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Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label learning. Show all posts

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Top Commentar...

eh, mcm mn nk buat top commentar tuh ek...
ada sesape leh tolong ajarkan....??

nk gak tgk sape top ten commentar blog nih...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My mum is coming to town...

it is not santa claus is coming to town kay...
hehehehe...it' my mum...
die nk dtg sini sbb nak teman aku n 2H nih...
n then ari kha tuh nnt kiteorg brtolak ke KL....
see...i've just typing this entry...my mum dh call....
die dh kat Paka....so it will take about 1/2 hour for u to reach Kerteh...
baik smbhyg mgrb dl....
so adiossss amigosss...

p/s : my english is very bad nowadays...in order to improve my english i must start writing a blog in english...hopefully my english will be getting better after this.... 
btw, this entry is auto published...from now on i will write an entry and let blogspot do the rest...