Thursday, April 9, 2009

Longest post ever!!....Sorry.

 Story number 2. Yesterday we went to our mommy & me class that she loves, and they were doing a easter egg hunt. It was London's 1st easter egg hunt and I couldn't believe how much she loved looking for the eggs. We could only get 12 eggs so it was kind of hard to make her stop at 12. She didn't understand why we couldn't take them all home. It was a fun day.
Ok, one more story. I always say I am so lucky to have such a passive little girl, so here is a little story that makes me so grateful for that.....When we go to Walmart with Daddy London always ask for a cookie from subway ( because a lot of walmarts have subways in them). Anyways, like a sucker Bren always gets her one. Well, the other day when London and I went she asked for one and this is how our conversation went.
London: Cookie???
Me: No, not today sweetie.
London: Cookie Pease???
Me: Sweetie...not today, no cookie.
London: No cookie????...........Okay Mommy.
I am not sure if it gets more passive or sweeter then that. I love that she is that way, I need that. ......When we got to the car I gave her a cookie that I had in my purse, I know, I know, I'm a sucker too.

reading a book to relax. :)
At the easter egg hunt with friends Isaac & Rowan.
Just a funny picture. You would be surprised how many times I find her in there.