Saturday, 25 February 2012

Mummy Made It

I thought I'd try my hand this week at a bit of dress-making.
Baby-Kalico dress-making!
I bought a lovely book which claimed to have 'full-size patterns'.
It didn't mention that ALL the full size patterns were printed on the 2 sheets
 and are just a mess of lines! :(
So I cut myself a pattern from one of Baby-Kalico's other dresses.
And made this little dress adding a flower that my mother had crocheted.
I can't wait to try some more!!


And my 'Mummy' i.e. Granny-Kalico sent Baby H a parcel this week
which included this gorgeous knitted set:
It's still a little big, but it goes nicely with her new dress:
It's a shame my mother no longer knits for me,
but it's my own fault!: As a child
I don't think I appreciated all her hard work,
but I do now!!
I just can't believe how quickly she is growing up -
sitting up, giggling... it won't be long before she's off!
Our strange cat seems to be able to make herself comfortable in any position :)

Sunday, 19 February 2012

The Week That Was...

This was my week:

Monday went by in a bit of a blur...

Tuesday I dropped off my Cathedral Stars and a applique heart quilt
which will knock 2 UFO's off my list (as well as Vicky's quilts) at Chris for quilting -
I can't wait to get my quilts back and bound!!

Wednesday I went to a distant hospital for a CT scan of my legs.
If it wasn't so sad, it would be funny,
but the Radiographer asked me to straighten my leg as he said it was skew.
I replied: "That's why I am here!"
Vicky came with me to look after Baby-Kalico
while I was exposed to radiation :)
Afterwards we treated ourselves to a little fabric shopping...
I found some real treasures.
A lovely piece of Kaffe Fassett which will make a great backing:
And even a small piece of Tilda :)

We arrived back to find a parcel from Kate
which included 3 lovely quilt tops for Project Linus
and 2 gorgeous rose blocks for me!
Thanks Kate!

Somewhere between Thursday and Saturday I made this:
And put these together:

Friday we visited my SIL and I snapped a few photos of my little Kalicos:

And today I snapped these gorgeous sheep on the way home from the shops....
So that was a bit of my week (what I can remember LOL)

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

A very old wallhanging made by moi...


A Valentine card made by T for Grandma...
Love his 5 year old handwriting...

A precious memory wallhanging
made by a dear friend
when I needed it most...
Thank you Anne!

My funny Valentines:


Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Monday, 6 February 2012

Owl be back!

I had hoped to do the odd monthly BQL challenge this year
as the idea is to make something useful each month.
January was a sewing machine cover
and as I could really do with a sewing machine cover,
I hoped to join in.
Sadly, I only got as far as making my owl for the cover,
but hopefully I'll put it together soon...


I have made another rose-star
this makes seven in total now
with a few more basted...

I dug out my Cathedral Stars...
And managed to get ALL the borders on!
I must confess, it had been so long
since I used by beloved Janome
that I had forgotten how to thread the bobbin! -
Shame on me!!!

Now just the backing to make.

My DH has been hard at work
renovating our garage into a sewing studio!
He has put sky-lights in...
And is working on new doors...
The walls have also been insulated and plastered,
I am looking forward to the big move 'outside'.
Thank you DH!!

Baby-Kalico is now 15 weeks old
and is still wonderful...
Here she is unpacked after her little nap
(which allowed me to get 3 of the 8 border strips on LOL):
And here she is with her little friend...
These 2 girls know how to have a good time ;)

Number 7

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Thoughts for Thursday

I'd like to share an email conversation with you
and I am assuming my friend Lisa doesn't mind...

Lisa: (commenting about my rose stars): they are all just beautiful !
look forward to see your final design !

Me: Thank you. Final design? What's that? I never seem to finish anything

Lisa: yes you will ! you finished the Bonnie Quilt didn’t you ?

Me: No I didn't :(

Well, I guess 'Bonnie's quilt' JUST needs borders, backing, quilting, binding...

Wednesday, 1 February 2012