Monday, March 14, 2011

"The Good Life" oil on hardboard 8x10" $175 + $9 shipping

Oh wait! a cat.  I've been so inundated with with dog images that this was a nice departure.  I'm still having some image problems with light and camera.  The face and upper body are very bold in color interpretation.  Unfortunately you can't tell by this shot.  Guess it's back to the drawing board with the camera. :(

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Fly Boys" oil on hardboard 12x12" sold

This was a recent commission.  The dad is a pilot and they were at the museum of flight in Seattle.  It's a surprise for his 30th birthday next weekend.  Kind of fun to be part of the celebration.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

"Sarah" oil on hardboard 12x12" $400 plus shipping

There's a long story with this.  February 2010 I went to a Bluegrass festival.  This amazing young woman played.  I took a battery of images hoping to get at least one good one.  Last August I did 3 paintings from those shots.  One sold to a woman in Canada.  In the fall I was invited to advertise in Southwest Art with a group of other artists.  They used a VERY small image of the sold painting in the ad, December addition.  In February I got a call from a man in Texas who saw the ad.  He had a friend who's daughter plays Mandolin.  The painting reminded him of her.  His wife worked with the girl's mom so she took the magazine to work to show her.  She thought it resembled their daughter too so she shot a photo of the ad and sent it to the girl.  The man from Texas started talking about her and finally I asked her name.  Guess what!  It was the girl I had seen play!  Her name is Sara Jarosz.  She is fabulous.  With a back lit image like this they recognized her posture and body language.  Amazing chain of events.  Now I've painted her again and will contact her folks to see what they think.

Radley...not quite

Still working on this.  The client was not enamored with the red nose.  She still wants more red out :(
We see what happens next

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

"Puppy Love aka Quinn" oil on board 6x6" NFS

As I was painting this it occurred to me that it is really more a "still life" of a puppy than a portrait.  I'm not sure what it was about the end result that made me feel that way.  However, I don't object.  He might be just one of the most adorable things I've ever seen.  High cute quotient.

Monday, February 28, 2011

"Ah, What a Day" oil on board, 8x8"

It's funny how you feel about a painting once you see it photographed and on screen.  The colors here didn't seem so vivid when I was working on it.  I was so in love with the odd composition and the fat little paw the the rest escaped.  I think it may mean a trip back to the paint box.  I work at the office the next 4 days so time away should give me a new perspective.  Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Radley" oil on board 12x12" NFS

This is part of a commission for a woman in England for her friend in Holland.  Somehow I managed to wash out the right side when I photographed it.  The dark green background is pretty much the same all the way around.  I have been afforded a lot of reference material for this beauty so you'll most likely see him again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Just Hanging Out" oil on hardboard 6x6" $99. + $9 shipping

I know this is posted in the group below but posting it again assures that it will make the group post with Daily Painters tomorrow.  I hope everyone is taking the opportunity to visit the sites of these fine painters involved in the monthly challenge.  For that matter, be sure to visit Daily Painters.  There is some wonderful, affordable work being done.  You never know when you'll discover a little jewel that you just can't live without.
A special thanks to my neighbor Chris for allowing me to toss his precious shoes up over the phone line!  We DID get them down.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

"Emma" oil on masonite, 12x12" NFS

I really love dogs but after these last 3 paintings I think I'm more partial to these with the smooth coats and eyes that just beg you to pick them up.  The heart bling seems so appropriate for her.  Now for the kicker:  they all 3 live in the same household.  Can you imagine? what a sight they must make.

Monday, February 07, 2011

"Boswell" oil on masonite 12x12" NFS

Taking on animal portraits has been an eye opener for me.  I love dogs and cats.  However, I find myself much more drawn to certain animals.  This regal fellow could move into my house any time.  Okay! so not really.  With our canine hating feline that would be a big mistake.  But serously, can't you see his dedication and strength right threw those eyes?  Just an amazing creature.

Monday, January 31, 2011

"Showing the Ropes" oil on masonite 6xx6" sold

It seemed somehow odd to paint today and now to post.  With all that is unfolding in Egypt my little world seems pretty unimportant.
That said, it was a very successful day!  You can't really tell from the photo but these two literally glow.  It's almost as if they are lit from within.  Some days what you strive to achieve just happens.  Don't we wish we could harness that!

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Winter Nap" oil on masonite 8x8" $175

A little break from the pooch world today.  As mentioned before, I don't think there are any more paint worthy pets than my own Ollie.  We just found out he's tipping the scale at 21 lbs. now.  The vet wants him to "have 300 calories a day".  Do folks really count calories for their pets?  That seems like a lot of work.  If I'm not willing to do it for myself what makes anyone think it will happen for the kitty?

Monday, January 17, 2011

work in progress

This piece isn't finished.  I just needed to see how it presents on screen.  In my dreams these are the dogs I have.  One of the reasons I wanted to do this image is the distortion of the paw size.  It actually reminds me of these big, cuddly pups.  It's sort of what they are about.  That must sound ridiculous!  but it makes sense to me.  I just want to grab their paws and squeeze!  We have a really big cat and his paws have the same effect on me.  He's not particularly glad to have me do it.  Oh well! the cost of being "kept"

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Pilnsner" oil on masonite 6x6" $99

Don't forget, any and all paintings I sell between now and September 25% will goes to Susan G. Komen for breast cancer research.  Come on all you beer drinkers!  one of you certainly needs this little jewel.

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Static Electricity" oil on masonite 12x12" SOLD

For me this was the best of both worlds.  A beautiful boy and a beautiful dog.  There has been some debate in our 2 artist household about the vivid red of the child's tongue and lips.  My painting, I win.  Young children seem to have that healthy, bold blood flow that accounts for strong color.  Have you ever notice the washed out appearance of the elderly?  Maybe it's one of the things that makes them immediately recognizable as "old".  Maybe that's also why women wear lipstick!  why don't men?  they get old.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Why Not 'Queen Me!'?" oil on masonite 6x6"

Yep, you guessed it.  This is my contribution to the challenge for December.  I had forgotten how much I enjoy still life set up and objects that no one expects to have a likeness to the subject.  I also had forgotten how difficult it is for some of us to paint squares and circles!  I guess that counts as their "likeness"

Monday, December 06, 2010

"Puzzle" 6x6" oil on masonite

This is the first to be offered at $99. plus shipping with $25 going to Susan G. Komen

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

"Picture Perfect" oil on masonite 6x6"

Dogs don't come a lot more beautiful than this one.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

"I Just Won't" oil on masonite 6x6"

This kitty belongs to a friend of mine.  I'm thinking she may be quite the stunner.

Friday, November 19, 2010

oil on masonite 8x8" NFS

This is a portrait I'm working on for a good friend of mine.  It's a surprise for someone else so I have not met this little guy.  However, after staring into his face all day I feel like I know him.  He has the softest look about him.  If he were a person I'd say he had an old soul.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Not Another Time Out!" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

Okay!  I admit it.  I'm a sucker for black, white and tan dogs.  Look at those "eyebrows"!  This pup is so beautiful.  My guess is, like Ollie the cat, you will be seeing more of him.
I recently self published a compilation of my paintings.  Ross (husband) wants me to do another of my cat and dog paintings.  He thinks it would be a fun coffee table book.  Opinions?

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Red Flag" oil on masonite 8x10" November Challenge

This was my contribution to the November challenge.  You have no idea how hard it was to stop painting on a piece that begged for more.  I'm not unhappy with the final piece but would have loved to push it further.  Who knows!  more painting may have destroyed it.  I've been known to go off the edge of the cliff on occasion.  Nothing like having to scrape off hours of work because you didn't know when to stop.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Home Alone" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

There was just something about this adorable face.

Friday, November 12, 2010

"Can You See Me Now?" oil on masonite 6x6"

Shhhhhhhhhhh!  don't tell but this cat does not belong to me.  My Ollie would be most offended if he knew someone else had a stars role today.
I actually did 2 paintings today.  The other one is part of a painting challenge group I have joined.  Each month is a new "challenge" picked by one of the members.  This month it was to set a timer for 30 minutes and when it rings PUT YOUR PAINT BRUSH DOWN!  Well let me tell you!  that was the fastest 30 minutes I ever spent.The group doesn't post until the 15th so you'll just have to wait to see

Thursday, November 11, 2010

"Sarah and Chucks" oil on masonite NFS

I "met" this delightfully, funny, smart woman on Facebook.  Her name is Sarah and she has a passion for art and "Chucks".  Don't know what they are?  I didn't either.  Not a term I had heard used for Converse tennis shoes in the Northwest.  These are what I suspect are just a couple of her stash.  She had a birthday recently and I think it's only fitting that she have this painting.

Monday, November 08, 2010

"Going Green" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

This is my little grand dog Otis.  My son has a pool and Otis LOVES to accidentally lose his floating green ball on a regular basis.  He's an adorable little Blue Healer.  I think he may be 12 this year.  His age only shows when its convenient for him.  Out of no where he will burst into a flurry of puppy play then the next moment he's hobbling off to nap.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

"I Am All That" oil o masonite 10x10"

This is my cat, Ollie.I would paint him every day.  Biased? yes.  But I think he's BEAUTIFUL

"The Wait" oil on masonite 12x12" SOLD

Finally!  I've been waiting for my new camera to post this painting.  It's only the first one but I think the quality is better and I'm very anxious to get some new paintings up and running.
I just want to pluck this guy off the page and hug him.  That's probably the result of being a dog free zone at this juncture.  Oh well, I have the neighbors pups.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Candy Hicks, Shidoni" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

My husband has shown his sculpture at Shidoni in New Mexico since 1989.  Tommy Hicks is not only the owner but a wonderful friend.  During our visit this summer we met little Miss Candy.  She is a most loyal devotee.  She prances her little body next to Tommy's golf cart as if she were guarding a king.  In many ways she is.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Wine Country" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

Ross and I recently took our first trip to Walla Walla, Washington to go on a "wine tour" with the wine group we meet with.  We have the least knowledge in the group so we some times would get distracted with other things.  For instance, almost all the wineries have Venetian plaster work somewhere in their interiors.  The first place I saw it I ended up in a full body rub of the wall.  It was so cold and smooth! and an amazing visual effect.  Then there was the view some of the property afforded!  all those plants forced into strict formation just put your eyes into overload.

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Liberty" oil on masonite 6x6"

This was one of those paintings that you just keep fussing with.  Not because it get too difficult but because you're having fun.  Little did I know my lettering skills were so shoddy.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"At the Tasty Freeze" oil on masonite 6x6"

I've been thinking about this image for a long time.  The day was so gray I wasn't sure I could make it interesting.  Actually pleases me a lot.

Monday, October 11, 2010

"The Pups of Abeja" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

I met these little darlings on a recent visit to the outstanding winery Abeja in Walla Walla, Washington.  They belong to John and his partner Molly.  They were everywhere we went but amazingly never under foot.

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Sarah's Beauty" oil on masonite 6x6"

Available from the artist or on Ebay
I've been working on a larger piece for 3 days.  I finally gave in to the realization that it was never going to be a successful painting.  Palette knife and turpentine to the rescue.  This little piece gave me the much needed satisfaction I was after.  Real life or in a painting, dogs always make us feel better about ourselves.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"At The Ready" oil on masonite 6x6" SOLD

This may be the final one of this series.  The three sitting there together in the studio make a wonderful trio.  Since I'm so partial to red they may end up framed and hanging in our house.  Ask me tomorrow.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

"Bow Check" oil on masonite 6x6"

This series hasn't progressed at all like I imagined it in my head. The challenges have been in places I least expected. However, the over all effect makes me smile so I guess that's the right path.

Friday, August 13, 2010

"The Tune Up" oil on masonite 6x6"

click on image to bid A lot has happened since I last painted on a consistant basis. My husband took a full time teaching position at a college as well as taking charge of the gallery at the same college. Might not mean much to you but it meant I had to find a way to absorb the chores he used to do. No one is more dedicated to what they do than he is so it only seemed appropriate that I do whatever I could to allow him to shine. I've missed the studio and all the wonderful contacts that painting has afforded me. However, I have a whole new appreciation for our garden. When you have 5 acres and almost 3 of it is landscaped there is a never ending list of things needing to be done. I no longer dread them. Hauling pails of water to needy plants that are beyond the reach of hoses has become almost rhythmic. However, things are somewhat under control and I see myself, brush in hand, indulging my own fantasy. I may even paint the garden! An author of garden books brought a tour through on Wednesday. She guides tours all over the world. She took me aside to tell me that, in her opinion, we have one of the top 10 gardens anywhere that they visit. WHO KNEW???

Monday, May 24, 2010

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Monday, May 03, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Ticker" oil on masonite 5x7"

click on image to bid
This marvelous little Blue Healer belongs to my neighbor. He was a rescue dog. He's amazingly smart. He also likes to talk (bark). I've actually gotten to where I worry if he doesn't greet me with some persistant woofing. I really yearn for him to warm up to me more.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Bubble Up" oil on masonite

click on image to bid
Don't we all remember this?

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Neighbors Barn oil on masonite

This poor barn keeps losing pieces like a set of legos. I guess someday it will tumble over all together. Until then I will selfish soak in the delightful visions that it presents.