Tasks / Objectification²
Take an ordinary human from your house. Draw what s/he would look like if s/he was an object.
1 to 100 players
15 points
Level 1
In the zone of: Humanitarian Crisis
Created by done
4 completed :: 4 in progress
Interested in collaborating on this: (no one yet!)
but I've voted for your player photograph already
No worries! The fact that someone likes this is gratification enough.
I think I'm going to keep it a L0. It just wouldn't really seem right to officially submit it.
See, you should call me more
It inspires me :D
view all images for: Objectification²
[ =) ] || _mm_ o ==| | || |____| And with this I summon the Era of Everyday ASCII. Uploads are broken, external links rot faster than you can post them. I ask you to do the only sensible thing: to use the <pre> and </pre>...
I don't have a house, but I often share an apartment with a certain Norse God. This is a picture of him This is another picture (because I like looking at pictures of him) Now that we have established what he looks like, we have to figure out...
I thought my husband would make a good flower because he's beautiful, fun, sweet, friendly, happy, open, and he smells good. The leaves are dark and the center is bright because David can be shy at first but will then open up with humor and cheerfuln...
I chose the hubs-to-be. I didn't think cats counted ... which is unfortunate. Anyways,I drew him as a bell. In Buddhism, the ringing of a bell symbolizes the beginning of a period of meditation and mindfulness. When the bell rings, it symbolizes...
I can easily see my father being an old fashion ink pen.