Monday, November 24, 2008


This was one of those challenging photography days. When I look at the original the brushwork dosen't seem so wild and random. However, the camera is usually a brutal critic.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Like Pools Of Water" oil on masonite SOLD

This is the same child from yesterday. I just HAD to go after it again.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

"A Zebra's Not A Horse" oil on masonite SOLD

This child is so much more attractive than I've made him out to be. I'm pretty convinced I'll end up going back and doing yet another picture of him.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"The Light Within" oil on masonite SOLD

This is the first of several studies for a larger commission. I visited the client's home this past weekend. Wow! these folks have the most amazing, artistic home you can imagine. I'm so excited to have been invited to add to it. The final piece will hang in the dining room and I expect it to be about 36x48". There were several ideas bantied about but right now it looks like a portrait type image. Who knows.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"Season's End" oil on masonite 4x6"

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Living in the Pacifice Northwest we had a REALLY late summer. My sunflowers didn't bloom until it was almost time for frost. I feel a bit cheated. The garden always provides a multitude of delights but I hold special affections for the sunflowers. These little devils really were. It's a variety that only gets about 2.5 ' tall. I can't wait to plant them again.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

"Promise" oil on masonite 4x6"

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It's been a magical week. "Yes we can" has become "yes we did". This young woman's face reminds me of the great promise our young voters bring with them. Strong, grounded and simple; that's what I see when I look at her.

Monday, November 03, 2008

"Skeptical" oil on canvas 8x10"

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We have this great little smokeless bar in our town that is in and OLD building that the owners rehabed. Once they really got into clean up the found one whole wall was floor to ceiling (way up high ceilings!) was old brick. They have been showing a woman's paintings there for a very long time. Every time I would go there to eat I would lament the fact that they weren't MY paintngs. Her palette consists of a lot of brown. A LOT OF BROWN. It seemed such a shame that those walls weren't punched with color. Well...low and behold a friend of mine arranged for me to meet with the new manager. My work goes up Friday. The reason I'm telling you all this is the cow; she really likes the cow images I've done so I'm trying to work up a few new images to flush out the show. Whew!

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Slidin' Off the Shelf" oil on masonite 6x6"

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Years and years ago my family lived in Southern California and both of my brothers surfed. Being not too fond of water I never gave in to the temptation. Now my niece and her beau are avid surfers even though they reside in Washington state. Somehow that changes the entire persona of the sport. Wet suits, freezing thinks I'm STILL not tempted!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"Kern Hicks, Shidoni" oil on masonite

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We had so many wonderful folks help us when we were installing but none with more authority and confidence than Kern.. He just swooped in and took over. When things were under control he moved away as quietly and unassuming as when he came. It's people like Kern that make us want to go back, over and over again to be part of Shidoni.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"I Can't Believe You Said That" oil on masonite 6x6"

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This little guy must had such and adult look to his expression. It somehow struck me as very odd and a bit humerous.
Things have been very busy here. We had about 35 yesterday for a bronze pour/food and drink fest. One poor attendee was still on my couch this AM. From our conversations I don't think he remembers being sick and passing out on our bathroom floor. Oh the wicked wine we drink! I counted 25 empty bottles and 6 half empty. My friends all know that when I get tired I just go on off to bed. Me thinks I missed a lot of merriment! My kitchen rug had been pitched outside, someone lit candles and there was a wax mess like you've never seen and the kitchen looked like it needed to be blown out with a fire hose. Sounds like a frat house doesn't it? Nope! Our neighbors were the only young folks here. These were "mature", educated professionals. Whew, it boggles the mind.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Kerrilee, Shidoni" oil on masonite 6x6"

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This wonderful, warm woman was generous with her time when we were at Shidoni. Unfortunately she has decided to take on new life challenges and is not longer there. We'll miss visiting with her on our next trip.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

"Pablo, Shidoni" oil on masonite 6x6"

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Back to the trip. My husband Ross shows his work at this marvelous place in Santa Fe called Shidoni. It was really the destination for our road trip. Installing his work is a daunting task. However, Scott Hicks (the man in CHARGE) loaned us Pablo. What a treasure! He's very thoughtful and has great instincts. Our job was made mountains easier because of this hard worker (and yes ladies, he is that handsome!)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

"Buggie" oil on masonite 6x6"

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Okay! busted. This is NOT from the Santa Fe trip. This is a marvelous little Boston Terrier that I met when I was downtown in the little place we live. He was so well behaved and with that wandering eye you just couldn't help but love him.
Just to catch up, I've been away for a week. I went with my husband to Grand Rapids, Michigan for the International Sculpture Conference. I didn't get to attend the conference (actually I could have...for $600!) but it was still a memorable trip. We stayed at the Amway Grand Plaza. The conference had a special rate there or we never could have afforded it. WHAT an amazing place! I didn't leave the hotel for 3 days and wasn't bored for one single moment. Just a quick highlight: I was in the work out room on Thursday at noon. Senator Obama had just presented a speech two blocks from our hotel in front of the local court house. WELL, the gym at the hotel actually has members. While I was there a group of judges and lawyers came in for there lunch hour work out and conversation. By the time they were done I felt like I should pay them for the entertainment. Like everyone else they were talking about the upcoming debate between Biden and Palin. What a hoot! There were persons on both sides of the issues as well as one lawyer that continually did his impersonation of Palin. It was an hour I won't soon forget.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

"Breakfast with Kristine, Don Gaspar" oil on masonite 4x6"SOLD

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If you're ever going to Santa Fe I HIGHLY recommending stay at Don Gaspar. I won't attempt to explain it but it is fabulous.
Christine is one of the wonderful, gracious women that attend to all matters of import. She served us wonderful breakfast along with lively conversation. This piece is a study of a larger piece to be done at a later time.

Friday, September 26, 2008

"Non Biker, Mancos Colorado" oil on masonite 6x6"

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I can't begin to tell you how small the cafe is that we eat in in Mancos. To say it was packed is like saying Tiger Woods is an okay golfer. This woman and her family sat across from us. We were about the only non-motorcycle folks in the joint. She really stuck out in her Eddie Bauerish attire. My guess is we were right behind her.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Biker Rally, Mancos Colorado" oil on masonite 9x12"

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When we take our "every two years" trip to Shidoni we always try to have breakfast in Mancos Colorado. The town is a blink of a place but they have the most amazing bakery/cafe! What we didn't know this year was Mancos was hosting not one but two motorcycle rallies. Wow! Amazing visuals and an amazing mix of folks. We had to wait a long time for our table but it was worth every minute. Oink.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Misty Eye" oil on masonite 8x8"

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You know, there was just something about this little gal that grabbed me. She was totally oblivious to everything around her. There's something refreshing about a little person that isn't busy trying to get everyone's attention.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Trek to Canyon Road" oil on masonite 5x7"

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Okay! so it's not of the human kind. I DID encounter it on my trip. In fact, this was in front of a gallery that I like very much. There were scads of them! Lucky you....more to come.