Monday, February 1, 2010

Carmen's having a puppy!

That what the Mommies said. They spent the weekend saying "woo hooooo" and then "omg we're going to be grandmommies!"

Whatever. As long as she keeps that puppy at her house with Gwumpy, I guess it doesn't matter.

However, on to more important things - ME.

I'm pretty.

Anyway, mommy Cate took the rottenweiler to PetSmart yesterday. And get this, she forgot to take me with her! I mean, so I awoooo and trip her and try to get away the whole time I'm there. Is that a CRIME? She did bring home a special bed for Echo (cause he is getting old and his hips hurt) and some toys for us, but I expressed my displeasure by eating her book this morning.

Mommies. Hmph.

Power to the Fluffy!!!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I snuck into Mommy Cate's iMac to post the big news

I just had to give an update. I've been at war with the Mommies. I've been ignoring them, refusing snuggles and kisses, and acting like they smell really bad. I've also been living outside as much as possible. I think I'm finally breaking through. Mommy Claire has been getting mad because I won't pay her any attention. Mommy Cate, well, I give her some to keep her feeding me and to make her trust me enough to leave her iMac logged in for a few minutes.

Anyway, big stuff here, most importantly, AWOOOOOOS to meeshka - thanks for inducting me into HULA!


I'll try to make you proud Meeshka!

Crap, she's coming back. More later.

Operative Diefenbaker out for now.

ps - paws to ozzy!

Monday, November 23, 2009

HULA, I need you!

Okay, so you know about my brother troubles, right? Well, I have a plan...

Max's brother Grumpy has a blog. Go there and try to convince his Mommy Carmen to take Max to live with Grumpy. I mean, I'm SURE they miss each other, right?

By the way, when do I get a membership? I think I've earned one!

-- Dief the unbedded

Little Brothers are Annoying.

Stinky New Brother:

Okay, so the mommies decided to get MAX, because (boo hoo) he needed rescuing. He told me he was being kept in a kennel when she got him, so it doesn't sound like he really needed to call 911. Whatever.

Anyway, so get this: the little squirt has taken my den! The mommies said I was old enough to sleep out of the crate at night finally because I haven't "destroyed" anything in a long time. But now I don't even get a CHOICE. That stupid Max gets to sleep in MY bed every night.

And he gets the same food I do, and more of it! Mommy Cate says that he's supposed to get 2% of his ADULT weight, and that he'll be 100 pounds or so. I, on the other hand, am a petite 55 pounds. So farthead, who is half my size, gets more than me!


Oh yeah, and they won't let me bite him hard enough to make him squeal. Every time he cries, it's DIEF!!! STOP KILLING HIM!!

That does it. I'm moving out. I'll be living in the yard if anyone wants me. I'll show them who's calling the shots here.

Me, living in the yard now. Just TRY to catch me, mommies.

Me. I'm pretty but I'm fierce. RAWR.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

His name is Max and he's a rottenweiler!

The mommies renamed him from Doc to Max. Max and Grumpy are sick though, and they had to get pills from the vet. But, he's still eating food that *I* could be eating. Hmph.

He's pretty funny though. Mommy Cate stepped over the baby gate and he tried to jump it. When he couldn't, he back up a few steps and tried to get a running start to leap it. He tried about 10 times before Mommy Cate picked him up.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

We've been invaded!!!!

Okay, so what the hell. Mommy Cate came home with TWO gremlins! My sis Carmen was here, and when Mommy Cate came in Carmen took one of the invaders and started hugging him and kissing him. She said his name was GRUMPY and that he was hers. I don't know why she called him Grumpy, he looked pretty happy to me. Mommy Claire started holding the other one saying "Hi Doc."

Thankfully, Carmen took that grumpy one with her when she went back to her own crate.

But, then the mommies let me sniff him. He smells FUNKY. He doesn't look like a husky and doesn't sound like one either. I don't know WHAT they are thinking. I went outside with him while he went pee but he said he couldn't with my head under him. Whatever. I tried to get him to run so I could chase him but stupid Mommy Cate made me be nice and let him pee instead.

This one is "ours"

All I can say is he better not eat my food.


Anyway, on to more IMPORTANT THINGS. Here's ME:

Friday, October 16, 2009

The trouble with tribbles

I heard a rumour that another creature is coming to join us this weekend...

I managed to get Ziva to use her leet skillz to snap a picture from a passing satellite.

What kind of animal is that ???!!!

I don't think It should be fed after midnight or put near water.

He's a rescue like Ziva, guess that's ok, we'll see.