled, unstable, etc.) Young, poor, alternative-culture cynics are another such difficult group, and in fact the groups tend to merge in later years (e.g. restaurant workers). I don't think that failure can be declared before the strategy is tried. It would indeed be a big job, but we've been losing with the other strategy. I doubt that it's ever possible to tell in advance whether something genuinely new will work; my guess is that poll-driven caution will normally tie you to an unventuresome policy leading to continuous gradual decline.
jje/ ex-zizka
Let me just say in ADVANCE this time that this is a spoof: Tom Burka at the american street: GOP To Reshuffle Swing States; Plan To Redistrict America:
"The boundaries of New York State now include only the relatively conservative upstate area and Staten Island, which is solidly Republican. Democratic New York City is now part of Rhode Island, which will have four electoral votes in November.
[. . .] Republicans were aghast at charges by Democrats that redistricting American states in this way was unconstitutional. "It is amazing to me," said Republican Senator Zell Miller (D - Ga.). "These Democrats whine at the drop of a hat whenever they don't get their way."
BloggerStorm! From Iowa
Blog for America: BloggerStorm!So far: annatopia, DailyKos, Howard Dean 2004, Seth-Tech, Southpaw, Taegan Goddard's Political Wire, Robert Baren for Delegate, Pacific Views, yin, Wanderlust and Jim Moore's Iowa blog aggregator
Divide And Conquer
Leaked letters reveal plot to split US church:
"A letter, written within the past fortnight by a senior American dissident pastor to like-minded parishes, details how the dismantling of the US Episcopal church can be achieved. Marked 'confidential, share it in hard copy only with people you fully trust, do not pass it on electronically to anyone under any circumstances', the document was passed - electronically - to this newspaper.Those pesky Republicans -- everywhere there's trouble and divisiveness, there they are.
Written by Geoff Chapman, rector of St Stephen's church, Sewickley, Pennsylvania, one of the leaders of the breakaway movement, it openly boasts that while the current tactic is to seek oversight by conservative bishops for parishes that cannot accept the authority of the two-thirds of American bishops who supported the consecration of the gay bishop Gene Robinson last November, the ultimate goal is much more radical.
It is nothing less than a realignment of the US and Canadian churches for 'biblical faith and values' - code for a much more conservative, even fundamentalist, church to replace the liberal Episcopal church. Traditionalists have threatened a break-up before, over the ordination of women in the 70s, over the consecration of the first woman bishop in the 80s and over gay clergy in the 90s, but Bishop Robinson's ordination has given the movement new momentum.
[. . .]
Its break-up would be enormously welcome to the religious right, including wealthy and fundamentalist supporters of the Republican party who would like to see a more militant Bible-based Christianity spreading across all areas of public life. "
Al Gore
From Al Gore's MoveOn.org speech on the natural environment:
Read it or watch it.
These and other activities make it abundantly clear that the Bush White House represents a new departure in the history of the Presidency. He is so eager to accommodate his supporters and contributors that there seems to be very little that he is not willing to do for them at the expense of the public interest. To mention only one example, we’ve seen him work tirelessly to allow his friends to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Indeed, it seems at times as if the Bush-Cheney Administration is wholly owned by the coal, oil, utility and mining companies.
While President Bush likes to project an image of strength and courage, the truth is that in the presence of his large financial contributors he is a moral coward – so weak that he seldom if ever says “No” to them on anything – no matter what the public interest might mandate.
Read it or watch it.
Lies Lies Lies Yeah
Atrios points us to this excellent column by James O. Goldsborough that demonstrates, once again, that W and the boys were lying about their intentions for Iraq:
So when Condi said two months later in September of 2002 (and for many months afterward) that Bush hadn't made up his mind about Iraq, we now know she was lying. Impressive.
Anyway, this column also mentions another of the mounting multitude of lies and exaggerations by this administration, the desperate (and hilarious) attempt to claim that the situation in Iraq was like that of post-war Nazi Germany. (Here's what I had to say about it here.)
But this reminded me of my favorite moment of historical illiteracy on the part of this administration. That would be the even more desperate attempt of Rummy to claim that the post-war Iraq situation was just like that faced in the wake of the American Revolution. More specifically, he claimed it was just like Shays' Rebellion.
All three of these instances bring up a couple of rather obvious questions: Is there anything they won't say? Is there any lie they won't tell?
I'm sorry folks. I just couldn't resist this little trip down memory lane.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Richard Haass, Powell's head of policy planning, resigned when it became clear that Bush demands for Iraqi disarmament were only a pretext for war.
Haass, now head of the Council on Foreign Relations, calls Iraq a war of "choice," not "necessity." He recounts a meeting with NSC director Condoleezza Rice in July 2002, two months before Iraq hit the headlines and three months before Bush went to the U.N. Security Council putatively to seek a resolution on Iraqi disarmament.
As head of State's policy planning, Haass' mission to the NSC was, he says, to discuss "the pros and cons" of escalating toward war with Iraq. Says Haass: "Basically, she (Rice) cut me off and said, 'Save your breath – the president has already decided what he's going to do on this.' "
So when Condi said two months later in September of 2002 (and for many months afterward) that Bush hadn't made up his mind about Iraq, we now know she was lying. Impressive.
Anyway, this column also mentions another of the mounting multitude of lies and exaggerations by this administration, the desperate (and hilarious) attempt to claim that the situation in Iraq was like that of post-war Nazi Germany. (Here's what I had to say about it here.)
But this reminded me of my favorite moment of historical illiteracy on the part of this administration. That would be the even more desperate attempt of Rummy to claim that the post-war Iraq situation was just like that faced in the wake of the American Revolution. More specifically, he claimed it was just like Shays' Rebellion.
All three of these instances bring up a couple of rather obvious questions: Is there anything they won't say? Is there any lie they won't tell?
I'm sorry folks. I just couldn't resist this little trip down memory lane.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Announcing CJR Campaign Desk
The new Columbia Journalism Review Campaign Desk will provide, "Critique and analysis of 2004 campaign coverage from Columbia Journalism Review."
Weekly Unemployment Insurance Claims Report
This week's ETA Press Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims Report:
In the week ending Jan. 10, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 343,000, a decrease of 11,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 354,000. The 4-week moving average was 347,500, a decrease of 3,000 from the previous week's revised average of 350,500.And the UNadjusted numbers?
"The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 677,883 in the week ending Jan. 10, an increase of 128,233 from the previous week. There were 724,111 initial claims in the comparable week in 2003."I report, you decide.
Dead Armadillos
Adapted from a comment thread:
If you decide in advance that the truth is always in the middle, it makes your life easier, but it cripples you with a jellified inability to respond effectively whenever one side or the other happens to be right.
Likewise, if you decide that they're all crooks, you become incapable of spotting crooks.
The Republicans have learned to game the moderate voters by noisily claiming that liberals are really dangerous radicals, that moderates are really liberals, and that the conservatives are the real moderates.
Since one category of moderate voter is dumb as a stump, this strategy works far too often. I know that you can't win by running against the voters, but -- bless their little hearts -- some of them are really hard to talk to.
If you decide in advance that the truth is always in the middle, it makes your life easier, but it cripples you with a jellified inability to respond effectively whenever one side or the other happens to be right.
Likewise, if you decide that they're all crooks, you become incapable of spotting crooks.
The Republicans have learned to game the moderate voters by noisily claiming that liberals are really dangerous radicals, that moderates are really liberals, and that the conservatives are the real moderates.
Since one category of moderate voter is dumb as a stump, this strategy works far too often. I know that you can't win by running against the voters, but -- bless their little hearts -- some of them are really hard to talk to.
Dean Article
There's an article on Dean here: U.S. News: Is Dean the one? Campaign heats up as wary Democrats look for a winner(1/19/04).
Though Dean did not enter the race with the expectations of winning, he did see a way to win. "Karl Rove [President Bush's political guru] discovered it, too, but I discovered it independently," Dean says and adds that the theory is embodied in the writings of George Lakoff, a professor of cognitive science and linguistics at the University of California-Berkeley. "What you do is crank the heck out of your base, get them really excited and crank up the base turnout and you'll win the middle-of-the-roaders," Dean says. The reason, according to the theory, is that swing voters share the characteristics of both parties and eventually go with whatever party excites them the most. "Democrats appeal to them on their softer side--the safety net--but the Republicans appeal to them on the harder side--the discipline, the responsibility, and so forth," Dean says. "So the question is which side appears to be energetic, deeply believing in its message, deeply committed to bringing a vision of hope to America. That side is the side that gets the swing voters and wins."Since it's dated the 19th, it might tell us who wins in Iowa.
Bush Imposes ISLAMIC LAW On Iraq!
Think I'm kidding? From Juan Cole * Informed Comment *:
"But the American-appointed Interim Governing Council has suddenly taken Iraq in a theocratic direction that has important implications for women's rights. As reported here earlier, the IGC took a decision recently to abolish Iraq's civil personal status law, which was uniform for all Iraqis under the Baath. In its place, the IGC called for religious law to govern personal status, to be administered by the clerics of each of Iraq's major religious communities for members of their religion. Thus, Shiites would be under Shiite law and Chaldeans under Catholic canon law for these purposes."Of course, read the entire story. And yes, this means what you think it does for women in Iraq:
For the vast majority of women who are Muslim, the implementation of `iddah or the obligation of a man to support a woman for 3 months after he divorces her (a term long enough to see whether she is pregnant with his child) has the effect of abolishing the divorced woman's right to alimony. This abrogation of alimony was effected for Muslims in India in the mid-1980s with the Shah Banou case, as the Congress Party's sop to Indian Muslim fundamentalists. The particular form of Islamic law that the IGC seems to envisage operating would also give men the right of unilateral divorce over their wives, gives men the right to take second, third and fourth wives, and gives girls half as much inheritance from the father's estate as boys.
Josh Marshall gets it just about right:
Number of days between Novak column outing Valerie Plame and announcement of investigation: 74 days.
Number of days between O'Neill 60 Minutes interview and announcement of investigation: 1 day.
Having the administration reveal itself as a gaggle of hypocritical goons ... priceless.
THAT Didn't Take Long
From this:
Well, I guess he DIDN'T know what they were capable of. But I bet he does now.
"These people are nasty and they have a long memory," he tells Suskind. But he also believes that by speaking out even in the face of inevitable White House wrath, he can demonstrate loyalty to something he prizes: the truth. [. . .] That goal is worth the price of retribution, O'Neill says. Plus, as he told Suskind, "I'm an old guy, and I'm rich. And there's nothing they can do to hurt me."to this: CNN.com - O'Neill says war plans account distorted - Jan. 13, 2004
"Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill said Tuesday his account of the Bush administration's early discussions about a possible invasion of Iraq has been distorted.THAT didn't take long. This was a guy who SAID he knew what they were capable of, but was going to stand up to them.
"People are trying to make a case that I said the president was planning war in Iraq early in the administration," O'Neill told NBC's "Today" show. "Actually, there was a continuation of work that had been going on in the Clinton administration with the notion that there needed to be regime change in Iraq."
Well, I guess he DIDN'T know what they were capable of. But I bet he does now.
"It makes you wonder what happens to ordinary Iraqis."
Guardian Unlimited | US military 'brutalised' journalists:
Thanks to Calpundit.
"The international news agency Reuters has made a formal complaint to the Pentagon following the 'wrongful' arrest and apparent 'brutalisation' of three of its staff this month by US troops in Iraq.This is just one more instance of Americans violating the Geneva Convention. There is no accountability.
The complaint followed an incident in the town of Falluja when American soldiers fired at two Iraqi cameramen and a driver from the agency while they were filming the scene of a helicopter crash.
The US military initially claimed that the Reuters journalists were 'enemy personnel' who had opened fire on US troops and refused to release them for 72 hours.
Although Reuters has not commented publicly, it is understood that the journalists were 'brutalised and intimidated' by US soldiers, who put bags over their heads, told them they would be sent to Guantanamo Bay, and whispered: 'Let's have sex.'
At one point during the interrogation, according to the family of one of the staff members, a US soldier shoved a shoe into the mouth one of the Iraqis.
The US troops, from the 82nd Airborne Division, based in Falluja, also made the blindfolded journalists stand for hours with their arms raised and their palms pressed against the cell wall.
'They were brutalised, terrified and humiliated for three days,' one source said. 'It was pretty grim stuff. There was mental and physical abuse.'
He added: 'It makes you wonder what happens to ordinary Iraqis.' "
Thanks to Calpundit.
A Must Read!
Editorial: The wrong war/Why Iraq was a mistake:
"Imagine that President Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell had made a case for the invasion of Iraq along the following lines:...
[great reading, go read it]
...the most sacred duty civilians have to their armed forces is to ensure they are never called to sacrifice their lives unless this nation faces a real threat."
at american street today
Kash from Angry Bear, and Mark A. R. Kleiman are posting today, over at the american street. Also, it's american street founder Kevin Hayden's birthday.
Warning -- PLEASE be alerted that I only post there on Mondays. I'm telling you this now, so you don't become too overly disappointed when you get there, and don't see a fresh post from me. I'm pre-alerting you in order to want to avoid trouble with guns and stuff, and rioting, and any potential suicides. I'll still be here for you, at Seeing the Forest.
Warning -- PLEASE be alerted that I only post there on Mondays. I'm telling you this now, so you don't become too overly disappointed when you get there, and don't see a fresh post from me. I'm pre-alerting you in order to want to avoid trouble with guns and stuff, and rioting, and any potential suicides. I'll still be here for you, at Seeing the Forest.
Senile Broder accidentally gets it right
David Broder has been brain-dead for so long that you're surprised that he's able to locomote or respire. But in this piece, which he all-but-confesses is a recycled version of things he wrote decades ago ("Coming back to Iowa after a long absence...."), he says something which is made striking by the implied contrast.
".... I was struck, as I have been before, by the extraordinarily conscientious way that those few souls approach what they see as their serious responsibility in starting the process that leads, a year later, to the inauguration of a president. They sort and weigh personal attributes and policy positions, then do it again, before finally deciding which hopeful they will stand up to support."
Yeah, a bunch of ordinary people in flyover country who all have other jobs take America seriously. It's just the hip, well-educated, highly-paid, ever-so-professional national media who can't seem to get around to doing that.
No, Broder didn't mean that; he is really and truly brain-dead. But the contrast is frightening and very real.
".... I was struck, as I have been before, by the extraordinarily conscientious way that those few souls approach what they see as their serious responsibility in starting the process that leads, a year later, to the inauguration of a president. They sort and weigh personal attributes and policy positions, then do it again, before finally deciding which hopeful they will stand up to support."
Yeah, a bunch of ordinary people in flyover country who all have other jobs take America seriously. It's just the hip, well-educated, highly-paid, ever-so-professional national media who can't seem to get around to doing that.
No, Broder didn't mean that; he is really and truly brain-dead. But the contrast is frightening and very real.
Sometimes it really does seem like...
this is the most petty and vindictive administration in American history, doesn’t it?
I think most of us would agree there are two types of classified documents. There are documents that genuinely endanger national security – launch codes, defense strategies, etc. These documents are classified because to have this information made public would threaten the safety of us all.
And then there are other documents that are classified because um, well, you don’t want people to know you’re corrupt scheming bastards who have planned for years to take over Saddam’s oil fields in order to, presumably, make big profits for your rich buddies and campaign contributors in the oil industry.
I agree wholeheartedly with charging someone with a crime for releasing a document that really threatens national security. However, I’m afraid W and the boys will look terrible if they charge O’Neill with a crime for exposing that their little scheme to invade Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism and 9/11 and had been hatched since the earliest days of the administration.
I’m afraid he’s got you boys. You might as well just grin and bear it.
Boy and you know O’Neill has got them when the best thing they can do is retaliate with something petty like this. My goodness, they’d set a new low for an administration if they actually charged a former cabinet member with a crime for exposing them as the scheming fiends that we all knew they were. If that’s the best they can come up with, you know they’re in trouble.
But this is the minor one folks. When Richard Clarke’s book comes out in April, it is possible that the entire Karl Rove 2004 gameplan may rapidly unravel over the course of a few days. In his book, Clarke is reportedly going to explain how W and the boys turned a deaf ear to his dire warnings about terrorism during the summer of 2001 and, therefore, are, at the very least, partially responsible for the 9/11 disaster.
If Clarke’s book is the bombshell it’s likely to be, this administration may well go down in $150 M a blaze of glory.
At least we can all hope, can’t we?
Update: Paul Krugman addresses this today -- and gets it just about right:
I think most of us would agree there are two types of classified documents. There are documents that genuinely endanger national security – launch codes, defense strategies, etc. These documents are classified because to have this information made public would threaten the safety of us all.
And then there are other documents that are classified because um, well, you don’t want people to know you’re corrupt scheming bastards who have planned for years to take over Saddam’s oil fields in order to, presumably, make big profits for your rich buddies and campaign contributors in the oil industry.
I agree wholeheartedly with charging someone with a crime for releasing a document that really threatens national security. However, I’m afraid W and the boys will look terrible if they charge O’Neill with a crime for exposing that their little scheme to invade Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism and 9/11 and had been hatched since the earliest days of the administration.
I’m afraid he’s got you boys. You might as well just grin and bear it.
Boy and you know O’Neill has got them when the best thing they can do is retaliate with something petty like this. My goodness, they’d set a new low for an administration if they actually charged a former cabinet member with a crime for exposing them as the scheming fiends that we all knew they were. If that’s the best they can come up with, you know they’re in trouble.
But this is the minor one folks. When Richard Clarke’s book comes out in April, it is possible that the entire Karl Rove 2004 gameplan may rapidly unravel over the course of a few days. In his book, Clarke is reportedly going to explain how W and the boys turned a deaf ear to his dire warnings about terrorism during the summer of 2001 and, therefore, are, at the very least, partially responsible for the 9/11 disaster.
If Clarke’s book is the bombshell it’s likely to be, this administration may well go down in $150 M a blaze of glory.
At least we can all hope, can’t we?
Update: Paul Krugman addresses this today -- and gets it just about right:
So far administration officials have attacked Mr. O'Neill's character but haven't refuted any of his facts. They have, however, already opened an investigation into how a picture of a possibly classified document appeared during Mr. O'Neill's TV interview. This alacrity stands in sharp contrast with their evident lack of concern when a senior administration official, still unknown, blew the cover of a C.I.A. operative because her husband had revealed some politically inconvenient facts.
Can Dean Survive This One?
Pandagon: Democratic Candidate Can't Answer Question; Democracy "Will End" Unless Bush Elected
Tuesday update -- It was a spoof! I guess it was a little bit too weblog-reader-insider... Here's the joke: There is an AP reporter named Nedra Pickler who writes "news stories" from an extremely pro-Bush angle. Other weblogs have been pointing out her stuff lately. So pandagon wrote this as a spoof of the kind of thing she writes. Here is one example of her writing a "news story":
Tuesday update -- It was a spoof! I guess it was a little bit too weblog-reader-insider... Here's the joke: There is an AP reporter named Nedra Pickler who writes "news stories" from an extremely pro-Bush angle. Other weblogs have been pointing out her stuff lately. So pandagon wrote this as a spoof of the kind of thing she writes. Here is one example of her writing a "news story":
"Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean on Friday criticized President Bush for restricting stem-cell research based on religious beliefs even though his own faith affected his decision to extend legal rights to gay couples. "
The Iron Law Of Wages
I referred to this piece in an update in the piece below, "Jobs Americans Won't Take". But I want to bring special attention to it, because I think it says a lot: William Pfaff: The price of globalization .
(Thanks to Sideshow)
(Thanks to Sideshow)
What It Means
What does it mean, that former Treasury Secretary O'Neill says they were planning to invade Iraq right from the start, long before 9/11?
It means that after we were attacked on 9/11, the Bush administration betrayed us, and instead of going after the attackers, and instead of putting 100% of their efforts and resources and energy and brainpower and skills and talents into protecting us from additional attacks, they used that event to accomplish a different, PRE-EXISTING agenda. PRE-EXISTING! They harnessed our shock and emotions, and redirected them, and used them, and used us, and, worst of all, used our 3,000 dead in a cynical, corrupt, dishonest, drive to win an election and then to commit aggressive war against a country that had not attacked us, had not even threatened us.
WE all knew this, because we are informed. But much of America-at-large still thought that Iraq was behind 9/11, and now they are hearing this news -- on 60 Minutes, no less. Let that sink in a while.
(cross-posted at the american street)
It means that after we were attacked on 9/11, the Bush administration betrayed us, and instead of going after the attackers, and instead of putting 100% of their efforts and resources and energy and brainpower and skills and talents into protecting us from additional attacks, they used that event to accomplish a different, PRE-EXISTING agenda. PRE-EXISTING! They harnessed our shock and emotions, and redirected them, and used them, and used us, and, worst of all, used our 3,000 dead in a cynical, corrupt, dishonest, drive to win an election and then to commit aggressive war against a country that had not attacked us, had not even threatened us.
WE all knew this, because we are informed. But much of America-at-large still thought that Iraq was behind 9/11, and now they are hearing this news -- on 60 Minutes, no less. Let that sink in a while.
(cross-posted at the american street)
The Bush Defense
The defense of the Bush administration against the charges by former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill that they began planning the Iraq invasion immediately upon taking office is breaking down into two camps:
1) O'Neill is a liar. He is a disgruntled employee who was fired for incompetence, who nobody ever listened to anyway, and who is lying to get back at Bush for firing him. Quote: "A senior administration official said O'Neill's "suggestion that the administration was planning an invasion of Iraq days after taking office is laughable. Nobody listened to him when he was in office. Why should anybody now?"
2) Of course we did it. The stated policy of the administration, and the previous administration, was regime change in Iraq, and the Bush administration would have been remiss to NOT be planning to invade Iraq. (I guess this covers the bases, for those who don't fall for the smears on O'Neill's credibility...)
So they would be remiss if they weren't planning a war, and anyone who says they were planning a war is an incompetent liar.
See the forest: they lie. They just lie. Look at what they DO and ignore everything they say. Remember, before the war, when they were running their "marketing campaign," they had us all arguing about whether there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and whether that necessitated our immediate invasion. And for many of us, that's where our focus went.
Update - (And smear people. They do that, too.)
Update 2 - (Oh yeah, they steal, too.)
Update 3 - (Cheating. I forgot cheating. Definitely cheaters.)
Update 4 - (Right. Hypocrites. Sorry.)
Update 5 - (Sorry, I'm not going to say "poo-poo heads" in my weblog. No matter how many e-mails you send.)
1) O'Neill is a liar. He is a disgruntled employee who was fired for incompetence, who nobody ever listened to anyway, and who is lying to get back at Bush for firing him. Quote: "A senior administration official said O'Neill's "suggestion that the administration was planning an invasion of Iraq days after taking office is laughable. Nobody listened to him when he was in office. Why should anybody now?"
2) Of course we did it. The stated policy of the administration, and the previous administration, was regime change in Iraq, and the Bush administration would have been remiss to NOT be planning to invade Iraq. (I guess this covers the bases, for those who don't fall for the smears on O'Neill's credibility...)
So they would be remiss if they weren't planning a war, and anyone who says they were planning a war is an incompetent liar.
See the forest: they lie. They just lie. Look at what they DO and ignore everything they say. Remember, before the war, when they were running their "marketing campaign," they had us all arguing about whether there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and whether that necessitated our immediate invasion. And for many of us, that's where our focus went.
Update - (And smear people. They do that, too.)
Update 2 - (Oh yeah, they steal, too.)
Update 3 - (Cheating. I forgot cheating. Definitely cheaters.)
Update 4 - (Right. Hypocrites. Sorry.)
Update 5 - (Sorry, I'm not going to say "poo-poo heads" in my weblog. No matter how many e-mails you send.)
Why did we go to war? Ask the experts
Head over to the DNC weblog and scroll down to "Why did we go to war? Ask the experts. Leave a comment. Get involved.
Then scroll up to "Why we went to war, Part II," and "More revelations from Paul O'Neill" and, finally, "The right wing goes into attack mode":
Then scroll up to "Why we went to war, Part II," and "More revelations from Paul O'Neill" and, finally, "The right wing goes into attack mode":
"As Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame know, this administration will turn no stone when it comes to destroying people who tell the truth about President Bush's deceptions."It's good to see the DNC acting like they "get it."
the american street
the american street has new posts up today, by different bloggers than yesterday. ;-)
(I'll be posting there regularly on Mondays. TWO places to get your Dave!)
(I'll be posting there regularly on Mondays. TWO places to get your Dave!)
"Jobs Americans Won't Take"
We hear Bush talking about "jobs that others won't take," to sell his new "guest worker" plan. He is talking about importing workers for jobs that are not filled by American workers -- largely agricultural jobs, but also including jobs in restaurants and others. Sounds reasonable, right?
Economists talk about "the law of supply and demand." This law applies to labor as well as consumer goods. What this law is supposed to mean is that if you can't find enough workers to fill your jobs, you raise wages until you can. What is happening in this instance is that the American companies are not paying enough, so people are not taking the jobs. These are not jobs that can be exported to China -- the farms and restaurants are here. So, instead of raising wages until they are able to fill the jobs, they are proposing to allow more Mexican and other immigrant workers into the country to take these jobs, keeping wages low.
This "guest worker" scam is just one more example of the Bush administration working against the interests of American workers. The minimum wage need to be raised.
Update - 7:30pm - (Thanks to Sideshow) - William Pfaff: The price of globalization:
Economists talk about "the law of supply and demand." This law applies to labor as well as consumer goods. What this law is supposed to mean is that if you can't find enough workers to fill your jobs, you raise wages until you can. What is happening in this instance is that the American companies are not paying enough, so people are not taking the jobs. These are not jobs that can be exported to China -- the farms and restaurants are here. So, instead of raising wages until they are able to fill the jobs, they are proposing to allow more Mexican and other immigrant workers into the country to take these jobs, keeping wages low.
This "guest worker" scam is just one more example of the Bush administration working against the interests of American workers. The minimum wage need to be raised.
Update - 7:30pm - (Thanks to Sideshow) - William Pfaff: The price of globalization:
Ricardo, however, had a second theory, which he called the "iron law of wages." You do not hear much about the iron law, in part because you wouldn't want to hear about it, and also because experience has seemed to prove it untrue. But times are changing.If you have time read the entire piece as well as Sideshow's comments:
The iron law of wages is also simple and logical. It says that wages will tend to stabilize at or about subsistence level. That seemed inevitable to Ricardo, since while workers are necessary, and so have to be kept alive, they have no hope of any better treatment since they are infinitely available, replaceable, and generally interchangeable.
Ricardo's wage theory has seemed untrue. The supply of competent workers in a given place is not unlimited; neither workers nor industry are perfectly mobile, and labor demonstrated in the 19th and 20th centuries that it could mobilize and defend itself. The iron law of wages would seem to function only if the supply of labor is infinite and totally mobile.
Unfortunately that day, for practical purposes, has now arrived, thanks to globalization.
Globalization is removing the constraints imposed in the past by societies possessing institutions, legislation, and the political will to protect workers.
That'd be things like, oh, unions, for example, and laws that prevent import of goods produced under unacceptable worker conditions, and that old stand-by, import duties. Fantasies about free trade are all very nice, but if ultimately they mean stabilizing wages at subsistence globally, you're not doing much good with it for anyone but that small handful of nobility at the very top.Excellent.
During the '90s you had all these economists who should know better claiming that the modern economy had somehow magically risen above everything that had gone before and that now there could be no down-cycle. And I said, "No. It doesn't work that way." And I was right. So now when economists are rhapsodizing about the wonders of free trade and how it will make everything better for us all, I'm again saying, "No."
Globalization is good if it means retaining high standards of treatment for workers at home and exporting those standards to other nations when we trade with them, but not if it means exporting American jobs without the encumbrance of those standards. You don't have to be a genius to work this out, you just have to be able to separate the hype from what you can see with your own eyes.
I received this in the e-mail:
The first in the nation caucus was held in Santa Cruz on Saturday, January 10. It was a lot of fun with donkeys, bagpipes, banners, cheers... Congressman Sam Farr spoke at the event and noted that when Democrats form a firing squad, they form it in a circle.Interesting that Kucinich didn't win! If you know Santa Cruz (Rasta Cruz to locals), you're as surprised as I am.
Three candidates generated the most energy - Dean, Kucinich and, surprising, Clark. BUT... Dean won the vote of over 400 participants at 49%. Kucinich was 2nd with about 25% and Clark not far behind with about 21%. The remainder of the field garnered the remaining 5% of the vote.
Announcing A New Group Blog - The American Street
the american street
Go have a read, and return often. There will be new posts through each day, and there will be different people posting through the week.
We Are The Street Where You LivePlease bookmark this weblog, and if you are a weblogger, please add it to your blogroll!
by Kevin Hayden
Welcome to The American Street. Ours is not the typical street gang. Our neighborhood is larger.
Our gang is spread out from coast to coast. We come from many regions, from city streets and country roads, from every economic class. We are blue-collar, white-collar, self-employed and unemployed.
We are single, married and divorced. We have children and are childless. We attend church and we don't. We have advanced degrees, college and high school educations, and have dropped out of high school. We work, we play, we cry, we laugh, we love, we get angry and we work things out.
We love America. We love its freedoms and ideals, its achievements and possibilities. We live and breathe the American Dream and refuse to surrender it to anyone.
We might live in your neighborhood. Our hopes and dreams and fears and beliefs are likely not much different than yours. We are The American Street. Our opinions matter as much as yours, no more and no less.
We believe America can do better. Let's talk about how.
Go have a read, and return often. There will be new posts through each day, and there will be different people posting through the week.
Libertarians have to put up or shut up
How can any libertarian even consider voting for Bush?
Some of the ones I've talked to recently point out that the Democrats have given no strong signs of being much better than Bush on this issue. Be that as it may, however, it seems very unlikely that they're worse, and what the Bush administration is doing is totally unconscionable. (E.G. sending innocent suspects to Syria for torture, or holding an American citizen incommunicado without a lawyer for a full year, plus major changes in American law) And this is not just temporary state-of-emergency stuff -- they're permanently changing our whole legal system.
I obviously have an axe to grind. I'm not a libertarian, though I am a civil-libertarian liberal and have had problems supporting corporate Democrats who seem to be unaware of this kind of issue. Still, if the libertarians in this country don't at least vote for a Libertarian for President this year (but preferably the Democrat, of course) the whole libertarian movement should just pass out of existence and be forgotten. It's at critical turning points like this one that you find out whether someone's ideals are real or phony.
Leaving the ballot blank doesn't cut it. It says nothing and does nothing.
(Based on a comment I made on Brad Delong's site).
Some of the ones I've talked to recently point out that the Democrats have given no strong signs of being much better than Bush on this issue. Be that as it may, however, it seems very unlikely that they're worse, and what the Bush administration is doing is totally unconscionable. (E.G. sending innocent suspects to Syria for torture, or holding an American citizen incommunicado without a lawyer for a full year, plus major changes in American law) And this is not just temporary state-of-emergency stuff -- they're permanently changing our whole legal system.
I obviously have an axe to grind. I'm not a libertarian, though I am a civil-libertarian liberal and have had problems supporting corporate Democrats who seem to be unaware of this kind of issue. Still, if the libertarians in this country don't at least vote for a Libertarian for President this year (but preferably the Democrat, of course) the whole libertarian movement should just pass out of existence and be forgotten. It's at critical turning points like this one that you find out whether someone's ideals are real or phony.
Leaving the ballot blank doesn't cut it. It says nothing and does nothing.
(Based on a comment I made on Brad Delong's site).
The Rational Conservative Republican: A Mythical Beast
What "conservativism" means today is a knee-jerk, partisan, anti-intellectual, faux-populist blend of Armageddon Christianity, anti-government rhetoric, homophobia, and chauvinist militarism (with a concealed neo-Confederate element).
If you read James Fallows at the Atlantic, or Lewis Lapham and John MacArthur at Harper's, you'll find that they are strongly anti-populist and don't really repeat the liberal pieties. Their fundamental ideas and their tone are conservative, but they all count as liberals, because of what American conservativism has become.
There's really no contradiction here. "Liberal" and "conservative" are nominal opposites in American politics, but the opposite of "liberal" is "repressive", and the opposite of "conservative" is "rash, radical, and adventurist". The Republicans today are neither liberal nor conservative.
In the arguments over the long-term consequences of Bush's ten-year tax plan, I've repeatedly heard conservatives argue that since economists cannot predict in any detail farther than a rather short time into the future (true), we should give no thought whatever to the long-term consequences of Bush's long-term plan. Elsewhere the notorious "Al" has argued that one single little order of magnitude isn't really very much. Complete idiocy.
I often wonder whether the idiot trolls who inhabit liberal blog comments are characteristic of the conservative movement. My belief is that they are. For them,arguing about politics is like arguing about football teams -- fling all the shit you can come up with and hope that some sticks. It isn't in their nature to listen or think.
Until I have reason to believe otherwise, I will remain convinced that the rational conservative Republican is an extinct or mythical beast. I expect the Tacituses and the Brookses and the Drezners ultimately to fall obediently in line behind Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson, and Grover Norquist.
(This post is adapted from a comment I made on Kevin Drum's site. One reader there cited two excellent articles by Fallows in the Atlantic, one from the summer of last year and one in the forthcoming issue.)
If you read James Fallows at the Atlantic, or Lewis Lapham and John MacArthur at Harper's, you'll find that they are strongly anti-populist and don't really repeat the liberal pieties. Their fundamental ideas and their tone are conservative, but they all count as liberals, because of what American conservativism has become.
There's really no contradiction here. "Liberal" and "conservative" are nominal opposites in American politics, but the opposite of "liberal" is "repressive", and the opposite of "conservative" is "rash, radical, and adventurist". The Republicans today are neither liberal nor conservative.
In the arguments over the long-term consequences of Bush's ten-year tax plan, I've repeatedly heard conservatives argue that since economists cannot predict in any detail farther than a rather short time into the future (true), we should give no thought whatever to the long-term consequences of Bush's long-term plan. Elsewhere the notorious "Al" has argued that one single little order of magnitude isn't really very much. Complete idiocy.
I often wonder whether the idiot trolls who inhabit liberal blog comments are characteristic of the conservative movement. My belief is that they are. For them,arguing about politics is like arguing about football teams -- fling all the shit you can come up with and hope that some sticks. It isn't in their nature to listen or think.
Until I have reason to believe otherwise, I will remain convinced that the rational conservative Republican is an extinct or mythical beast. I expect the Tacituses and the Brookses and the Drezners ultimately to fall obediently in line behind Karl Rove, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson, and Grover Norquist.
(This post is adapted from a comment I made on Kevin Drum's site. One reader there cited two excellent articles by Fallows in the Atlantic, one from the summer of last year and one in the forthcoming issue.)
It Begins
The smearing starts:
"A senior administration official said O'Neill's 'suggestion that the administration was planning an invasion of Iraq days after taking office is laughable. Nobody listened to him when he was in office. Why should anybody now?' "Man, is this guy gonna get smeared, or what? I can hear Rove now, "Paul, I don't want to do this to you, but I have a reputation to maintain. It's business, not personal. If I let you get away with this, pretty soon every cabinet member or reporter will be telling what they know. It's business, Paul, not personal."
Let's hope Cheney doesn't die
Because according to the Constitution, if Cheney dies George W. Bush will become President!
Juan Cole on the Paul O'Neill interview.
Juan Cole on the Paul O'Neill interview.
Is It For Real?
Update -This is serious shit. From the Nuremberg Indictments, Count 2, "Crimes against peace":
The Bush Administration began laying plans for an invasion of Iraq including the use of American troops within days of President Bush's inauguration in January of 2001, not eight months later after the 9/11 attacks as has been previously reported. That is what former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill says in his first interview about his time as a White House insider. O'Neill talks to Lesley Stahl in the interview, to be broadcast on 60 MINUTES Sunday, Jan. 11 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.This is huge! If you combine this with the reports that Cheney's "secret energy task force" was meeting with oil companies to divide up Iraq's oil, long before 9/11, we have a criminal conspiracy to invade another country. And I don't mean in our own paranoid fantasies where we imagine the worst about this crowd, I mean for real.
[. . .] O'Neill, fired by the White House for his disagreement on tax cuts, is the main source for an upcoming book, "The Price of Loyalty," authored by Ron Suskind. Suskind says O'Neill and other White House insiders he interviewed gave him documents that show that in the first three months of 2001, the administration was looking at military options for removing Saddam Hussein from power and planning for the aftermath of Saddam's downfall, including post-war contingencies like peacekeeping troops, war crimes tribunals and the future of Iraq's oil. "There are memos," Suskind tells Stahl, "One of them marked 'secret' says 'Plan for Post-Saddam Iraq.'" A Pentagon document, says Suskind, titled "Foreign Suitors For Iraqi Oilfield Contracts," outlines areas of oil exploration. "It talks about contractors around the world from...30, 40 countries and which ones have what intentions on oil in Iraq," Suskind says.
Update -This is serious shit. From the Nuremberg Indictments, Count 2, "Crimes against peace":
All the defendants with divers other persons, during a period of years preceding 8 May 1945, participated in the planning, preparation, initiation, and waging of wars of aggression, which were also wars in violation of international treaties, agreements, and assurances.So this has got me re-reading the indictment from the start, and I have to say it is not all that unlike a description of what has been happening here. Like this:
(c) The Nazi conspirators conceived that, in addition to the suppression of distinctively political opposition, it was necessary to suppress or exterminate certain other movements or groups which they regarded as obstacles to their retention of total control in Germany and to the aggressive aims of the conspiracy abroad. Accordingly:Or how about accomplishing the same results by infiltrating and taking over Christian organizations, and telling the public that our leader is taking directions from God...(1) The Nazi conspirators destroyed the free trade unions...
(2) The Nazi conspirators, by promoting beliefs and practices incompatible with Christian teaching, sought to subvert the influence of the churches over the people and in particular over the youth of Germany.
Does any of this strike a familiar chord?(3) The persecution by the Nazi conspirators of pacifist groups, including religious movements dedicated to pacifism, was particularly relentless and cruel.etc...
No Mystery: The Iraq War was a Fraud
Following Kenneth Pollack, Kevin Drum asks "Why were we so wrong about Iraq's WMD?"
The Iraq war was a successful fraud abetted by a hopelessly servile press and foreign-affairs establishment. Pollard played a key role.
The Rove administration fully believes that perception is more real than reality, and indeed, at crunch time very few people were corny, old-fashioned, or stodgy enough to stick out their necks and reject the hype. A lot of people who thought they were inside players turned out to be suckers. It happens all the time: "You can't cheat an honest man".
Adventurists are gamblers: "Let's take a shot at this and see what happens". Very few in the administration believed either the al Qaeda story or the WMD story; those stories were just PR. They figured that once the rubber hit the road, the combination of hysteria, gloating, and rabid patriotism would keep dissent intimidated.
The only thing that screwed them up was that the occupation turned out be a lot tougher than expected. They believed that everyone in Iraq hated Saddam (not true) and that once Saddam and his supporters were gone, all problems would disappear (also not true).
The official story changed several times, and not everyone cared. Up until recently (they aren't saying it much any more) the semi-offical line was "The details don't make any difference: WE WON, and that will be enough for the American people!"
It almost worked. And it might still, if they manage to find another crisis.
The Iraq war was a successful fraud abetted by a hopelessly servile press and foreign-affairs establishment. Pollard played a key role.
The Rove administration fully believes that perception is more real than reality, and indeed, at crunch time very few people were corny, old-fashioned, or stodgy enough to stick out their necks and reject the hype. A lot of people who thought they were inside players turned out to be suckers. It happens all the time: "You can't cheat an honest man".
Adventurists are gamblers: "Let's take a shot at this and see what happens". Very few in the administration believed either the al Qaeda story or the WMD story; those stories were just PR. They figured that once the rubber hit the road, the combination of hysteria, gloating, and rabid patriotism would keep dissent intimidated.
The only thing that screwed them up was that the occupation turned out be a lot tougher than expected. They believed that everyone in Iraq hated Saddam (not true) and that once Saddam and his supporters were gone, all problems would disappear (also not true).
The official story changed several times, and not everyone cared. Up until recently (they aren't saying it much any more) the semi-offical line was "The details don't make any difference: WE WON, and that will be enough for the American people!"
It almost worked. And it might still, if they manage to find another crisis.
Voting Machines Story
According to this Miami Herald story, New system no easy touch for 134 voters in Broward,
"In Tuesday's special election to fill state House seat 91, 134 Broward voters managed to use the 2-year-old touch-screen equipment without casting votes for any candidate.So one candidate "won" by 12 votes, but somehow 134 votes were not ocunted. And there is no paper trail to show what happened.
How so many happened to cast nonvotes remains a riddle. Unlike with punch cards or paper ballots, there's no paper record with electronic voting that might offer a clue to the voter's intent.
The percentage of nonvotes -- 1.3 percent -- is modest compared to the days of ''hanging'' and ''pregnant chads.'' But in Tuesday's race, every vote was crucial. In a seven-candidate field, Ellyn Bogdanoff beat Oliver Parker by just 12 votes."
A Comment I Left
Here's a comment I left to this post at Hullabaloo, talking about the Club For Growth's anti-Dean ad:
"The thing is, ANYthing that is repeated over and over, without being countered in time, will become accepted as a truth. Marketers do this because it works.
My favorite example is people saying they shouldn't switch to satellite TV because wind knocks over the dishes. And also, DSL is better than cable modems because cable modems are shared with lots of people. Both of these claims are just hogwash, of course, but the ads were repeated into a vacuum - an area where people had no other information but did have an interest in learning, and the claims sounded reasonable.
This stuff WORKS. If you can plant your message repeatedly before counter messages are out there you win. It is VERY difficult to counter a "conventional wisdom" once it has taken hold. The Right's marketing infrastructure operates on this principle.
One thing the Right has that moderates and progressives don't seem to understand very well, is marketing. I mean, the Right is populated by people with corporate backgrounds and a cynical view that you can sell air if you just market it right -- coming from tobacco company marketing people who were able to convince people to kill themselves while handing over their money to their executioners.
Marketing works. Repetition works. Repeating simple catch-phrases to the public works.
THE MEATRIX (found at CalPundit).
By the way, I'm not pushing vegetarianism. The article I posted before Thanksgiving on turkeys suggested buying family-farmed "heritage" turkeys. The Meatrix suggests family farms. And organic meats won't give you CJD. It is important to me that the animals have better lives.
By the way, I'm not pushing vegetarianism. The article I posted before Thanksgiving on turkeys suggested buying family-farmed "heritage" turkeys. The Meatrix suggests family farms. And organic meats won't give you CJD. It is important to me that the animals have better lives.
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