

It is time I clear away the spider webs and blow off the dust of my blog and resurrect it for another year.  That is because I have chosen a word for the year, and that word is PURPOSEFUL.
adjective: purposeful
  1. 1.
    having or showing determination or resolve.
 This year I would like to be more purposeful in my daily writings, and that includes creating a blog entry each day.  I am almost done creating a list of 365 subjects to write about this year.  Once the list is done, I will cut it up, and pull out a subject each day to write about.  I hope this helps me be more disciplined and will motivate me have determination and resolve in keeping up a blog.
Over the last year, my blog writing has been non-existent.  I have been a slacker.  I hope to change that for the year 2014.
I'd love to have people read my writing, but that is not why I'm writing.  I'm writing for the discipline of writing.  I'm writing to get some thoughts out of my head and on to the blank page.
Anais Nin's says, “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”  
That is what I want to do....look back at the life I've lived, at the moments of my life, and share my thoughts.
So join me this year for my Silver Valley Stories as I tackle different subjects for the next 365 days. 



Taking A Leap Of Faith

"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd."  Hebrews 11:1-2

Last night The Princess, Z2 and I were having a conversation about taking a leap of faith.  The Princess is ready to do something different, and take a new course in her life.

Her practical sister Z2 cautioned her about being too hasty with her decisions.

The Princess believes God is leading her in a certain direction.  I told her, "Take a leap of faith.  You are never going to know if God wants you to do this or not unleass you take that leap of faith."

Then it reminded me of PKR and I about 20 years ago.  We were living in Eastern Montana, and The Princess was about 8 months old.  PKR was the Associate Pastor at our Church and also substitute teaching at the high school.  I worked as a radio announcer at the Christian/Agriculture station in town.  We felt like God was telling us it was time to move.

Our two options were either around Kellogg, where both our parents lived, or to Meridian, where some of Paul's family lived.  It came down to moving to Meridian, because Paul's grandpa, who was the Pastor of the church, said Paul could get a small stipend for being the Youth Pastor if we moved to Meridian.  So, with no job prospects, an 8 month old baby, and our faith in God, we took a leap of faith and moved to Meridian.

Well, actually, Paul moved to Meridian.  The Princess and I went to Kellogg for a while.  Paul's parents and my mom came to help us move.  As we headed west, PKR and his parents drove the U-Haul truck to Meridian.  Mom and I and The Princess drove our car to Kellogg.

Eventually PKR got a job with his cousin Verl building houses.  When I moved down to Meridian, we moved in with Paul's brother and his wife until we could find a place to rent.  (As I recall, finding a place to rent in Meridian was a very frustrating exercise.  Eventually, though, God blessed us with an apartment right across the street from the church.  It was perfect!!)

As I spent my days taking care of The Princess, and looking for a place to rent that would take a baby and two cats, PKR worked construction, and also applied for a job in the Meridian School District.  He eventually got an interview, and was hired by the principal of Meridian Academy, the newly formed Alternative High School in the Meridian School District. 

Through this summer, God met our every need.  We always had a place to live.  We always had food on the table. And PKR always had a job.  Our faith grew, and we knew that God would always provide for our needs.  But we needed to take that leap of faith.

When we hear that still small voice speaking to us, and leading us in a certain direction, we need to respond.  We need to say, okay, I'm stepping out in the unknown, but You are walking right alongside me Lord, and I know it is going to be okay.  And as He provides for us, our love for Him and our faith in Him grows by leaps and bounds. 

So Princess, it is time to spread your wings, put that foot forward, and see where God is leading you.  Remember, He is walking beside you every step of the way.


Caleb's Crossing: A Book Review

Yesterday I finished the book "Caleb's Crossing" by Geraldine Brooks.  It was the book I chose this month for my Book Group to read.  It is an historical fiction story about the first Native American to graduate from Harvard College.

The book is very interesting, and gives you a glimpse into life in the latter part of the 1600's.  It is always fascinating to me to be swept up into another time and another place as I read books.  This book first takes you to Martha's Vineyard, an island off the coast of Massachusets.  You learn about the Native people who first inhabited the island, and how and why the English made their way to the island.

Then you meet the narrator Bethia and how she met Caleb, and their relationship throughout the book, and she is the one who tells Caleb's story.

This will be a fun book to discuss, because there are some various themes running through the book, such as light and darkness.

I would recommend this book because of what you learn about the culture of that time, and because it is a good story. 

It seems like I don't have a very good track record for the books I choose for our Book Group, so I'm glad I finally chose a good one!!


Simple Delights

Sometimes I catch myself enjoying little things in life, and today I want to write some of those down.  I refer to them as "Simple Delights".  I hope to make a list occasionally to remember the little things that bring me joy. Because today is January 12th, I am going to share 12 Simple Delights.

A warm, soft bed to lie on
Soft sheets on my bare feet
A cat cuddled on my head
Our dog Peaches laying down beside my bed
A purring cat on my lap
Our dog Sadie snuggled at my feet
Thick socks to keep my feet warm
Flannel pajamas
A warm cup of coffee
My daughter's enthusiasm
Talking with my husband
Praying with my husband

What are your Simple Delights?


Priority Number One

I'm home tonight enjoying some alone time.  I had some work to do to get ready for being in class with sophomores tomorrow, so I came home after my senior parent meeting instead of attending the boys basketball games with PKR, Z2 and KikiAru.  The Princess went to visit a friend, then off to Coeur d'Alene to see a movie with AA. 

This has been an interesting week.  I am now back to working full-time.  It has been a long time since I have had a 40 hour work week.  But I am so thankful to be able to have this job, and work with the students I get to work with each day.  And right now, the seniors are busy filling out FAFSA applications and applying to colleges, and filling out scholarship information.  So it is a busy time.

At the end of the month I start working at Kellogg Middle School again with seventh graders.  That will be fun, getting to know a new group of students and parents.

So, with this new schedule, setting my priorities is even that much more important.  I am slowly working into my new focus.  Part of my problem is I have way too many priorities.  I even combined and wittled down some, but I just have too many things in my life.  Which makes having a plan and goals for each week even that much more important.

I loved the verses in my quiet time this morning with the Lord.  I want Matthew 22:37-39 to be my Number One Priority every day..."Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it.  "Love your neighbor as yourself.  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

If I keep this my daily focus, all other priorities should fall into place.

One of my goals this year is to read our book club book each month.  This month the book I chose for book group is "Caleb's Crossing" by Geraldine Brooks.  It is a historical fiction story about the first Native American to attend Harvard.  One of my book club members just sent me a text about how the ending made her cry, and only one other book has done so, (and she blamed that on pregnancy hormones), so now I am very motivated to finish the book before I host our book club next week.  I can always use a good cry!!


Priorities in Order...Goals Have Been Established...Time to Refine Goals

Today was a good day.  No one in our house had to be anywhere until 12:30 p.m. today, so we all got to sleep in and relax today.  I had a wonderful time of quiet this morning.  Raymond Pert came over to say goodbye before he headed to Spokane to have dinner with IEG and her husband.  RP heads back to Eugene tomorrow.

I spent some time organizing the Christmas stuff in our basement storage room.  Then we put it all away, and it is in order and ready for next year.  It felt good to have that done.

Goodbye Santa Claus, hello Snowmen.  Now the living room is full of cute smiling snowmen.  I guess if there isn't snow outside, there is a little bit of winter wonderland inside the house.

PKR and I made a "date" at 6 p.m. to work on our priorities and goal setting.  For about 2 hours we sat and went through our lists, refining them, and discussing them, and putting things on a calendar.  We now have our Priorities and Goals set.  Tomorrow, we meet again at 6 p.m. to break the goals down even more and set some deadlines or put some timelines to them.

It has taken us 25 years of marriage, but maybe we are finally on to something!!  Who says you can't teach an old dog (or perhaps a couple of middle-aged dogs) new tricks?  I think we may be learning something from this!!

One of my goals is to write in my blog at least once a week.  Well, it is January 7th and I've already written three times this week.  Let's hope the ball keeps rolling!!

I mentioned earlier that PKR and I were also doing a Daniel Fast, a time to fast and pray about our lives, our church, and whatever else God seems to want to show us.  I found a book online that is titled "The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast" by Kristen Feola.  I bought it for my new Nook Color, and it has been a wonderful resource this week.  Each day is a different devotional reading, plus it explains what a Daniel Fast is, and also gives some great recipes.  What a blessing!!

I'm looking forward to church tomorrow.  We had a good Worship Team time last week.  It seems like renewal is in the air in many areas of my life, and Worship Team is one of them.  I can't wait to see how God uses our team this year. 

Another goal is to get to bed by 10 p.m. each night, so I had better start getting ready for bed.  Can't wait to see what is ahead tomorrow!!


New Years Are For New Beginnings...Changes...New Challenges...Renewing Our Faith and Hope

I love new years.  New years are a chance for new beginnings, for changes, for new challenges, for renewing our faith and hope. 

This year is already starting off with changes.  Personally, a big change in my life is going from working part-time to working full-time.  This will be a change.  I will be finishing up a grant at Kellogg High School, and beginning a new grant at Kellogg Middle School with the federal grant program I work with, Gear Up.  But I am looking forward to the challenge.

Another change is PKR becoming the president of the board of directors of the community theater we are involved with, the Sixth Street Theater.  This brings on a new challenge for him as well, and I am also on the board, and I am the board's secretary.  This will be a new aspect of theater life for us.

The Princess has decided to return to college next fall and pursue a degree in Communications with a minor in Business.  She has applied to return to NIC, and will take some classes here in Kellogg and online.  She is welcoming a change in her life, and also welcoming the new challenge.

Z2 is a senior this year, and has been accepted to the College of Idaho in Caldwell.  She is looking forward to attending this college, and starting a new chapter in her life. And, as with all college experiences, it will be a challenge.

Kiki Aru is a sophomore this year.  She is hoping to take Drivers Ed and get her license.  That is the challenge she is most looking forward to this year.  And she really wants here sisters to move on so she can have the house to herself with Mom and Dad!!

I am looking forward to the new year, and looking forward to seeing how all our changes and challenges play out.  I have evaluated my priorities, and set some goals that hopefully will make this a very purposeful year ahead. 

Happy New Year one and all!!


Breaking Down The Walls in 2011

The Walls of Jericho

I spent some time this morning reading some things I wrote down at the beginning of 2011.  I'm glad I wrote those things down, because I see how far God has brought us this year.

As PKR and I began 2011, we were in a very dark place.  We both felt very lonely, and we felt we had spent a lot of time building up walls and not letting people into our lives.  We had cut ourselves off from people, and it wasn't good.  So we made a concerted effort to break down those walls, and reach out to people, and start building back relationships.  And, as I look back over the year, God was faithful.

One of my first moves was to start meeting regularly with my friend CM for Bible Study.  What a good choice that was for me.  Through the year, we were able to lift each other up, and learn about our loving God.  Part way through the year we started reading Eugenia Price's book, "Woman to Woman", a book that focuses on the importance of having your personality under Christ's control.  Even though this book was written in 1959, it is such a timely message, over 50 years later.

Next PKR and I hosted and lead a Bible Study through our church in our home.  I can't begin to describe how these members of our church family helped PKR and I through some very difficult times.  The study was called "Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God", by Henry Blackaby.  We learned so much through that study, and the fellowship with our group was amazing.  We were very blessed.

I also made some reconnections with people I hadn't talked to in a while.  It made me realize how important relationships are in our lives, and to not take them for granted, or close ourselves off from people.

As I sat down to write out my prayer list for the year, it was so exciting as God revealed to me all the people to put on my prayer list, and the abundance of people who are in my life that I have the priviledge to pray for each day.  I am surrounded by some very wonderful people.  And many of these are people we have opened up to this year, and developed or renewed a relationship with through 2011.

Last year was about "breaking down the walls", as Joshua did to the town of Jericho.  I am so thankful our hearts were opened and the walls were broken down in 2011.

This year is the year of focusing on priorities.  Each day I want to ask myself, "What are my priorities today?"    That is my task today.  To sit down, write out my priorities for the year, and set goals based on those priorities. 

Part of this process of developing these goals is doing something for 21 days called "The Daniel Fast".  This is a time when you fast from certain foods, and focus on what God has for you for the upcoming year.  We were fortunate to learn about this practice while we were under Pastors Ralph and Susie Lowe at Christian Life Center, and it was carried on by Pastor Carey Schram. 

Yesterday, at our current church, Mountain View Congregational Church, Pastor David Langer gave a wonderful message on how the Magi are our model in seeking after Jesus.  They prepared for their journey and then followed the start in search of the King.  The Magi found more than they anticipated.  And that is the same with us.  As we seek the Lord, we will find more than we anticipate.  Often when we seek after the Lord, we get bored and give up on the seeking.  But the Magi would not be deterred.  They did not give up.  They continued their journey until they found Jesus.  Like the Magi, we can bring find someone who can bring more into our lives than we will ever know.

Jesus is inviting us into a relationship with Him.  Jesus takes care of us in the journey of this life.  Jesus will move us beyond our lowly expectations and dreams and move us beyond all that we ask or think.  Then Pastor Dave asked us these questions..."Are we truly seeking him?  Am I seeking Jesus Christ day by day?  Do I want to give Him my all?  He can do more with our lives than we can ever imagine."

Where am I today and where do I wish to be?  If I am weary and heavy laden, He will be there for me.

What a wonderful message to begin the new year with, and to be like the Magi, daily seeking after Jesus, and finding more than I could ask or think.

I look forward to the year ahead, and seeing what 2012 will bring.


Sibling Assignment 151: Sibling Outing

A photo taken in the Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area near Clarkia, Idaho.

During the month of August, my sibling Raymond Pert and Inland Empire Girl and myself headed out on a "Sibling Outing".  We have done several of these over the years, and this year our destination was driving east to Wallace, then driving over Moon Pass to Avery.  Then we headed down the St. Joe River to Calder, then St. Maries.  Then we headed south to Clarkia, and then on up the mountain to Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area.

For Sibling Assignment #151, Raymond Pert has asked us to write about a particular thing that happened on our Sibling Outing that was especially enjoyable.  If possible, include an image, but not required.

Inland Empire Girl's is here, and Raymond Pert's will be here.

For me, the most enjoyable times were sharing stories as we drove along in the car.  We had the priviledge of being together from about 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. that day.  That is about 10 hours of uninterupted time spending time with my brother and sister.  And we realize this is a rare thing.  I don't know too many other people who make it a priority in their life to spend time with only their siblings, without other family around.  I am fortunate to have a brother and sister who want to make this time a priority.  We try and do it at least once a year.

As we drove in the car, we would bring up stories of memories of driving in the car to our grandmother's house in Orofino, and the erratic driving practices of our father.

My siblings would give me a good-natured hard time as I shared yet another historical fact about the area we were visiting.

We had a book with us that shared facts about the areas we were driving through, and it was fun to share those, or listen to my sister share them.

I'm glad we understand the importance of connecting with one another, and spending time together, even if it is fr oone day, once a year.  It helps continue to create memories that we add to our family story book.


Sibling Assignment 149: A Collection of Pottery

I'm getting caught up on my sibling assignments.  This sibling assignment was given to us by IEG, and the assignment was this:

"Create A Collection".  Choose something that is easily accessible: soup bowls, cell phones, sofas, chairs, vases... whatever.Create a series of photographs on the collection all photographed the same way. Put the together into a collage or a frame together. Write about the experience.

I took some of the pottery items I have collected over the years and photographed them, and put them in a collage.  Some I have bought.  Some have been gifts.  I started this collection the first year I lived in Montana.  I found a vase at a county fair, and loved it, and decided to start my own collection.  Unfortunately one year, while living in Meridian, the shelf my pottery was on fell to the ground, and I lost some of my pieces.  But they are still in a box in the basement....with the hopes of being made into a mosaic creation. 

I love pottery.  It is such a solid, earthy art medium.  I have always wanted to learn how to do my own pottery pieces.  Some day...some day.  But for now, I get to enjoy and use pieces others have created.


Images of Christmas 2010

In our final sibling assignment of 2010, IEG gave us this assignment:

In only images portray Christmas from your point of view.

RP's Christmas images are here, and IEG's images will be here soon.

Here are my images of Christmas 2010.


I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

The third sibling assignment from IEG this month is this one:

What movie most connects you to Christmas and why?

One of the movies that connects me to Christmas is "White Christmas".  I think this is because it was one of those movies we always tried to watch every year growing up, and it reminds me of family Christmas memories.  In fact, our family is going to sit down and watch it this afternoon once the girls return performing in their Christmas concert.

There is something magical about this movie, plus it is full of music, performing, show business and Irving Berlin music.  I love every aspect of this show.

I also love that they come together for the "old man" and put on a show for him, and all those men come back to help out on Christmas Eve.

I love singing along to the song "Sisters".

I love watching them rehearse all the numbers for the big variety show.

And I love how the snow starts falling at the end.

And other people must feel the same way, because this has certainly been a classic movie since it came out, and loved by many.

So, time to sing along with Bing, Danny, Rosemary and Vera-Ellen as soon we begin "White Christmas".

You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch!!

Our next Christmas-themed sibling assignment given to us by IEG is this:

What book or story most connects you to Christmas and why?  IEG's is here, and RP's is here.

I would have to say "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" is one of my favorite Christmas stories.  I like it because this nasty, lonely Grinch who lives up on the mountain with his dog Max is so mad because of all the Who's enjoying Christmas, and so he goes down to Whoville to steal Christmas.  But in the end he realizes that Christmas isn't all the packages, boxes and bags!!  It is the time spent with family and friends, and the spirit of love that is the true meaning of Christmas.

I love how the Grinch is transformed because of the love he feels from the Whos down in Whoville, the tall and the small.  I love how his heart grows 10 sizes.  I love how the Whos accept him despite how Grinchy he had been in the past.

I need to extend this same love and grace to those "grinches" in my life, and realize their shoes may be too small, and they just need a little love to make their heart grow in size.

Or maybe they just need to carve the roast beast.


Sunnyside Elementary Christmas Memories

Inland Empire Girl is trying to revive our sibling assignments this month.  For sibling assignment #137, she wants Raymond Pert and I to think of a Christmas memory tied to a school experience and why it has stayed with us.

I remember the Christmas tradition at Sunnyside Elementary.  Each year, the sixth graders would put on the Christmas program at school.

When I was in fifth grade, I remember Teresa Vergobbi, one of the sixth graders,  wearing a black dress and reciting the following poem during the Christmas program:

One Solitary Life

Here is a man who was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman. He grew up in another village. He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty. Then for three years He was an itinerant preacher. He never owned a home. He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never had a family. He never went to college. He never put His foot inside a big city. He never traveled two hundred miles from the place He was born. He never did one of the things that usually accompany greatness. He had no credentials but Himself...
While still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against him. His friends ran away. One of them denied Him. He was turned over to His enemies. He went through the mockery of a trial. He was nailed upon a cross between two thieves. While He was dying His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had on earth – His coat. When He was dead, He was laid in a borrowed grave through the pity of a friend.
Nineteen long centuries have come and gone, and today He is a centerpiece of the human race and leader of the column of progress.
I am far within the mark when I say that all the armies that ever marched, all the navies that were ever built; all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as has that one solitary life.

If I remember correctly, the fifth grade band also performed at this program, and I got to direct the band while they played a few songs.

The following year, it was my sixth grade classes turn.  My memory of this program was playing the flute backstage during the reading of the story about "Greensleeves".  I remember Terry LeClaire played the role of Greensleeves, which, for this production, was a story about a shepherd, if I'm not mistaken.

I also remember helping out during the SIlver King Elementary Christmas program that same year.  My mom was a teacher at Silver King, and they put on a Christmas program every year.  This year, I got to sit with our music teacher, Mrs. Williams, and help turn her music.  It was a very important job, and one I took quite seriously.

I love school Christmas programs.  I am so glad my daughters are in choir and band, so I can attend their concerts during the Christmas season.  I love listening to Christmas music and watching the students perform.  Watching these performances always gets me in the Christmas spirit.

I think I remember these particular programs because I was a part of them, and had a part in each of the performances, whether it was directing the band as a fifth grader, playing the flute as a sixth grader, or turning the pages of music, I was a part of the performance, and I enjoyed that very much.


Let The Juicing Begin

Inland Empire Girl visited me this weekend, and brought me two grocery bags full of purple grapes so I can juice them and make jelly.

Yesterday at church, my friend DS said she would be more than happy to lend me her steamer/juicer to help with the process.

So here are the beautiful grapes.

Here they are getting cleaned off.

Into the steamer/juicer they go!!

Soon all the juice will be made into beautiful jars of grape jelly!!


Traveling Moon Pass from Wallace to Avery

Since PKR and I have been immersed in the 1910 fire commemoration in one way or another this summer, I have wanted to drive to Avery over Moon Pass.  This week I got my wish.

On Tuesday, we didn't have anything planned during the day, so I suggested to Paul we drive to Avery.  He was up to it, so off we went.

I was awestruck by the beauty of the drive, and also the surprises in store that I didn't know existed.  Here are some pictures of our trip.

The Post Office and Museum in Avery.
The Milwaukee Road train car in Avery.
Inside the train car.
Who knew you drove inside of train tunnels on the road from Wallace to Avery.
Here is another.
And another.
This one was a little longer.
You see the bottom of the start of the Hiawatha Bike Trail on your way.
The Beautiful North Fork of the St. Joe River.
Burned snags from the 1910  fire.
Snags along the water.
Look at the burned and charred inside of this snag.
The snags have a beauty of their own.
Beautiful water.
Another snag.
On top of the pass.  Breathtakingly beautiful.
One more shot from up on top.


Embracing August

This week I gave the sibling assignment, which, to put it simply, is What do you like, and what do you dislike about August.

Here you can read about IEG's last days of August.

Traditionally, August has never been my favorite month.  Either it is too hot, or the evenings and mornings are too cold, and it goes by too fast, because school begins, which in our house signals the end of summer.

But this year, I decided to embrace August, and consciously enjoy the eighth month this year, and be in the moment during each part of August.

As I toured my yard this week, I realized August brought with it much beauty and the beginning of harvest.  I'm going to take you on a tour of my lovely August yard and garden.

String beans growing up the teepee poles.  The beans grow overnight I swear.
Still picking pea pods.
Cilantro, lettuce and Sweet Million tomatoes.
Yellow and green zucchini.
Lots of green tomatoes.  I hope they get enough hot weather to ripen before it frosts.
Goliath grillers.
Goliath grillers and banana peppers.
Yummy carrots.
I got a blossom, but I fear no pumpkins this year.
I've enjoyed picking raspberries all summer.
Sweet peas climbing the rusty bed springs.
My absolute favorite perennial...Moonbeam Coreopsis.
My wagon wheel herb garden...that needs some grass removal!!
My house plants are thriving outside.....I wish I could keep them out all winter long!!
My favorite tree....the Tri-Color Beech Tree.
One of my new rose plants.
Another lovely rose.
I love this shade of pink.
Almost ready to bloom.

I keep
Despite the fact I have quite a few projects going this summer, I have to say it has been one of the most relaxing summers I have ever experienced since moving back to the Silver Valley.  Partly because most of the things PKR and I have been involved in take place in the late afternoon or evening.  So I have had my mornings to putter around the yard, and enjoy the beauty of the backyard.  It has been wonderful.  I wish I could have this schedule year round.

As August winds down, I am embracing the cooler evenings, and cooler mornings.  I am enjoying the harvest from my backyard garden.  I am enjoying the peaches my sister brought me from the orchard near her home.  I'm embracing the final days of vacation before I officially return to work on August 31st.  I'm enjoying the last week of all our 1910 Fire projects coming to an end, where I have dressed as Emma Pulaski and hosted the Trailing the 1910 Fire Trolley around the town of Wallace.  I also helped direct the show at the Sixth Street Melodrama this month, which PKR wrote about his grandpa's birth, called "Rustler's at the Ranch, or...How Swift Can the Taylor's Run?"  And PKR and I have also been presenting "Voices of the Big Burn" a historical presentation on the 1910 Fire where we share first hand accounts from the fire, newspaper stories, and photographs taken by the Forest Service after the fire.  We continue this presentation through the end of the month. 

Soon my schedule will change.  I will be back on the school schedule, and back at Kellogg High School working with ninth, tenth and eleventh graders in the Gear Up program.  School begins September 7th.

But until then, I will continue to enjoy and embrace the month of August, with the slower pace, and days filled with no obligations.