Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Easter was so much fun, well at least for me it was. London didn't really know what was going on. She had fun digging through her basket, but didn't understand. I can't wait until next year when she can really enjoy it. Her dress was so cute!! She was teething and didn't love being in the fluffy dress, so church was not as fun as we hoped. To finish the day we went to great grandma and grandpa's for Easter dinner. It was a great first Easter.

London's Blessing

London's blessing was great! It was so nice to get the family together for such a great event. Brendan did a wonderful job on the blessing. He was really nervous, but didn't show it at all. We are so thankful for all the family and friends that were there. I could not have done it with out all of your help. Thank you so much for making it a special day for us.