
Showing posts from February, 2017

Sunday Blues

Penat gila jaga monsters 2 orang tu kot! Anak my cousin.  Mak dia siap tanya tak mau tidoq rumah Kak SL kah? Saya terus lari lepaih hantaq depa balik rumah! LOL But then bila Sunday morning tu, tiba tiba kat Spotify ada lagu 100 years. Rasa sayu pulak dengaq lagu tu. Lagu tu masa saya dan my ex husband baru start kenai.  Masa tu kira dalam first time jumpa. And then tiba tiba rasa sunyi. Teruih called my ex. Sembang sat and walaupun masa tu dok teriak. Cerita pasai interview. Dia pun perasan kot saya dok teriak ... but after that rasa lega sembang dengan dia. Entah, may be rasa nak lepas rasa sunyi tu ...  Ad teguq saya why nak call lagi. For me, cerai sekali pun bukan kena buat musuh. And hes been my soulmate for ages kot. So why can't we just be friends? Hari nie pagi nak rasa demam teruih ke clinic. Takut saya demam on Wed ... nak bercuti nie!!!  And ada a few yang pening baca guna font typewriter so kena stop for a while 😜

Worn Out









    A place that I have been wanting to go. I like that square thingy with peanut butter fillings. Yummy. Was on leave for today and spent one whole day with Dan. We went to look out for a venue for upcoming reunion in April. And was in One U (Dan wanted to since she has not been there for a while). We had lunch there at Sushi Zenmai or Pasta Zenmai (I can't recall) and did medipedi there too.  Only the evening we had our tea there at Dotty's  Off for bed soon. I have to be prepared for tom's meeting with IR and HR on my staff case. Apparently our HR head replied to his email and will get someone to investigate this matter.  Have a good leftover weekdays 😍

And Then

My Waze is going crazy. She is not talking anymore and the only words that can come out from her are .. and then! I have to keep checking on my phone for direction instead of just hearing the direction from her. So I thought it was because of my office phone but when I started using my personal phone apparently the same problem happened! Ish ish ish  Anyway I have been liaising with lots of staff issue in the office. Today was the worst. A guy who we rated him not met, filed a complaint. He in fact sent an email to our HR head. That was after a conversation I had with him and with my Manager today. We are sticking to our decision and not changing the rating. In the email to HR Head he asked her to look into the matter otherwise he will bring this up to his Union and labour office. We on the other hand sent an email to our business HR and IR officer to meet up and discuss on this. This will happen on Thursday. Too tired been using my brain too much in the office. It is now time for ...

Money Plant

    Last Friday was an exciting day really! We had a great event that my team had planned and organised for it! Look at the lay out! Brilliant! I actually love it! They actually went to Ikea to purchase the money plan and gave to each and everyone of us in the department! A new team was formed too so they will be looking after all the staff activities. We had birthday celebration.  Eveyone enjoyed it and I was proud that 2016 team made it that well!  I continue to lead the team and this year will be our 3rd year having a team managing the events. Have a good weekday! 

Net Mum

When I was at Uni I started joining this group chat online. So that I could make new friends, apart from my Malaysian friends. And that was how I met my first boyfriend T and a few other friends. I also had net mum whom I met from this group. She was like 50ish when I first met her and she had a son and a daughter. Her husband passed away in an accident I think. She lived in Kent and used to drive up to visit me. Few times she did that. And we would meet up for lunch or sometimes dinner. There were times too T would be coming down to visit me and we would spent time together with CE (my net mum) and her family.  In that chat group too I made few friends and a couple of them were from the same Uni I was. Again there would be occasions that we would meet up and had dinner together. It must be during Spring that we decided to visit CE. So all of us went down where KR would be driving me, T and KA. We stayed there for a couple of nights.  The reason  I am writing this entry? ...

A Day With Kim

We went to look for air conditioner and fan for master room. These are for my house that I am renting it out. I later found out from my agent I don't need to replace the new air conditioner as the tenant has bought his own! Just great! I could have spent that money for something else! May be a bag? LOL And we went to Aeon Big which apparently will be closing down soon. Had an ice cream cone there and decided to go to Dotty's but couldn't be bothered since we had to queue up for that. So we went to another coffee shop and had our iced coffee and dessert. Kim is a type of person that is flexible so when I said I wanted to go to One U he said ok.  I am one happy girl even by buying little things like these    PP asked me what did I use before this then? I said normal sponge to wash my dishes.  She said we shall see how long will this last. Hehehe   We spent basically almost 20 mins in this shop next to Sephora, Kens. The shop lady, Amy was letting me smell lots of ...

Suka Bertanya

   Saya memang orang yang jenis suka bertanya. Tanya pulak sampai ke akar umbi. Hahaha. Kalau Mak cerita gossip kat kampung or Kakak ka yang dok cerita saya akan tanya soalan yang memang depa tak boleh nak jawap! LOL. Ataih nie family whatsapp. Angah our cousin dok cerita panjang berjela macam mana Auntie sorang nie boleh menang kereta. Serious panjang berjela and detail pulak tu. Angah kerja kat one of the shopping malls kat Aloq Staq sana.  Tu yang Kakak dok puji Angah and buat remark kata saya nie suka tanya macam tanya kes pembunuhan! Hahahah. Lawak!  Have a good weekend. Hari nie hari baik tau. Boss baik dengan saya nie. Dalam hati saya mesti ada niat lain nie! Hahaha

I Have An Apple

  Tiap tiap hari bawa apple ke office and this apple masuk hari nie dah 3 hari tak makan. Asyik lupaaa saja! Hahaha and sometimes my colleague kena ingat kan 😬 Malam tadi dinner kat BLVD. Ermmm apa yang best pun tak tau. Bean can chicken dah sold out. Dessert dia yang famous tu macam biasa saja. Tak dak lah raa macam best pun ...  So malam semalam tu sebab nak buat Christmas exchange gift! Hahaha lama gila kot! And this is what I got 😍   Ok dah nak kena join the huddle! Bye all! 


Petang semalam buka clinic kat my place in the office. Ada dua orang saja pun pesakit nak check. 😜   Saya beli nie last week. Senang nak monitor my BP. Semalam bawa mai office.  Semalam juga saya angin dengan Manager saya yang memang rude! Geram gila kot! Dah lah minta tolong saya but then dok buat merajuk tok nek apa. Saya sound dia kat email. Erghhh!!!! Malaih nak kata apa dah! Nak buat diam saja! Mangkuk! Dia kata team leader dia tak respect dia and she's doing the same to me. WTF!  Oh malam tadi juga ada *** Biru posted a comment in my blog tapi tak mau saya publish it. And he/she nak berkawan dengan saya. Tapinya saya tak boleh nak reply sebab email dia saya tak nampak. So *** Biru kalau nak contact saya lagi please email kat Have a good and productive day everyone! 

The Only One

  Present for V day that I got today!  From my colleague 😍😍😍

Tujuh Tahun

Malam tadi tengok Grammy Awards. Suka lagu nie. So teruih beli kat iTunes 😀 "I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month" Harap harap saya kahwin lah kan LOL


Saya every weekend cuci brushes saya. Rasa best nyaaa bila guna lepaih cuci. Yang best masa cuci tu juga keluaq segala benda foundation bagai. Saya guna youtube as reference. First cuci dengan olive oil. Tarik and tolak brushes tu. And then cuci kan kat tapak tangan. Then cuci dengan ayaq. Bila dah habih tu baru guna shampoo cuci. Again cuci kat tapak tangan. Then kering kan saja all the brushes My schedule is packed gila today and also tom. Will work like crazy 😎

Perbualan Dengan PP

🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 SL: Hang tengok sat cantik dak bags nie. Aku nak beli satu ka dua dua? PP: Sat bagi aku tengok! Lahhhh hat hijau tu besa saja.  SL: Aku kena beli juga. Aku suka brand nie PP: Brand apa nie? Awat aku tak pernah dengaq? Designer bags ka nie? SL: From UK nie. Macam Cath Kidston tu tapi hat nie lain sikit lahh. Nie tengah murah. Kalau kat website dia dalam £105 kot!  PP: Beli hat tote tu sudah! Hat hijau tu besa saja. Hang pun tak tau size besaq mana hat hijau tu. Kalau kecik aku gelak kat hang SL: Hah lahh aku beli hat tote tuuu ...    Maka saya pun beli bag nieeeee! Itu saja cerita nya hahaha Bag yang tak di beli 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 I miss you still  😭😭😭😭😭


  🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Last 2 years my gym friends wanted me to join them for a walk. Obviously I had to find good shoes for that! Unfortunately I was sick on that day and couldn't join them. I quit gym after that and we didn't talk about that anymore. Tonight during Chinese New Year dinner, the same subject was brought up. It's a plan that we will go for a walk next Saturday. I came back home and checked out the condition of the shoes. Still in tact !  Ya Allah kuat kan aku next Saturday! Good night all!  😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 * I miss you *

Boring Friday!

  Took this picture in the meeting room. I was in the meeting discussing on the process flow. 😬 Lunch was at Pavillion - Japanese 😍 Stayed at home one whole day yesterday. Food Panda for lunch and dinner. As usual. Nothing new. Just different type of food. Saw 2 movies Billionaire Boy and I Give It A Year. Back to office.  Have a good weekend! 

It Is Ready

  This is a picture my living hall taken by my ex tenant. (Wah banyak dah nie exes nie, husband lah boyfriend lah and now tenant LOL) She has bought a new place for herself so she has to leave me! Sob sob! She has been a really good tenant! Did not give me any problem. I even told her I will miss her! Hahah Though we only met once when she first wanted to sight this house. I am praying my next tenant is as good as her!  My agent too is a good agent! See how my rezeki Allah kasi. Kena bersyukur selalu! That's why pagi tadi bila rasa malas nak subuh bangun juga paksa diri sebab rasa bersalah and apa sangat lah 2 rokaat nak sembang dengan Allah tu kan! Anyway back to my Agent. She did everything for me. I just have to give her the money in repairing the house and to make it look good. She said let's paint the door grey. I said yes. She said get a simple kitchen cabinet. I said yes. She chosed the colour and material of the cabinet. She mostly did as if she's the one that own t...

We Need Creammm!!!

  I want cream for my doughnut!!! Where can I get them??? Where??  I bet it'll taste yummy with cream on top or inside!  LOL PS - This entry is for you. You know who you are *winks*

Single People

There was an incident in the office. A single man who live on his own did not turn up for work. He was found dead 2 days after. Due to that incident, I then decided to have a Whatsapp group for single people. 9 of us agreed to clock in on Whatsapp on a daily basis. We have all the emergency contacts for each one of us. So when someone does not say anything on that Whatsapp group within 24 hours and more we will call him/ her. If he/she is not reachable, we will then contact the number they gave earlier as emergency contact.  That's all for today.  Oh Oh, Mad 'accidentally" added me on FB messenger and later I saw him trying to add me as his friend on FB. I sent an email to him, to leave me alone. When he replied, his first line was, Hi SL Sayangku! What was that Sayang for ???? Haiishhh ...  Mad, the below is for you ... please take note on those words highlighted in yellow and few words like honesty, build trust, there's no return .. oh well you know those ...


Hari nie bangkit pukui 1230 nahh!!! Nah ambik!!! Ok sembahyang subuh sah sah lambat. Bangkit dalam pukui 9 untuk Subuh. Apa kes kan? And then sambung tidoq! Memang I am getting old, jalan kat One U satu hari dah penat gila!! Apa nieee ???  So sambei baring lagi ataih katey, buka Food Panda lah cerita nya. That's for lunch and dinner. Sekali harung.  Then helper mai cuci rumah yang dah bersawang nie. Rasa bersih gila rumah and bed sheet and duvet pulak bau wangi saja. Me likes :)  Tapi kan, gatai lah nak tengok cerita nie kan, Miss You Already. Sayu gila lah kot cerita nie.  Then rasa kosong gila and boleh rasa yang sama apa kawan dia rasa.  Then teruih called PP and sembang dengan dia. Kami nie everyday sembang kot. Call tak berenti and kadang tak cakap apa pun. Hahaha. At least boleh lah rasa kurang sayu sikit tengok cerita sedih tu! Erghhh next time tak mau dah tengok cerita sedih macam tu! On Friday pulak ada Headhunter cari. D...

Such A Long Day!

Its like a yearly event now, mmeeting with my gym friends. Friends I gotta know when I was a gym member, few  years back. We became close. And we normally spend time one whole day, mostly at The Curve. Today however was at One U. We had brunch and wandering around. I bought myself few things which include a new shirt for my school reunion in April. The colour theme is blue. I bought stripy shirts. That will go well with jeans. And few other nonsense stuff. We then decided to go for karaoke at Neway. Damn cheap and not bad in the choices of songs too. We were given a room with an attached toilet! Convenient! Total bill was like MYR116. For 4 hours which include a drink each and a meal each! Gila cheap kan! I am so worn out really! Off for bed soon! Hope you all are enjoying your weekend. Tata


Today I received a few comments in my entries from Anonymous. The sound of the comments for me, is bitter. I will not publish them but I thought Anonymous must know that I appreciate his/her comments. I am not mad nor the comments affect me. (Remember I am currently having issue with my Boss so I am pretty immune with the negativity about me).   For me I do not have to explain in details of my actions, why I tied the knot with my ex, a married man. In fact in my blog I basically do not tell every single details of my actions, my emotions and what had happened, which lead to some bit and pieces that readers would not get to know. This however will create different perception of readers towards me. I can totally understand that.   Anyway, in one of the comments, Anonymous did mention that he/she pray for my happiness. Though other comments are more towards bashing me but end of the day the doa from him/her that counts. So I am happy and thank you!!!   Let’s move on! Let byg...


I was in the office earlier!!! Working on my presentation slides. Had my KFC for lunch. Not only I was there doing work but so were they, EM and Ias!  Right after work I went for body massage and foot massage. Guess how much I paid for those? MYR123 only! Seriously! Its like MYR 80 just for 1.5 hr body massage and MYR43 for 1hr foot massage. And the masseuse was really good!!! Seriously good! So yeah I will book her again this Sunday for body massage! She's that good that I am planning to see her every weekend.  So yeah I am with few men now! LOL! Getting to know them. I think its best I know few people and get to know them at one go! Rather than spending time with just one without knowing if its gonna work out or not.  Off for bed. Hope for a good 2 days ahead! Boss will be back too. Why can't he take longer leave for CNY! Sheesshhh ...  Till then! Tata!