Friday, January 18, 2008

Off to see the Wizard

Well, not quite the wizard, just my brother in law.

I lucked out in the husband department. I got a husband who hardly EVER wants to see his family! I am just kidding. He wants to see the. I don't even mind seeing his family. I like his family a lot. They just aren't really gatherers. This works perfectly for me because my family is the exact opposite. We gather, therefore we are. His lack-o-gathering makes my gathering a lot more convenient. Yay for the us!!

But every now and again the time comes to venture out into the world and see those people from hence this great man came. These trips can be fun, frustrating, tiring, exciting, boring, or any mixture of the above. I'll let you know how this one turns out on Sunday, for off to Memphis we go.

I won't tell my Dad, as he thinks that Memphis is the outskirts of Hell.

Ah, trips, deceptions, unfounded worry, and Mp3s ...the life we lead.

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

This Girl...

She can count to 5!!!

I Want

I am not usually a person who wants a lot of THINGS. Most of the items in my house are actually things that family members have passed on to me. EVERY SINGLE couch that I have ever had, belonged to my mom before it belonged to me.
The main reason for that is that I am cheap. I hate spending money. The second reason is that traditionally I am very easy to please. As long as we are comfortable and happy, I don't generally stress about the details.
These days..things are a changing. I have been wanting STUFF like crazy. I have been drooling over a black leather couch..ooh and browsing the web for a bigger nicer place to rent. I have been saving up for shopping trips for new clothes...for ME!! This is insanity. I am not sure what caused it and I am equally unsure of how to stop it. I am not sure I can deal with a Serina that likes to spend money. This could be disastrous. Next thing you know Randy will start thinking that he can want stuff. Then all hell will break loose.
I have to stop this NOW. But, Oh MAN...I WANT that couch...and that house..and that rug.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Rain rain go away.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thank You and Update

The nightmares seem to be letting up. He hasn't woken up crying since Saturday. I attribute that to some good advice from you guys, many prayers, and good talks with the kid. I have a little bit of talent on that front every now and then.
I am scheduled to meet with Ms. Lee on the 26th. I figure I'll ask her then about if and how they are discussing the devil. If it looks like something that is going to continue to happen, I will definitely be changing schools. I know the seed of the idea came from somewhere, but I also know that Super Z has a limitless imagination. That is probably something that I'll be worrying about for years to come.
I will keep you updated on how this all goes. Thank you all so much for your thoughts, your concern, your ideas, your support, and your prayers. You are all great great friends.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Damn Devil

I am not a big talker of religion. I have always been a Christian. Over the years I have become a more Liberal Christian than most of the ones that I grew up around. I believe in Jesus, but I also believe that you don't have to believe in Jesus to go to Heaven. Around these parts, that is just flat out radical thinking. I almost hesitated to write it just now. That is how radical some people around here would consider that statement.

As a result of that, I don't do a lot of talking about religion.

Until now...

My son has become obsessed with talk of God and the devil. It isn't just soft questions anymore either, like "Where is God?" It has become a flat out Worry Fest.

He has been having lots of bad dreams. Dreams that wake him up crying and fleeing to my bed in the middle of the night. When I asked him why he was having these dreams, he told me that God had left his heart and the devil had gotten in. !!! It still haven't convinced him that the devil IS NOT in his precious heart.

Of course I told him that God would never leave his heart and that he did not even need to worry about the devil. But how can you tell a 5 year old worrier that the things that wake him up screaming at night are not to be worried about? And how in the world can you explain the complexities of God and the devil and religion to a kid who has an imaginary friend? And why should I have to? Where is he getting this?

He goes to a Baptist Preschool. I am not a Baptist, but I figured it was a pretty safe choice. I figured that he would be taught some Bible stories and songs that I think all children need to know. I did not think that he would be filled with Earth shaking fear of the devil..Surly they aren't telling him this stuff...Do you think they are? I don't know. I just can't imagine where else he would get it.

These are some of the things that I have been hearing from him almost daily:
  • Where is the devil?
  • Where does the devil live?
  • What if God isn't big enough to keep the devil out of my heart?
  • Do people burn in fire in hell?
  • Am I going to go to hell and burn in fire if I am dead?

Why does my five year old have to worry about these things? Do you think he heard this stuff at PRESCHOOL? I have to ask them. But when I do, what if they say yes and act like it isn't even an issue? I may have to come unglued. Would a Baptist preschool really want to do this to a baby? And if not, where else could this be coming from?

Suggestions, thoughts, solutions, rants, or condemnation welcome. I hope you have a great weekend.


I do want my children to learn about Jesus and Christianity. I realize that the devil is a part of that. I just think five is WAY too early to be worrying about hell. I believe that he should be learning about God's love and the good things that Jesus did. I would like for him to learn about Jesus while learning to think for himself. Is that too much to ask?This whole post fills me with worry. Maybe this is why I don't talk about religion?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Interview With Super Z

I decided to do an interview with Super Z. I was thinking, I'll show off my cute smart kid to the internets. They'll be amazed at what a great parent I am. didn't turn out quite like that. Instead you get to see how I have scarred my son for life by postponing his birthday party for a month.

Interviewer - So how are liking being back at school?

Super Z - It was good. I love it.

Interviewer - What have you been learning?

Super Z - I have been learning nothing. We don't learn anything.

Interviewer - Q- Then what do you do if you don't learn anything?

Super Z - We just play all day. You learn stuff at big school. I go to little school. Mom, Do I go to fake school?

Interviewer - No, your school is real. It is just preschool.

Super Z - It don't look like real school.

Interviewer - What does real school look like?

Super Z - Real school looks like a big school. You have seen the big school.

Interviewer - Hmm. What was your favorite part about Christmas?

Super Z - January. Almost January. I had my birthday in December right? I haven't had a party. I am still 4. Listen to me, Mom. I am still 4.

Interviewer - You are not 4. You are 5. We are going to have a party soon, I promise.

Super Z - No, Mom. I am going to have a birthday. I haven't had a birthday, I am 4.

Interviewer - You already had your birthday. You just have to have a party.

Super Z - Mom, I did not have a birthday. I am only 4, not 5. Say it, Mom. You did not have a birthday.

Interviewer - Okay, Z. Whatever.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Thursday 13 - 13 Hotties

For my Thursday 13 I have decided to share some of the boys and men who have made my heart beat faster over the years. I am an obsessive type person. I can obsess over anything from work, to blue glass door knobs, to books. It is just who I am. One of my favorite things to obsess over is my HOTTIE OF THE MOMENT. I gave you 13 of my favorite HOTTIES OF THE MOMENT from the past twenty years of my life.

1)Rudy from The Monster Squad was one of the first bad boys to steal my heart. My BFF/cousin Becky and I must have watched The Monster Squad every weekend for a year. For me, Rudy was the main reason.

I fell in love with River Phoenix in Stand By Me. My love only increased with time. He was just lovely.
This poster hang over my bed in college. I remember telling people that this was the picture of perfection, the epitome of sexy. For a while I was disappointed with how Leo had aged. I couldn't help thinking that he had lost it. And then I watched The Departed. Um..Can you say yummy?
I am not a big Christian Slater fan. But when I saw him in Heathers, it was love at first sight. This is just one of many examples of the bad boy effect.

Spike. Um, he could bite me anytime...or tear down a building with my naked body...whatever.
I have been an ER fan since day 1. I have loved many an ER doc..but Luca? He is just steamy. I sit on the couch on Thursday nights and just drool. I am sure that it is lovely to see.
I am not sure when it started. For as long as I remember really, even when I was a kid, I have LOVED Dennis Quaid. He is just yummy. Everything that a man should be. Did I say he was yummy?
I like Johnny Depp. He is a hottie. But the hottest hottie that Johnny Depp can be? That is Captain Jack Sparrow. I am not sure what it is, but he just melts me into my shoes. I couldn't get over the girl choosing the other guy...I mean Captain Jack was sooo bad.
This only needs four words - Brad Pitt, Oh my.
I fell in love with John Cusack when I saw him in Say Anything. Lloyd Dobler was unforgettable. I love him still now, just thinking about him. But I love John Cusack in anything. He is my kind of hottie...dark hair, piercing eyes, deep thoughts, sensitive soul...sigh.
Harrison Ford is a good looking man, but Han Solo is the original Hottie as far as I am concerned. Han Solo is the reason that I used to dream of being Leia. Han Solo is the reason that it is okay that I married a Star Wars freak.
I kissed this little hottie for the first time when I was 14. He was the cutest boy that I'd ever seen. He was also the first boy to look at me and make me feel special.
13) I married that Hottie 7 years and many adventures later. I lucked out, because he tuned into this hottie. As far as I am concerned they don't get any hotter than this. Not only does he have a streak of bad boy, but he grills a wonderful steak and is the best Dad in the world.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Visions of Holiday Happiness

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Vacation and Potty

I took a couple of days of vacation after the first. By vacation, I mean I did nothing, not a thing, I hardly moved. It was quite enjoyable. I finished reading Memoirs of a Geisha and Outlander. Outlander took me a while to get into, as I started it back in..October?? but when it got me, it got me.
On the third day of vacation, Randy asked, "So aren't you going to do anything while you are off?"
I glanced up long enough to say, "Are you crazy? First Japan and now Scotland without getting off the couch? I believe I am doing plenty."
So while doing nothing, I finished off my Fall into Reading list!! Sure it is winter, but I finished! Can't we just be happy about that?
Princess H is making small strides in the potty training field. While her Mama was doing nothing she began to insist on using the potty. More often than not, this either means sitting on the potty forever without actually using it or stripping off her clothes and running through the house peeing on the floor. I prefer the first, if you must know. But TWICE now, she has actually USED the potty! There was much celebration and laughter in The House of Madness, I assure you. The princess was praised for her skill. Only Super Z was unimpressed. His one statement was, "So? I poop in the potty AND pee." He just loves sister getting limelight...