Well, I'm responding to Kate's tagging so here are 7 things about me that I imagine most people possibly wouldn't know...
1. I failed my driver’s licence twice before finally passing at 25. I lived in Germany for 3 years in my early 20’s and refused to drive there because they drive on the wrong side of the road LOL. I had 4 driving instructors in all. The first one said I didn’t stand a chance in hell of passing. The second and third said I drove well and couldn’t understand why I didn’t pass (or get out of the parking lot) and the fourth was a man who taught a friend of mine to drive and as she said: “if he can teach me to drive, he can teach anybody”. He gave me the final bit of confidence to add to the technique and now I actually quite enjoy driving.
2. I had braces and glasses in my teens, but now I have straight teeth and when I can be bothered I wear contact lenses.
3. My dad died when I was 12 and when I returned to school after the funeral, one of the girls in the group that I was in at school said: “we don’t want to hear about it, ok?” I never spoke about my father’s passing again to anyone for at least 10 years.
4. When I was at school I used to spend my train fare at the tuck shop and then walk home. It was miles (4 stations worth of a walk!) I was really skinny then! I miss walking for a purpose. Even though we live in a beautiful part of the world that people travel to for miles to go walking, I don’t go walking. It’s just not the same as ‘having’ to walk.
Gee, this is hard…
5. I don’t eat wheat. I stopped eating it after visiting a very ‘different’ dietician/doctor type guy. I had been to normal doctors for years and had been told, I had ‘IBS’, but that there was nothing to be done. In desperation, I visited this guy who made me cut out certain food types from my diet for a month and then re-introduce them the next month. It became clear I had a wheat-intolerance. It’s been about 4 years now and I have never felt better even though I do miss Yorkshire puddings, biscuits, pancakes, white bread…the list is endless.
6. I’ve just had cosmetic surgery. On my ear! When I had my ears pierced as a child, I moved when the second ear was being pierced and it made a long hole. I could never wear any earrings other than studs that hid the length of the hole. It has always bugged me even though people claim they’d never noticed (probably because of the stud, duh! And the fact that I used to wear my hair over that ear.) I also had my pixie ear point removed at the same time (in for a penny…) I feel so much happier now. Crazy, I know, but it really did bother me a lot.
7. And finally, when I lived in Germany, I had a bicycle accident that broke my femur and changed my life forever. I had to have 2 bouts of corrective surgery and still have a plate in my leg, a slight limp and discomfort when lying on my left side. That was the bad part. The good part is it meant I stayed in Germany longer than planned, met some great people and realised how short life can be and so I try to make the most of it.