Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013

[Photos] Jung So Min (정소민) Shows her Fabulous Fashion Sense for Kim Nam Gil's Fan Meeting at Japan by MagicHand (Jennyhouse)

정소민양의 일본 프로모션 모습들입니다한국에서의 나쁜남자 주인공김남길씨의 공연에 초대괸 소민양~~머리자르고 더욱 예뻐진 그녀의 스토리를 볼까용...


[Photos] Jung So Min (정소민) at Kim Nam Gil's Fanmeeting in JAPAN


Jung So Min (정소민) - Twitter Photo Update [January 13, 2013]

Credits: @h_monet
Jung So Min's Official Twitter Account
영주언니 항상 이쁜옷 해줘서 고마워요 알라뷰😍

Jung So Min's (정소민) Additional Japan Pics!

I wish I knew some Kim Nam Gil fans so I could at least ask them
 if they could share some fancams, pictures or even stories on 
how the fan meeting did go and what exactly Minmin did on the event.

But anyways as tried to check other possible Japan related stuff
 I came across the pic below!
I do hope I'm correct that these pics were from Japan!
Anyways, MinMin looks lovely in animal print short dress! ^_^

Hopefully more pics would turn up!
My eonnie corrected me, she mentioned this pic is from MinMin fan
so whoever you are, thanks for sharing this pic! 

Thanks! Thanks! Thanks! ^_^

For now, below are the pics! 

credited as tagged/MinMin fan

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Jung So Min (정소민) - Twitter Photo Update [January 12, 2013]

So Lovely!!!!!!

Caption: 문화체험
Credits: @h_monet
Jung So Min's OFFICIAL Twitter Account (Please Follow her ^^)

Jung So Min (정소민) in JAPAN with................ [Photo Update January 11, 2013]

Hello shrek.. can we switch places? ^^ :))))
