Work front has been a challenge off late. Tough times call for tougher acts to keep going - where business is concern. I've been in out of meetings for the past two days. Some meetings had good outcomes, while some ended with a not so nice taste to wrap up the day with. But we must all stay resilient and brave the storm. I believe the rainbow is somewhere out there, waiting to appear when the time is right.
Anyway, on a much happier note, I'm still ecstatic and excited from our Makcik Blogger meet last Saturday. It was a blast. Nothing deterred us from enjoying ourselves, not even the heavy downpour that came halfway during our meet. Hujan rahmat, I’d put it, as it helped cool the hot and humid afternoon and permitted us to enjoy the scrumptious food spread.
One word to describe the afternoon. It was totally AWESOME. The bonding, laughter and intimacy was apparent in everyone.
To the Makcik Bloggers:
Wanshana - sedapnya kway tiau goreng & sambal tochu, makan tak nampak sesiapa lalu belakang
MrsN - anggun sungguh in that green kurung and yesss…lurv the new hair do
Zai - ayooo…both fruit tart and cheese cake were mind blowing!!
Silent reader, Zay - hey…now you have been officially accepted into the group
Madam Principal - thank you for the umbrella, Bibik & Nissa have put it to good use yesterday morning when it rained
Chahaya - you are so petite and so young, plus orang kampong…..I LIKE!!
Kak Ezza - what can I say, you show love and lots, lots of love
Bella - wooo…the roast chicken was mouth watering and you are pretty cool, sis
Jabishah - you are so sweeettttt, se sweet dessert that you brought and got dimples some more!!!
Waterlily - really, really glad you made it, mana taknya even after di “bomb” many times, still you made it to my place
Aida & daughter Ainul - so happy that you managed to join us, all the effort, despite the long detour and last but not least,
my sister TM - thanks for the t-shirt, ABE complimented on it, so pass QC Inspector Sahab.
Thank you, everyone!!! Thank you for the lovely afternoon.