Showing posts with label fight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fight. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

DO you believe you can?????

What's your biggest limitation? 
What's your biggest fear?
What's the biggest threat that you face?
What's the scariest thing you know?

It's not death,
or tragedy. 

The most disastrous force that exist, outside of evil itself
is a subtle enemy called DOUBT. 

Whether it's doubt about God or doubt about self,
it distracts, paralyzes and kills dreams and dreamers. 

So watch out!

Do you believe you can do something?
Do you have faith that God is with you?
Are you ready to fight and pay the price for what you want?

So go ahead, dive in. 
The mountain doesn't look so big from the top. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Take it from Bruce, he was a fighter

Legendary fighter Bruce Lee once said this about his fighting style Jeet Kune Do:

"Approach Jeet Kune Do with the idea of mastering the will. Forget about winning and losing; forget about pride and pain. Let your opponent graze your skin and you smash into his flesh; let him smash into your flesh and you fracture his bones; let him fracture your bones and you take his life! Do not be concerned with your escaping safely – lay your life before him!"

The idea is if you get hit, strike harder. So I am not promoting physical retaliation. What I am using this quote to say, is when life hits us hard or when evil hits us hard... we have to strike back even harder. We can not bend or break or cower. We must fight, strike back and believe that we will win. Do not worry about the pain you may have to suffer, pain comes with sacrifice. Pain comes with battle. Pain is a part of any war. So the war for a better life is no different. It will come with some pain. But strike back, and strike hard. 

Look at Bruce Lee in the picture above... Does he look afraid?
If he wasn't afraid to fight people, why should we be afraid to fight for our lives?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Practice makes perfect

Today I was watching some young people practice for a play that they will perform on Sunday. And as I watched I began to think, they have been doing this for one month already, every other day or so, coming to practice for this play.. and it still needs a little work.

That is interesting, because in life we normally want everything fast. We don't like to wait or work hard for anything. But we need to. To get the best out of something, it may take time. You may have to wait and go through the course of fighting for it for a while.

Any sports team will tell you that. They practice day after day, doing drill after drill, just to make sure that it comes natural to them (whatever they need to improve on).

And what about the rest of us average people? Shouldn't we practice the things that will help us better ourselves time and time again. I think so.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Law of Victory- Ray Lewis

Take a few minutes and check out this video.

If this guy can take a GAME so serious, why do so many people find it so hard to take life serious. And commit to things, and sacrifice to make there dreams come true?

That is a question only you can answer.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Go it ALONE.

Don't live your life being afraid of being alone or going it alone.

There is a strength in you to fight harder when you are alone. You will not die, or break, or cave in. You will become even stronger.

I am not talking about cutting off all contact with people, but the moments when no one else can or is willing to help you. You have to help yourself. You have to make good decisions and be strong enough  to fight through the storm. The storm will end, it will pass and you will win. Just keep going.

The secret is to not bury your head in the sand and quit. Keep fighting. Go it alone if you have to. But know that a one man army is better than a team full of cowards.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Get back in the Saddle

Listen... It's impossible to never mess up or fail or fall off of something that you started. You will go through moments of downs. Just like there will be moments of ups. But one thing you must learn to do is always get back in the saddle as quick as possible.

Don't waste time crying or whimpering over what coulda, shoulda or woulda been. Deal with each day as it comes. If you messed something up yesterday, but you woke up this morning, then there is time to fix what was broken. You have to see that life is a series of moments. When a moment comes you need to embrace it. When a serious moment or opportunity comes, jump at it. Including the opportunity to start over.

That is the interesting thing about new days, each one is like a clean slate if you choose for it to be. No one can make you carry the past. Even if they throw your failures in your face, you choose to either listen to their words or ignore and reject them.

So when it comes to falling down and making mistakes, the most important thing is not the mistake, but how you react to it. You need to get back in the saddle and fight again. Quickly.