Thursday, July 4, 2013

How small is small ?

Have any of you noticed the challenge that has been set out on Temecula Quilt Co., the challenge is Summer Sewing and making one basket block each day for the month of July . I had printed off the pattern straight away since I love baskets but did not have time to start , however when I seen Darlene's adorable basket today on her blog that was the push I needed . I got busy and started cutting and then sewing and voila , my first basket .
Now how small is small ? This is small by my standards, it is only 2.5" , this is set on a 7" sqaure I have cut for some pinwheel blocks I am making  so now you can compare sizes , small isn't it but it was indeed fun to make . I would say this would really be a great lesson in accuracy , not easy to hold these tiny pieces and sew straight .
 Do you like adventures , I love them and last evening Bill and I set off on a little adventure up the side of a mountain , the road left lots to be desired as we climbed slowly and carefully over the rough terrain . The long climb was worth it , just look at the view below.
This was actually not the highest point in our trip but the best for photos as vegetation would prevent seeing much at the top . It was wonderful , a clear evening and lots of wildflowers around . This really intrigued me , I had to investigate closer when I seen these tiny pink blossoms close to the ground and when I walked over I was quite surprised that they were indeed wild roses.
I have never seen them grow so low ,notice what is beside them , coal . Then there were plenty of these brillant yellow flowers , I remember picking these for my Mom at the racetrack when I was a kid , just love that yellow!
I don't know the name of them but they were plentiful and very showy  .
This wild shrub which I think is mountain laurel but I really am not sure  was along the roadway and a lovely shade of pink .

We didn't venture too far into the woods are there are bears up there and as much as it would have been neat to see one I am ok with not seeing one too ;-)
 Has everyone who signed up for the postcard swap gotten a name and address other than Sunny and Jan ? Jan your email came back to me so please email me with your address , thanks !Please let me know if I missed you , thanks.
 Have a great day and thanks for stopping by , it sure is a hot one here today .
 hugs Sheila

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Postcard Swap Details

Good morning , another gray day here but no rain so far .  Thanks to everyone who showed interest in joining the postcard exchange , it should be lots of fun .  Here is my list so far , Joanna, Fiona, Karen, Maria, Janet, Sharon , Raewyn, Pauline, Annette , Judy and myself . This the last call for anyone who wishes to join  , please let me know today  and I would ask each of you to please email me your snail mail address so I can give it to your partner along with your email address please . It would be great if we could get at least one more to make it an even dozen . The postcards are to be mailed no later than August 3rd. which gives you a full month to make and send it on its merry way . I almost forgot , before you send your postcard be sure to take a photo and then when you receive your pretty card please take a photo and post on your blog and if you would be so kind as to also send one to me so i can also post ,thanks . it would also be nice to let your partner know when you receive the postcard by email .Thanks so much for taking part in my little swap, I know you will have fun. Here are two cards I made yesterday , simple little flower themes .
and number two
Have yourself a great day and thanks so much for stopping by.
hugs Sheila

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July Plans

It is so frustrating , when I try to download photos onto my blog by choosing files it simply will not allow me to do so ,it will not respond  so you will have to forgive me for the way these will be set up until I can figure out what is going wrong I am loading them from Picasa using the blog this button  . Can someone give me a free software I can download ?
 First off this little mug rug was made using some of the scraps left over from the aprons , I hope to deliver them today and I will give her this as well .

So my UFO plans for this month include the following three , first off the hexies that I have made quite some time ago andI had  even made one block which  will be my plan for these flowers .

This is my plan to make basket blocks and include three hexies into each basket , I do think I will add some leaves and stems in the next one . One thing that will change is the background I have used this one up so will need to pick up something similar , oh dear that means shopping , what a girl has to do ;-)

Next up are these nine patch plus snowball blocks that I exchanged with my friends that I sew with on Wednesdays .I have rearranged these some since taking this photo and will likely arrange again before stitching ,not sure if I will add sashings , what do you think ? I may change the shape of this too , it was just easier to place it on the design wall this way  .

I also want to stitch together these crazy patch blocks from way back when I was doing Crazy Quilting Fridays with Betsy of  . I had made quite a few light blocks which I did finish into a quilt and still had these dark blocks which I think I will need just a few more to make this work but I enjoy making them so no problem there and it will be so nice to get this finished at least into a top .

 So I am linking up with Carrie for Nothing but UFO's .

Thanks for stopping by on this trying to be sunny July morning , have a wonderful day doing something creative and fun  .
 hugs Sheila
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Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day

Happy Canada Day !!
Thanks for stopping by and for all my Canadian followers enjoy your special Holiday celebrating this great country we live in . 
hugs Sheila

Ok , my regular way of downloading photos is simply not working so lets see if this works . These are my finishes for June

Sunday, June 30, 2013

OPAM and UFO report

It is that time of the month again , time to report the number of finishes for OPAM , I am happy to report that I had twelve finishes for this month . Here is a little collage I made to show those projects. Ok I am having issues with this dang computer , it will not allow me to load photos at the moment so I will just tell you my finishes . I have made five postcards, a Daisy a day Tote , 2 aprons, Simple Country Sampler finished and my three UFO'S - Shabby Fabrics Bom finished , Pam Buda Mini quilt  finished and Nine patch finished. That means I completed all three of my UFO projects for the month of June ,yeah , I will add the photos once I get this mess cleared up . Thanks for stopping by and enjoy your day .  I am linking up today to Carrie of A passion for Applique .