Sunday, April 19, 2015

April MWL Assignment - 123 JUMP

This month my assignment, I want to share with everybody how I used or scrapped with lots of embelishments!!! People who know me, I am simply adores stickers, chipboard stickers, lots of rubons, lots of embelishments.... simply crazy and simply all my purchases are mainly embelishments.... hahaha  BUT I do love patterned papers and definitely love the smell of papers too.

So this layout, I have this very bright and attractive photo taken in front of the Wheeler's Yard! Everybody loves to jump and take picture in front of this cafe, hahahaha!

I chosen a nice patterned paper and put 3D foam on my photo and then I started to arrange all my stickers around it! And of course... the FUN BEGINS .... yay!

So the details of the embelishments... have a look! I started to position the stickers, the embelishments on my right first....

I layered the embelishments with 3D, did some rubons, and also mix with wood elements, chipboard stickers, normal stickers, cork, brads, other elements as well! It's definitely tooooo fun.... you should really try it!

of layouts, PL spread and some water colour fun

Hello! Let the photos tell you what I've been up to, kekeke....

Random layout documenting the boy's milestone... at this age, his eyesight degrees kept increasing.... sigh... just going up up up up... and is bad!

Been sometime I scrapped with my favourite stuff like clouds, sun, bike, paper aeroplanes, lots of fun in this layout.
This is fun layout in half an hour and the layout that I just feel like scrapping right now, right away... hahahhahaha... I love this kind of moment!!!
This layout is full of thoughts, memories and after a nation mourning week and we sent off LKY for his final journey.

My PL dedication to our Father of Singapore!!! In memory of Mr Lee Kuan Yew...

Lastly, super inspired by Amy Tangerine.... and I just started and tried the water colour writing! Yes fun :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Legoland trip

March 1 week break 'come and go' already! Today is the last day before school reopens again! What we have been doing?? Completing work, homework (loads of homework) for Sean.... and finally on Day 3, Wednesday we went to Jurong area to chill. We went to Science Centre, Jurong Regional Library, West Gate and JEM as well.

On Thursday was very excited because finally the boy waited for soooo long and we booked the bus and went to the Legoland! Sean wanted to go Legoland so much because he really really wanted to see the Starwars Miniland, the indoor exhibition. Some pictures from our trip

Super easy, just compiled all the photos and put it together in this notebook (the size of the legoland park and guide map) And also inspired by the Traveler's Notebook :) Let's look at the final product :)
and the back of the notebook, simply CUTE and simple as I like it this way :))))

Scrappers, if you really wanna find out more and interested to do a stitched notebook, there's a current class by Stacy At Made With Love, do check it out !!!! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hello Happy NEW YEAR 2015! This year my motto is living right and living light! A lot about being mindfulness as well... slowly okay!  BUT... We are into Week 4 of school life! Things as usual going fast, very fast after the long December break... sometimes we wonder what's the rush right! Haha... anyway some #throwback for good memories...

As usual lots of stickers and really lots of stickers, chipboards, clear stickers, more stickers hahaha
Closeup... love the hashtags clear stickers... #sofab #hello #lovethis #latergram #lifedocumented #instalove #sohappy.... really says everything about the layout !!!!

More arrows and hidden tags .... and loving vellum paper too!!!

I also made my own # as I could not find any hash thickers :(  but quite cool though.. and if you looked closely... the special effect of the photo. Initially, I printed the photo in Sepia (brown tone) but then I decided to print another copy in colour and just cut a portion out ... quite cool again... hahaha

Monday, December 08, 2014

You got MAIL!!!

Hello! Let's look at this special mailbox I altered .... and actually for those who does not want to use medium or anything messy but still want to alter some stuff....

So get ready some of the materials... stickers, stickers, lots of stickers, chipboard stickers for some dimensions, rubons, washi-tapes, patterned papers (for some fussy cut-outs too).... it's gonna be FUN FUN FUN!!! and TA-DAH..... very pretty mail box here ya :) Scream the pink!!!!
I seriously in LOVE!!! and the details and the layering, is easy and fun to do :) Let's have a look at the side view ( And perhaps you should go to Made With Love shop to have a closer look, ya)
And if you want to see my first mailbox that I altered two years ago.... the white version... more post-boxy and I still very much in love with the white one!!!! And I filled up with lots of postcards, letters and tags as well!
Before you go... wishing everybody a good time shopping during this Christmas season. Remember the best gift is spending time with your love ones :)
Olaf you're melting... Hmmmmm.... somebody is worth melting for!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2014


Often we always take a lot of photos of food and this time I'm showing you how these photos are wonderfully scrapped and actually will brought back lots of memories. I'm really grateful for friends who took time to come out and spend the evening together over food and drinks.

Photograpahy credit my friend, Eve. Looking at the photos make you feel hungry, ya? Keke. Food is awesome and the drinks are pretty, at Symmetry. Let's look at the details... My heart is full :) (Oops my stomach is as full too)

 Also using some of the Catslife Press stamps... the stamps are awesome! And this layout I dedicated to my friend, Eve (the lady in the chipboard sticker). Check out her camera tooooooo !!! Cute right.

And before you go, here is one more layout close to my heart that I'm sharing too.... Title ..." How Long More" documented this little boy still able to sit on my lap during our MRT rides.  I really wish this will be forever sometimes but yet we also want him to grow up fast... hahaha  and so this layout touches every mother's heart especially mine....
Let me know if you have anything to ask about the layouts, all the materials.... just drop me a message ya! Thanks for dropping by!!!

Monday, September 08, 2014

hey hey hey.... more layouts

How's everybody??? Thanks for dropping by and this time round I have quite a number of layouts to share...

Gold is the new BLACK... and definitely IN now.... love how this layout document our cafe adventure mostly on Sunday or weekends... Definitely lots of good time, memories of the cafes that we popped in, even though sometimes we did not return, in fact too many cafes and too little time ya!
And next layout is done for the love of white stickers from Mambi Pocket Pages, and also to document another bakery that we visited at Crawford Lane, 'And All Things Delicious'... selling all kind of local cakes like gula melaka scones etc and it's halal ... the place quite pretty and cosy too.
I really love this layout because of the beautiful Studio Calico pps., the clouds (my favourite), and really whats a beautiful day!!! Sean was pouting and pretend to be tired... hahaha. We were at the National Design Centre.... wishing Singapore a very Happy National Day somewhere back in August 2014!!!

Lastly I'm going to share the MWL Assignment for coming Tuesday!!! This is totally inspired by the GEMS... everywhere... diamonds especially at Kikki K....  Some sneaks ya :) Dont you love the hand-sewn GEMS!!! and The BIG GOLD ALPHAS!!!!
The hidden gem at the left hand corner... I really like this part too..... wait till you see the entire layout ya :)
And of course the main part or focus of the layout, I did some paper cutting and arranging the papers to form the GEM!!! and incorporated the PHOTO (they're my GEM)
Ta-dah.... let's look at the entire layout... and using the new EP Creative Agenda! Go and get the papers, super nice, easy to use and lots of yummy stuff (chipboard stickers and stickers) for this collection!
So what do you think??? Hope you're inspired to do something for your GEMS tooooooo!!! Have a good week ahead! Till we meet again. Keep scrapping and loving :)

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