Blue |
Inventor of generic style. Who wants to play!?
Completed Tasks
- qwerty uiop
- Ian Kizu-Blair
- Sean Mahan
- Orion
- SF0 Daemon
- mock piratey turtle
- Jason 7au
- Rubin Starset
- avidd opolis
- Ink Tea
- Cameron
- Burn Unit
- anna one
- Jane McGonigal
- the band-aid bandit
- Mr. Feelgood
- Raymond Luxury Yacht
- JTony Loves Brains
- Møuse
- Cakelyn
- Saul Z
- Javelin Moor
- Cthulhu Kitty
- Darkaardvark
- Ohrlyeh Totenkinder
- Earl Barry Ian John the Third
- Kristen Rutherford
- hmrpita (Lenore)
- Ariock Knight
- Saint
- Mr. Boskey
- Fonne Tayne
- Hemingway Kat
- rongo rongo
- Kyle Hamilton
- dexter in question
- Malaysian Eddy
- Ziggy C.
- Bonny You
- Lank
- Ben Yamiin
- YellowBear
- Rainbow Bright
- Lincøln
- Jellybean of Thark
- Meta tron
- Spidere
- Bex.
- GYØ Ben
- Tøm
- GYØ Daryl
- Silver Sparks
- S.N.I.D.E
- Adam
- IntermezzoBeard
- Loki
- Scarlett
- Garrett Miller
- Charlie Fish
- Starlight
- Confucius
- Jesus
- Buddha
- The Big Red X
- Twink
- Terpsichore
- Prudence
- Plastic Jesus
- Not Here No More
- Lola
- Eli
- mary magdalen
- Flitworth
- Hank Manolo
- miss understanding
- MrShapeMan
- The Villain
- lara black
- Torsten the dissenter
- Herbie Hatman
- Natalia Envy
- Fox Glove
- LiL V
- The Revolutionary
- Tiny Dancing Tzarina
- Arden Arnold
- Magpie
- teucer
- help im a bear
- raccoon
- Asian Persuasion
- Frostbeard
- visivo
- Myrna Minx
- Sui Generis
- Poncho
- Ben Whitehouse
- Morse Kode
- mkII Robot
- Dax Tran-Caffee
- Avera Selene
- epoxy resin
- mike tinfoilhat
- Soren THREEdux
- 'abd Allh alfazari
- Bjørn Teuleuse
- Minch
- praximity
- SFØ Podcast
- Zoo Babies Pet Animals
- Stark
- artmouse
Tasks Created
- Gift Package For The Department Of Homeland Security
- The Arcane Ensconced
- SFZero Roadtrip
- Thank You The MGMT
- Frank Frink's Colt .45
- Le Papier Bleu Et Le Poulet
- Sign Recontextualisation
- A Place You Have Never Been.
- Something Very Bad
- SFZero Memorabilia
- Stick Figure In Peril
- The Future Of Days That Have Passed
- SF0 Jersey
- Rephotography
- Autostereogram
- Cure Female Hysteria
- SFZero Giftwrap
- SF0 International
- Counterfeit Conspiracy
- Art Gone Postal
- Eating Beyond Sight
- ArticZero
- Video Portrait
- SFØ Naked
- Unconventional Patch
- Hanging With Adam & Eve
- The Gamut Of Odors
- Invent A New Word
- Celebrity
- Cut Your Hair
- SFZero Artcar
- Animal Camera Installation
- Trash Rehash
- SFZero Doppelgänger
- Camera Obscura
- NoitcelfnI NoitcelfeR
- Seismic Art
- Inyuk-chuk Or Emphatic Aggrandization
- Celebration Of Hills
- Art, At Your Disposal
- Trespassing II
- Welcome
- Standing In The Shadow Of Art.
- Confession
- Conversphotosation
- Snowfall In Miami
- Renunci-nation
- Create A Crime Scene
- Just Add Water
And we've hit 25 votes. Go!