Monday, August 1, 2011

Lake Tahoe

Lake Tahoe is my Prozac. Every year I get a small dose. It never feels long enough and the second I leave I want to go back. The beauty, peace, and family time are indescribable. I love this place and my kids love it even more.

Grandpa Bob
The Nintendo DS never seems to get used except in Tahoe

The Dock.........first year Chloe jumped

Kayaking at Sand Harbor
Violet always finds the good stuff

A day at Sand Harbor. With all the extended family we take up half the beach

Where it all started..........Mom and Dad. We love you!

Stanton couldn't be there in person but was there in "FaceTime"
Met and baby Warren for the first time

The Isobe's
The Nielson's
The "Arizona" Greene's. Can hardly believe that Zack is off to BYU
The "Virginia" Greene's

Steele loved hanging out with the big girls

Dress up with the old ski clothes. Im pretty sure Zack, and Jared took them home