Thursday, 27 October 2011

Thank You from Baby-Kalico!

Thank you to everyone for all the lovely messages
and kind comments about our little girl
(or my new sewing companion as I like to think of her!)
An extra special thanks to Andrea (Welsh Quilter)
 for this really beautiful hexagon quilt
that she made for Baby-Kalico.
It is so beautiful and I confess I did shed a little tear (or two)
upon opening the parcel today.
There was also a beautiful knitted cardigan in the parcel,
which I'll photograph on her when she's awake!

Thank you Andrea for your very generous and beautiful gift.
And thank you to everyone for making my little baby
feel so welcome to the world!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Her Royal Highness (HRH) Has Arrived!

Harriet Rose H. born 22nd October 2011.
After several hospital delays (and a protest on my part LOL),
I was induced 'properly' and in just over 3and a half hours
we held our little baby in our arms.
I am very happy to be home with all my boys
and my little girl at last!

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Running Out of Time

Tomorrow I have to go into hospital to be induced.
I have not felt very happy about this decision, but feel that,
obviously, Baby-Kalico takes priority over my dreams
of a calm and peaceful labour
at the hospital that I want to deliver at.
With me not having felt 100% the last few weeks,
I can, at least, look forward to holding a healthy baby
and getting back to a healthy me (from tomorrow if all goes well).

My nesting instincts have been almost non-existent and sewing slow going...
Although, I have managed to quilt this table topper with my own writing...
It's bound and ready for use, but the matching runner is only basted
and waiting to be quilted. However, in the meantime,
I found some quilting inspiration on You Tube.
And I shall think calm and peaceful thoughts until I can update the blog again...

Monday, 17 October 2011

A Sense of Scale

Firstly, Thank You to everyone who offered suggestions
on my previous post about the 'Mill-Stone Monster Quilt'.

Secondly, I thought I should actually take some photos of it
to show the scale of it:

This is me trying to hold up half of it:
This is an eighth!:
This is the half section again (heavy arms!!!):
After much thought and heeding lots of the aforementioned advice,
I have decided to take this out of the box:
And put this in the box:
I have enough of my own UFO's
that would actually make me happier to finish!

Mom doesn't care about the quilt
and although I would love to finish it for her,
she doesn't even want it for her spare room.
One of her suggestions included: "throw it in the bin" which is very sad.
One day, when I have more time and more of a plan I'll open the box,
 dust it off and give it another go...

In the meantime, my Carolina Lily's are calling my name....
So let's see if I can get those border vines and berries on!

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Help Wanted!

I am at a loss as to what to do wth the 'Monster'!
I was supposed to be resting today, but with the sun shining at last
and resting being the most boring thing to do on a sunny day...
I got up and snuck into the garden to photograph the Monster Quilt.
DH caught me and so came over to help me.
It is currently in 5 sections.
4 quarters have been sewn together and then there are 4 loose quarters.
As we were laying it out he whispered:
'I don't really like it.'
The thing is doing anything with it is going to be a lot of work
and I don't really like it either....
But I sort of feel duty-bound to fix/finish it...
I was thinking of taking it back in to be a proper Lone Star,
which would involve a LOT of 'reverse sewing' (unpicking) which I hate hate hate!
I'm also concerned that the seams are fragile after 20 years
and because the papers have been removed it may prove difficult
to get the setting squares in or applique the edges to a background...
On the plus side, the wedges that would come out could be used for a smaller quilt...
(2 monsters from one LOL) 
The initial idea of squaring it up with green would just make it bigger and bigger
and I don't know if they even make beds as big as this quilt top already is!!!

There's nothing like getting a skeleton OUT of your closet!
But I don't think DH will want it on the bed LOL

Any suggestions/advice gratefully received!

Friday, 14 October 2011

Borders, Binding & the Hopes of Mindless Sewing

Last night we thought that baby Kalico was coming (again).
You'd think seeing as we've done this twice already that we'd know better by now LOL,
but we got it wrong and so we had a dreadful night and hardly slept a wink.

This morning when I finally surfaced, I asked my DH
if he minded if I carved myself a way into my sewing room
to just do a bit of mindless sewing.... for me...
He didn't mind, but I had nothing really ready to just sew,
so instead I had to do some cutting first and deciding and planning...

I wanted to do something with my Leader and Ender 9 patches:
So I cut some
 setting squares and triangles, but changed my mind and the quilt idea
(from Bonnie's books) twice at least!
So the 9 patches got abandoned.... for now.
In desperation to just sew. Something.
I put borders on these Corn & Beans blocks that Kate kindly gave me.
I LOVE the colours Kate used in these blocks!
(The runner looks a little yellow in the evening light...)
The runner and bedside table mat are ready to quilt now
and the binding is prepped too so hopefully I'll get another chance
to sew before baby Kalico arrives.

I also ironed the binding that I'd cut for baby Kalico's quilt,
which Kandy has very kindly offered to quilt for me.
Hopefully little Miss Kalico will not be early and I'll get both
Kate's Corn & Bean blocks quilted and Baby's quilt bound before D-Day :o)

Young Abby, approves of me being in the sewing room
and even tidying one or two things away
so that she has more surface area to spread out.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Not Ready to Tackle a Monster Yet!

First, I need to categorically state that this is:
my Mother's English Paper-pieced UFO from the 1980's.
The Autumnal colour scheme is definitely not one of my choosing at all,
and the design has just spiralled out of control! ;o)
I assumed it was a Lone Star, but actually it's not star shaped at all
apart from the centre 8 diamonds....
(With the miserable weather I have not been able to lay it out
in its entirity (all 8 sections) on the grass for a photo)
It should have been brought back in (in my opinion),
but it extends to infinity (do I sound overwhelmed here!? LOL)
A few years back Mom bought a whole lot of green fabrics
to tie the 'star' back to the centre
and for me to square it off, but I am not sure that that's going to be possible
with the sheer size of the project...
Unfortunately, most of the papers have been removed
to make it lighter for travel
so getting it star shaped again could be tricky.
Plus I'm also thinking 'Is it a waste to unpick all this work?'
and should I maybe just square it off with a rotary cutter (Heaven Forbid?!?)

In the meantime, my sewing room looks like a dump
and I am unable to get in to sew
- the big tidy up for Mother's visit saw all sewing related clobber,
from around the house, dumped in the sewing room, making access
and movement limited :o(

The cat still likes her spot though!!:

Sunday, 9 October 2011

(More) Hospital Hexes

Well, if you wondered where I've been,
I have been doing a few nights trial run at
the maternity hopitals (!) nearby.
No sign of baby, but a kidney infection!
So I am now on a 2 week course of antibiotics
and hope to be fit and well when baby is due.

Sadly, my hospital stays coincided with my brother's visit from South Africa,
but we did get to have one lovely lunch together:
A food shot for those of you who like foodie pics ;o)
(Fig & Blackberry Tart with cinnamon ice-cream)

My hospital visits also disrupted several birthdays:
My youngest turned 5 and my husband turned...
well, never mind that LOL, but he was very understanding
that we had to postpone any celebrations
while I was getting hospital bed rest:
A nasty drip, but paid to any chance of hand sewing for a day or so...

But lovely visitors brightened up my stay!!!!

And progress as been made on my folded hexagons:
Now to just get better and ready for our little girl's arrival
in about 2 and a half weeks!

Sunday, 2 October 2011

The Monster has arrived!

My Mother has arrived safely from Cape Town to stay with us
while we await baby and hopefully for a few weeks after baby's arrival.
With her came 'the Monster'!:
An English-Paper-Pieced Lone Star that she worked on years ago.
A few years back I made a start on trying to finish this quilt top for her, but also didn't get very far...
I suggested Mom bring it over this year and we make another attempt at getting it completed.
As the weather has turned and it's rainy outside (and I have been instructed to rest)
I decided to just take a quick sneak pic of it.
More to follow when I lay it out and get my head around working on it again....

Yesterday, we celebrated the boy's birthdays at a Farm party.
It was great fun and the unseasonally 27 degree centigrade weather was not wasted
on all the families that attended.
What bliss being able to sit out in the sun!

On the way home we passed our kindly neighbour
who had rescued a poorly hedgehog.
He and his wife are great animal lovers and have a veritable animal rescue centre at their house
so here's to a speedy recovery little hedgehog!!!